Begonia Pulchrifolia (Sect. Platycentrum), a New Species of Begoniaceae from Sichuan of China
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Phytotaxa 207 (3): 242–252 ISSN 1179-3155 (print edition) PHYTOTAXA Copyright © 2015 Magnolia Press Article ISSN 1179-3163 (online edition) Begonia pulchrifolia (sect. Platycentrum), a new species of Begoniaceae from Sichuan of China DAI-KE TIAN1,2*, CHUN LI1,2**, CE-HONG LI3 & XIAO-JIE LI3 1Shanghai Chenshan Plant Science Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3888 Chenhua Road, Songjiang, Shanghai 201602, China; 2Shanghai Key Laboratory for Plant Functional Genomics and Resources, Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden, 3888 Chenhua Road, Songjiang, Shanghai 201602, China; 3Emeishan Experimental Station of Biological Resources, Sichuan Provincial Academy of Natural Resources, Emeishan, Sichuan 614200, China. *Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected], **Co-first author. Abstract Begonia pulchrifolia D.K.Tian & C.H.Li, a new species in Begonia sect. Platycentrum A.DC. (Begoniaceae) from Sichuan of China, is described and illustrated. Morphologically, it is only similar to the young or smaller individuals of B. dielsiana and B. emeiensis in plant shape and some leaf characters but differs easily by its foliage color and deeper divided leaf lobes, small-sized flowers, hairy outer petals of the male flowers, and long abaxially winged fruits. Molecular phylogenetic analy- sis based on nrDNA also supported the distinction of B. pulchrifolia from B. dielsiana and B. emeiensis. Key words: China, Sichuan, Begonia, new species Introduction Begonia is considered the world sixth largest genus in vascular plants (Hoover et al. 2004) and about 1600 species have been described so far (Thomas, 2010; Aitawade et al. 2012). The species occur in subtropical and tropical regions, with the greatest diversity in America and Asia (> 600 species each), whilst being relatively poor in Africa (160 species) and absent in Australia (Goodall-Copestake et al., 2010). In Asia, China has the largest number of Begonia species. Based on Flora of China (Gu et al. 2007), 173 species are recorded in China. Since publication of the Flora of China, nearly 20 new species from China have been published (Ding et al. 2014, Ku et al. 2008, Li et al. 2008, Liu et al. 2007, Ma et al. 2006, Peng et al. 2008a,b, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014a,b, Shui 2007, Tian et al. 2014, Wei et al. 2007). According to our investigation in the past years, there are still some potential new taxa needing to be studied and published in the future. Here, we described and illustrated Begonia pulchrifolia, a new species from Sichuan of China. In November 2013, Daike Tian, traveled to Beijing and found one specimen of a potential new taxon of Begonia at the Herbarium of the Health Science Center, Peking University (PEM). This specimen was collected from Mount Emei in Sichuan Province but did not include collector’s name and collection date (possibly 30 years ago). To investigate this doubtful species, Daike Tian traveled to Mount Emei in September 2014 and met with Cehong Li, a staff member of Mount Emei Experimental Station of Biological Resources, Sichuan Provincial Academy of Natural Resources. Cehong Li turned out to be the one who first found the taxon in Mount Emei in July 1990, and he had introduced wild plants to glasshouse for cultivation in October 2003. Through a further survey, we determined several populations of this potential new species in both Meinvfeng of Leshan and Mount Emei of Emeishan, Sichuan. Morphologically, Begonia pulchrifolia is only similar to the immature or small-sized individuals of B. dielsiana E. Pritzel ex Diels (1900: 479) and B. emeiensis C.M. Hu ex C.Y. Wu & T.C. Ku (1995: 273) in plant shape and some leaf characters, but differs clearly by its foliage color and usually deeper lobed leaves, small-sized flowers, hairy outer petals of the male flowers, and long abaxially winged fruits. In order to understand more about its taxonomic status and similarity with other species, a molecular phylogenetic analysis based on the nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) was conducted using 33 accessions representing a total of 30 species from the five main sections of Begonia delimited in China and one section from Africa based on the treatments by Doorenbos et al. (1998) and Shui et al. (2002). 242 Accepted by Hugo de Boer: 17 Apr. 2015; published: 11 May 2015 A NEW SPECIES OFBEGONIACEAE FROMCHINA NEW A TABLE 1. Species used for phylogenetic analysis. Genbank accession Taxon Origin Section Collector, Voucher (Herbarium) no. Begonia acetosella Craib Lincang, Yunnan, China AF048975 Sphenanthera X.J.Y.01004 (KUN) B. arboreta Y.M.Shui Lvchun, Yunnan, China KP710824 Diploclinium Tian, D.K., Li, C. TDK1272 (CSH) B. biflora T.C.Ku Malipo, Yunnan, China JF975965 Coelocentrum Shui, Y.M. et al. 20484 (KUN) B. chingii Irmscher Napo, Guangxi, China KP710820 Reichenheimia Tian, D.K., Li, C. TDK785 (CSH) B. circumlobata Hance Xinyi, Guangdong, China KP710815 Platycentrum Tian, D.K., Li, X.P. TDK866 (CSH) B. dielsiana E.Pritzel Wulong, Chongqing, China KP710805 Platycentrum Tian, D.K., Tian, L.Z. TDK2356 (CSH) B. dregei Otto & Dietr. South Africa AF469126 Augustia Forrest, L.L.241 (E) B. edulis H.Léveillé Bama, Guangxi, China KP710813 Sphenanthera Tian, D.K., Li, C. TDK757 (CSH) B. emeiensis C.M.Hu ex C.Y.Wu & T.C.Ku Emeishan, Sichuan, China KP710816 Platycentrum Tian, D.K., Tian, L.Z. TDK2250 (CSH) B. fimbristipula Hance Fangchenggang, Guangxi, China KP710826 Diploclinium Li, C. Yang, L.H. TDK2268 (CSH) B. grandis Dryander Yichang, Hubei, China KP710828 Diploclinium Li, X.P. Li, X.J. LXJ022 (CSH) B. handelii Irmscher Fengshan, Guangxi, China KP710818 Sphenanthera Tian, D.K., Li, C. TDK763 (CSH) B. hemsleyana J.D.Hooker Pingbian, Yunnan, China KP710817 Platycentrum Tian, D.K., Li, C. TDK1300 (CSH) B. henryi Hemsley Leshan, Sichuan, China KP710822 Reichenheimia Tian, D.K., Tian, L.Z. TDK2249 (CSH) B. huangii Y.M.Shui & W.H.Chen Gejiu, Yunnan, China JF976001 Coelocentrum Shui, Y.M. et al. 40782 (KUN) B. laminariae Irmscher Pingbian, Yunnan, China KP710814 Platycentrum Tian, D.K., Li, C. TDK1338 (CSH) B. limprichtii Irmscher Changning, Sichuan, China KP715148 Platycentrum Tian, D.K., Tian, L.Z. TDK2250 (CSH) B.lithophila C.Y.Wu Yiliang, Yunnan, China KP710823 Reichenheimia Li, J.X. TDK2279 (CSH) B. longifolia Blume Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China AY048980 Sphenanthera X.J.Y.01001 (KUN) Phytotaxa B. longistyla Y.M.Shui & W.H.Chen Hekou, Yunnan, China JF976018 Sphenanthera Shui, Y.M. et al. 40778 (KUN) B. morsei Irmscher Beijing Botanic Garden, China AF485130 Coelocentrum no voucher available B. palmata D.Don Maguan, Yunnan, China AF485114 Platycentrum Forrest, L.L. 24 (E) 207(3)©2015 MagnoliaPress B. parvula H.Léveillé & Vaniot Yuxi, Yunnan, China KP710821 Reichenheimia Tian, D.K., Mo, H.B. TDK158 (CSH) B. pedatifida H.Léveillé Tianlin, Guangxi, China KP710810 Platycentrum Tian, D.K., Li, C. TDK774 (CSH) B. pedatifida H.Léveillé Guizhou, China KF636473 Platycentrum Peng 18779 B. pulchrifolia D.K.Tian & C.H.Li Meinvfeng, Leshan, Sichuan, China KP710811 Platycentrum Tian, D.K., et al. TDK2243 (CSH) B. pulchrifolia D.K.Tian & C.H.Li Meinvfeng, Leshan, Sichuan, China KP710812 Platycentrum LI, C.H., LCH001 (CSH) B. pulchrifolia D.K.Tian & C.H.Li Mount Emei, Emeishan, Sichuan, China KP751374 Platycentrum LI, C.H., LCH002 (CSH) B. ruboides C.M.Hu ex C.Y.Wu & T.C.Ku Hekou, Yunnan, China JF976047 Diploclinium Shui, Y.M. D-38 (KUN) B. setifolia Irmscher Lvchun, Yunnan, China KP710827 Diploclinium Tian, D.K., Li, C. TDK1280 (CSH) B. silletensis (A.DC.) C.B.Clarke Lincang, Yunnan, China AF048988 Sphenanthera X.J.Y.01012 (KUN) B. wenshanensis C.M.Hu ex C.Y.Wu & T.C.Ku Kunming Botanic Garden, China AF048974 Diploclinium X.J.Y.01010 (KUN) • B. wilsonii Gagnepain Nanchuan, Chongqing, China KP710819 Reichenheimia Tian, D.K., Tian, L.Z. TDK2111 (CSH) 243 Note: Genbank accession number in bold represent sequences downloaded from NCBI. Materials and Methods Taxonomic Sampling The putative new species was assigned to Begonia sect. Platycentrum A.DC. (1859: 134) according to morphological traits of fruits and placenta. Several species in sect. Platycentrum and 4 to 6 representative species of five main sections of Begonia in China were chosen to assess the placement of this potential new species in the phylogeny (Table 1). Begonia dregei Otto & Dietrich (1836: 357) of sect. Augustia (Klotzsch) A. DC. (1864: 384) from South Africa was used as outgroup in the phylogenetic analysis. The morphological data were collected from the wild living plants during field surveys. Meanwhile, fresh leaves of Begonia species were sampled and immediately preserved in the sealed bags with silica gel for later lab work. DNA Sequencing and Molecular Analyses The genomic DNA was extracted from leaf samples using DNAsecure Plant Kit (Tiangen Biotech, Beijing, China), following the manufacturer’s protocols. The nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region was amplified and sequenced using primers of Thomas (2010). Amplification reactions were performed in 20 μL reactions containing 11.0 μL of ddH2O, 4.0 μL of 5 × Fast HiFidelity PCR buffer, 1.0 μL of 20 × Fast PCR Enhancer, 0.8 μL of each forward and reverse primer (10 μM), 0.4 μL of Fast HiFidelity Polymerase (Tiangen Biotech), 2.0 μL of DNA template. PCR reactions were conducted using the following program: an initial denaturation at 94°C for 2 min, followed by 35 cycles of 15 s denaturation at 94°C and 30 s annealing and elongation at 68°C, and a final elongation step at 68°C for 5 min. Phylogenies for ITS region were reconstructed using Bayesian inference. The GTR+G model was chosen as the optimal model of nucleotide substitution using the Akaike information criterion (AIC; Burnham & Anderson 2002) as implemented in MrModeltest 2.3 (Nylander 2004).