Meiosis, Organismic Reproduction

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Meiosis, Organismic Reproduction

BIO101 Unit 13 Meiosis, Organismic Reproduction & Genetics

Study Guide

I. Asexual Reproduction

A. Budding

B. Regeneration

C. Binary Fission

II. Sexual Reproduction

A. define

B. Conjugation


C. Syngamy

D. Separate Sexes (dimorphism)

1. production of sex cells

2. meiosis

3. meiosis is a

E. Meiosis

1. reduction division

2. Meiosis I & Meiosis II

3. Where meiosis it occur?

2 4. What is the result of Meiosis?

F. Meiosis I

1. four phases

2. How is it different from Mitosis?

G. Meiosis II

1. two daughter cells & interkinesis

2. Describe the division as it occurs in Meiosis II

3. Describe the cellular products of this division:

3 H. Comparison of Meiosis with Mitosis

1. DNA replication occurs

2. Number of divisions mitosis vs. meiosis:

3. number of daughter cells mitosis vs. meiosis

4. genetic content mitosis vs. meiosis

5. where does mitosis occur? Where does meiosis occur?

6. Comparison of Meiosis II to Mitosis:

a. events of meiosis II compared to mitosis

b. number of daughter cells in telophse II

c. number of daughter cells at end of mitosis

III. The Human Life Cycle

A. Requires both mitosis & meiosis

B. spermatogenesis

4 C. oogenesis

D. Purpose of Mitosis

IV. Spermatogenesis

A. products

B. primary spermatocytes

C. secondary spermatocytes

D. Spermatids

V. Oogenesis

A. Meiosis I

5 B. Secondary Oocyte & Meiosis II

C. When is Meiosis II completed?

D. products of Meiosis II

VI. Notes on Sexual Reproduction:

A. sex cells contain how many chromosomes?

B. The Zygote

C. Homologous Chromosomes

VII. Early Developmental Stages

A. Fertilization & Zygote

6 B. Development

C. Embryo

D. Cleavage

VIII. Embryonic Development

A. Cleavage

B. Morula

C. blastula

D. gastrula

E. The result of gastrula stage

7 F. Ectoderm

G. Mesoderm

H. Endoderm

IX. Genetics & Inheritance

A. hereditary units

B. Thousands of genes

C. Genome

D. Family resemblance

8 X. Mendel’s Laws

A. Gregor Mendel

B. Investigation of Genetics

C. Traits

D. Law of segregation/factors

E. Alleles on homologous chromosomes

F. Locus(i)

G. Factors segregate

H. Fertilization

9 XI. Inheritance of a single trait

A. Dominant allele

B. W for widow’s peak

C. Recessive allele

D. w for continuous hairline

XII. Genotype and Phenotype

A. Genotype

1. Homozygous

B. WW – homozygous dominant

C. ww – homozygous recessive

D. Heterozygous

1. Ww – heterozygous

10 E. Phenotype

1. What is the phenotype for the following genotypes? WW & Ww

2. What is the phenotype for the following genotype? Ww

XIII. Gamete Formation

A. gamete

B. allelic pair

C. Genotype

D. Resulting gametes

XIV. Monohybrid Cross

A. one trait cross

B. parental generation

11 C. filial generation

D. Perform a monohybrid cross

E. Punnett Square

F. phenotype ratio

G. What does the phenotype ratio represent?

12 XV. More Monohybrid Crosses:

A. A mother is Homozygous dominant for righthanded (R) and the father homozygous recessive for left handed(r). Perform the cross below

1. What is the mother’s phenotype?

2. What is the mother’s genotype?

3. What is the father’s phenotype?

4. What is the father’s genotype?

Note: express the answers questions 5 – 7 as percentages or ratios after you perform the cross.

5. How many of the offspring will have the mother’s phenotype?

6. How many of the offspring will have the mother’s genotype?

7. How many of the offspring will have the father’s phenotype?

8. How many of the offspring will have the father’s genotype?

13 B. A Mother is heterozygous for a large nose (N) and the father is homozygous dominant for a large nose.

1. What is the mother’s phenotype?

2. What is the mother’s genotype?

3. What is the father’s phenotype?

4. What is the father’s genotype?

Note: express the answers questions 5 – 7 as percentages or ratios after you perform the cross.

5. How many of the offspring will have the mother’s phenotype?

6. How many of the offspring will have the mother’s genotype?

7. How many of the offspring will have the father’s phenotype?

8. How many of the offspring will have the father’s genotype?

14 C. A mother is heterozygous for big feet (F) and the father is heterozygous for big feet as well.

1. What is the mother’s phenotype?

2. What is the mother’s genotype?

3. What is the father’s phenotype?

4. What is the father’s genotype?

Note: express the answers questions 5 – 7 as percentages or ratios after you perform the cross.

5. How many of the offspring will have the mother’s phenotype?

6. How many of the offspring will have the mother’s genotype?

7. How many of the offspring will have the father’s phenotype?

8. How many of the offspring will have the father’s genotype?

9. How many of the offspring will be homozygous dominant?

10.How many of the offspring will homozygous recessive?


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