Fall Festival Meeting Minutes
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T. C. Cherry Elementary PTO Fall Festival Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2011
Present were: Jennifer Wilkinson, President; Monica McCoy, 1st Vice President; Susan Tweedy, 2nd Vice President; Nikki Moore, Treasurer; Jennifer Shoemake, Family Resource Coordinator; Shellie Tidball, Faculty; Melissa Vale, Amy Bowling and Kristen Osborne, Parent Representatives.
The meeting started at 5:00PM.
The meal for the Family/Staff Mixer scheduled for September 27th was discussed. Susan Tweedy was able to get hotdogs, buns and chips donated. Teresa Sneed will provide drinks. Plates, cups, napkins, ketchup and mustard are still needed. Jennifer W. stated Mr. Twyman might have a fund that can purchase those items.
Fall Festival was discussed.
Times 5:30pm to 8pm. Games offered 5:30-7:30 with 15 minutes to finish bids on silent auction and then winners announced at 7:45pm.
Meal Whitt’s BBQ will serve the meal. BBQ sandwiches and hotdogs. They will need 3 of our volunteers to assist in the kitchen. Meal vouchers will be sold. Prepay BBQ meal will be $5.00 and then $5.50 at the door. Prepay hotdog meal will be $3 and then $3.50 at the door. The meal will include 1 drink. Refills are extra. PTO will sell canned sodas and water. Susan Tweedy will ask to borrow the cooler. It was asked that PTO purchase a few extra tubs of cookie dough to be baked for desserts at the Fall Festival.
Popcorn ( Mrs. Tidball offered to man this station)
Volunteers Jennifer W. is working on a list of room moms for the teachers. It was suggested PTO contact WKU (Hunter Williams) to see if any Fraternity/ Sororities might be interested in volunteering. Also BGHS Beta for volunteers. Each activity will need volunteers to fill 30 minute slots.
Wristbands/tickets Wristbands will be available prepaid $8, $10 at the door. Wristbands will cover all activities except cake walk, Bingo (if offered) and 2 liter toss. Tickets will also be available 25 for $5 or .25 each.
Silent Auction Letters have been mailed to local businesses requesting donation of items for the Silent Auction. Jennifer S. has already received some items.
A sign stating who offered donations should be posted during the event. Decorations Jennifer W. plans to take inventory of what is in storage and then review the catalogs to see what should be purchased. This will be discussed at next meeting September 26th at 5:30. It was suggested that PTO purchase leis for each student and distribute them that Friday during school.
Game suggestions
Cake Walk (Mrs Alexander’s son has offered to man this) science room 2 liter toss Flamingo ring toss Tropical tattoos Xbox Kinect Adventures game (needs to be in a classroom ie-music, art) Ping pong in a sand bucket toss Find the shells in the sand Duck Pond Aloha Bingo (if we decided to have this, it needs a classroom ie-music, art) Tourist relay Color hair spray/stencils Corvette raffle tickets? (Susan Tweedy offered to man this) Ping Pong 2 liter water shooting game Lawn Twister Hula Hooping Pineapple Bowling Cornhole Pin something on something (pineapple, hula girl, apple in pig’s mouth?)
Mrs. Tidball suggested having a prize redemption table instead of handing out prizes at each game.
Activities to promote Fall Festival For the week prior to Fall Festival, it was suggested that each day have a theme for the students. Hat Day, Sun Glasses Day, Hawaiian Shirt Day, Wear your Hawaiian Lei Day, etc.
Also a skit/contest each morning at assembly that involves staff/students. Possibly a Hula Hoop contest, tourist relay, apple of discord game, Hula dancing.
It was suggested to have a can to collect change for each teacher. The students add change to the cans. Teacher with the most collected and least collected has to ?? (kiss a farm animal, pie in face, pie eating contest?) This could happen at assembly on Friday or at the end of the Fall Festival?
Next meeting scheduled for Monday, September 26th at 5:30pm in TC Cherry Library.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM.