Re-Refined Lubricants
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Zero Waste—You Make It Happen! Re-Refined Lubricants
A Simple Solution EMA members include Briggs & Stratton Returning used oil is simple and safe. By using Corporation, Caterpillar Inc., Cummins Inc., Deere 3 and promoting the use of re-refined lubricants you & Company, and Detroit Diesel Corporation. will be: Engine manufacturers rely on the API’s certification to identify engine oils that will meet Helping to protect the environment against their performance requirements. The API subjects needless pollution. re-refined oil products to the same stringent Preserving a non-renewable resource—oil. performance standards that Demonstrating your commitment to a cleaner are applied to environment through recycling and proper virgin-oil waste management. products.4 The API, which Ethics on Re-Refined Oil includes Using re-refined oil is a simple way for your members that are jurisdiction to show that purchasing materials with manufacturers of recycled content is “doing the right thing.” There new cars and new engines, recommends the use of are high quality re-refined lubricants readily API-certified oil. Given that the performance tests available at competitive prices. for re-refined oil and virgin oil are the same, the Re-refining is an energy-efficient and products are equivalent.5 environmentally beneficial method of managing the used oil waste stream. Less energy is required Purchase Re-Refined Oil Through the to produce a gallon of re-refined base stock than a State Contract gallon of crude oil. Lubricating oil does not wear Local governments, State colleges and out; it simply becomes dirty as it does its job. universities, and correctional facilities can Once water and contaminants are removed from purchase re-refined oil for their fleet vehicles collected used oil, it is returned to a full and useful through the State’s Purchasing Program. life as re-refined oil. Using re-refined oil closes California Government Code 10324 defines a local the recycling loop, as opposed to producing non- government as a city, county, district, or other recoverable products such as low-grade fuel. local governmental body or corporation empowered to expend public funds. Re-Refined Oil Quality The California Department of General Services The American Petroleum Institute (API) licenses (DGS), through its existing State Lubrication and certifies engine oils that meet major engine Contract, has re-refined oil lubricants in most all manufacturer performance requirements for Ford, oil grades and container sizes. In most cases, General Motors, DaimlerChrysler; the Japan pricing is at or below virgin oil prices. When re- Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA); refined oil is at a higher cost, California Integrated and the Engine Manufacturers Association Waste Management Board (CIWMB) Used Oil 1 (EMA). Manufacturers represented by JAMA Block Grant funds can be used to pay the cost includes Daihatsu, Hino, Honda, Isuzu, Mazda, differential. Mitsubishi, Nissan, Suzuki, and Toyota.2 The Re-Refined Oil Facts 2.5 quarts of re-refined lubricating oil can be Buying re-refined oil reduces our dependence produced from 1 gallon of used oil, while 42 on imported oil, reduces the depletion of gallons of crude oil are necessary to produce natural resources, and helps create jobs. this same amount.6 Recycling used oil extends the life of a non-renewable natural resource. Improperly dumped motor oil releases about 25 times more oil into the environment than Re-refined oil prices are competitive to spills from all modes of oil transportation equivalent virgin oil products. combined—tankers, pipelines, barges, rail, Federal regulations state that re-refined oil is and trucks.12 equivalent to new oil when meeting the API “Rather than using virgin oil, some 7 Standards. DaimlerChrysler plants have been using According to the U.S. Department of Defense, quality, re-refined oils. These oils meet the purchasing re-refined engine oil will reduce same standards for performance and air pollution by encourage re-refining of used composition as their virgin counterparts. The oil instead of disposing the oil through Transmission Plant in Kokomo, Ind., the burning. Purchasing re-refined oil will also Stamping Plant in Twinsburg, Ohio and the reduce the dependence on foreign oil. Finally, Engine Plant in Kenosha, Wis. have all re-refined oil will meet manufacturers’ instituted cost-saving programs that use re- warranty requirements.8 refined oils. The program is expected to save the company around $500,000 the first year According to the U.S. Department of Defense, and $3 million the second. Additional products Defense Supply Center Richmond (DSCR), can be converted to re-refined oil with the “Re-refined oil is subject to the same stringent potential for further cost savings.”13 refining, compounding, and performance standards as virgin oil. Extensive laboratory California Public Contract Code: testing and field studies conducted by the Re-Refined Oil and Recycled National Bureau of Standards (now the Product Procurement National Institute of Standards and Technology), the U.S. Army, the U.S. Local agencies are required to purchase re-refined Department of Energy, the U.S. Postal Service lubricants and products containing recycled (USPS), and EPA concluded that re-refined oil content. The following excerpts from the is equivalent to virgin oil, passes all prescribed California Public Contract Code, effective January tests, and can even outperform virgin oil.”9 1994, require local government agencies to purchase re-refined oil and recycled products: State agencies annually purchase approximately 189,890 gallons of re-refined “PRC 10409. Every local agency, as defined in oil.10 Sec. 17518 of the Government Code, shall purchase lubricating oil from the seller whose oil The U.S. armed forces, U.S. Postal Service, product contains the greater percentage of recycled and the National Park Service use re-refined oil, if the availability, fitness, quality, and price of oil in their vehicle fleets. the recycled-oil product is otherwise equal to, or Executive Order 13101 mandates all federal better than, virgin-oil products. This section shall agencies to take immediate steps to procure re- not prohibit a local agency from purchasing refined oil.11 virgin-oil products for exclusive use in vehicles whose warranties expressly prohibit the use of products containing recycled oil. As added by AB 1570 (Sher), Stats. 1989, c. 1226, and amended by Area 1 includes the Counties of Del Norte, AB 2076 (Sher), Stats. 1991, c. 817, and AB 3073 Humboldt, Mendocino, and Lake. (Sher), Stats. 1992, c. 1101.” Area 4 includes the Counties of Sonoma, Napa, “PRC 12210. (a) Fitness and quality being equal, Solano, Marin, Contra Costa, San Francisco, all local and state public agencies shall purchase Alameda, San Mateo, and Santa Clara. recycled products instead of non-recycled products Area 5 includes the Counties of San Benito, whenever available at no more than the total costs Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and of non-recycled products. All local public agencies Santa Cruz. may give preference to the suppliers of recycled products. All local public agencies may determine Delivery Area 2—$4.94 for the Counties of the amount of this preference. As added by AB 4 Siskiyou, Modoc, Trinity, Shasta, Lassen, (Eastin), Stats. 1989, c. 1094.” Tehama, and Plumas. Delivery Areas 3—$3.64 for the Counties of Purchasing Details Glenn, Butte, Sierra, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Re-refined lubricants can be purchased through the Nevada, Placer, Yolo, El Dorado, and Sacramento. DGS State Lubrication Contract: Delivery Area 6—$3.67 for the Counties of State Contract # 1-04-91-03. Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare, and Kern. Contract Name: Lube, Oil, and Grease. Delivery Areas 7—$3.74 for the Counties of Effective Dates: Three-year contract, Ventura, Los Angeles, and Orange. December 22, 2004-December 31, 2007.. Delivery Area 8—$4.19 for the Counties of Using the State contract number, purchase directly Riverside and San Bernardino. from participating distributors. Delivery Area 9, 11—$4.80. A list of distributors and contact information is Area 9 includes the Counties of Inyo and Mono. available on the DGS website at Click on the “Contracts” link Area 11 includes the Counties of San Diego and on the “Quick List” section on the right side of Imperial. screen. In the search field at the bottom of the Delivery Area 10—$3.71 for the Counties of screen, enter the contract number, 1-04-91-03. Amador, Alpine, San Joaquin, Calaveras, Click on the link to the “Lube, Oil, and Grease” Tuolumne, Stanislaus, Mariposa, and Merced. contract. Questions about purchasing through this statewide contract can be referred to the primary Using Block Grant Funds contact, listed under “Buyers Name,” Sherry Block Grant funds can be used to pay the cost Jacobs at (916) 375-4450. differential between re-refined oil and virgin oil. The purchase of re-refined oil for use in your Contract Price Information jurisdiction’s fleet completes the recycling loop For a complete price listing refer to the DGS for the used oil waste stream. Using re-refined oil website: sustains a renewable resource that would /LubeOilGrease/PricingAwardArea.pdf. A sample otherwise be burned as ship fuel, or other non- price comparison for 10W-30 re-refined renewable products. Promoting the use of re- lubricating oil in a 55-gallon drum is as follows: refined oil builds public confidence in the Delivery Area 1, 4, 5—$3.79. dependability and practicality of using re-refined oil. Frequently, block grant funds are used to expand 7 Title 16, Code of Federal Regulations, section the use of re-refined oil by fast lubes, auto repair 311.5. shops, and auto part stores through promotions 8 Defense Logistics Agency Offers Re-refined such as advertising, coupons, and discounts. Motor Oil,” U.S. Environmental Protection Contact your grant manager for approval. Agency (March 12, 2003)
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