Franklin County Junior Fair Hilliard, Ohio

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Franklin County Junior Fair Hilliard, Ohio

Franklin County Junior Fair – Hilliard, Ohio DEPARTMENT 61 JUNIOR FAIR ONLINE ENTRIES DEADLINE IS JUNE 20, 2015 ENTER ONLINE AT SECTION 101 - PUBLIC SPEAKING AND COMMUNICATIONS EVENTS AND DISPLAYS Date: Tuesday, July 7 Time: 6:00 pm Location: Ohio 4-H Center

Extension Educator: Beth Boomershine Key Leader: Ashlea DeChant Director In Charge: Jon Hay

AWARDS Blue, Red, White Ribbons Superior Ribbons and Outstanding Ribbons 4-H State Fair Selection, Alternate, Honorable Mention-Rosettes


Class 1 Junior Individual Illustrated Talk or Demonstration without Technology* (age 8-11) Class 2 Junior Team Illustrated Talk or Demonstration without Technology* (age 8-11) Class 3 Intermediate Individual Illustrated Talk or Demonstration with or without Technology* (age 12- 13) Class 4 Intermediate Team Illustrated Talk or Demonstration with or without Technology* (age 12-13) Class 5 Senior Individual Illustrated Talk or Demonstration with or without Technology* (age 14 and up) Class 6 Junior Individual Thank You Card without use of computer graphics* – ages 8-11 Class 7 Junior Individual Thank You Card with the use of Computer graphics* - ages 8-11 Class 8 Intermediate Individual 4-H Promotional T-Shirt Design without use of computer graphics* – ages 12 -13 Class 9 Intermediate Individual 4-H Promotional T-Shirt Design with the use of computer graphics* – ages 12 -13 Class 10 Senior Individual 4-H Infomercial* – ages 14 and up Class 11 4-H Pledge Recitation - 1st year members only

NOTE: Classes with * are eligible for State Fair Selection Award 1. Eligibility: Any 4-H member is eligible to participate in the Public Speaking Event. All participants should follow the Guidelines for State Fair 4-H Communication Day Event. 2. Entry Requirements: Members must complete their entry on the Junior Fair entry form, no additional form is needed. 3. Age Divisions: See the classes above for age requirements. All age classifications are age as of January 1st of the current year. 4. These Items May Not Be Used For Public Speaking: The following items may not be used for Illustrated Talks or Demonstrations: Large animals (horse, beef, sheep, goat, dairy or hogs over 20 pounds). Instead, members should use models, photographs, or illustrations to make their point when giving a talk about large animals. No firearms, bows, arrows and weapons. Plastic replicas are permitted but we urge caution in the use of items that look truly authentic in that they may create concerns with Fair Security and may not be permitted on the grounds. 5. Items That Can Be Used: Animals under the weight of 20 pounds may be used in a demonstration; provided that the animals do not place the public at risk and that meet all of the health requirements established by the Ohio State Fair Health Regulations. Current health and shot records must be carried with the animal. Animals must remain caged or leashed before and after the presentation. 6. Presentation Requirements: All work is to be original work created by the 4-H member(s) for 4-H Club work. Members using computer generated or other Audio Visual Equipment must bring their own equipment. Screen and Projector will be provided. A. Illustrated Talk/Demonstration w/out use of Technology: 1. May use charts, posters, pictures 2. No PowerPoint or computer generated messages B. Illustrated Talk or Demonstration with OR without use of Computer Technology –. 1. Presenter uses appropriate props and/or computer generated visual aides to teach others about a subject or how to do something. 2. Use of computer generated visuals is NOT required. For example: a. A demonstration may be delivered in this category. PowerPoint type slides may be added in addition to other props to help present their message. b. An Illustrated Talk may be delivered in this category, with the members (s) using PowerPoint type technology to present all or part of the visual message: must be accompanied by live narration. 3. Requires live speech delivered along with any PowerPoint or poster message. (No prerecorded narration) 7. Required Time Lengths: A. Junior Classes must be 6-9 minutes in length B. Intermediate and Senior Classes: must be 9-12 minutes in length 8. Marketing Classes 6 -10: Members do not accompany these entries to Judging. A. Class 6-7: Original Thank You Card with artwork on the cover, inside message is not required. Use of the 4-H emblem is strongly encouraged but not required. One entry per member. Card should be on 8 ½ x 11 white card stock folded once. Art and message must be the original work of the member. Member may use any medium. Computer graphics are permitted only in classes where indicated as long as they are the original work of the member, no commercially designed clip art may be used. The 4-H emblem must be used correctly. See: http://www.nation4- for guidelines. Members name, age, and county should be printed neatly in the lower right hand corner of the back of the card. B. Class 8-9: This should be an original t-shirt design with artwork and/or slogan promoting a county or the state 4-H program or some aspect of that program, such as junior fair, camp, etc. Use of the 4-H emblem is strongly encouraged, but not required. Only one entry per member. T-shirt design should be submitted on 8 ½ x 11 white paper, with the member’s name, age, and county printed neatly in the lower right-hand corner of the back of the paper. Member may use any medium, including crayon, chalk, pen and ink, pencil, markers, etc. Computer graphics are permitted in class 9, provided they are the original work of the member. No commercially designed clipart may be used. Use of copyrighted or protected characters or logos is not permitted, with the exception of the 4-H emblem. The 4-H emblem must be used correctly. See emblem/4h_name.htm for guidelines. C. Class 10: This is a video “short” that promotes a county or the state 4-H project or program or some aspect of that project or program, such as junior fair, camp, etc. Only one entry per member. This must be a fully automated, stand-alone video presentation with sound and narration as appropriate. Think “YouTube.” The video should include recorded visual, sound, and narration to convey a message. The video should be the original work of the member making the entry. Use of copyrighted or protected characters, logos, or music is not permitted, with the exception of the 4-H emblem. The 4-H emblem must be used correctly. See emblem/4h_name.htm for guidelines. Images in the video should be appropriate for promoting 4-H. Use pictures of youth who are of 4-H age; when possible, show the diversity of membership, projects, and activities; show youth exercising appropriate safety practices (i.e. wearing helmets on horseback). The video should be 2-4 minutes long. Penalties may be assessed for videos less than 2 minutes or longer than 4 minutes. Videos must be submitted on a DVD and must play using QuickTime Player or Windows Media Player. The member’s name, age, and county must be neatly written on the DVD, along with the presentation title. 9. Questions: Please contact 4-H Extension Educator at 866-6900 ext. 216. 10. Health & Safety Speaking – Information regarding this Public Speaking opportunity will be shared with 4-H’ers in the Spring.


Date: Wednesday during the Fair Time: Novice 1:00-2:00 pm Master 2:00-3:00 pm Location: Activities Tent

Director in Charge: Debbie Johnson Event Volunteer: Sharla House

AWARDS 1st Place - $20 and Banner- Each Age Division 2nd Place - $15 and Banner -Each Age Division 3rd Place - $10 and Banner -Each Age Division

1. Eligibility: Participants must be 8 years old and in the third grade to 18 years of age as of January 1, as of the current year, and a member of a Franklin County 4-H, Boy Scout or Girl Scout Program. 2. Age Divisions for Judging: Novice Chef Class: (age 8 and in the third grade – age 11 as of January 1, of the current year) Master Chef Classes: (Ages 12-18 as of January 1, of the current year) 3. Entry Contents: Each entry must consist of a Poster, Buyers Letter, Contact List and a photo of the seller, to be attached to the buyers ribbon, size up to 4X6 inches. Buyer list must include name and address for credit. Any entry missing any part of the entry will be considered incomplete and will be disqualified. 4. Entry Check-in: Entries will be checked in on Wednesday during the fair. Posters will be checked in by age divisions: Masters; 2:00-3:00 pm, and Novice; 1:00-2:00 pm. 5. Buyer Thank You Poster: Poster must thank your previous year Creative Baking Buyer. If you are selling for the first time any previous year Creative Baking Contest Buyer may be selected from the list on the fair website; under Junior Fair Premium Book. 6. Size and Media of Buyer Poster: Poster must be standard size foam board (30"x 20") only. Poster may be horizontal or vertical. All posters must be full size board and may not be cut into any shape. 7. All Entries Become Property of Franklin County Junior Fair Board: Posters will be displayed during the Creative Baking Auction and will be presented to the Buyers at the conclusion of the sale. 8. Number and Quality of Poster: A poster must be submitted for each winning baked item in 1st- 3rd place. So if a Junior Fair Participant is auctioning two items two poster entries must be submitted. Posters should be neat, legible, and complimentary to the buyer. Winners should look at website to see examples of appropriate posters to submit. 9. Award Announcements: Winners will be announced and awards presented during Pre - Auction Ceremonies on Thursday during the County Fair 10. Evaluation Criteria For Buyer Thank You Posters: Posters will be evaluated on: A. Originality B. Use of Color C. Buyers Name Visible D. Exhibitors first name, initial of last name and age Visible E. Club's/Troops Name Visible F. Age Appropriate Work 11. Evaluation Criteria for Buyer Information Letters: A. Originality B. Date & Time of Sale C. Item to be Sold Visible D. Exhibitors first and last name & Age visible E. Club's/Troops Name Visible F. Age Appropriate Work 12. Points for Buyer Contacts: One point will be awarded for each buyer contact listed with full name and address. Any buyer contact without full information will not receive points. Maximum of 10 points will be allowed. 13. Poster Examples: May be seen on the Franklin County Junior Fair Facebook page.


Set-Up Times: Location: Ganyard Building Wednesday, July 15, 5:00 - 9:00 pm Thursday, July 16, 3:00 - 9:00 pm Friday, July 17, 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

Tear Down Time: Sunday, July 26, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Extension Educator: Beth Boomershine Director In Charge: Debbie Johnson

BOOTH AWARDS 1st-5th place winners Large Booth 1st -10th place winners Small Booth

1. Request for Booth Space: 4-H clubs must notify the Junior Fair Board by June 20 if they want a booth space. Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts will be provided booth space for their total organization's participant's entries per request and submission of the Jr. Fair Booth Request Form. Junior Fair Booth Request Forms will be sent to all 4-H organizational advisors, Boy Scout and Girl Scout head advisor. 2. Booth Set-Up: Booths can be set up during the following hours: Wednesday, from 5-9 pm, Thursday, between 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm and Friday, from 9:00 am - 9:00 pm. All booths displays and decorations must be in place and ready to show by 9:00 am, Saturday, July 18. 3. Size of Booths: 4-H clubs may select from three booth sizes: Single booth - 8' wide by 6' deep, Half booth - 4' wide by 6' deep and a double booth - 16' wide by 6' deep. In order to request a double booth space, a 4-H club must have 35 or more non livestock 4-H projects. When there are more requests for double booth space than available space, the number of club members will also be used to decide double booth allotments. Final decisions will be made based on the total number of members and projects in a 4-H Club. The 4-H organizational advisor of clubs requesting double booth spaces will be notified in writing if their request can not be honored. 4. Electrical Needs: Youth groups needing access to electrical outlets, drapes for backdrops or side drops, must indicate their request on the Booth Request Form. No electric outlets are available in the middle aisle booths. Drapes are available only down the middle aisle. 5. Theme: Youth groups may choose their own theme. 6. Club Identification: 4-H Club and 4-H member's first names should be in the booth and on each project respectively, along with the awarded ribbon. A representation of the project needs to be displayed. Remember a project book does not constitute a display. 7. Project Displays: Every 4-H, Girl Scout and Boy Scout member exhibiting at the fair must display their project(s) in the club/organizations booth unless on exhibit in the livestock or horse barns. 8. No Food or Animals Allowed: No food items or live animals are allowed in the booths. 9. County Booth : A County Booth will be available for clubs who do not want to have a individual club booth. 10. Required Exhibit Watch: All 4-H Clubs with a display in the Ganyard Building are required to sign up to watch the exhibits in the building for a three hour period of time, and must have one adult as part of the watch team. Failure to complete this shift will result in the club not being given booth space the following year. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts must also take turns watching the exhibit area in the building. 11. Release Time: Exhibits will be released Sunday, July 26 between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. Exhibitors whose exhibits leave the fairgrounds prior to this time without written authorization from the Junior Fair Board will not be allowed to show at the Franklin County Fair the following year. This includes all displays and trophies. 12. Booth Display Requirements: All Clubs must cover the back sides of their Booths, if it shows in your neighbors booth. Please use a solid color to cover the back side of your booth. 13. Booth Assembly Requirements: No drilling, staples and tape is allowed on walls in Ganyard Building. You must bring your own back drop for all booths that are located along the walls. 14. Items Allowed In Booths: Sand, sawdust, glitter, dirt, confetti is allowed in the booth only if it is contained in an area and will not blow out into the aisle way. Baled straw or hay is allowed if covered in plastic. 15. Booth Awards: 1st – 5th Place banners will be awarded to Large Booths and 1st -10th place banners will be awarded to Small Booths.

Revised 02-10-2015

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