Articles of Note: March/April 2016 J. Markowitz

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Articles of Note: March/April 2016 J. Markowitz

Articles of Note: March/April 2016 J. Markowitz

Acad Emerg Med. 2016 Mar 2. doi: 10.1111/acem.12955. [Epub ahead of print] Photographing Injuries in the Acute Care Setting: Development and Evaluation of a Standardized Protocol for Research, Forensics, and Clinical Practice. Bloemen EM, Rosen T, Cline Schiroo JA, Clark S, Mulcare MR, Stern ME, Mysliwiec R, Flomenbaum NE, Lachs MS, Hargarten S.

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Mar;214(3):352.e1-352.e13. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2015.10.003. Hysterectomy risk in premenopausal-aged military veterans: associations with sexual assault and gynecologic symptoms. Ryan GL, Mengeling MA, Summers KM, Booth BM, Torner JC, Syrop CH, Sadler AG.

Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2016 Mar 17. [Epub ahead of print] Mandated Reporters' Perceptions of and Encounters With Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking of Adolescent Females in the United States. Hartinger-Saunders RM, Trouteaud AR, Matos Johnson J.

Am J Public Health. 2016 Mar 17:e1-e8. [Epub ahead of print] Reducing Sexual Assault on Campus: Lessons From the Movement to Prevent Drunk Driving. Potter SJ.

Ann Emerg Med. 2016 Mar 10. pii: S0196-0644(16)00088-3. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2016.01.037. [Epub ahead of print] Identifying Elder Abuse in the Emergency Department: Toward a Multidisciplinary Team-Based Approach. Rosen T, Hargarten S, Flomenbaum NE, Platts-Mills TF.

Child Abuse Negl. 2016 Apr 2;55:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2016.03.005. [Epub ahead of print] Female genital mutilation: Survey of paediatricians' knowledge, attitudes and practice. Sureshkumar P, Zurynski Y, Moloney S, Raman S, Varol N, Elliott EJ.

Contraception. 2016 Mar 18. pii: S0010-7824(15)30213-4. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2016.03.009. [Epub ahead of print] Effects of low doses of mifepristone on human embryo implantation process in a three-dimensional human endometrial in vitro co-culture system. Boggavarapu NR, Berger C, von Grothusen C, Menezes J, Gemzell-Danielsson K, Lalitkumar PG.

Gerontologist. 2016 Apr;56 Suppl 2:S194-205. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnw004. Elder Abuse: Global Situation, Risk Factors, and Prevention Strategies. Pillemer K, Burnes D, Riffin C, Lachs MS.

1 Articles of Note: March/April 2016 J. Markowitz

Health Promot Pract. 2016 Mar;17(2):177-85. doi: 10.1177/1524839915621538. Epub 2015 Dec 28. Cultural Competence Training for Law Enforcement Responding to Domestic Violence Emergencies With the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation. Engelman A, Deardorff J.

Int J Legal Med. 2016 Mar 10. [Epub ahead of print] Codeine-spiked beer in a date rape case? Havig SM, Wiik E, Karinen R, Brochmann GW, Vevelstad M.

J Adv Nurs. 2016 Mar;72(3):533-44. doi: 10.1111/jan.12851. Understanding sustained domestic violence identification in maternal and child health nurse care: process evaluation from a 2-year follow-up of the MOVE trial. Hooker L, Small R, Taft A.

J Clin Psychol. 2016 Mar 23. doi: 10.1002/jclp.22292. [Epub ahead of print] Perceptions of Institutional Betrayal Predict Suicidal Self-Directed Violence Among Veterans Exposed to Military Sexual Trauma. Monteith LL, Bahraini NH, Matarazzo BB, Soberay KA, Smith CP.

J Forensic Nurs. 2016 Jan-Mar;12(1):35-8. doi: 10.1097/JFN.0000000000000101. Nonoffending Guardian Assessment of Hospital-Based Sexual Abuse/Assault Services for Children. Du Mont J, Macdonald S, Kosa D, Smith T.

J Immigr Minor Health. 2016 Apr;18(2):442-6. doi: 10.1007/s10903-015-0193-1. Domestic Violence: Intersection of Culture, Gender and Context. Tonsing JC.

J Interpers Violence. 2016 Apr;31(7):1308-39. doi: 10.1177/0886260514564155. Abuse Characteristics and Individual Differences Related to Disclosing Childhood Sexual, Physical, and Emotional Abuse and Witnessed Domestic Violence. Bottoms BL, Peter-Hagene LC, Epstein MA, Wiley TR, Reynolds CE, Rudnicki AG.

J Interpers Violence. 2016 Apr 1. pii: 0886260516641285. [Epub ahead of print] Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults: Childhood Gender Nonconformity, Childhood Trauma, and Sexual Victimization. Bos H, de Haas S, Kuyper L.

J Interpers Violence. 2016 Mar 27. pii: 0886260516640545. [Epub ahead of print] Lessons Learned: Conducting Research With Victims Portrayed in Sexual Abuse Images and Their Parents. Walsh WA, Wolak J, Lounsbury K, Howley S, Lippert T, Thomas L.

J Interpers Violence. 2016 Apr 1. pii: 0886260516640781. [Epub ahead of print]

2 Articles of Note: March/April 2016 J. Markowitz

Longitudinal Changes in Self-Efficacy, Mental Health, Abuse, and Stages of Change, for Women Fearful of a Partner: Findings From a Primary Care Trial (WEAVE). Reisenhofer SA, Hegarty K, Valpied J, Watson LF, Davey MA, Taft A.

J Interpers Violence. 2016 Apr 1. pii: 0886260516641280. [Epub ahead of print] Providing and Receiving Sexual Assault Disclosures: Findings From a Sexually Diverse Sample of Young Adults. Koon-Magnin S, Schulze C.

J Interpers Violence. 2016 Mar 28. pii: 0886260516640777. [Epub ahead of print] Rape Perpetrators on Trial: The Effect of Sexual Assault-Related Schemas on Attributions of Blame. Stuart SM, McKimmie BM, Masser BM.

J Interpers Violence. 2016 Mar 27. pii: 0886260516639585. [Epub ahead of print] Tested at Last: How DNA Evidence in Untested Rape Kits Can Identify Offenders and Serial Sexual Assaults. Campbell R, Feeney H, Pierce SJ, Sharma DB, Fehler-Cabral G.

J Interpers Violence. 2016 Mar 2. pii: 0886260516633686. [Epub ahead of print] The Extent and Risk of Violent Victimization Among International College Students Enrolled in the United States: A Gendered Analysis. Daigle LE, Hoffman CY, Johnson L.

J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2016 Mar 8. pii: S0884-2175(16)00095-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jogn.2016.01.004. [Epub ahead of print] Perceived Fertility Control and Pregnancy Outcomes Among Abused Women. Liu F, McFarlane J, Maddoux JA, Cesario S, Gilroy H, Nava A.

J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 2016 Mar 31. doi: 10.1111/jpm.12289. [Epub ahead of print] Measures for screening for intimate partner violence: a systematic review. Arkins B, Begley C, Higgins A.

J Sch Nurs. 2016 Mar 17. pii: 1059840516633729. [Epub ahead of print] School Nurses Avoid Addressing Child Sexual Abuse. Engh Kraft L, Rahm G, Eriksson UB.

Med Sci Law. 2016 Apr;56(2):116-20. doi: 10.1177/0025802414567606. Epub 2015 Apr 27. Child abuse and child protection: The role of the expert. Samuels A.

Prev Med. 2016 Feb 24;87:132-137. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.02.031. [Epub ahead of print]

3 Articles of Note: March/April 2016 J. Markowitz

Intimate partner violence in late adolescence and young adulthood and subsequent cardiovascular risk in adulthood. Clark CJ, Alonso A, Everson-Rose SA, Spencer RA, Brady SS, Resnick MD, Borowsky IW, Connett JE, Krueger RF, Nguyen-Feng VN, Feng SL, Suglia SF.

Soc Sci Med. 2016 Apr;154:45-53. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.02.032. Epub 2016 Feb 26. Deciding to tell: Qualitative configurational analysis of decisions to disclose experience of intimate partner violence in antenatal care. Spangaro J, Koziol-McLain J, Zwi A, Rutherford A, Frail MA, Ruane J.

Trauma Violence Abuse. 2016 Apr;17(2):204-20. doi: 10.1177/1524838015584356. Aftercare Services for Child Victims of Sex Trafficking: A Systematic Review of Policy and Practice. Muraya DN, Fry D.

Trauma Violence Abuse. 2016 Apr;17(2):149-59. doi: 10.1177/1524838015576391. Epub 2015 Mar 17. Meta-Analysis of the Prevalence of Unacknowledged Rape. Wilson LC, Miller KE.

Trauma Violence Abuse. 2016 Mar 8. pii: 1524838016637078. [Epub ahead of print] Reporting Sexual Victimization During Incarceration: Using Ecological Theory as a Framework to Inform and Guide Future Research. Kubiak SP, Brenner H, Bybee D, Campbell R, Fedock G.

Trauma Violence Abuse. 2016 Mar 31. pii: 1524838016641666. [Epub ahead of print] Sexual Assault and Justice for Older Women: A Critical Review of the Literature. Fileborn B.

Trauma Violence Abuse. 2016 Apr;17(2):123-32. doi: 10.1177/1524838014566720. Epub 2015 Jan 22. The Therapeutic Efficacy of Domestic Violence Victim Interventions. Hackett S, McWhirter PT, Lesher S.

Violence Against Women. 2016 Feb 11. pii: 1077801215618805. [Epub ahead of print] "He Never Did Anything You Typically Think of as Abuse": Experiences With Violence in Controlling and Non-Controlling Relationships in a Non-Agency Sample of Women. Velonis AJ.

Violence Against Women. 2016 Apr 3. pii: 1077801216638766. [Epub ahead of print]

4 Articles of Note: March/April 2016 J. Markowitz

The Girl Is Mine: Reframing Intimate Partner Violence and Sex Work as Intersectional Spaces of Gender-Based Violence. Thaller J, Cimino AN.

Violence Against Women. 2016 Mar 28. pii: 1077801215627507. [Epub ahead of print] To Tell or Not to Tell. Carretta CM, Burgess AW, DeMarco R.


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