Pace High Band Booster
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Pace High Band Booster General Meeting Minutes June 2, 2015
Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm by Lynn Garrett.
Members present: Chad Black, Greg Carroll, Sherry Chapman, Vanessa Hernandez, Roxanne Thomas, Scott Holmes, Anna Street, Tim and Ellen Bowland, Sue Lester, Megan Hanten, Mary Stankard, James Stankard, Kally Stankard, Leigh Whitfield, Warren Whitfield, Tracy Garrett, Lynn Garrett, Denise Gullickson, Monica Hatch, Jason Hatch, Kathryn Faulkner, Bonnie Whitlock, Tanya Westerkom, Raelyn Latchaw, Lee Pitts, Janet Ridgeway, Michelle Qualls, Jenea Highfill, and Tania Wilson. (If someone’s name is not on the list it is due to illegibility or they didn’t sign the sheet. Please in the future write neatly. I am not familiar with everyone’s name yet. Also, please sign the sheet to prevent unnecessary corrections to be made.)
Meeting began with the approval of last month’s minutes- Tania Wilson read the minutes aloud- Lynn advised the attendees that the minutes of the meetings are all posted on the band booster website to be viewed- motion to approve minutes- 1st by Jenea Highfill, 2nd by Tanya Westerkom- all in favor- motion passes- minutes approved
1. Director’s Report – Mr. Denaro Encourage others to come to the booster meetings- you get a lot of information and it keeps you up to date on things June 8-12 – Rookie Camp – all new marchers – will be from 9 am to 3 pm at the school- please dress appropriately- bring lunch and a water bottle (not the typical water bottle, but a cooler or jug, those are easier to fill with water) July – Tues/Thurs Rehearsals start- Charms should be correct now, if you check your Charms account and something looks funny see Mr. D- Freshman parents- will get their Charms account information next week- if you have forgotten your password, send an email to Mr. D and he can reset your password- let him know if you have any financial questions Freshman parent meeting will be in July
2. President – Lynn Garrett Please attend the July 13th meeting at 7 pm- old parents please attend, new parents will need to ask questions of the older parents Booster meeting will be July 14th at 7 pm- due to the back to back meetings, a motion to move the July meeting to Monday, July 13th and combine the meetings was made by Mary Stankard, 2nd by Roxanne Thomas, motion voted on, motion passes- Anna Street also made a motion to move the time from 7 pm to 6:30 pm, 2nd by Denise Gullickson, motion voted on, motion passes Next Booster meeting will be combined with the Freshman Parent meeting to be held on Monday, July 13th at 6:30 pm Volunteer Spot- there is a link from the band website to click and it will take you to volunteer spot, follow directions, and from there you can find upcoming events and sign up to help- this helps us to know who is coming to help and shows your commitment- volunteer spot also sends out automatic email reminders- if you are coordinating an event and need to put the info on volunteer spot, please send Warren Whitfield an email so he can add the details Band Booster Website – lots of info needs to be updated- will be getting with Mr. D to get the website up to date Member-At-Large- Freshman parent opening- we will take nominations at the July meeting for this position We are working on cleaning up the responsibilities of each Member-At-Large position We are also initiating a Truck Committee- James Stankard will chair this committee- we will need 2 more members, see James or Lynn if interested, will take the first 2 people who volunteer- the last truck we purchased cost $17,000 and this was a separate fund- we need to purchase another truck but need to raise the money to do so- Truck Wrap- all funds secured- Air Methods sponsored the whole amount- working on the design and logos- a big Thank You to Lynn and Tracy Garrett for coordinating all of this
3. 1st VP – Anna Street Poker Run- rescheduled for Aug. 22 – more info to come shortly- anyone who wants to help, stay after the meeting for some additional information Swing Dance – June 25 from 6 pm to 10 pm- $5 admission- everyone receives a 1 hr professional instruction from an instructor from Pensacola Swing- bottled water will be for sale – open to all ages- call outs have started- will need volunteers for chaperoning, selling tickets, selling water, and clean up- keep a watch out on volunteer spot to sign up to help Sonic Cards- we have about 300 Sonic cards – will sell them at the Swing Dance and in the concession stands as well – cards expire 12-31-15
Any Questions? No
4. 2nd VP- Ben Bowen (not at meeting) Scott Holmes gave update for Ben Clean up date will be either June 20 or 27- will get that info on volunteer spot- this is to clean out both concession stands – the more people we get to help the faster we can get it cleaned Kona Ice – we’ve contracted with them to be at the JV and Varsity Home Games- we now have a signed contract for 30% of their gross sales to be donated to the band – we have also opened it up to any other events that the band hosts, we receive profits from those events as well- the contract is good for 1 year only- band boosters will decide where to have them set up so that the crowd will flow into the concession stands as well
Any Questions? No
5. Secretary – Tania Wilson Volunteer Forms- reminded everyone they must have a volunteer form on file before working any event- no volunteer form on file, they can’t work the event Reminder about ordering booster t-shirts and polo’s – I only put in one order a year, this is to keep the cost of the shirts down- orders and money will be collected until July 31st- after that date, no other orders will be taken Band Booster Memberships- reminded about the $50 membership fee is a family fee (can include grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.) please consider supporting the boosters in this fashion
6. Member-At-Large- Sue Lester Nothing to report
7. Member-At-Large – Mary Stankard Nothing to report
8. Member-At-Large – Tracy Garrett Rookie Camp is coming up – Tanya Westerkom and Sue Lester will be in charge- We will need more help during half day camp and full day camp- Parents will donate fruit through volunteer spot (like last year)- we need bananas, frozen grapes, watermelon, cucumbers, etc.- there will be shifts during full day camp- the day will be split- full day camp is from 9 am to 9 pm Bubba Pitts is a notary and he will be here during Rookie Camp for medical forms- please get those in ASAP – your child can not receive any medical attention at all unless those forms have been completed and turned in-
9. Treasurer- Roxanne Thomas Proposed Budget for this year is $74,000 Last year our income was $51,392.85 and our expenses were $58,829.90- part of the shortfall was due to the fact that 2 of our biggest concession games were away last year, this year they are back at home, so we are hopeful we can make up the difference- shortage was $7,437.05 Currently we have $7,545.82 in checking account - $5,000 has been moved out of savings into checking for start up costs for this year- All bills have been paid from last year- there are a few outstanding bills but that is on the Sam’s credit card and we know about those amounts Question about general account- what is that? That is anything not in the budget Question about support staff- why is there more money budgeted here? Mr. D moved the amount from $24,000 to $25,000 because he wants to give support staff who do a great job a small raise and we will have some new support staff coming- Equipment and Repair- what are those specifics? Those are for pop up expenses- last year the tent for grilling came out of the concession budget Fundraisers that were taken out- why? These were taken out because they weren’t as profitable as we wanted them to be Farmer’s Market fundraiser- now that there’s a Farmer’s Market every Saturday at the ball field how will that impact our Farmer’s Market fundraiser? – None really, we have more vendors and this is geared more toward the Poker Run- we may need to look at renaming the event Liability Insurance $1,600- why? Zombie Run was an extra cost last year that was not anticipated- Booster’s take out a general liability insurance policy to cover any incidentals $40,000 concession budget- this is pretty aggressive- with our 2 largest concession money maker games being back at home this year we are looking to match this figure Motion to accept the proposed budget- 1st by Jenea Highfill, 2nd by Tracy Garrett – motion voted on- motion passes- proposed budget has been accepted
Any unfinished business? No
Any New Business? Fire Department would like to request concessions for Christmas parade again this year- the parade is the first Saturday in December- Fire Department will give a $250 donation to cover cost of food- set up starts at 11 am – parade begins at 1 pm Anyone who wants to donate bottled water- please do so- we give bottled water to the kids at all away games- will take these donations at any time
Next meeting will be July 13th at 6:30 pm- this is the combined general meeting with the freshman parent meeting
One last comment- we hear a lot of complaints about the concession prices- keep in mind we are helping provide support for expenses for the band
Motion to adjourn- 1st Tim Bowland, 2nd Jenea Highfill Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm
Any other questions? No
Warren thanks everyone on board and members for a great year. Please encourage your friends with middle schoolers to join band next year. Introductions of New Board for the 2015-2016 school year.
Meeting adjourned at 7:27 pm by Warren Whitfield
Side note- Current board members voted to give new President Lynn Garrett the latitude to move on the contract with Kona Ice for next football season.