Rocks And The Rock Study Guide
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Ecology Test – What you should know.
You should be sure to use your notes and vocab as you study.
Biomes Vocab Adaptation Deciduous Estuary Nonpoint source Point source Biome Ecology Marine Permafrost Population Coniferous Ecosystem Photic Wetland
You should be able to: Identify and describe characteristics of land biomes. Identify and describe basic characteristics of water biomes Identify two types of adaptations and give examples of both.
Biosphere and its resources Vocab Abiotic factors Biotic factors Habitat Population Biosphere Community Niche Species
You should be able to: Describe the levels of organization of the biosphere. Give examples of each. Explain how you would estimate a population size? 2 techniques and examples of when to use each. Be able to give examples of abiotic factors and describe their impact. Explain the competitive exclusion principal.
Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems Vocab Autotroph Cooperation Mutualism Prey Boom and Bust Decomposer Nitrogen cycle Producer Carbon cycle Exponential growth Omnivore Scavenger Carnivore Herbivore Parasitism Succession Carrying capacity Heterotroph Population Symbiosis Commensalism Limiting factor Predation Trophic level
You should be able to:
What is the difference between an exponential growth curve and a linear? What is a limiting factor and how does it affect the carrying capacity? Describe the types of interactions in a community. What are resources that organisms compete for? Describe what interdependence is. Discuss how predation is different from parasitism. Discuss how cooperation is different from mutualism Describe how predators affect prey populations and vice versa. Describe ecological succession and the communities involved. How is secondary succession different than primary succession? What is a food chain? How does it relate to trophic levels? Compare and contrast: primary, secondary, tertiary consumers. Describe the structure of an ecological pyramid. Where does the energy go when it moves through a food chain? What is a food web? What organisms are involved and how are they related? Describe the carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles. Match the phrase on the left with the correct term on the right.
______1. Portion of planet where all life exists A. Abiotic factors ______2. Place where an organism lives B. Autotroph ______3. Cold biome known for its cone bearing trees C. Commensalism ______4. Food, shelter, mates, seasons are all _____ D. Community ______5. Two or more of the same species E. Denitrification ______6. Means of estimating a population of trees F. Mark & Recapture ______7. Two organisms that can produce fertile offspring G. Nitrogen fixation ______8. Volcanic activity, bacteria in the soil & ____ all fix nitrogen H. 10 ______9. Consumer that gets energy from other consumers I. Carrying Capacity ______10. Means of estimating a population of dolphins J. Transpiration ______11. % of nitrogen in the air K. 79
______12. Means by which CO2 is taken out of the air L. Habitat ______13. A species role in its environment M. Carnivore ______14. Bacteria and fungi are examples of this type of consumer N. Photosynthesis ______15. First species to move into an areaO. Behavioral Adaptation ______16. Sunlight, water, temperature are examples of P. Biosphere ______17. Various populations living together Q. Mutualism ______18. One species benefits the other is unaffected R. Population ______19. % of energy that moves from one trophic level to the next S. Decomposer ______20. Hunting in packs is an example of this T. Pioneer Species ______21. Maximum number of species a habitat can hold U. Lightning ______22. Bee & a flower are an example of this type of relationship V. Niche ______23. Get energy from a process called photosynthesis W. Species ______24. Bacteria create a usable form of nitrogen X. Taiga ______25. Bacteria convert nitrogen back into a gas Y. Random Sampling ______26. Evaporation from plants Z. Limiting Factors