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All Alternations Must Be Duly Endorsed Tick Whichever Is Applicable * Delete Whichever

BANKER’S GUARANTEE APPLICATION & INDEMNITY New Renewal of BG No. BANK USE ONLY ______(Beneficiary’s request letter attached) BG No. ______


Applicant : (name & address) Telephone No.: Contact person:

*NRIC/Passport No.

On behalf of: (name & address)

*NRIC/Passport No.

Please * issue/ renew/ request your correspondent bank to * issue/renew for my/our account a Guarantee, details as follows. I/We have read and fully understand and agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions of the INDEMNITY appearing on the reverse hereof: Beneficiary (name & address) Amount (in words & figures) Effective date : _____/_____/_____ (dd/mm/yyyy) Duration Expiry date : _____/_____/_____ (dd/mm/yyyy) * with automatic renewal yearly

Claim period : ______month(s) from expiry date Purpose

Settlement of charges: Debit * my/our account no. ______Others: ______

Mode of Issue : Telex Original for our collection

______For Bank Use Only Authorised signature(s) & company’s stamp (if applicable) @ = Collateral Type : Secured against FD Commission (%) : Earmark FCA/CA Postage/Telex : Recorded by: Signature Verified by : Checked by: Total : All alternations must be duly endorsed  Tick whichever is applicable * Delete whichever is not applicable BI-105 INDEMNITY

IN CONSIDERATION of your agreeing at my/our request to issue or to request your correspondent bank to issue a Guarantee to the beneficiary, as applied for overleaf (‘the Guarantee’), I/we, HEREBY AGREE AND UNDERTAKE :

1 to indemnify you and hold you harmless from and against any losses, damages, claims, liabilities, judgements, suits, costs, charges and expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever incurred or suffered by, or asserted against, you in relation to or as a result of the Guarantee. 2 that the Guarantee is issued by you, your correspondent bank may (depending on each case) be required to either issue its own guarantee in favour of the beneficiary or add a confirmation to the Guarantee issued by you on such terms and conditions as you and/or your correspondent bank may deem fit. My/Our liability under the aforesaid indemnity shall not be affected or prejudiced in any way by the issuance of such a guarantee or the addition of such confirmation by your correspondent bank. 3 that you may make payment under the Guarantee of any sum or sums of money, without requiring or obtaining any evidence or proof that the amount claimed by the beneficiary (which expression shall include his successors and assigns) or the amount paid by you is due and payable to the beneficiary and without any prior notice to or further authority from me/us notwithstanding that I/we may dispute the validity of any such claim or payment. I/We acknowledge that under the terms of the Guarantee you may at your discretion or you may be required to pay the guaranteed amount to the beneficiary notwithstanding that the beneficiary has not demanded payment thereof. 4 that in the event the Guarantee to be issued by you is subject to and is to be governed by the laws of a jurisdiction other than Singapore and should a demand be subsequently made by the beneficiary under the Guarantee, you may at your absolute discretion, obtain an opinion from legal counsel on the validity and enforceability of the Guarantee, prior to your making payment in accordance with the beneficiary’s demand. I/We agree that I/we shall bear the entire cost of your obtaining such an opinion and that I/we shall indemnify you for any loss or expense whatsoever suffered by you due to any delay in the payment of the guaranteed amount to the beneficiary caused by your having to obtain such an opinion. 5 that I/we shall not any time question or challenge the validity, legality or otherwise of any payment by you or deny any liability hereunder on the ground that such payment or any part thereof was not due or payable by you under the Guarantee or on any ground whatsoever. 6 that my/our liability hereunder is irrevocable and shall remain in full force and effect until the Guarantee given by you is released or expired or returned to you for cancellation and your liability thereunder is fully discharged to your satisfaction. 7 that WITHOUT PREJUDICE to the generality of my/our aforesaid indemnity, I/WE HEREBY AUTHORISE you (1) at any time without prior notice to me/us, to debit my/our accounts (whether current or otherwise) to make a deposit /to earmark my/our current account to the extent of all such sum or sums of money which you are liable under the Guarantee whether before or after the beneficiary has made a claim on you for payment; (2) to charge me/us your commission on the guarantee amount; (3) at your discretion and without any notice to or demand on me/us to set-off or transfer any sum or sums standing to the credit in one or more of my/our account(s) or to debit against any of my/our account(s), whether in Singapore or elsewhere and whether in Singapore Dollars or a foreign currency, any sum or sums of money which you may pay in respect of the Guarantee and I/we authorise you to effect any necessary conversions at your own rate(s) of conversion then prevailing; and (4) to pay interest on any money paid by you hereunder at your usual overdraft rate(s) or such rate from time to time determined by you at your absolute discretion from the date when payment is due until repayment thereof is received by you from me/us. I/We undertake, at your request, to effect in your favour such security as you may require; and execute, complete and deliver to you such documentation as you may require. 8 that in the event of but notwithstanding your agreement to be jointly and severally liable with me/us to the beneficiary, I/we shall, nevertheless, be fully liable for all or any amount payable under the Guarantee and shall keep you fully indemnified thereunder and shall, under no circumstances, be entitled to any right of contribution for all or any amount paid by me/us under the Guarantee. 9 that any certificate issued by your officer as to the moneys and liabilities for the time being sustained/suffered by you shall be binding and conclusive evidence on me/us as to the amount I/we am/are liable to indemnify you, save for manifest error. 10 that the indemnity given by me/us to you herein shall not in any way be prejudiced or affected by my/our death/bankruptcy/incapacity or our entering into a settlement of our debts with our creditors, by the appointment of a receiver or a judicial manager of our affairs or by our being ordered to wind up 11 that if any of the provisions of this indemnity becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any law, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. 12 that where this indemnity is signed by or on behalf of more than one person, all the covenants and conditions made hereunder shall be deemed to have been made by us jointly as well as severally in the same manner and with the same effect as if each of us had signed a separate indemnity. 13 that the words ‘the Guarantee’ shall include all guarantees, performance bonds and bid bonds issued by you or your correspondent bank and all counter-indemnities and counter-guarantees given by you to the correspondent bank and all increases in the guaranteed amount and all extensions of the periods of guarantees, performance bonds, bid bonds, counter-indemnities and counter-guarantees and all changes, alterations, modifications and amendments of the provisions of any such guarantees, performance bonds, bid bonds, counter-indemnities and counter-guarantees. 14 that this indemnity shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of Singapore

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