WEEK TWO – LESSON THREE SOLAR PLEXUS Balancing chakras using Art and Aromatherapy mjfontaine copyright© 2013


The Solar Plexus chakra

Balancing the chakra

Journal questions

Website links & Resources Balancing chakras using Art and Aromatherapy mjfontaine copyright© 2013

Name: Chakra ‘City of Gems’ Colour: Yellow Location: Sacrum / Lower Abdomen Element: Fire Glands: Pancreas Body Part: Abdominal area, Digestive system, Spleen, Gallbladder, Liver. Sound: RAM Sense: Sight Affirmation: I feel

Deity: Ra, Lakini, Hathor, Lakismi, Bridgit, Oya,

Issues: Self -Worth and personal power issues, self-responsibility, being able to follow your own inner guidance, trust issues, fear issues, lack of self- respect, lack of personal power, self-critical, fear of rejection.

Physical/ Medical issues: Eating disorders, Diabetes, Appendicitis, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Constipation, Hepatitis, Hyperglycaemia, and Hypoglycaemia.

The Solar Plexus is the place of personal Power, it is also the place we store energy or Prana. The Solar Plexus is also the place where we get the energy from food as this Chakra governs the digestive system. If we have low energy or power we are not able to direct our will ‘out there’ to create and function effectively.

A strong ‘Will’ is fundamental to our wellbeing by enabling us to cope with challenging situations. With a healthy Solar Plexus centre we are able to make sound decisions, and we are able to listen and follow our inner guidance. The Solar Plexus is also the place where we connect to others energetically. Balancing chakras using Art and Aromatherapy mjfontaine copyright© 2013 An overactive Solar Plexus chakra

An overactive chakra will result in you being dominating, judgemental a perfectionist, demanding, over emotional, aggressive, rigid and critical. A character with an overactive Solar Plexus chakra can also act aggressive, over wilful and become a bully.

An underactive chakra

An underactive chakra will result in depression and lack of confidence, and being over concerned with the opinions of others.

With an underactive Solar Plexus Chakra one can be oversensitive and physically develop a pouch of protection around the abdomen area (which is body fat) this is an unconscious ‘wall’ between the person and others. The character with an underactive Chakra has no will or energy stored to make decisions and stick to them, they do not take responsibility for their challenges and they may carry around old hurts.

With low self-worth the individual my make poor judgements and suffer from apathy. Another symptom is feeling a victim that one is hard done by or deprived of the rightful recognition.

Digestion is poor due to being unable to ‘digest’ or take in their current situation, and because there is a lack of will this person may lack the courage to start new things or change their life.

Please note low Self-worth may be present within both an underactive and overactive chakra. Balancing chakras using Art and Aromatherapy mjfontaine copyright© 2013

Balancing your Solar Plexus Chakra

Allowing the stomach to be exposed to sunlight will help with strengthening and balance the Solar Plexus chakra. Another great way to strengthen this area (if underactive) is ‘kick boxing’ or stomach crunches or . In Kundalini yoga it is says this energy centre has to be strengthened on a daily basis.

Working with the colour yellow as well as the oils and massaging the stomach will help strengthen the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Yoga Fire breaths can also help balance your chakras (please refer to the video that I listed in Astore or check out the link to Breath of Fire in the Resources section).

You can also try Hoola Hooping to strengthen both the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras.

Your art exercise will help you identify what you need for balance. Please refer to the corresponding video (which I have also converted to mp3 format) that goes with this PDF.

Self-Reflective questions (recap).

1. Is there any evidence of other Chakras that are present with your Art work? 2. What are the feelings that I am experiencing when I look at this drawing and any emotions that arise? 3. What is this drawing trying to tell me? Balancing chakras using Art and Aromatherapy mjfontaine copyright© 2013 Aromatherapy Oils for the Base Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra: Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Juniper, Grapefruit, Cedarwood.

Blend three oils together in 10mls of Grape seed, Olive oil or Almond Oil.

Apply the oil around the abdomen area and the back, then after this just hold or ‘cradle’ your arms around your abdomen.

Do this exercise after the Sun meditation

Colour Balancing wheel (part two)

Use this wheel to refer to your drawing; you can also use the complimentary colour to balance an excessive chakra such as blue if your chakra is overactive. If you chakra is underactive your drawing will let you know. Balancing chakras using Art and Aromatherapy mjfontaine copyright© 2013 Resources and Therapies:

Hoopla : Cost around £15-£20 / $25 - $40 US

Breath of Fire meditation link fire/

Kundalini Yoga: see Astore recommendations (week one)

Till next week when we will cover the Heat Chakra!

Marilyn x Balancing chakras using Art and Aromatherapy mjfontaine copyright© 2013