Principles of Biology - Biology 101 Lake Tahoe Community College Fall Qtr Instructor: Sue Kloss ______

Course Introduction/The Scope of Biology ______

I. Course Introduction A. Review organizational information on syllabus B. Review course schedule C. Org of text -get to know this book II. The scope of biology – the study of life A. But what is life? 1. order 2. regulation 3. growth and development 4. energy utilization 5. response to the environment 6. reproduction 7. evolution III. Themes of biology A. Levels of biological organization – whole is greater than the sum of its parts 1. molecules 2. organelles 3. cell 4. tissue 5. organ 6. organ systems 7. organism 8. population 9. community 9. ecosystem 10. biosphere 11. vs taxonomical hierarchy B. Closer look at ecosystems 1. Ecosystem Dynamics a. energy flow b. nutrient cycling fig c. information transfer 2. Closer look at cells 3. DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid 1. genes vs. chromosomes 2. nucleotides 3. genome C. Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells D. Structure relates to function E. The Diversity of Life: 1. Taxonomy 2. Domains vs Kingdoms a. Bacteria Eubacteria b. Archaea Archaebacteria, c. Eukarya Protista Fungi Plants and Animals F. The Unity of Life: DNA - 1. Evolution explains the unity and diversity of life 2. DNA is the basis for both a. what is natural selection? 1. genetic variation 2. heritable 3. Adaptations 4. Diversity a. mutations in DNA b. recombination in sexual reproduction. c. Evolution occurs as a result of natural selection

G. In science, nothing is ever considered “proven”, 1. Discovery science a. inductive reasoning. 2. Hypothesis-driven science a. deductive reasoning b. scientific method 1. observations 2. form a question 3. form a hypothesis - testable and falsifiable. d. make predictions “If - then” e. test the hypothesis f. refine your observations, hypotheses etc.

Ch 1 Lesson Objectives/Homework Questions

1. Diagram the hierarchy of structural levels in biological organization. 2. Explain how the properties of life emerge from complex organization (emergent properties). 3. Describe the three major dynamic processes of any ecosystem. 4. Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. 5. Describe the basic structure and function of DNA. 6. Explain the importance of regulatory mechanisms in living things. Distinguish between positive and negative feedback. 10. 7. Distinguish among the three domains of life. 8. List and distinguish among the three kingdoms of multicellular, eukaryotic life. 11. 9. Explain the phrase: “life’s dual nature of unity and diversity”. 12. 10. Describe the theory of evolution by natural selection. 13. 11. Explain why diagrams of evolutionary relationships have a treelike form. 14. 12. List and briefly explain the steps of the scientific method. 17. 13. Explain why hypotheses must be testable and falsifiable but are not provable. 18. 14. Describe what is meant by a controlled experiment. 15. Distinguish between the everyday meaning of the term ‘theory’ and its meaning to scientists. Distinguish between the dependent and independent variables in an experiment (see lab notes – this material will be covered in lab!)

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