
Holocaust Project

Research Paper You will need to consider your historical figures involvement in World War II and the Holocaust in a 3-5 page research paper. You will develop a thesis statement related to this topic. You will then develop at least 5 proofs to support your thesis. The question you will be asked to consider: Discuss the importance of your historical figures’ role in World War II and/or the Holocaust.

Title Page for the research paper Your paper must include a title page. The title page must include the following: a creative title for your paper, topic being researched, heading and running heading.

Works Cited Page for the research paper A works cited page must be included with your research paper. The works cited page will list the sources you used while gathering your information. We will review the proper MLA style format that you will use for the works cited page. You must include at least 5 sources with a maximum of two being electronic (Internet).

Multi-Genre Pieces

In addition to the research paper, you are required to do the following:

 PowerPoint: Mrs. Duncan will go over this with you in class. Your PowerPoint should help support and emphasize your speech  Map: Create a map of the county in which your person was born.  Timeline: Create a timeline of you person’s life from birth to death.  Poem: Write the I Am From poem based on your person’s life. The template will be provided.  Propaganda: You will create a piece of propaganda that your historical figure would have used.  Quote: Using the internet, find a quote from a Holocaust survivor. Create a collage of WWII and Holocaust pictures as a visual to go along with your quote. You must include the quote and authors’ name on your collage.  Trifold: You will display each of the pieces created on a trifold along with a full page picture of your historical figure  Oral Presentation: Give a 2-3 minute presentation persuading an audience to believe your historical figures point of view. Oral Presentation

Your final task is to become your historical figure for a day. You will dress as your person on the day of presentation. As you present, you will speak in first person, have an understanding of your life and history as the historical figure, and be prepared to answer questions about your life. You will persuade others to side with your beliefs concerning the Holocaust.

 Costume/Props - You are expected to wear clothing that is similar to what your historical figure may have worn. This includes a suit or an older dress.

 Historical Accuracy - You will explain the life of your historical figure related to the information you researched in your essay. You will fully explain your beliefs and how you carried out these tasks.

 Depth of Information - All aspects of the historical figure’s life must be covered including early years, his/her 3 important roles in WWII and/or The Holocaust, and later years. You must also share 1relative piece of propaganda to help persuade your audience.

 Knowledge Gained on Content - You must show that you are knowledgeable on the subject and speak smoothly and comfortably on your topic.

 Speaking Skills:  Present claims/beliefs emphasizing salient points in a focused manner with relevant evidence and valid reasoning using well-chosen facts.  Use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.  Integrate multimedia/visual displays (PowerPoint) into your presentations to clarify your information, strengthen your evidence, and add interest from your audience.  Demonstrate command of formal English.

 Time Limit - Your speech should be between 2-3 minutes long.

 Role - You are becoming your historical figure. The speech must be delivered in 1st person.

 Overall quality- You are able to keep your audience interested; you appear confident and prepared. You have done well in all areas.

Total: 50 pts

*** You may have one note card. However, keep in mind that you will lose points if you use this as a crutch. You will show that you do not have a solid understanding of who your person is and points will be deducted. Poem

Write a poem from the perspective of your person. Think about what his/her life may have been like in terms of childhood experiences, hobbies, family life, etc.

 I am From  Autobiographical _____ Map (History) /15

_____ Timeline (History) /35

_____ Poem (LA) /15

_____ Quote (History) /15

_____ Propaganda piece (History) /15

_____ Research Paper (LA) /100

_____ Trifold (History) /50

_____ Presentation (LA) /50 Map (History) April 11

Timeline (History) April 15

Quote (History) April 18

Propaganda (History) April 22

Poem (LA) April 25

Research Paper May 2

Trifold May 13

Powerpoint May 9

Presentation May 13-18 Trifold

(This board can be purchased at Wal-Mart or Staples)

1. Put historical figure’s name across the top of the trifold in bold letters. This must be done neatly (use stencils, typed letters, etc).

Required materials on trifold: These materials must be glued neatly on the trifold. a. map b. timeline c. photograph d. poem e. Quote f. Propaganda g. Tattoo

** Please remember that these displays are being judged and graded. You must put time into this to make it presentable. Formatting Guidelines for Research Paper


HEADING (SINGLE SPACED, TOP LEFT) Name Date English Mrs. Duncan Period The title page should look like the example below.

Running Head (Last Name Page #) John Doe Date English Mrs. Duncan Period

Title Historical Figure’s Name:

Picture of Historical Figure


The works cited page should look like the example below.

Kolp 4

Works Cited Page Tan, Amy. The Opposite of Fate: A Book of Musings. New York: Putnam’s, 2003.

“Islamic Art and Architecture.” The Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th ed. 2001.

Wiggins, David K. “Jesse Owens.” The Oxford Companion to United States History. New York: Oxford, 2001.

“Dominican Republic.” Statesman’s Year-Book, 1995-96. 132nd ed. Ed. Brian Hunter. New York: St. Martin’s, 1995. 492-496.

Objective: Your goal is to create either a timeline of your historical figures life.

Directions: Your timeline needs to focus on your historical figures’ personal life as well as their role in WWII and/or the Holocaust. You are encouraged to be creative with the presentation of your timeline, but DO NOT turn in a timeline on regular lined paper. You also MAY NOT copy a timeline off the internet. This should be work original to you.

Requirements: 1. Complete life history of your historical figure in a timeline format. 2. Timeline must be in color (NO PENCIL) and include a visual representation for at least half the events (you may use computer clip art, your own drawings or magazine/newspaper cut outs). 3. You must list the sources you took your information from, on a separate work sited page. You must have at least 2 book sources and only 1 Internet source.

Grade: For completing all the requirements you can receive a total of 35 pts. You will be graded on accuracy and creativity. Due Date: April 15, 2016

Objective: To create a colored map of the country your historical figure was born in.

Directions: Be creative with how you make your map, but DO NOT turn in a map on lined notebook paper. Your map should be in color and accurate. You may not print out a map from the internet. You need to make sure that your map is of the country your historical figure was born in and the neighboring countries if there are any.

Guidelines: 1. Colored country map (NO PENCIL) 2. Major cities labeled 3. Major waterways, rivers and lakes labeled 4. Major mountain ranges 5. Neighboring countries

Grading: You will be graded on creativity and accuracy. The map will be worth a total of 15 pts. Due: April 11, 2016

Objective: Your goal is to create a piece of propaganda that reflects the point of view of your historical figure.

Directions: Your propaganda needs to focus on your historical figures point of view. For example, Elie Wiesel would have a poster promoting an anti-Nazi message. FDR would have a poster promoting the American military or women working on the home front.

Types of Propaganda: See attached pages

Requirements: 1. Choose one of the seven forms of propaganda to represent your historical figures point of view. 2. Your propaganda must be at least computer paper size. It may be hand drawn or done using the computer. You may NOT copy propaganda used during the WWII/Holocaust time period. This must be original work. 3. Your propaganda needs to have a picture as well as a slogan. The slogan must be your original work. 4. Your historical figures name should be on the back of your propaganda. 5. Your propaganda must use color in some way.

Grade: For completing all the requirements you can receive a total of 15 pts. You will be graded on accuracy of your historical figures point of view and creativity.

Due Date: April 22, 2016



Your goal is to find a quote from a HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR and create a collage to represent your quote.


1. Find and use a quote from a Holocaust survivor. Remember a quote should only be 1 or 2 sentences long. You must use one of the following websites:

2. Your quote must be on computer size paper or larger. 3. Your collage must contain at least 15 pictures and entirely cover any white space on your paper. Pictures may be taken from the Auschwitz website,, magazines, and newspapers. The pictures should reflect your quote and the Holocaust itself.


For completing all the requirements you can receive a total of 15 pts. You will be graded primarily on creativity and execution of the collage and quote.

DUE DATE: April 18, 2016