Chapter 1: Self-Direction in a Changing World

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Chapter 1: Self-Direction in a Changing World



1. Which statement is not true about social changes? a. social changes are changes in social patterns b. social changes are changes in institutions c. social changes may take place at any time d. social changes are always planned Answer d, p. 3

2. The world as we know it today is characterized by a. slower social change than was witnessed in previous decades b. galloping technological changes c. more collectivism in comparison to individualism d. a movement toward increased industrialization and fewer service industries Answer b, p. 3

3. The amount of information available for our use doubles every a. two years b. 5-7 years c. decade d. century Answer a, p. 4

4. The highest levels of technophobia are exhibited by a. middle-class men b. children c. mid-level managers d. women and minority group members Answer d, p. 5

5. The fear of technology is known as a. computeritis b. technophobia c. electronosis d. decidophobia Answer b, p. 5

6. The typical American home contains ____ computing devices. a. 2 b. 10 c. 25 d. 40 Answer d, p. 6

7. What is the most popular (frequent) method used by Americans to find information? a. TV b. Internet c. Newspapers d. Radio Answer b, p. 6

1 8. There are approximately ___ new Internet users per month. a. 1 million b. 2 million c. 3 million d. 4 million Answer b, p. 6

9. In today’s world, almost _____ percent of Americans use e-mail. a. 25 b. 50 c. 75 d. 100 Answer b, p. 6

10. One of the dramatic changes in the United States today is the increase in a. the homogeneity of the population b. blue-collar workers c. manufacturing and heavy industry d. cultural diversity Answer d, p. 7

11. The fastest growing segment of the U.S. population is a. African Americans b. Hispanics c. Caucasians d. Asians Answer b, p. 8

12. What percentage of streams in the U.S. are degraded enough so that they cannot be called “scenic”? a. 13 b. 27 c. 45 d. 98 Answer d, p. 8

13. Which is NOT a technique to help the environment? a. recycle b. reuse c. reproduce d. reduce Answer c, p. 8

14. A culture that promotes individualism is most likely to encourage a. collective gain b. security c. greater personal freedom d. role expectations Answer c, pp. 10-11

15. The best example of an individualistic culture is a. China b. Kenya c. the United States d. Peru Answer c, p. 10


16. Individualistic cultures emphasize ______instead of ______which is emphasized in collective societies. a. personal achievement; collective gain b. dependence; independence c. pride; jealousy d. rationalism; emotionality Answer a, p. 10

17. “Everyone older than you will tell you what to do, and you never defy their orders” is a typical statement made in a ______society. a. technological b. post-industrial c. democratic d. collective Answer d, p. 10

18. Truly autonomous people who are unafraid to make important decisions and who accept responsibility for their lives and their decisions are a. self-actualized b. decidoteric c. collectivistic d. normalistic Answer a, p. 11

19. Self-actualization correlates with a. a perception of lack of control over one's life b. altruism toward others c. decidophobia about life change d. a desire to control people around you Answer b, p. 14

20. People who habitually say, "Naturally, I act this way because of the way I grew up" fail to realize, as the text suggests, that a. their choices are limited b. free choice and responsibility go hand in hand c. they cannot take calculated risks d. they have fewer options than their parents Answer b, p. 14

21. Altruism means a. helping someone else at a cost to yourself b. possessing a sense of personal freedom c. having a sense of control over others’ lives d. fearing making decisions Answer a, p. 14

22. Which studies follow the same individuals over a long time period? a. collective studies b. longitudinal studies c. cross-sectional studies d. introversion studies Answer b, p. 16

3 23. Researchers have found high stability across a life span for which personality trait? a. introversion-extroversion b. perfectionism c. authoritarianism d. self-esteem Answer a, p. 16

24. Throughout development, the personality trait least likely to change is a. self-esteem b. personal mastery c. neuroticism d. impulsiveness Answer c, p. 16

25. The highest degree of stability of personality has been found in the domain of a. introversion-extroversion b. perfectionism c. authoritarianism d. self-esteem Answer a, p. 16

26. Which aspect of the personality is most susceptible to change? a. aspects of emotional style b. aspects of social style c. extroversion d. self-esteem Answer d, p. 16

27. All of the following traits remain rather stable over a lifetime EXCEPT a. neuroticism b. expressiveness c. self-esteem d. introversion Answer c, p. 16

28. The experience of personal growth usually begins with a. reorganizing our experience b. acknowledging change c. feeling anxiety and discomfort d. changing our attitudes Answer b, p. 17

29. How does personal growth usually proceed? a. dissatisfaction, reorganization, acknowledgment b. acknowledgment, dissatisfaction, reorganization c. dissonance, consonance, neutrality d. dissonance, neutrality, consonance Answer b, pp. 17-18

30. The experience of personal growth usually ends with the stage of a. reorganizing our experience b. acknowledging change c. feeling anxiety and discomfort d. changing our attitudes Answer a, p. 18

4 31. During which stage of personal growth are we more apt to have positive, gratifying feelings? a. acknowledging change b. sensing dissatisfaction c. reorganizing our experience d. experiencing dissonance Answer c, p. 18

32. We are more apt to have positive, gratifying feelings about an experience of personal growth at the third and final stage designated as a. acknowledging change b. sensing dissatisfaction c. reorganizing our experience d. experiencing dissonance Answer c, p. 18

33. When scientists examine existing data such as historical documents, they are using the ______method. a. conceptual b. empirical c. archival d. growth Answer c, p. 20


34. Describe three social changes we face today.

35. Explain Erich Fromm's twofold meaning of human freedom.

36. Using statistics, describe how technological our society is.

37. Discuss what it means to take charge of your life.

38. What do the terms individualism and collectivism mean? Provide a concrete example of each. Discuss characteristics of each culture that guide behaviors in that culture.

39. Discuss the relationship between self-fulfillment and risk taking.

40. What is self-actualization? Describe aspects of someone else's life that indicate to you that the person was self-actualized.

41. Describe the controversy in psychology about the conflict between continuity and change of personality. What are some of the traits that are likely to change? Unlikely to change? How can people best deal with the dilemma of continuity and change?

42. Discuss how the reassessment of the self-fulfillment movement is giving rise to a more realistic view of life and personal fulfillment.

43. Provide a definition and a concrete example of the following terms from Chapter 1: self- actualization, social change, altruism, individualistic society, and longitudinal study.


44. Describe the typical characteristics of our postindustrial era.

45. What is technophobia?

46. Describe the racial and ethnic make-up of American society as presented in the text.

47. Discuss the impact and problems associated with cultural diversity in America.

48. Why is personal freedom “ambiguous”?

49. Compare and contrast characteristics of individualistic versus collectivist societies.

50. Explain which personality traits are most likely to remain stable throughout adulthood.

51. Explain which personality traits are most likely to change throughout adulthood.

52. Describe the three-phase cycle of personal growth.

53. List four themes of personal growth.


54. Social change now occurs at a more rapid pace and has more far-reaching effects on our lives than in the past. Answer T, p. 3

55. The highest levels of technophobia are experienced by women and members of minority groups. Answer T, p. 5

56. The U.S. economy today is characterized by the dominance of manufacturing and agriculture. Answer F, p.5

57. Surveys indicate that the majority of Americans are interested in new inventions and new technology. Answer T, p. 6

58. Actualized individuals have the courage to admit when they are wrong and need change. Answer T, p. 11

59. Positive freedom means we need to assume responsibility for our choices. Answer T, p. 13

60. Individuals who are expressive and outgoing as teens remain that way as adults. Answer T, p. 16

61. The initial stage of personal growth is characterized by an inner sense of dissatisfaction. Answer F, p. 17

6 62. Personal growth is characterized by both continuity and change. Answer T, pp. 16-17

63. Personal growth typically ends with the reorganization of experience. Answer T, p. 18


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