Annex 9 : Description of Work Done Within WP7
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Minutes of the GrapeGen06 third meeting 21-23 September, 2009 San Michele All Adige, Italy
Minutes of the third meeting
Minutes of the Third GrapeGen06 meeting 21-23 September, 2009 Istituto Agrario di San Michele all’Adige Fondazione Edmund Mach San Michele all’Adige, Italy
Attending Project Partners: P. Chatelet, R Bacilieri, T Lacombe, P This (INRA Montpellier-France), Erika Maul, Ketut Ngurah Sudharma (BAZ-IRZ, Germany), Ferdinand Regner (HBLAuBA, Austria), Gregorio Munoz Organero, Laura Gaforio (IMIDRA, Spain), José Eiras Dias, Jorge Cunha (EVN-INIAP, Portugal), Manna Crespan, Massimo Gardiman (CRA-ISV, Italy), Anna Schneider (CNR-IVV, Italy), Stella Grando (Fondazione E. Mach-IASMA, Italy), Barbara Bucchetti (DISAA-UNIUD, Italy), Maurizio Boseli (University Verona, Italy), Erzsebet Kiss (SIU-DGPB, Hungary), Olga Jandurova (RICP, Czech Republic), Delphine Legrand (ENTAV-ITV, France), Savvas Savvides (ARI, Cyprus), Ivan Pejic, Darko Preiner, Silvio Simon (FAZ, Croatia), David Maghradze (IHVO, Georgia)
Attending External Partners: Claudio d’Onofrio (DCDSL, Italy), Serena Imazio (University of Milan, Italy), Dr. Gizella Györrffy-Jahnke, Research Institute of Viticulture and Enology (Badacsony), Pannon University in Keszthely, Hungary
Programme : Appendix 1 ------Welcome address The meeting was opened by a welcome speech by Stella Grando (in the name of IASMA director) and her presentation of the Institute.
1) Discussions about the 2008 report (Patrice This, scientific coordinator) and more specifically about the questions of the reviewers Patrice This addressed a welcome to all GrapeGen06 Partners and a special thanks to the organizer, Mrs. Stella Grando of the Instituto Agrario of San Michele all’Adige.
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Patrice This presented the reviewers’ remarks received from the EU concerning the 2007 and 2008 technical reports and opened the discussion :
General remarks 1) Uneven response of partners. The partners are asked to be more diligent when filling the technical report ; the partners that are late on schedule are asked to catch up the delay. 2) Opening database to public. P01 announced that part of the database is open to the public. Solved. 3) Safety duplications should start. See appendix 9. 4) Poor management. See appendix 9.
Specific remarks: 5) WP1 : Solving the problem of coding with P02 (Solved, appendix 9) 6) WP2 : Provide detailed methodology and clarify the use of Elisa tests. Contingency plan. All partners agreed to carry out Elisa tests. Methodology was made available. Solved. 7) WP3 : On farm : Sanitary status and wine evaluation methodology : contingency plan. The partners agreed to perform Elisa tests and to send the available data in two sets, one before the end of 2009 (data already available) and another in June 2010. The protocol for wine evaluation methodology is currently developed and will be available before end of 2009. Solved 8) WP6 : - Suggestion of backing-up the database. Solved by P01. - Provide the access code to the DG-Agri. Solved. It was remembered that all partners signed a confidentiality agreement before being granted access to the database. For coherence, the partners asked that the DG-Agri should also sign the confidentiality agreement. 9) WP7 : Cryo-conservation methodology and plan. The protocol has been presented during 2009 meeting in San Michele and is available to all. The partners that have no access to a cryo-conservation facility will send their rare materials to the partners who have it, on the base of the final resources management plan. 10) Introduction of material in field collection : contingency plan. See appendix 9. 11) Management plan : Strategy ; contingency plan. See appendix 9.
Management of the action : 12) Work of partner 16 VVSVMM. As already discussed, in 2008, this partner was already conscious of the coming foreclosure of the department of grapevine resources conservation. It did a lot of efforts to carry out all its impending tasks within the end of 2008 so that it would respect the terms of the project. In fact, this partner had a limited amount of work to do, compared to others, essentially for WP2 and WP4. It satisfactorily finalized the work on both WPs, submitting a list of described cultivars for WP2 and doing a lot of work on characterization, collection and duplication of wild grapevine populations and individuals for WP4.
13) Work of new partners During 2008, the project received several requests from external partners to join, in order to share their data and take advantage of the different tools and unified methodology developed by the project. Several of them attended the workshop and specified their field of intervention :
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Claudio d’Onofrio, University of Pisa : participates to WP1 with SSR data of varieties from Tuscany (Italy), starting from March 2010 Andreas Jung, free-lance consultant on grapevine genetic resources, Germany: participates as a consultant on German ancient cultivars. He has no facility for producing SSR data but the GrapeGen06 project agreed that SSR data on the most important varieties identified by Andreas Jung could be produced by the project partners. Serena Imazio, University of Milan : she proposed to submit SSR data and work carried out by the University of Milan on Italian wild grapevines. More generally, these external partners will work as a test for the system (are the protocols and procedures for database submissions and consultation clear enough ?)
Discussions about the problem of miscommunication 14) The workshop suggested to make an inventory of problems encountered and try to solve them one by one.
2) Preparation of the 2009 report ( Patrice This) It must be done better and clearer A new version of the model document for individual reports will be made available A new version of the model for intermediary report will be made available Decision on a schedule different from last year : Data and individual reports to be send by Nov 15th Reports from WP coordinators to be send to Partner 1 by January 1st 2010
3) Discussions about 2010 workshop and meetings There were several ideas on how to organize the last project meetings.
1. To organize the 4th GrapeGen06 workshop among partners with the same format as the former 3 workshops, in order to prepare the final report, and take the last decisions. To be held in November 2010.
2. To organize a set of regional/national meetings (Portugal/Spain ; Germany/Austria ; France/Italy; Eastern Countries….) adapted to reach a large public as for example, in Italy at VinItaly (M. Boselli) or Vinexpo 2010 in France. Partners will look for such opportunities in order to perform the task.
3. To organize an international meeting on Genetic Resources to be held at the end of the project, more preferably in spring 2011 because of the different scientific symposium to be held next year (Portugal in June, USA in August). It would be intended for EU and national politicians and decision makers and scientists ; it would have one additional day dedicated to professionals, technical advisers and growers.
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4) Discussions about the different WPs
1. WP1 - Microsatellite markers analysis (I. Pejic, S. Grando and P. This) SubTask 1.1 – Validation of alleles for references cultivars Problems of 2008 Statement of Sept 2009 - P2 troubles with macro Solved, P2 developed its own macro - P13 four loci Solved, work done during 2009, data will be made available for next year report - P21 four loci To be checked by Partner 23 - P5, P23 in progress Solved, data will be made available for next year report - P4 DNA sequencer out of order P04 sent the material (leaves) to P15. P15 (IFV-ENTAV) did the extractions but extractions failed. The materials are to be sent again and data should be available for next year report Sub Task: 1.2 : Microsatellite analysis of chosen accessions Up-to-date data has been made available (See Appendix 2). Final objectives in term of numbers of cultivars have also been verified (See Appendix 2). All partners should send to the WP coordinator the list of varieties already analyzed, and to be analyzed, before the end of the project for next year report. Sub Task 1.3 : Encoding of data Work is running well (see Appendix 2), now that the partners can use the macro Work to be done in 2010 Finalize absolutely the data for SubTask 1.2 and 1.3. before June 2010 so that we can start the analysis of the data for the other WP, in particular the work of the Greek partner. Roberto is to send the data of the 47 references plus the coding macro to Erika so that it can be made available on the European Vitis Database website (done) General discussions F. Regner informed the group of a private collection owner who wants to submit data Discussion about the work to be done by the new members: See annex 2 for details of their work. Uploading the data to the database is a difficult point for some. A special attention should be given by WP1 and WP6 coordinators. Discussions around the milestones and deliverables. April 2007 : D1 - List of cultivars to be analyzed: DONE Month 7; available on Grapegen061 web site April 2007 :D2 -List of SSR-markers necessary for analysis : DONE Month 4; available on Grapegen06 web site October 2007 : D3- Software for automatic coding: DONE Month 7; available on Grapegen06 web site ; will be made available on the EVD2 web site
1 The Grapegen06 web site address is : 2 The European Vitis database address is:
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Jan 2008 : D4- List of reference cultivars and alleles for new cultivars: DONE Month 18, to be send to Erika by R. Bacilieri for publication on EVD (done) ; available on Grapegen06 web site (RB)
Next Year delivrables Jan 2010 : Coding of SSR data and transfer to WP6 (for available data): To be DONE and PUT ON THE WEB Dissemination plan : By January 1st 2010 : Short communication on new SSR = new alleles and data for 3 other SSR By March 2010 : Writing of an article on SSR diversity of the European resources in the database by the end of next year
2. WP 2 - Primary and secondary descriptors analysis (G. Munoz) Presentation by Gregorio Munoz, about the questions and answers to the commission and discussions about the work to be done. Sub task2.1: Recording I and II descriptors: up to March 2009: 560 accessions Sub task2.2: Pictures : up to March 2009: 432 accessions Sub task2.3: Sanitary status : up to March 2009 : 142 accessions List of work to be done was confirmed during the meeting and the new partners proposed to put some additional work in the project (without any supplementary funding). See Appendix 3. The work of VSSVVM was finished but we decided to try to recover the 12 cultivars (wood) Ferdinand Regner is in charge of this task. Partner 23 (IHVO) cannot do any virus testing. The replacement of this work will be difficult since the entry of the material in Europe is impossible due to the quarantine requirements. Dissemination plan 1. Manual for standardization: will be done by Gregorio Munoz (P02) 2. Web-based catalogue made possible by P01 : Due to the new improvements of the database, the printing of a pdf catalogue is now possible. 3. This web based catalogue will concern old autochtonous varieties described in GrapeGen06 4. Official catalogue: Is being done by Thierry Lacombe (P00) ; still missing Bulgaria & Romania ; not concerned by regulation Lettonia, Lithuania, Ireland. Up to now : 2803 entries and 1930 varieties. Should be finished by June 2010. 5. Video about Vitis European collections (P02): Gregorio Munoz proposed to realize a video about the different collections (he showed the one he performed at IMIDRA). 6. Two papers are in progress and should be published soon (from Gregorio Munoz and Anna Schneider)
Milestone & Deliverables D6 (April 2007) :- List of a new set of analysis for phytosanitary test (viruses). DONE Month 4, available on the Grapegen06 web site
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D7(April 2007 ) :- List of old, endangered and autochtonous varieties to be analyzed. DONE Month 12. List of each partners to be send by Nov 15 in order to put on Grapegen06 web site January 2008, 2009, 2010 : Shipment of Primary, secondary descriptors data and pictures data to the coordinator. To be put on the EVD. Next Year delivrables Dec 2010 : D9- Primary and secondary descriptors data and pictures available via the EU-Vitis- database
3. WP 3 - On-farm analysis (M. Boselli, P. This)
Laurent Audeguin agreed to be co-coordinator of this WP in relation with M. Boselli. A presentation of the progresses of WP3 was shown and discussed by M. Boselli (P10). The list of varieties to be analyzed was discussed again and a final agreement was reached (Appendix 4). Answers to the EU questions EU Question : Check of sanitary status with Elisa tests. The partners agreed to check the sanitary status by Elisa tests. Due to the low amount of money available for this task and the difficulties of the work, they will not take the responsibility to multiply virus-free plants to replace the diseased ones (since it was not written in the accepted project). EU Question : identification with SSR : The discussion on this point has been difficult since the this task was not considered as crucial by the project partners ; nevertheless, the partners agreed to analyze one plant per vineyard to confirm its identity and then to check the homogeneity by ampelography. EU Question : contingency plan for wine making and quality : This work is well under progress. Many partners were planning to perform the wine making after the meeting, while some have already done it. Elementary analysis methodology were discussed during the workshop. Anna Schneider suggested to publish methods of vinification to share. Laurent Audeguin, Anna Schneider, Erika Maul and Maurizio Boselli contributed to propose a common method and registration form for evaluation of wines. The form will be available before end of the year on the GrapeGen06 website. The data of 2009 should be made available by the end of the project. Deliverables April 2007 : D10- Protocol for evaluation of the different characteristics: DONE Month 6. Available on the GrapeGen06 April 2007 : D11- List of vineyards and the cultivars to be analyzed: DONE Month 10. To be put on GrapeGen06 web site by end of 2009. Jan 2009 : D12 - Description of the agronomic features of the analyzed varieties / clones already recorded. To be transferred to WP6 coordinator
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Oct 2009: D13 -Description of the agronomic features of the analyzed varieties / clones : Data to be send to the coordinator and put on the web Next Year delivrables Jan 2010 : delivery of agronomic features, wine quality, virus infestation data to the coordinator of WP6: To be done and put on the web December 2010: D14- Description of the sanitary status of the analyzed varieties / clones December 2010: D15- Publication of the results in wine growers magazines to promote the use of rare varieties and outstanding clones of varieties which are still in use. Dissemination plan -Book of cultivars analyzed within the project with all data + nice picture, wine tasting, …. by March 2010 -Wine tasting (national or international fairs + presentation of the cultivars in exhibitions up to march 2010.
4. WP 4 - characterization of wild grapevine (J. Eiras Dias) Presentation by J. Eiras Dias. State of art and prevision of work to be done on Appendix 5. Discussions on the questions from EU EU Question : Expert evaluation of populations: The discussion brought on the following problems : - the definition of a population : what is a population, how many individuals, how far apart ? The project has defined rules for defining a population : must have a minimum number of male and female individuals, within a maximum distance of 100 m if in a forest or of 1 km if along a river. - the evaluation of danger of local extinction : this is estimated subjectively taking in account a) the available information about ownership of the land, b) the closeness to roads or other industrial, urban or agricultural projects, c) the number and sanitary status of the individuals, and any other indices that may help to understand the future of the population. - the dissemination of locations of protected populations. The question is if it is better to inform the local community of the location of a precious wild population (so that the community can better protect it) or not (to avoid dangers of too many visitors, curious access, or even voluntary destruction of the population to avoid a restraining order on land use and protection). The project decided that the evaluation of the opportunity for dissemination has to be done on a case by case basis, and decision taken according to the capability of the local community to take in charge this knowledge. Additional data by the new partners : The Univ. of Milan informed that they are willing to submit information and data of 300 new wild grapevines, the prospection of which was financed by the ministry of environment of Italy. The Univ. of Pisa informed that they can also provide information on a number of individuals. A new Turkish partner (Univ. Ataturk, Erzurum) went with P00 on a collecting trip. P00 will ask the Turkish partner if the information collected can be inserted into the database.
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Conservation of plan material The wild grapevine that looks unique / interesting need to be conserved ex situ. For the material described by partner P17, P14 and P00, a collecting trip is planned for fall 2010 in order to collect fruits and wood to be conserved. Erika Maul (P01) agreed to collect seeds and pollen for cryo-preservation and share it with P00. Opportunities for conservation of wild grapevines in botanical gardens were discussed. Milestone & Deliverables June 2006 : D16 -Protocol for the inventory of V. sylvestris : DONE Month 4, March 2007 : D17 - First list of sites with Vitis sylvestris plants in Europe and their status regarding their protection: DONE To be put on GrapeGen06 web site by end of 2009 March 2008 : D19- Second list of sites with Vitis sylvestris plants in Europe and their status regarding their protection: DONE Month 13. To be put on GrapeGen06 web site by end of 2009 but without any details D20 (March 2009) : Description of the features of the analyzed populations (intermediary data) D21 (December2009 ) : Description of the features of the analyzed populations (intermediary data) For this WP, data will be collected by the coordinator who will send them to the WP6 coordinator by the end of 2009. Dissemination plan - Paper on the locations of the wild grapevine populations and their status, in Europeans and Near-Asian countries by June 2010 - Paper on morphology difference between countries and/or populations based on ex-situ analysis by March 2010 (I do not believe we will have consistent data for this task – RB) - Paper on SSR diversity over the geographic range of the species by the end of 2010. With the objective of population conservation, calculation of the population diversity and struc- ture, effective population size (mean number of genotypes participating to reproduction), gene migration by pollen and seeds, genetic pollution by cultivated grapevine pollen, etc.. José and Roberto will make a proposition to the group. - Write a red book for the conservation of V. sylvestris to distribute to :
◦ Communal councils for them to take in account into their environmental plans
◦ Private farmers (ask them to inform us)
◦ Forest/Parks offices
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5. WP 5 - True-to-type identification (A. Schneider)
Presentation by A. Schneider and discussion about the questions of EU. True to type Definition of true-to-type cultivar is based on a set of SSR and morphology analysis. A list of questionables cultivars for which it is important to know their true-to-type status was prepared The investigation of the true-to-typeness of one genotype is based on comparison of its SSR and ampelographic profile with the profiles included in the database. In order to help the analysis of identical individual, Patrice This proposed to develop a macro for the comparison of individuals based on coded data. The macro is almost ready and should be send shortly. A French version is under test in the lab and will be translated before it is sent to the partners. Roberto proposed that a similar tool be integrated in the EU Vitis database so that the search can be done online (instead of importing all the data and then running the macro on personal computers). Next work : A second call for questionables was scheduled and every partner should submit their new list of questionables by Nov 15th. In charge Anna Schneider. Dissemination : WP5: -List of possible synonyms for cultivars throughout Europe -Publication on SSR analysis of Synonyms, Homonyms, Unknown
6. WP 6 - Database improvement and enrichment (E. Maul)
Presentation of the database by Erika (see Appendix 5). Finalization of the European Vitis database handbook (see file on the website). Roberto asked that the MySQL table scheme be made available to Europe The partners were informed that the DG-Agri asked access to the database for verification and evaluation purposes. The project asks the DG-Agri to sign the confidentiality agreement since, in order to facilitate WP5, some additional private data were added to the database by the partners, but the data are still to be considered private at least up to the end of the project. The database is open to public since beginning of September 2009. A disclaimer of responsibility will be added to the database at the end of the GrapeGen06 runtime, as well as a confidentiality agreement depending on level of access. The database offers three levels of access: public, for the project partners, and private for single partners (so that each partner can verify its data). At the end of the project, level 1 and 2 may be merged (i.e. data produced by the project will be opened to the public).
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Several questions were raised by the partners :
Q: How to check and correct errors ? R: at the moment of writing this text, the database allows each partner to access and amend its own data, which is the correct approach
Q: Who can upload? R: in addition to single project partner, it is expected that at the end of the project, the database is opened to public, and then other external collection holders can join the database to submit their own data. So that the database can grow, with the additional value that the data collection methods are clear so that the data hosted within the database will be homogeneous and allow comparison and easy understanding. Milestone & Deliverables Since the module for uploading is now fully operational, the partners must upload their own MCPD data, WP1, WP2, WP4 Vitis sylvestris plant description and WP5 data and photos before the end of 2009. For WP3 and WP4, the data should be sent to the coordinators who would then send them to Erika Maul. Next Year delivrables December 2010: D34- Publication of a table summarizing the entered data subdivided by MCPD data, characterization data, EER-marker data, virus data and photos via the EU-Vitis-database ( December 2010:D35- Dissemination of the results via wine growers magazines December 2010: D36- Publication of the meeting reports via End of year 1,2,3,4 D37- Publication of all data via the EU-Vitis-database ( Dissemination plan - The database itself - By May 2010, an English paper will be written (E. Maul) and send to a scientific journal. - One page abstract and/or translations will then be published by everybody in its country in grape or wine journals by the end of 2010.
7. WP 7 : Patrice This - Elaboration of a long term conservation strategy New partners (Serena, Claudio, Andreas….) should serve as a test for the protocols and procedures of submission to the database. Protocols and procedures for submitting should be well described in the website, so that any new participant will find his/her way to contribute to the database.
Topic 1 Cryo-preservation Presentation by Philippe Chatelet (P00) of the methodology and progresses for pips, pollen, and bud cryo-preservation. Pip and pollen cryo-preservation is working on routine ; good progresses were recorded for bud cryo-conservation, however before publication it is necessary to repeat the experiment and estimate the diferential of response by genotype. P00 has started to introduce materials in cryo-conservation.
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The partners who have facilities for cryo-preservation agreed to host in their genebank the precious materials of partners without the facilities. P01, P02, P07, P08 agreed to send V. sylvestris seeds to P00 for cryo-preservation. The same was agreed for pollen cryo-conservation. Topic 2 Introduction of plants into collection V. sylvestris. It was agreed that the precious materials are to be introduced in collection for ex-situ preservation. Checking of Duplications : It was noted that the checking of duplication is a work that is done currently. Nevertheless the database will help to find synonyms and homonyms and thus be more efficient on this task. On the other hand, it was noted that up to now, each institute made its own plan for management (elimination of duplicates, multiplication of rare or precious material) alone without harmonization with the other partners that may have the same material. The GrapeGen06 project will facilitate the communication and comparison of lists on homogeneous set of characters and thus the building of a conservation plan at the European level. The plan may have a duration of 10 years. It was agreed that : 1. Each partners checks its collection against the database for unique material or too much duplicated material 2. Then all the results will be centralized and a plan worked out. Milestone & Deliverables March 2007 : D38- Protocoles for cryopreservation of pollen and seeds March 2008: Definition of the list of growers and vineyards interested in preservation March 2008 : D39- Protocoles for cryopreservation of buds March 2009: Collection of pollen and seeds for cryopreservation and shipment of list to WP6 March 2009 : Collection of wood for transfert in collection and shipment of list to WP6 March 2009 : D40- 1st list of Vitis sylvestris accessions transfered in cryoconservation March 2009 : D41- 1st list of old autochtonous cultivars transferred in on-farm conservation March 2009 : D42- 1st list of old autochtonous cultivars and Vitsi sylvestris accessions transferred in collection December 2010 : Collection of pollen, seeds and buds for cryopreservation and shipment of list to WP6 December 2010 : Collection of wood for transfer in collection and shipment of list to WP6 December 2010 : Definition of the plan for duplication of the endangered germplasm in Europe December 2010 : D43- Final list of Vitis sylvestris accessions transfered in cryoconservation December 2010 : D44-Final list of old autochtonous cultivars transferred for on-farm conservation December 2010 : D45- Final list old autochtonous cultivars and Vitis sylvestris accessions transferred to collections December 2010 : D46-List of endangered material in the European collections
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Dissemination : WP7: -Protocols for cryo-conservation (seeds, pollen, buds) -List of content of grape collection -Suggestions for long term grapevine conservation over Europe
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Summary of Dissemination : Contingency plan
WP1: - Short communication of new SSR = possible , new alleles and data for 3 other SSR (Stella). - Article on SSR diversity of the European database and identification = now or at the end - (comparison of data among partners) (Stella Ivan Valérie Roberto) - Article on uniqueness of accessions = comparison of available data (in relation with WP5) (Anna Jean Michel Patrice) WP2: - Manual for standardization (Gregorio) - Web-based catalogue (pdf page) (Erika Gregorio) - List of the official European catalogue WP3: - Book of cultivars analyzed within the project with all data + nice picture, wine tasting, …. (Boselli) - Wine tasting + presentation of the cultivars in exhibitions (Boselli, Laurent….) WP4: -Paper on the locations of the wild grapevine populations and their status, in Europeans and Near-Asian countries (José) -Paper on morphology difference between countries and/or populations based on ex-situ anal- ysis (José) -Paper on SSR diversity over the geographic range of the species. With the objective of popu- lation conservation, calculation of the population diversity and structure, effective population size (mean number of genotypes participating to reproduction), gene migration by pollen and seeds, genetic pollution by cultivated grapevine pollen, etc.. José and Roberto will make a proposition to the group. (Patrice Roberto) WP5: -List of possible synonyms for cultivars throughout Europe (Anna) -Publication on SSR analysis of S/H/Unknown (Anna) WP6: -The database itself (Erika) -One page abstract to be published by everybody in its country (tous) -Table with all raw data from all partners (Erika) WP7: -oral presentation of pips cryopreservation at Leuven Intl Symposium on Cryopreservation for Horticultural Crops (Philippe) -Protocol for pips cryo-conservation to be distributed, pollen protocol needs to be confirmed (post thawing pollen delivery) (Philippe) -List of content of grape collections (Erika Anna Jean Michel) -Suggestions for long term grapevine conservation over Europe (Patrice Roberto)
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Appendix 1 : programme of the workshop
21 September Afternoon 14:00 Welcome words 15:00 Discussions around the 2008 report 16:00 Preparation of 2009 report 17:00 Administrative issues 22 September Morning Discussions of Year 2009: Achievements and plan of last year work WP1 and WP2 WP3 , WP4 and WP5 discussions Afternoon WP6 discussions WP7 discussions 23 September Morning Dissemination Planning of next year work visit of collections Afternoon Demonstration of the database
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Appendix 2 – State of the work done within WP1
Sub-task 1-2 List (names) and number of Partner Total SSR analyses of local Sub-task 1-3 Data successfully Institute Country cultivars to be analyzed 2007 2008 2009 2010 no. data accessions (done before or in encoded through GrapeGene06 2007 and 2008)
96 cultivars genotyped in 2007 182 new + 186 old ones 0 INRA France 384. 282 96 102 93 573 96 cultivars genotyped in 2008 = 378 cultivars 186 already available
108 genotyped in 2008 100 old and 108 new = 1 BAZ – IRZ Germany 384 100 108 150 126 484 100 already available 208 cvs
49 cultivars on 6 Genres SSR loci 49 cultivars on 6 Genres SSR loci 2 HBLAuBA Austria 200 48 50 250 50 398 (35 wine + 14 table grapes).. encoded. new 50 genotyped in 2008 not yet encoded
177 cultivars on 6 genres loci. 177 cvs with 6 markers 3 IMIDRA Spain 190 177 168 22 367 168 genotyped in 2008 168 with 9
Problems with apparatus. DNA 4 NAGREF Greece 100 77 ?? 77 send to P01 but not working.
100 cultivars analyzed by 6 genres 5 EVN - INIAP Portugal 200 100 60 40 200 Not performed yet. loci.
12 + 48 analyzed cultivars encoded 51 local cultivars between 2007 & 6 CRA – ISV Italy 48 48 51 99 using in 2007 - 2008 51 in 2008 =
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49 accessions on 6 Genres SSR 49 accessions encoded in 2007, 7 CNR-IVV Italy 40 16 10 ?? 26 loci (previously done). 16 in 2008 16 new in 2008
8 IASMA Italy 200 96 96 192 61 accessions analyzed in 2008 61 coded in 2008
DISAA - 63accession with 7 SSR 9 Italy 63 63 31 20 10 124 35 reference cultivars. UNIUD 31 analyzed in 2008 with 9
10 DSTMVV Italy 99 94 5 99 Not yet. Not yet.
They asked to transfert their AGROSCOPE- 11 Switzerland duties under this task to other 0 not involved in this sub-task not involved in this sub-task RAC partners due to lack of funding
105 cultivars have been analyzed 12 FVM SZBKI Hungary 105 0 on 9 SSR loci in 2007. (performed Share same data with P13. by P13)
105 cultivars have been analyzed 105 accessions encoded in 2007, 13 SIU DGPB Hungary 150 202 200 402 on 9 SSR loci in 2007 - 200 in 2 109 analyzed with 8 loci 009
43 cultivars have been analyzed on Czech 14 RICP 43 47 48 40 135 9 SSR loci in 2007 91 cultivar coded Republic 48 in 2008
26 analyzed in 2008 15 ENTAV France 218 315 26 42 20 403 284 cultivars coded 258 genotypes already available.
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16 ARI Cyrpus 15 0
17 VSSVVM Slovakia 33 0 data for 33 cultivar coded data for 33 cultivars
18 INVV Moldavia No list yet 0 no any response to our messages no any response to our messages
24 cultivars genotyped with 6 24 cultivars encoded for 6 genres 20 FAZ Croatia 100 24 64 36 124 genres loci. loci. 64 analyzed in 2008 64 with 9
7 cultivars analyzed on 6 genres 7 cultivars encoded for 6 genres loci. 21 IBB Georgia 17 0 loci. 10 cultivars analyzed in 2008 on 4 10 coded for 4 loci loci
150 accessions encoded for 6 104 accessions (79 native cultivars 23 IHVO Georgia 104 150 150 genres + 25 wild ones) on 9 SSR loci (Dr. Imazio, Univ. of Milan)
29 Data on 9 SSR for 29 acc. 24 UFR BV Morocco 100 100 Not yet Work done at INRA Montpellier Work done at INRA Montpellier
Claudio external d'Onofrio Italy yes 15 15 partner (Univ. Pisa) external Andreas Jung No unless it is done by other Germany 0 partner (consultant) partners
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Serena external Imazio Italy yes (wild) 20 20 partner (Univ. Milan)
Carmen external Martinez Spain no 0 partner (CSIC) external Sezai Erciszli Turkey yes 0 partner
Sub-task 1-2 List (names) and number of Partner Total SSR analyses of local Sub-task 1-3 Data successfully Institute Country cultivars to be analyzed 2007 2008 2009 2010 no. data accessions (done before or in encoded through GrapeGene06 2007 and 2008)
total 1406 658 1484 440 3988
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Appendix 3 : State of the work done within WP2
Je ne sais pas que represente Sanitary Measured Institute City, Country Accessions Pictures Virus description Overall Status cette description organs colonne ? ? number of number of virus 2009 2010 ?? genotypes tested Montpellier, shoot tip, bunch, INRA 40 42 42 0 4 viruses 20 20 80 ok France mature leaf
Siebeldingen, shoot tip, bunch, BAZ – IRZ 50 20 20 20 3 viruses 15 15 50 ok Germany mature leaf
shoot tip, bunch, HBLAuBA Vienna, Austria 10 12 12 0 12 24 ok mature leaf
shoot tip, bunch, IMIDRA Madrid, Spain 50 41 41 41 ok mature leaf, berry
Dois Portos, shoot tip, bunch, EVN - INIAP 60 57 34 19 16 partly 57 ok Portugal mature leaf
shoot tip, bunch, Hailstorm damaged the collection. CRA – ISV Conegliano, Italy 10 20 20 0 10 10 40 mature leaf Description postponed in 2010
shoot tip, bunch, CNR-IVV Torino, Italy 40 31 31 31 4 viruses 10 10? 40 ok mature leaf
shoot tip, bunch, IASMA S.Michele, Italy 30 12 10 0 10 10 30 ok mature leaf
shoot tip, bunch, DISAA - UNIUD Udine, Italy 30 31 27 31 7 viruses ok mature leaf
DOFI-UNIVR Verona, Italy 40 4 0 0 Pending
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PTE SZBKI Pecs, Hungary 50 106 106 0 106 Pending
SIU Godollo, Hungary Pending
Ruzyne, Czech RICP 62 30 30 0 4 viruses 30 bunch ok Rep.
bunch, mature ARI Nicosia, Cyprus 10 2 8 0 4 viruses 8 10 ok leaf, seed shoot tip, bunch, VŠSVVM Modra, Slovakia 20 12 12 0 mature leaf, berry, ok seed
FAZ Zagreb, Croatia 100 52 0 0 48 100 ok
young shoot, Institute of Botany Tbilisi, Georgia 22 13 12 0 bunch, mature ok leaf bunch, mature IHVO Tbilisi, Georgia 50 27 27 0 50 ok - No possibility of virus tests leaf
Agroscope-RAC Swizerland 24
External partners
Andreas Jung Germany 20
Claudio d'Onofrio - Italy 10 7 viruses 10 10 ok Univ. Pisa Serena Imazio - Italy 20 20 20 ok Univ. Milan
Total 586 432 142
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Appendix 4 : Status of the work done within WP3
Number of Number of Institute 2008 2009 2010 Name of cultivars (number of presumed clones) cultivars vineyards
agro + agro + BAZ 2 2 Heunisch; Elblich blau wine wine
agro HBBWO 1 1 N.C. +wine
agro + agro + IMIDRA 2 4 Albillo; Malvar wine wine
agro + agro + EVN-INIAP 4 N.C. N.C. wine wine
Capolongo, Lecinaro, Maturano bianco, Rosciola, Pampanaro, Recantina Forner, ampelo 4 with 4 with Recantina pecolo rosso, Recantina pecolo scuro, Grapariol, Turchetta, Lacrima CRA-CRV SSRr on 23 18 13 agro wine wine del Valdarno, Barsaglina, Crepolino, Orpicchio, Morellone del Casentino, Cuneute, 13 agro Negrat, Fumat, Ciavalgian, Brambana, Berzamino, Sagrestana and Aghedene.
CNR-IVV 3 2 wine wine Cellerina; Montanera (di Perosa); Neretto duro
IASMA 5 1 3 out of 5 3 wine ?? Casetta; Groppello di Revò; Lagarino; Pavana; Verdealbara
DISAA – Malvasia Istriana Attems; Ribolla Gialla Attems; Sandor 1.116; Sandor 1.42; 8 2 UNIUD Sandor 2.91; Sandor 3.37; Sandor 2.4; Sandor 8.18
DiSTeMeV 4 2 Corvina (2); Dindarella; Forsellina; Oseleta
Agroscope 4 1 Amigne (20); Cornalin (20); Humagne rouge (20); Petite Arvine (20)
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Csókaszőlő; Kadarka; Mézesfehér, Lisztes, Kéknyelű, Bajor, Zöldszilváni, FVM 10 6 Bakator, Furmint Sárfehér
agro + RICP 2 3 ?? Fruhburgunder; Traminer wine
ENTAV- Durif; Mouyssaguès; Milgranet; Prunelard; Negret de Banhars; Corbeau; Persan; 10 5 ITV Molette; Etraire de la Dui; Verdesse
agro wine on ARI 2 agro (hail) N.C. the other wine on 1
GRI 30 N.C. N.C.
agro + agro + Ninčuša; Glavinuša; Ljutun; Babica; Vlaška; Mladenka; Sansigot; Brajdica bijela; FAZ 9 2 wine wine Žumić
Total 113 31
(N.C.= not communicated)
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Appendix 5. Status of the work for WP4
Morphology description (ex-situ) SSR data Cryo- Name Country Populations surveyed Cuttings conservation already done 2009 2010 already done 2009 2010
INRA France 34 populations, 231 plants 10 individuals 64 individuals 100 Yes 2008/2010
BAZ Germany 1 population , 60 plants 5 ind 20 Yes 2008/2010
HBBWO Austria 5 populations, 10 plants 5 individuals 5 ind 10 individuals 2007
IMIDRA Spain 61 populations, 391 plants 323 individuals Not Yet started 96
EVN-INIAP Portugal 10 populations, 177 plants 53 Not Yet started 53 2010
8 inds CRA-CSV Italy 1 population Not Yet started Not Yet started 8 2010
2008 / CNR-IVV Italy 4 populations , 40 plants 40 individuals 24 in-situ Not Yet started 24 6 2009 / 2010
IASMA Italy 20 ex-situ 20
20 sites (40 plants including DiSTeMeV Italy Not Yet started Not Yet started possible sylvestris)
55 individuals VSSVVM Slovakia 12 populations, 310 plants Not Yet started Yes 2010 under analysis
Inst Botany Georgia 12 populations, , 40 plants Not Yet started Not Yet started
IHVO Georgia 47 populations, , 174 plants 11 individuals 5 5 Not Yet started 25
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U. Tetouan Morocco 10 populations, 163 plants No work planed 30 individuals 30 2007
External partners
300 samples, populations Univ Milan Italy 300 acc. analysis 1 population, 46 adults Univ. Erzurum Turkey and 20 maternal progenies collected
Univ Pisa Italy 25 40-50 ?
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Appendix 7 : Final list of the varieties to be analyzed (WP3)
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