Follow-up Script for Low- or No-cost Refinance Strategy By Tim Davis

Tim Davis has been using this simple strategy to create refinance opportunities in today’s market.

1. Identify clients in your database who have a certain loan amount and interest rate. For example: clients with a loan amount of $150,000 or greater and a rate of 6.50% or higher. 2. Send out an email blast to those clients to alert them that you have the ability to offer them a low or no cost refinance. 3. Work up the preliminary Good Faith Estimate to be sure it makes sense for the client to refinance. 4. Call the client with the offer.

For Tim, the key to making this strategy work is identifying his target and working up the numbers in advance. If the clients have questions or if any revisions need to be made, they are addressed after making the initial contact with the client.

Here is the script Tim uses:

Hi (Client Name), this is (Originator) with (Company). You may have heard that rates have dropped and your account has been personally selected for a low to no cost refinance. In fact, we have already run the numbers and based on today’s market we can lower your rate to xx% which will save you $xx per month. As you may know, rates can change quickly so would you like me to go ahead and process this refinance for you?

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