Winterset Municipal Utilities s3
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Government Body: Winterset Municipal Utilities
Date of Meeting: October 21, 2013
Time of Meeting: 8:30 A.M.
Place of Meeting: Electric Generation Plant, 321 N. 1 st St.
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the above-mentioned governmental body will meet at the date, time and place above set out. The tentative agenda for said meeting is as follows:
1. Call to order, roll call 2. Approval of agenda 3. Minutes of meetings 4. General Manager Report 5. Dredge America Pay Request #3 6. Spillway funding options 7. Review of Personnel Policy 8. Electric Superintendent Report 9. Water Superintendent Report 10. Claims
Added items for discussion…
The Board of Trustees of the Winterset Municipal Utilities, Winterset, Iowa, met on October 21, 2013 in accordance with the above Notice & Call of Public Meeting. Chairman Gerrit Vrieze called the meeting to order with the following members of the Board in attendance.
PRESENT: Gerrit Vrieze, Kendall Kerns ABSENT: Patty Weeks
Others in attendance, Chuck Johnson, Utility Electric Superintendent, Steve Benshoof, Utility Water Superintendent, and Dave Braga.
Chairman Vrieze asked for approval of the agenda, Trustee Kerns moved the agenda be approved. Seconded by Trustee Vrieze. On a voice vote the motion carried.
Chairman Vrieze stated the minutes from the, September 16th meeting had been provided to the board. Trustee Kerns moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Trustee Vrieze. On a voice vote the motion carried.
Mr. Wesselmann was asked to give his report to the board. Mr. Wesselmann reported that he had visited with John Casper concerning the containment basin lease. Mr. Wesselmann stated that they were preparing for the winter moratorium on electric bills and that things were going smoothly. Mr. Wesselmann stated that they would be beginning the budget process for FY 2014. Mr. Wesselmann stated that the board would probably need 2 special meetings in November in order to start the Electric Dept.’s Exhaust Emissions project. Mr. Wesselmann reported that the tentative dates for the special meetings were Nov. 4th and 25th.
Chairman Vrieze asked Mr. Wesselmann to address the next agenda item, Dredge America Pay request #3. Mr. Wesselmann stated that he had received a pay request from Dredge America for the amount of $197,372.42. Mr. Wesselmann reported that the engineer had certified it for payment. Trustee Kerns moved to approve the payment of $197,372.42 to Dredge America. Seconded by Trustee Vrieze. On a voice vote the motion carried. Chairman Vrieze addressed the next agenda item, Spillway funding options. Chairman Vrieze stated that he has been meeting with Homeland Security about a state program for Flood Mitigation. Chairman Vrieze stated that it was a new program and that we would be the first to apply for eligibility. Chairman Vrieze stated that the application was due soon and that Homeland Security would be assisting with the application and presentation to the program committee. Chairman Vrieze reported that at this time there is no funding for the program but that if it was funded we would know by February or March of 2014. The board felt that this was worth pursuing.
Chairman Vrieze addressed the next agenda item, Review of Personnel Policy. Chairman Vrieze stated that he wanted to review and revise the Personnel Policy in light of recent personnel issues. Chairman Vrieze stated that he would like to have one of the board members be the point person on this issue and decided to wait for a later board meeting when all board members were present, to better discuss the policy.
Mr. Johnson was asked to give the report on the electric department. Mr. Johnson presented the written report to the board and reported that they finished cutovers on the Lane St. project, but were waiting on an electrician to finish the trailer court. Mr. Johnson reported that they have wrecked out most of the overhead wires at the co-op. Mr. Johnson reported that they have installed new batteries in the plant basement for the generators. Mr. Johnson stated that they have completed fixing the violations noted on the IUB annual inspection of the lines.
Mr. Benshoof was asked to give the report on the water department. Mr. Benshoof presented the written report to the board and reported that they have completed the water main extension on E Mills St. Mr. Benshoof stated that they have trimmed the trees at the lake in preparation for the dredge. Mr. Benshoof stated that they have replaced 2 more valves on the clarifiers. Mr. Benshoof stated that DNR was here to perform a routine Sanitary Survey. Mr. Benshoof reviewed the results of the sanitary survey with the board and discussed possible requirements from DNR.
Trustee Vrieze stated he had reviewed the claims. Trustee Vrieze moved to approve the following list of claims. Seconded by Trustee Kerns. Roll call vote:
AYES: Kerns and Vrieze NAYS: None
ELECTRIC PLANT: Breedings Hardware, hdw supplies 14.97 Card Services, office supplies 65.24 CenturyLink, phone service 200.77 City of Winterset, salaries 1,405.38 City of Winterset, salaries 1,405.38 DeWild Grant Reckert & Assoc, engineer fees 11,300.50 Doc’s Soft Water, office supplies 5.89 Electrorep-Energy Products, GNB removal/labor 1,360.00 MidAmerican Energy, gas service 265.32 Norsolv Systems Enviro Services, machine service 169.01 SIMECA, purchase power 247,807.23 Verizon, cellular service 87.28
DISTRIBUTION: Agriland FS Inc., gasoline 30.61 Bankcard Center, equip repairs 413.59 Border States Electric Supply, line supplies 505.56 Breedings Hardware, hdw supplies/tools 46.55 Brittains Std Parts, battery 192.00 CenturyLink, phone service 23.32 City of Winterset, salaries 9,657.03 City of Winterset, salaries 9,750.59 Colt Eyerly, reimb exp 22.06 Dakota Supply group, line supplies 737.96 Family Center, oil 48.34 Fletcher Reinhardt Co., line supplies 81.86 Iowa Assn of Municipal Utilities, workshop 620.00 Iowa One Call, locates 47.47 Logan Silliman, reimb expense 22.17 MidAmerican Energy, gas service 10.25 Verizon, cellular service 27.31 WESCO, line supplies 468.15 Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 845.98
ACCOUNTING/COLLECTION: Ashley Hensley, deposit refund 75.00 Brooke Karas, deposit refund 75.00 Brooke Karas, interest 3.75 Christian Watkins, refund 27.25 City of Winterset, reimb garbage 2,223.53 City of Winterset, reimb internal 939.77 City of Winterset, reimb sewer 9,532.59 City of Winterset, salaries 1,450.73 City of Winterset, salaries 591.36 Dalton Behlers, deposit refund 77.79 Jennifer McDaniel, deposit refund 75.00 Jennifer McDaniel, interest 4.37 Joann Houston, budget refund 353.55 Leonard Geisler, deposit refund 75.00 Leonard Geisler, interest 18.75 Natalie Kaster, deposit refund 75.00 Natalie Kaster, interest 7.50 Nathan Coppick, deposit refund 75.00 Postmaster, postage 111.93 Postmaster, postage 124.06 Postmaster, postage 553.16 Treasurer State of Iowa, 3rd qtr use tax 202.00 Vincent Simons, deposit refund 75.00 Vincent Simons, interest 3.75 Winterset Municipal Utilities, deposit forf 225.00 Winterset Municipal Utilities, interest fof 12.46
ADMINISTRATION: Card Services, pens 250.86 City of Winterset, benefits 12,818.04 City of Winterset, benefits 2,226.09 City of Winterset, reimb internal 939.78 City of Winterset, salaries 2,023.27 City of Winterset, salaries 2,023.27 City of Winterset, transfer 15,810.00 Madison Co Chamber of Commerce, EVP contribution 468.75 Matt Parrott & Sons Co., minute books 213.25 Verizon, cellular service 27.02 Water Fund, reimb utilities 6,261.52 TRANSFERS: Electric Revenue Bond Sinking, transfer 36,845.42 Electric System Improvement, transfer 5,500.00
DEBT SERVICE: Bankers Trust Co., bond redempt 165,000.00 Bankers Trust Co., interest 36,372.50 Bankers Trust Co., reg fee 250.00 SIMECA, debt service 17,000.00
WATER PLANT: Agriland FS Inc., gasoline 217.12 Breedings Hardware, light bulbs/hdw supplies 128.14 Brittains Std Parts, line supplies 4.58 Carbon Central LLC, chemicals 2,628.00 Card Services, shipping 11.25 Carquest of Winterset, battery 92.59 CenturyLink, phone service 148.17 Chem-Sult Inc. chemicals 7,654.35 City of Winterset, salaries 3,701.88 City of Winterset, salaries 4,342.46 Continental Research Corp, aqua light 103.58 Electrical Engineering & Equip, loop meter 768.00 Hach Co, lab testing 699.02 Hughes Network Systems LLC, internet service 79.99 Iowa Assn of Municipal Utilities, reg 340.00 Iowa Dept of Natural Resources, annual fee 66.00 Madison Co Tire, tires/repairs 195.80 Mellen & Assoc Inc., valve repairs 4,895.00 State Hygienic Laboratory, lab testing 224.00 USA Blue Book, pump repairs/plant repairs 855.89 Winterset Municipal Utilities, utilities 6,261.52 Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 251.50 DISTRIBUTION: Agriland FS Inc., gasoline 217.13 Breedings Hardware, hdw supplies 42.90 Brittains Std Parts, line supplies 3.98 CenturyLink, phone service 23.31 City of Winterset, salaries 5,714.73 City of Winterset, salaries 6,471.08 Dakota Supply Group, line supplies 1,320.29 Family Center, hdw supplies/gloves/tools 148.10 Iowa One Call, locates 47.47 Jetco Inc., tower repairs 2,456.84 Madison Co Extension Office, CIC training/Sellers 35.00 Martin Marietta Agg, rock 286.48 MidAmerican Energy, gas service 10.24 Municipal Supply, line supplies/main extension supplies 7,622.15 Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 113.50
ACCOUNTING/COLLECTION: City of Winterset, reimb internal 939.78 City of Winterset, salaries 1,450.73 City of Winterset, salaries 591.36 Postmaster, postage 111.93 Postmaster, postage 124.05 Postmaster, postage 553.16
ADMINISTRATION: Card Services, postage 14.10 City of Winterset, benefits 10,353.02 City of Winterset, benefits 2,169.09 City of Winterset, reimb internal 939.77 City of Winterset, salaries 2,023.27 City of Winterset, salaries 2,023.27 City of Winterset, transfer 1,190.00 Madison Co Chamber of Commerce, EVP contribution 156.25 Matt Parrott & Sons Co., minute books 213.24 PolicyWorks, lobbyist 5,000.00 Verizon, cellular service 27.01
TRANSFERS: Water Revenue Bond Sinking Fund, transfer 19,849.13 Water System Improvement Fund, transfer 5,000.00
WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT FUND PLANT: Absolute Fence LLC, fencing installation 15,800.00 Dredge America, pay est #3 197,372.42
TOTAL REVENUE ELECTRIC: $409,187.25 WATER: $151,587.87
The date of the next regular meeting was set for 8:30 AM, Monday, November 18, 2013 at Light Plant. Being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting was now adjourned.
______Gerrit Vrieze, Chairman Attest: ______Stephen Wesselmann, General Manager