Minutes of the Meeting of Held at on in the

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Minutes of the Meeting of Held at on in the

Fife NHS Board


Bruce Anderson, Head of Staff Governance Rona M King, Director of Human Resources, OD Kevin Egan, UNITE & Deputy CEO Andrew Fairgrieve, Director of Estates & Charles Leslie, UNISON Facilities & Capital Investment Leigh Murray, RCN Simon Fevre, British Dietetic Association Scott McLean, Chief Operating Officer – Acute David Forbes, UNISON Craig Pratt, Assistant Director of Finance Jann Gardner, Director of Planning & Strategic Catriona Stoddart, CSP Partnerships Gillian Tait, RCN Margaret Hannah, Director of Public Health Rhona Waugh, Head of Human Resources Margaret Harper, UNITE regional officer Stephen Watt, UNISON David Heaney, Divisional General Manager, Health & Social Care In Attendance: Selma Basha, Committee Administrator Actions 01/16 APOLOGIES Sharon Adamson, Norma Aitken, Fiona Alexander, Chris Bowring (Craig Pratt attending), David Forbes, Paul Hawkins, Helen Paterson, Sandy Riddell (David Heaney attending) Andrew Verrecchia 02/16 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on 18th December 2015 were accepted as an accurate record and the action list was noted 03/16 MATTERS ARISING a) NHS Credit Union Update Mr Pratt noted that the work to implement a NHS Fife Credit Union was ongoing and wouldn’t be ready for launch until after April 2016

b) Trade Union Bill Update Both Mrs Brown and Ms King have been working on a joint response that will be circulated to all.

c) Clinical Strategy Mrs Gardner introduced APF to the ongoing work of developing the new NHS Fife Clinical Strategy which is based on the 2020 Vision document and will provide a map for the health services in Fife for the next five years. It aims to enable NHS Fife to deliver effective healthcare which is fully integrated with social care partners that promotes good health and reduces health inequalities and provides high quality patient care. Mrs Brown asked all reps to consider attending the series of meetings and

File Name: APF Committee 200215 Issue 1 Originator: SBasha Page 1 of 5 Review Date: 200217 contributing their views.

04/16 FINANCE REPORT – financial position till 31 January 2016 Mr Pratt talked to the paper tabled at the meeting. The report had been discussed previously at the staff side meeting. He said the performance at the end of January remained ahead of the trajectory and the month on month trend was very positive with improvement forecast in a number of areas. There was an overspend of £1.927m and there remains a need to improve expenditure. There were ongoing discussions with the Scottish Government. Mr Fevre questioned the trajectory. Mr Pratt replied that some of the savings made were less than anticipated and referred to p61 of the report. Ms King mentioned the increase in the cost of drugs as this was reported in arrears. Mr Pratt also mentioned SMC approved drugs and high cost cancer drugs which are likely to increase in cost year on year. Mrs Brown said that she was invited to attend EDG (Executive Directors Group) to discuss savings and efficiencies. There followed a discussion on what that meant. Ms Gardner mentioned the next phase of the Clinical Strategy. Professor McLean said that there was a need to review what we provide and the level of services with a need to engage with staff side. Mr Forbes said that Unison was happy to engage the Scottish Government about waiting times which was a better approach than to stop certain procedures. Ms King noted that everyone in Scotland was having this conversation for 15/16 and 16/17 and there was a need for a collective conversation with the Scottish Government as NHS Fife had to work within the boundaries of the funding it was handed and work in partnership to achieve this. Mr Fevre asked about the level of public engagement over this issue and questioned the rationale behind certain sites. He said there was a need to be transparent and widely involved as a APF. He asked if any if the issues discussed when included in the LPF. Ms King replied that the finance part of the LPF would be out later in the year. Ms King said that they would keep all informed and Mr Forbes would raise the issues on a national level.

APF noted the financial position till 31 January 2016 05/16 ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT & WELL AT WORK UPDATE Mrs Waugh talked to a paper circulated previously which provided the sickness absence statistics up till the end of December 2015. The rates were below 5% for 5 out of the first 9 months of 2015/16. This meant that this year’s position is slightly better than the same period last year. This is a result of improvement in the rates of absence in the Acute Services Division and to a reduction in overall levels of long term sickness absence. The figure for December is 5.44% which is slightly below the NHS Scotland average rate. Mrs Waugh went over the tables in the report that covered rates of absence in various Divisions as well as highlighting various absence trends. She also mentioned the various actions throughout NHS Fife for tackling sickness absence. She mentioned the support from the PMO for tackling sickness absence, as this is one of the strands of the Well at Work Project. The Board as a whole is on target for assessment in Spring 16 for the Gold healthy Working Lives Awards. There followed File Name: APF Meeting 200215 Issue 1 Originator: SBasha Page 2 of 5 Review Date: 200217 a discussion about some of information detailed within the tables in the report. APF noted the update 06/16 HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION UPDATE Mr Heaney gave a verbal update. The strategic plan was signed off and it now moves into delivery mode in the weeks ahead. The conference and exhibition on 3rd of February was very successful and well attended with 200 attendees from across various stakeholder groups for the launch of the Partnership. Test of change to be repeated in June. Mrs Brown agreed that the Conference was good with lots of good suggestions. She felt that there should have been more examples of local initiatives for the participants to view. She asked that more staff briefing be initiated. Mr Heaney will provide an update for the next APF meeting APF noted the update 07/16 HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE LOCAL PARTNERSHIP FORUM Mr Heaney discussed this combined with the previous item. There have been several meetings and the tripartite agreement has now been signed and the LPF formally established and launched at the conference. Mr Fevre queried the issue of staff governance as it affects larger more varied groups of staff. LPF met on the beginning of January and the second meeting will take place on the 10th of March. The secretariat for the LPF met for the first week. They will have to set the future balanced agenda and plan how to engage with Fife Council’s HR department. Mrs Brown said that there was some discussion with Claire Dobson to consider the requirements in dealting with issues arising from each area. Mr Fevre said it was for the Secretariat to identify and pick up certain staff issues. It was agreed to invite our Councillor Co-chair of the H&SC LPF Mrs Eleanor Hagget to APF. APF noted the update 08/16 BAND1 REVIEWS Mrs Brown gave a verbal report. Due to national guidance, NHS Fife will be lifting Band 1 employees to Band 2. A group will be formed and will work on job descriptions (this will be circulated electronically) Around 800 post will be potentially affected although it is believed that 500 members of current staff will currently benefit. Mrs Brown said that local discussion will continue and it was not funded. Mr Fevre asked if any of the unions had made representations to the Scottish Government. Mr Forbes replied that they had. APF noted the review 09/16 WORKFORCE & ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION Mr Heaney provided an update. A draft strategy (which was circulated previously) was presented to the Integration Joint Board on 10th of February. This is required as part of Fife’s Integration Scheme. The File Name: APF Meeting 200215 Issue 1 Originator: SBasha Page 3 of 5 Review Date: 200217 IJB approved the strategy. Development and delivery plans were included and it was important to make sure that staff are involved. It does need tidying up but not to lose value of previous contributions. There followed a discussion on what version had been circulated as opposed to the version that had actually been signed off. Mr Fevre said he still had comments and questions and wasn’t clear how they could get fed back. Mr Forbes said he wasn’t sure which version his members had seen. Mr Fevre said he had raised concerns about the process as everyone needs to make sure that the reference document is perfect APF noted the strategy document 10/16 eESS

Ms King spoke to a document that was previously circulated. A national review of the system was presented to the Chief Executives on January and it was agreed that all NHS boards will continue to implement eESS by 2018. ATOS and the national team will still deal with a number of issues. Mrs Brown asked if HR still intended to go live with eESS in March 16. Ms King said HR were going ahead. Some modules were not going to be used and others were still under development. Using eESS would facilitate the HR Shared Services and this would have many benefits. At the moment, there was no link between this system and payroll. APF noted the update 11/16 STAFF GOVERNANCE ACTION PLAN Mr Anderson talked to a paper previously circulated which he said provided APF with the first draft of the Staff Governance Action Plan for 16/17 and its main components. He said that all the main items were included but he would welcome any additions by 22nd of March as the final draft would be presented to the APF in April, then to the Scottish Government in May. There followed a discussion of a number of items in the plan. Mr Fevre said he was happy to liaise with all and prepare an update for the next meeting. APF noted the update 12/16 iMATTER Mr Anderson gave a brief update on iMatter Project since December which is currently in the middle of cohort 4 with 22 teams still to confirm. The document he talked to was circulated previously. The overall response rate for NHS Fife is 60% The previous cohort 3 – Directorate of Estates & Facilities – have completed the questionnaire stage and any manager whose staff filled it up in enough numbers got the reports back by January. Cohort 3’s response rate was 50%. Over 47 teams have now received a report and should be working on an action plan and storyboard. Mr Anderson said that there was a concern that a number of teams were missing the 12 week timescale and explained what it could mean for the organisation. Mrs Brown BA asked that Mr Anderson send a reminder to the teams who have missed the deadline.

File Name: APF Meeting 200215 Issue 1 Originator: SBasha Page 4 of 5 Review Date: 200217 APF noted the update 13/16 AREA PARTNERSHIP FORUM CONSTITUTION Mr Anderson said that he, Mrs Brown and Mr Fevre had met to agree all the changes required. All the work is done now. Mrs Brown agreed that there hadn’t been good attendance. The document would be circulated around APF members, then subject to change, it would go out for consultation. APF noted the update 14/16 HR POLICIES FOR AGREEMENT There were no policies available for discussion 15/16 ITEMS FOR NOTING/INFORMATION The following items were noted for information by APF: Equality, Diversity & Human Rights Monitoring: Report 3 – Employee Relations Minutes of the Acute Services Division and Corporate Directorates Local Partnership Forum of 12.11. 2015 Minutes of the Acute Services Division and Corporate Directorates Local Partnership Forum of 14.01. 2016 16/17 AOB

1. Ms King thanked Mr David Forbes for all of his contributions and efforts which were very much appreciated and wished him well on his coming retirement. 17/16 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held at 1:30 pm on Friday 22 April 2016, within the Staff Club, VHK.

File Name: APF Meeting 200215 Issue 1 Originator: SBasha Page 5 of 5 Review Date: 200217

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