Synthe,Sis of Calcareous Nannofossil Events in Tethyan Lower and Middle Jurassic Successions

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Synthe,Sis of Calcareous Nannofossil Events in Tethyan Lower and Middle Jurassic Successions Rivista Italiana di Paleontologìa e Stratigrafia SYNTHE,SIS OF CALCAREOUS NANNOFOSSIL EVENTS IN TETHYAN LOWER AND MIDDLE JURASSIC SUCCESSIONS EMANUELA MATTIOLIl 8. ELISABETTA ERBA2 Recebed March 18, /999; accepted September 2t, 1999 Key-uords: Calcareous nannofossils, biostratigraphl', Lower posto per l'intervallo Hettangiano-Batoniano sono srxri disrinti 4/ and Middie Juriissic, Te thys, Mcdrtcrrancan Province. eventi principàI basati su t;rxa resistcnti alla diagenesi e comuni, 17 eventi basati su taxa rari raa ubiqtiitari, e 12 eventi potenziaL che Abstact. This paper is a synthesis of calcareous nannofossil richiedono ulterrori controlli:r causa di problerni tassonomici e dis- biostretigrephy' for the Lower and Middle Jurassic of the Mediter- tribuzione sporadica. Vienc inoitre proposto per l'area retide:ì LÌno ranean Province based on several sections from Northern and Central schema biostratigrafico consistentc in i1 zone e 15 sorrozone Italy. Nannofossil events rvere calibrated n'ith ammonite biostratigra- La biostratigrafia propost:r é stara confronrate con recenti sin- phy and, when necessary ammonite-controlled sections in South East tesi biostratigrafiche conpilate per Portogallo, Marocco, Svizzera e ii Fr;rnce were incorporated. Data derive from previously published bio- Regno Boreale e sono stati ìnclividuatr 2Z er.enti riproducibili nelle strxtigrxphies and unpublished data of the authors. varie regioni. Il diacronisrno di rnolti bio-orizzontr é, e nostro awrso, 'I'he large data-set allowed estirnates of reliability and repro- apparente e dovuto essenzialmcnte elle diverse zoneziom ad Anmoni- ducibilitl' of single events. As r result, in the Hetr:rngran-Bathonian ti utilizzate in varie aree. In Italia/Francia, é possibile ottenere un' alta interval x.e propose 4/ nain events based on diagenesis-resistant and risoluzione stratigrafica per l'inten'allo Pliensbachiano-Baiociano. corrrrron ttxt, 17 events based on rare but ubiquitous taxa and 12 Sinemuriano e Batoniano sono car:Lrreriz-zati dalla risoluzione piir potential events requiring further invcstigations due to rlxonomic bassa, ma sono disponibili solo poche sezioni con controllo di problen-rs and sporadic occurrence. A biostratigraphic schene, con- An'rmoniti e litologie fevorcvoli per un misliorarnento. sisting of 11 zones and 15 subzones, is proposed for rhe Terhyrn Questo srudio conferme l'enorn're potcnzialità della biostrati, :rnd Middle Jurassic. grafia a Nannofossrli calcerei per datlre successioni del Giurlssico 'l'hc proposed biostratigraph,v is compared to recent schemes Inferiore e Medio come pure per corrclaz-ioni intr:r- e inter-regionali. compilec{ for Portueal, Morocco, Switzerland and thc Boreal Realn-r. OnIy 27 events are reproducible in various regions, but diachroneity of trrost events seerns to derive from different ammonite biostrarigra- Introduction. phies applied in different areas. A very high stratigraphic resolution is achievcd in Italy'/f11ncg for the Pliensbachian to Lower Bajocian inter- val. The Sinemurian and Bathonian are characterized by the lowest res- In the past decade, much atrenrion has been olution, and verv few sections with ammonire control end/or devoted to calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the favourable Lithologies are available for improvernenr of nannofossil European Jurassic, for example Crux (1984; 1,987), bi os tratieraphy. Young et al. (1986), Bown (1987a and b; 1.996), Bown & This studv confirns the potential oI calcareous nannofossil Cooper (1989), Cobianchi (1990;1992), B;rldanza et al. brostratigrephy for dating Lower and Middlc Jurassic successions rs well as for intra- and inter-regional correlations. (1990) Erba (1990), Lozar (1992), Reale er a1. (1992), de Kaenel 8r Bergen (1.993), Bucefalo Palliani & Mattroli Riassunto. Presentiamo qui la sintesi della biostratigrafia a (1994), de Kaenel et al. (1996). F{owever, different bio- Nannofossili celcarei per il Giurassico lnferiore e Medio della Provin- zonations are proposed for various regions (see Bown, cia Mediterranea basata su numerose sezioni nelle Alpi Meridionali e in Italia Centrale. Gli evcnti a Nannofossili sono stati calibrari tramite la 1.996 and de Kaenel et al., 1,996 f or recent syntheses). biozonezione ad Amrnoniti e, quando necessario, sono srrti incorpo- The chronostratigraphy of the Jurassic is based on rati dati provenienti da sezioni nel Sud Est della Francia datate con anlmonite biortratigrrphl, bur iìmmon;re reco\ ery is Arlmoniti. I dati derivano da biostratigrafie precedentemente pr,rbbli- problematic in some lithotypes and in parricular areas, cete e d;r dati inediti delle scrl.enu. due to differential preservation and provincialism. This Il controllo degli eventi a Nannofossili su un largo numcro di sczioni e dr campioni hl perrnesso di stimare I'attendibilità e ripro- results in partial correlations between differenr p:ìlaeo- ducibilità dei singoli bio-orizzontr. Di conseguenza nello schema pro- geographic realms and h;lmpers the calibration of orher (1) Dipartirnento di Scienze della Terra dell'Università di Perugia, Piazza Università, I-061OO Perugra, Iteìy. Present address: Laboratoire de Paléontologie Stratigraphique et Paléoecologie, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 27-43 1ll. du 1 Novembre, 69622Ytllevbannc Cedex, Lyon, Frunce. e-mail: mattioli@univ-lyon1.{r (2) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell'UniversitàL degli Studi di Milano, via Mangiegalli 34, 2AB3 Milano, Italy e-mail: elìsabetta. erba@ unimi. it 344 E. Mattioli & E. Erba frg. r Map of the rnain Jurassic Umbria-Marche area outcrops and location of the studied sections in the Un'rbria-Marche Basin. 0 20km r 2 SA # areas. The boundary between 1, the Boreal Realm and the Tethys Ocean approximates the .'-:lt iiL Alpine fold belt (Hallam, 1969) UMBE1TIDE i and is gradual rs suggesred by L,, Ij d'LiilL )r ammonite, brachiopod and nan- t IJ i .3 main Jurassic outcro 't.l nofossil assemblages. In f act, NOCERA ,,n]"*[ PERUGIA wirhin rhe Tethys using inverte- Studied sections ';?ssrsI brate faunas it is possible to dis- I Monte Nerone ]n \ tinguish the Submediterranean 2 Fonte Avellana Province with "European" affin- 3 - Bosso 4 - Burano i,y, and the Mediterranean 5 - Valdorbia Provi nce with "Afric:rn" rffi niry. 6 - Colle d'Orlando 'l- Most Jurassic nannofossil 7 - Fiuminata 8 - Migiana SPOLETq: biostratigraphic studies are .aì 9 - Fosso Colognola o based on Nortl-rern European 10 - Pale -.2. l5 ,rl-ó sections, mainly F,ngland, Ger- 11 - Monte Serrone l2 - Monte Civitella ,,,,,.,, I I many and Northern France ,=,il :, \ 3 - Pozzale (Boreal Realm), or on Por- 4 - Cima Panco 5 - Monte Bibico JlanNr I\,].ti SIBILLIN] tuguese areas (Submediter- ,_:- '= ir :: 6 - Somma . t.t : . : ..:= overthrusts ranean Province), whereas the 7 - Santa Restituta :'..\= Mediterranean Province has I tl - Colle Bertone ::. RiETI::l 19 - Fonte Cerro - '. a 2t been studied in less detarl. 20 - Colle Creta Recentll', Bown (1996) and de 21 - 'ferminilletto Kaenel et al. (1996) sunìn1a- rized the nannofossil biozona- tions avail:rble for different fossil groups. Moreover, cephalopods are rarely .rbun- areas, but with lin-rited d:rta av;.ril:rble for the Mediter- dant and continuously distribured and, therefore, ranean Province. anmonite biostratigraphic dating is often related to dis- This paper is a synthesis of the nanno{ossil events crete horizons rather than continuous intervais. recognized in ser-errl Loner and Middle Jurassrc sec- The biostratigraphic porenri:ìl of calcareous nan- tions from Northern and Central Itaiy belonging to the nofossils is quite high in the Lower and Middle Jurassic, Mediterranean Province. Most sections are ammonite- due to their rapid evolutionary rares, as well as common rich and allow a direct crlibration of n:rnnofossil bio- :lnd continuous occurrence in sediments. Although dia- horizons. Calcareous nannofossil distriburion and genesis modifies calcareous nannofioras and strong dis- events in some sections are previously published (F,rba solution and/ or overgrowth can partially or torally & Cobianchi, 1989; Cobianchi, D9a, D92;,7992; destroy the rnost delicate taxa (Lozar, 1,992, 1995; Mat- Reale et aI., 1992; M:rttioli, 1993, 1994, 1995; Bucefalo tioli, 1993, 1995,1997), the common occurrence of dia- Palliani & Mattioli, 199'l; Sciunnach & Erb:r, 1994; Bar- genesis-resistant forms provides ;r good stratigraphic tolini et aI., 1.995; Nini et al., 1995; Stoico & Baldanza, resolution. 1995), others derive from unpublished data of the Th'o palaeogeographic provinces were recognized authors. Nannofossil data fron-r the Belluno Basin (E,rba, in the E,uropean Jurassic, namely the Boreal and Tethyan unpublished data), the Digne rrea (Erba, 1990) and the Reahrs (Arkell, 1956) characterized by differences in Provengal Plateau (Lozx, 1995) are taken into accounr faunas and floras. Ammonite assemblages vary both for calibration of nannofossil versus ammonire events. qualitatively and quantitatively (Arkell, 1956; Cariou, T}re proposed biostratigraphic scheme is compared to 1923). Other benthic and planktonic organisms, such as previously published biozonations and :rnaiogies :rnd brachiopods (Vóròs, 1977; 1979), foraminifers (Gor- discrepancies are discussed. don, 1970), dinocysts (Norris, 1965; Dale, 1983; Riding, Comments on the relative abundance of singie 1984) and nannoplankton (Bown, 1987b;1992; Baldan- taxa with refe rence to rhe assemblage composirion zt er a1., 1995) show a clear differentiation in the two and/or to preservation
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