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~- / Ter:ple Bet!:t-El 688 Broad St. Frcv i le'.1::e , R. I. h~t~ = Uiss Pincus

Rhode Island's Only Anglo-Jewish Greatest Newspaper Independent Weelc.ly The Jewish Herald · in Rhode Island VOL. mvI. No. 51 PII.IDA Y. FEBRUARY 22. 1952 PROVIDENCE. R . L SIXTEEN PAGES 10 CENTS THE COPY Labor Zionist Show . ' To Star Phil Baker Event to be Held This Sunday Night P hil


A feature · of the New Miriam of North America, the American Hospital will be a coffee and gift Radium Society,. the Rhode Island shop for visitors, staff members Medical Society and the Provi­ and convenience of the patients. dence Medical Association Dr. Gerber assisted in develop­ ing plans for the X -Ray depart­ ment of the new Miriam Hospital, I --, WANTED -- now nearing completion. Companion to share with elder­ He is survived by his wife, who ly lady 4-room modern apart­ was a member of the old State ment. Oil ·neat. - Welfare Commission ; a daughter , Call HOpkins 1-6174 Mrs. Helen G . Bloom of Hartford; two sisters, Mrs. Abraham Yamins of Fall River and Mrs. J ulius J. Cohen of Newton, and two grand­ Now in the children. DAVID SCHAFFER SHERATON Funeral services for David Schaffer of 16 Dryden Avenue, BlLTMORE! Pawtucket, president of t h e American Tool Company of Paw­ tucket, who died at Jane Brown Memorial Hospital after a short illness were held Sunday morn­ .. ROTH ing at the Max Sugarman Funeral CROWN -Home. - Burial was in _ Lincoln TICKET AGENCY Park Cemetery. Formerly hJ the Crown Hotel He was the widower of Dora Tickets for All Oce&1lona (F eldman) Schaffer. Born in Romania, April 28. PHONE PL 1-0202 1878, a son of the late Bernard Shown here Is part of the-throng at t he second planning con­ and Rose

It The New Miriam Hospital will To Direct Show B. I .G. Pawt. Head i have a department of physical medicine to cooperate in communi­ 400 Volunteers JCC Seeks Piano ty rehabilitation programs. \Vanted-a music lover. Well, that's not quite all. Said Needed on 'Big Day' music lover must have a piano in good condition"' that be or Providence ihen and women vol­ she can make available to the unteers for BIG DAY, on Sunday, Jewish Community Center. JCC March 9, will be eligible for scores officials a~ded the assurance of valuable prizes, it was disclosed that the piano would be put to this week at the second planning good use. meeting for the city-wide one­ day canvass for State of Israel Bond purchasers. _ Saul Abrams, Providence Mar­ shal for BIG Day. said that the SUN OF CANADA many prizes - including luggage. electrical appliances. h o s i e r Y , CUTS COST _Qf jewelry, candy, free dinners. news­ paper subscriptions, and radios­ have been donated by merchants, INSURANCE manufacturers and other business men. Canada's leading tile Co-Marshal for BIG .QA Y here company again increases is Mrs. Bertram L. Bernhardt. Approximately 400 volunteers. policyholders' dividends represen ting most of the city's MRS. MITCHELL GLICK Mrs. Strauss has been announc­ Jewish organizatiohs, are exPected With 47% of its asset's ln- ed as the producer and director of ve,sted in the United States and to report at a breakfast. on the announcing a. further increase the presentation "Take A Bow" 15th flooi· foyer at the Sheraton­ Plans Made For in policy dividends, reducing in­ which will feature the annual two­ Biltmore at 9:30 A. M . on March surance costs, the Sun Life day Festival of the Ladies Asso­ 9. They will receive assignment Assurance Company of Canada ciation, Jewish Home for the cards at that time. AII-Oay Drive has just released Its 81st Annual Aged, to be held March 4 and 5 The volunteers. operating in Report revealing the fargest vol­ at the Narragansett Hotel. teams of two, will call on only six The Jewish Community of un1e of n ew life insurance issued Israel Bond p,rospects-those who Pawtucket is getting set for its by any Canadian company in 1951-over $46( million; an all­ An interesting section of the have not already bought Bonds. own . special participation in BIG time high in benefit's paid, and SPECIAL KIDDtES SHOW New Miriam Hospital will be t,\1e At this week's meeting, the sev­ WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY JO A.M. an increase in the interest rate "'Wlurd of Oz" "Cassidy of Bst !(»"' scientifically designed infant for­ eral score who braved icy streets DAY. with dozens of volunteers earned on the assets last year. Free Gold Cowboy Rines Admission !.5c: mula preparation center. to attend saw the stirring tech­ being recruited for a house-to­ George W. Bourke, President, nicolor movie, "Wanderers' Re­ house canvass. in announcing 1951 figures for turn," describing the building-up BIG DAY will be Sunday, March canada's leading life company, of the new state. 9. and Pawtucket headquarters stated that total Sun Life in­ Those at the meeting included: will be in the vestry of Ohawe ~urance in force now stands at Elmwood Gift Shop, Leroy Aarons. Abrams, Mrs. Anna Sholom Synagogue. $4,801,000,000, an increase dur­ Adelman, Mrs. Ethel Ballon. Rabbi A planning meeting is scheduled ing the year of .$840 million. 606 ELMWOOD AVENUE Annuities in force provide im­ At Adelaide Avenue Morton Berkowitz. Max Berman, in the vestry of the synagogue mediate or.... future payments to Harry Blank, Mrs. Alter Boyman, next Wednesday evening. Feb. 27. the amount of $104 million per - - WE HAVE -- Henry Brill, Harry Chaet, Mrs. Chairman of BIG DAY in Paw­ annum. Group insurance in force • Anna Chaet , Mrs. Y. Cutler, Mrs. tucket will be Mrs. Mollie Glick. now totals $1,254 million, an A Complete Line of Esther Edelman, Doris Eisenberg, Efforts will be made to visit all increase of $168 million ( 15.5% ) • Berkshire Nylon Hosiery A. Finkelstein, Mrs. Elsie Finkel­ Jewish families in the city who during 1951. The rate of interest ·• Blenko Glassware earned on the assets last yeasr:. • Imparted Pottery • Stationery stein, Harry Finkelstein, Alton have not previously purchased Gilstein, Mrs. I . Glickman, Wil< State of Israel Bonds. It will be was 3.70% as compared with • Handkerchiefs and • Bridge, Prizes 3.61 ?'o in 1950; 3.48% in 1949 and liam Greenfield, Evelyn Green­ part of a coast-to-coast campaign 3.30% in 1948. Scarfs • Lending Library stein, Frances Herzon, Paul Hey­ to boost the sale of securities of • Original Hummel Figurines The Sun Life, a leading inter­ mann,_ Nathan Izeman, Harry D . the new qation's $500,000,000 In­ national life company with GREETING CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Jagolinzer, Edward Kagan, Mor­ dependence Bond Issue. policyholder - service branches Margaret (McMillan) Grimes) ris Kaplan, S. E. Kelman, Arthur Chairman of the' Pawtucket from coast to coast, last year Korman, Mrs. George Labush. Israel Bonds Committee is Melvin paid out to policyholders and Also, Mrs. Morris Lecht, Anna Berry. Co-chairmen include Mor­ beneficiaries the all-time record Perle~. Mrs. P.. M. Phillips, Mrs. ris Espo, Julius Robinson and Max sum of $125 million. $35 million Philip PlUShner, Mr. and Mrs. Alperin. was paid fo beneficiaries of de­ ceas.ed policyholders, $16 million Our Meat Sandwiches Are "Loaded" Harold Ratush, Kenneth Resnick, under annuity contracts. $36 Rabbi Nathan Rosen, Rabbi G . B. AUXIl.IARY TO MEET million for maturing endow­ With enough tasty and delicious meats Schwartz, Hannah Scoliard, I. A. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the ments, and the balance in divi­ to satisfy even a "Fresser11 Segal, Mrs. Daniel Snyder, Stanley Rabbinical College of Telshe will dends to policyholders, disability Snyder, William D. Strong, J. M. meet at the Narragansett Hotel benefits, etc. Since the first Sun Stuart, Morris A. Tcath. Joseph Tuesday at 1:30 P . M. Life policy was issued in 1871, Teverow, Harold Tregar, H. Wai­ total benefits paid to policy­ HY- DIWINSKY'S Delicatessen man, Eli S. Wein, Mrs. F. Wein, h olders and beneficiaries have formerly T & T Delicatessen amounted to $2,486 million. David Weintraub, Isadore Wuraf­ While the Company operates in Hy delivers to his East Side customers every Saturday. tic, David Yourban, Mrs. Harry Celebrity Club 20 countries, 90% of the business Please phone your orders before 11 A. M. Yuloff, and Mr. and Mrs. Getzel originates in the United State&, Zaidman. 1234 Broacl Street WI 1-9688 Canada and Great Britain. BIG DAY volunteers may enlist ARNETT COBB A copy of the Sun Life's through their own organization's APPEARING NIGHTLY complete 1951 Annual Report Israel Bond chairma.p, or by phon­ Monday through Thursday to Policyholders, Including the ing or •writing the BIG office at Feb. 22 to 28 President's review of the year, 32 Custom House Street, JAckson may be obtained from 1-8914. Elliot F. Slack, Harold Stein ADLER'S Venetian _Blind Service THREE DAYS ONLY or Burton S. Himelfarb, JEROME ADLER Feb. 29, March 1 and 2 Representatives, Discuss Role of BUDDY RICH 1019 Industrial Trust Building 768½ BROAD STREET world's gre•test drummer Providence 3, Rhode Island • Near Potters A venue Center Board Re-cording - Re-taping . A m eeting of the Executive Small Repairs - One Day Service Committee of the Jewish Com­ munity Center, together with Would You Like To Attend WINDOW SHADES - VENETIAN BLINDS Myron Blanchard of the Jewish CUSTOM-MADE CORNICES Welfare Board, who conducted the General Jewish Committee's recent group work study in Provi­ dence, was h eld Tuesday evening at the Center. ACOMMUNITY SEDER The meeting, according to offi­ cials who attended, was concerned with "an intensive self-survey of On the First Night of Passo·ver the Center's board structure, with MEN'S HATS a view toward developing that In One of the Largest and Finest Hotel body as an effective instrument of Center membership in administer­ Facilities in Providence? CLEANED AND BLOCKED ing the increasingly important role of the Center." -•- Sure and Begorra! • Seder conducted by a well-known Rabbi 59c Kathy, We're Off With Everyone Joining in the Singing of the Traditional Passover Sangs. Free call and delivery To a Yiddish Show! • Wonderful Food - Expertly Prepared NEW YORK CITY (AJPJ­ And guaranteed strictly Kosher L'Pe­ Press agents for the Yiddish­ sach. Tables available for parties af American musical "Bagels and relatives and friends. ARROW CLEANSERS Yox," scheduled to open in Bos­ ton shortly. were peddling this bit or cream cheese to the papers If this plan interests you, AND DYERS here this week: S12 ELMWOOD AVENUE PROVIDENCE A New England unit of the Sons Call GA 1-4312, and leave your name and Daughters or County Cork have signed for a theatre party You will be contacted later with further information HOpkins 1-3964. when the schmaltz review hits the Hub City. \


The New Miriam Hospital will Urge Crackdown have an up-to-date library which ~ Engaged will circulate to patients' bedside On Ku Klux Klan to supply reading material. NEW YORK CITY (AJP)-A widespread crackdown by the Kavin-Silverman Arthur Einstein. Mrs. Federal Bureau of Investigation WINDOW At a candlelight ceremony held Lipet, soloist, sang "Because" and against the Ku Klux Klan was Sunday afternoon at Temple "At Dawning." A reception fol­ urged here this week by a leading CORNICES Emanuel, Dr. Mary Anna Silver­ lowed in the temple vestry. daily newspaper which asserted Custom Mode - Upholstered man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The· wedding was attended by that the federal law enforcers Unique John Sil,verman of 94 Carr Street, 125 guests, many of whom came could not engage in a more worth­ Indiv idual Designs · became The bride of Dr. Herbert from Boston and metropolitan while crusade than stamping . out -AT LOWEST PRICES- Allan Ravin, son of Mr. and Mrs. area, Hartford, New York, Chi­ the hooded haters. · Joseph M. Ravin of Winthrop, cago, Newport and Brazil. The New York Herald-Tribune, Mass. ' · The bride, given in marriage by commenting editorially on the ar­ Al-Ken Products Co. her father, was attired in a 91 CHARLES ST. ' The 4 o'clock double ring cere­ rests of 10 Klansmen in North mony was conducted by Rabbi ballerina-length, ice-blue gown of Carolina, pointed out that action WI 1-4551 Eli A. Bohnen, who was assisted nylon tulle and lace with ice-blue Next Door to Ann's Fabrics attempted in the past by local Edword Braid, Prop. by Cantor Jacob Hohenemser. satin slippers. Her ice-blue il­ authorities· to end Klan terror Organ music was played by Prof. lusion veil fell from a pearl tiara. usually' failed. She carried a white orchid sur­ "The seizing of this group may rounded by violets· and bound in well open a new chapter in the Ownership and Management of white ribbon. protection of human and civil Harry D. Jagolinzer and Norman B. Jagolinzer Dr. Liuba Rozemberg of Bahia, rights throughout the areas where Brazil,. was maid of honor. Her the Klan operates," the paper G. H. Spen~er Roofing Co. ballerina-length gown was of - MISS BAR~ARA DUNN said, adding, "the F .B.I. could not slate blue taffeta and she carried Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dunn of be engaged in a better fight nor a bouquet of ,ed roses. Mrs. 133 Yale Acres Road, Meriden, in one that will have so whole­ Eugene Silverman, sister-in-law Conn. announce the engagem.ent hearted an endorsement from Free Estimates of the bride, matron of honor, every right-'thinking citizen of Complete Insurance " ,.;,,.. of their daughter, Miss Barbara I seie'cted a bl!_llerina-length gown Grace Dunn, lo Arnold J a c k this country." Coverage ~ of violet inidescent silk shan­ Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 33 Years Experience ~~ tung ·with nav1 half-veil. Her a H. Cohen of 95 Stanwood Drive, arm bouqt)et was of pink roses. LT. BLOOM AUXIl,IARY New Britain, Conn. Miss Dunn is David M. Pearl of Boston, uncle the granddaughter of Mr. ahd Mrs. The Lt. Leonard Bloom Ladies • NEW ROOFS • ROOF REPAIRS of the groom, was best man. • SIDEWALLS • MET AL GUTTERS M•rris Miller, of 48 Doyle Avenue, Auxiliary 284, Jewish War Vet­ Ushers included Eugene Silver­ Providence. erans will hold its annual bridge • WOOD GUTTERS • DRAINPIPES man, brother of th~ bride: David March 10 at Sons of Abraham Hodosh, cousin of the bride; Dr. Synagogue, according to Mrs. 1129 Westminster St. GA 1-1210 Melvin Klayman of Boston and handpainted in gold leaf with a Theodore Zenofsky, chairman. Dr. Richard A. Portis of Chicago, matching stole. Mrs. Sadow~ Mrs. Louis Massover is co-chair­ mother of the groom, was attired friends of the bride and groom. man. Chairman and co-chairman Stephen Douglas Silverman was in a portrait gown of mauve taffeta fashioned with a modified of refreshments are Mrs. Bea junior usher, and Peter Howard Miller and Mrs. Irving Scherr. Silverman was ring bearer. Both off-the-shoulder neckline. Both wore corsages of pink orchids. are nephews of the bride. The New Miriam Hospital will The bride's mother wore a gray ' The bride was graduated from provide facilities for ten resident chiffon, street-length gown, and Highland Manor school in West internes. There will also be a Narragansett Hotel the mother . of the bridegroom Branch, N. J. and will be grad­ fully equipped interne's recreation chose a street-length gown of rose uated from the Boston Museum room. wishes to announce that lace. Each wore a white orchid. School of Fine Arts in June. The The couple left for a honey­ groom is a graduate of Thayer Its Kosher Facilities moon at Acapulco, Mexico and Academy, Swain School of De­ , B. Simon Mexico City, following which they sign and New York Institute of Are .Now Available for Parties, at Homes, will reside at 53 Thorndike Street, Photography. He served in the PIANO TUNER Brookline. · photography squadron of the - Since 1910 Temples and Synagogues! Both are now serving at Beth­ Naval Air Corps during World Have your piano tuned and Israel Hospital, Boston, where War II. checked by a Competent THINK OF IT! The some high quality Kosher Catering the groom . is doing government Following a reception and din­ P iano Tuner ..t , The some delicious food and appointments ... the research and the bride is a resi­ ner, Mr. and- Mrs. Sadow left on 226 WEBSTER A VENUE some modern facilities and excellent preparation ... dent physician. He is a graduate an extended trip to Mexico City, Providence 9, R. I. that hove been exclusive with the Narragansett ... may of Tufts College and Harvard Acapulco and New Orleans for EL 1-2275 now be arranged for your home, temple or synagogue. Medical School. She was gradu­ the Mardi Gras. ated from R. I. University and Double Birthday Party GUARANTEED STRICTLY KOSHER ... Tufts Medical School. A double birthday celebration honoring Mr. Solomon Kipnis, 75, CHILDREN'S SHOES All preparations made under the personal Sadow-Feinberg Expertly Fitted supervision of a qualified Mashgiach, The ballroom of the Sheraton­ and Mr. Kipnis' grandda ughter, Nathan Cramer. Biltmore Hotel was the scene on Miss Helen Trompeter, 16 , was IN YOUR HOME Sunday evening, Feb. 10 of the held in the Indian Room of the Belter Feet Thru Proper This new Narragansett Kosher Catering service is marriage of Miss Harriet Fein­ Narragansett Hotel on F eb. 16. Shoe Fitting ' available for buffets or sit-down dinners. Excel lent berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (Continued on Page 5) cuisine from our own Hotel .service Finest facili- Sydney Saul Feinberg of Fall Dr. Treistman's · ties and expert service. River, Mass., to Mr. Bernard Wins American David Sadow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shoe Service Lawrence Sadow of New Bedford, 72 Miller Ave. Prov., R. I. For Kosher Catering at Its Best Mass. Legion Award The main ballroom was trans­ ST 1-6052 BURBANK, Calif. (AJP ) - A •Pod. Gr. Call GA 1-6320 formed into a southern garden of teen-age Jewish youth, whose blush pink flowers. The double father is a charter member of the ring ceremony was performed by local B'nai B'rith. was declared Rabbi Samuel S. Ruderman of winner this week of the coveted Temple Beth El, Fall River, as­ American Legion Award for "out­ sisted by Cantor Marcus Gerlich, standing achievement in scholar­ .THE 1.NVESTMENT "WE'RE GOING MIGHTY LOW!" and took place beneath a bower ship and leadership." The winner of pink calla lilies and orange from among thousands of eligi­ That's the complaint of blossoms, with a background of bles at the Luther Burbank Junior WITH A HEART pink satin lined with pink baby High School was 15-year-old High prices after Freddie gets through orchids. Allen Spaul. Escorted by her father, the cutting them down to size bride was attired in a gown of HEBREW SHELTERING AUX. Always Highest Quality and Lowest Prices at Fr'eddie's Brussel's lace over blush pink The regular - meeting of the IS RAEL satin. designed with an off-the­ Ladies Auxiliary of The Provi­ shoulder neckline with a fitted dence Hebrew Sheltering Society bod ice and long sleeves with will be held Monday afternoon at LAM·B CHOPS - lb89c a full skirt, terminating in a the Sheltering Home, 86 Jefferson cathedral train. She wore a Street. Rabbi Morton Berkowitz BONDS matching mantilla of Brussel's will be guest speaker. A door VEAL CHOPS lb89c lace and carried a cascade bouquet prize will be awarded. Members of pink orchids and blush pink and friends are invited to attend. STATE OF ISRAEL stephanotis. Colors used ln the New Miriam INDEPENDENCE ISSUE LAMB BRISKET 2 lbs 35c Her only attendant was Mtss Hospital have been scientifically You con get a Prospectus and buy your Eleanor Herman of Providence, selected. The walls of patients' lond at American Financial ond cousin of the bride. She wore a rooms wili be painted for eye-ease O.velopm.nt Co..-p«orion for hroel The Price of Chickens Is Up Everywhere- bouffant strapless gown of pink and quiet cheerfulness. There tulle and pink seeded pearls with wili also be ceiiings of sound absor­ 32 Custom House Street a matching shoulder stole. She bent material. JA 1-8914 BUT NOT AT FREDDIE'S! carried a cascade of violets and at the wore a tiara of the same flowers. same usual Leon Sadow of New Bedford, brother of the bridegroom, was EDWIN SOFORENKO and HOWARD S. GREENE af CHICKENS low price lb 35c best man. Ushers were Steven S . Net Weight- No Half Pound Added Feinberg, brother· of the bride, Julian B. Sevitch, cousin of the bride, Lewis Schwartz of Ridge­ INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS, INC. field , Conn., Sherman Kaufman }llJld Spitµ/~ of Providence, Sidney Winokoor COMM~RCIAL and and Alvin Cronlg of New Bedford, Rodney Dutcher of New York ahd PERSONAL ANALYSIS George Vitt of Orange, New Jer­ MEAT & POULTRY sey. 131 WASHINGTON STREE'f UNlon 1-1923 For her daughter's wedding, 190 WILLARD AVE. GA 1-8555 Mrs. Feinberg chose an imPQrted New York Offlce-26 Platt Street, N. Y. Whitehall 3-5770 Italian silk cerulean blue gown, I THE PROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY·22, 1952' 5

Jubilee Chairman, held March 23 at Nathan Bishop I The New Miriam Hospital will Junior High, according to Mrs. employ full time scientists in lab- Harriet Gordon, chairman. oratory and X-ray departments. TINY TOY LAND (Continued from Page 4) is Open the Year Round Guests included Mr. and Mrs. / Abraham Br.esstnan, Mr. and Mrs. Toys for All the Younger Set M. Sislovi(z, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Jacobson and family and Miss (}reefing , CarJ:J For All Occ;.sions Ronnie Kipnis, all of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Irving New­ Bar Mitzvah Cards A Specialty man, Mr. and Mrs. Jona Leach, Miss Lillian Newman, Mr. Harold Schwartz, Mr. Evan Brown, Miss (}ibdon 'd Ellie Marks, Mr. Morton Cokin, Miss Marcia Dworkin, Mr. Andy Port , Miss Charlotte Cohen, Mr. David Schwartz, Miss Barbie Mil­ ler, Mr. Paul Chorney, Miss Meryl Wuraftic and Mr. Sam Schwartz, all of Providence. Bloom-Biller RABBI MORTON BERKOWITZ Beth El Ner Tamid synagogue, The varied accomplishments of Milwaukee, Wisc., was the scene the world Mizrachi Organization of the marriage of Ruth Lee Biller, will be reviewed Sunday evening daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Rabbi Schwartz will 1 a u n ch at Sons of Jacob Synagogue' when L. Biller, E. Henry Clay Street, to ' Sunday's fund-raising drive for the local group celebrates the Joseph Bloom, son of Mr. and Mrs. completion of Beth-David Syna­ golden jubilee . of Mizrachi. Ise Bloom of 111 Roger Williams gogue and Talmud Torah with a Among its accomplishments Aven,oe, Cranston. The young peo- radio address over WRIB at 10 during the half century of its pie repeated nupital vows after A. M. He will be introduced by existence are the . following, as Rabbi Louis J. Swichkow at an 8 Councilman Edmund. Wexler. listed by Rabbi Morton Berko­ P . M. double ring ceremony Dec. -----'------witz, chairman of the arrange­ 27 . . which took place under a TOURO SPORTS NIGHT ments committee: The saving of flower covered canopy. A reception. tho\Jsands of Jewish people during followed the ceremony. Sports Night, the next meeting World' War II, and subsequent re The bride wore an ankle length of Touro Fraternal Association, settling of many of them in Israel; gown of imported Chantilly lace to be held Wednesday at Toure. construction of homes; establish­ over nylo·n tulle with a full tiered Hall, 88 Mathewson Street. will ment of school systems, and the fu1kertip veil. She carried white feature several leading sport founding of settlements (kibbut­ orchids with stcphanotis on her world figures, according to Joseph zim ). · prayer book. Engle and Harry Swartz, co-chair­ An estimated 50,000 children Miss Su Biller was maid of hon­ men. Refreshments will be served. are enrolled in Mizrachi schools or for her sister. Miss Eleanor in the Jewish state, while plans Bloom, sister of the groom, was VARIETY REVIEW the bridesmaid. They, both wore are being evolved for the creation The tbird annual Variety Re­ of a new university there, Rabbi ballerina length gowns of green tulle over taffeta. Their bouquets view sponsored by The Jewish Berkowitz said. War Veterans Auxiliary 23 will be Guest speaker at Sunday's were of red roses. affair will be Rabbi Max Kirsh­ Max Bloom, the groom's broth- blum, executive vice-president or er, served as best man. Howard the Mizrac_hi Organization of Allc of Chicago, Ill., the bride's America. Cantor Gerhard Gluck Cousin, was usher. of Boston will entertain. The bride's mother wore a gray lace cocktail length dress over rose taffeta. The groom's m o t h e r •, Paul Chorney selected a light gray over pink ~ ' nylon·, cocktail length dress. Both Wins Honors mothers wore qrchfds. The bride is a graduate of the Paul Chorney, son of Mr. and University of Wisconsin. Her sor­ Mrs. Jack Chorney of 152 Ever- ority is Alpha Delta Theta. The green Street, Pawtucket has been groom is a graduate of Brown Uni­ named best scholar among the versity and is.. now attending tlje boys in the senior class of East George Washington University High School, Pawtucket. This Medical School. His fraternities award was ' based on scholastic are Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi averages for the past two and a and Phi Delta Epsilon. The young half years, according to Principal couple are m aking their home in James P . McGeough. Hyattsville, Md. Chorney also earned three other Ferdman Bar Mitzvah firsts and one second as most The Bar Mitzvah of Stuart ambitious, most capable, most Howard Ferdman, son of Mr. and likely to. succeed, and cleverest. Mrs. Irving Ferdman of 65 Belle­ He expects to enter college next vue Avenue, was held Saturday fall. morning, Feb. 16 at Congregation Sons of Jacob. He was presented The New Miriam Hospital will a bible by Rabbi Morton Berko­ ha ve 92,000 square feet of floor witz, who pointed out that it is space. (Continued on Page 7) Hero.ic Jewish Chaplain Offers Blood CONANT BALL I MODERNMATES


D REAMS come true when you wake up in a bedroom with Conalll Ball Modern­ mates. Storage space is solved by ·banking a wall with a group of mated chests. Notice how the bed and three-drawer dressers are built to come Hush to the u ual height of window sills so that at no time will this furniture imerfere with the functi onal details o[ a room. The Brushed Birch finish used on Modernmates brings out the tr~e natural g-rain-rich character of Solid Birch, which is the wood used to make .J.his Linc. More than that, the time-tested quality of this Conant llall fini sh is certain ass urance o[ exce ll ent wea r-res istance and permanelll beauty.

Whether you're thinking of furniture for yo ur home now - or "some day" - come in and let us show you our chann ing new displa ys - both modern and traditiona l. Be sure lo ask or write for yo ur complimemary copy of Modem 's 111 aga,i11 c ror homcma kers, The .Stylist, · illustrating home furnishings for you who love the bes t. i\l odern is open i\! ondays all day, Friday evenings until 9 P. i\1. and \•Vcdne,days umil noon. Open today - W:t shington's llirthday - lro111 1-9 P. i\l.

A heroic Jewish chaplain, who, althourh not a doctor, as­ sisted In the adnilnlstrallon or "hundreds" or transfusions to wounded Gls In Korea, responded to appeals here for blood. Reporting- to a Brooklyn Red Cross blood bank, however, Rabbi 'Elihu Rickel, USNR, Is Informed by a nurse that because he has been taldn11 atabrine wlthln recent months his offer must be rejected. Chaplain Rickel was UJ>Sf!t over the tar ln blood contributions to aid the war effort. American J ewish Press Photo '

'I /


;:::;- ··- :Jo.an, ewi.o.t. ~--u.tA made. Plain, Sugared, Cinnamon 12 FOR 19c MR. -A,)',J) ~MRS. MARVIN SU..K, Old Fashioned - Large Size 6 FOR 3 at the Ahavath Sholom Synagogue. Mrs. ~uth Kenner; of Burlington, Vt. ' HOLIDAY BAKERYISPECIAL ., ,. . / Columbia University sociologist, the sharpest clashes centered labor Zionist around division of responsibility CHERRY PIE and duplication. of effort. Touch­ ing on. the issue of duplication of Lattice Top : Show Simd~y effort, the B'nai B'rith national filled With Luscious E:A 39c· executive committee stated that Ripe Cherries .. l Contlnued from Page 1) it sought "to reduce waste and When the "$64 Question" man inefficiency, if any exist, and to made the transition from stage to avoid duplication" in activities ·radio he brought with him the and fund raising but in so doing same originality of approach that it would ''violate" the rights of 2Jvui.ti-2Aim mecit -v~ 3Auitt & v~ had characterized his vaudeville its membership. work. "Propos11ls !or the dismember­ RHcf)' to Eat - face Ind Lb 67c _ By asking the $64 Question-it ment of the ADL," another section ORANGES later become virtually a part of of the resolution stated "will af­ COOKED HAMS s~:~k LB 55c the language, turning up in fect adversely the whole J ewish Florida - 8.1bi Juice- L,119• Senate speeches, news headlines Northern Broad e, ..,t.d MNty:10-14 LB An Siie - All T,.. Ripened · 00 co,mmunity ... to Jessen or des­ Loaded With Ju:ce z 39c and everyday talk-Phil ' Baker troy B'nai B'ritl! capacity to pur­ Turkeys LI 63c established his program as the sue this program would do irre­ nation ·s most popular quiz show. parable harm to the Jewish DRAWN READY FOR THE OVEN LB 79c jlFlorida ·• Good ~izo Groups affiliated with the Labor community." Tonder Pork• ROAST SIZE· (HINE IND LI 5~ Zionists of Providence include G~AP__EFRUIT 4 ~oR 29c Ill IND ROAST $1%( Poaie Zion. Farband Labor Zionist LB 'Pork Loins Up fo 6 Lbt 43c Tender SwHt Flavorful Order . . Branch 41; Pioneer Wo- Defeat Last Ditch men; Henry Burt Chapter, Poale Tonder Ughl Solt Mui ·CARROTS 2 ecHs 19c Zion; and Ben Gurion Branch. Stan_d on Reparations . LB - 75( Farbann-by the "$84 Ques- in a neutral land, possibly Bel­ CELLO tion Man. gium; the Netherlands or Swit- Chickens L! 47c CELJRY PKG 25c zerland. DRAWN UADY TO COOK ,e•67c Green, Sweet Strengthening a r g u m e n ts B"nai B'rith Backs Lffn, Rindle11. Sug.r Cured against any attempts by the Ger­ PEPPERS ·2 LBS 29C mans to plead poverty in an effort Sliced Bacon LB 49c AOL on Mac Iver to avoid payment of reparations, or as a bargaining point, were ( Continued from Page 1) these factors, the AJP learned: Fancy ·. B 23c Clty, N. J ., and which set June First, the 1951 harvest in West Mackea:el as a time when principles em­ Germany was considered by agri­ Finut - Pea.Be1n,, Yellow Eye, Reel Kidney bodied· in Maciver's Report would cultural experts as the best in ii.o-tndand 2,e,a IL8 •2o, 47 again be discussed and acted seven years. Ba k e d Beans 2 CANS < upon, would be realized, but Second, !or the first time since warned that they would refuse to the close of World War II, West le SALE Oven fa~ed Yellow Eye or Pe1 e.. n, accept any "coercive" measures Germany's warehouses are full ILB 2 ,, OI . 49 C . intended to alter the voluntary with a surplus of exports: she is CTN of 48 BAGS 44c B & M Beans CANS nature of the program. exporting more goods than are CTN of 16 BAGS Ok Dole or Libby And like the AJC resolution, imported Into what was once too, the B'nai B'rith stand taken Hitler's citadel. A 60 v ' eoT1-1 45 Julee last week sharply · rapped the ~ c a.ue FOR C Pinedpple ri'.Z.!· 25c Council of J ewish F ederations ZOA President New Paclr, ~ lorida and Welfare Funds for a resolu­ . IQTl~Ro•21 tion adopted at its Chicago meet­ 0 range Juice CAN C Ing last December. The AJC Scored for Tactics edict charged that any Imple­ (Continued from Page 1) :JU4t £ih, f:J.omemack Finut - ! atle the ~re,h D,He,ence mentation of the CJFWF would his mind on whether to seek office "have the effect i! followed of again when Americans go to the STRAWBERRY PRESERVES Mayonnaise J~~ 59c turning the NCRAC into an au­ polls next year. thoritarian agency." Later, the President's press MIRABEL J'fR 39c Recomm•n~ecl tor Infant Feeding The role of the NCRAC was secretary eased off both state­ Evangeline stressed In a section of the B'nal ments with the remark that the Ra1pber1y PreHrve Mirabel L8 JAR 35c Milk 6 d!~~ 79c B'rlth stx point resolution. Term­ callers may have confused their Grape Jelly Pure Cone. rd 12 01 JAR 21c .A.Miller -::Slicec{Ko,her ing any proposal !or the esta­ own enthusiasm with that of the QT blishment or a si ngle community President's. Dill Pickles JAR 29c relations agency on the American Reaction to the Incident here Jewish scene "a threat to demo­ Included the disclosure th at Mo,mel • Luncheon Me1t cratic Jewish Ufe, " the B'nai Browdy's political strings drew ~ B'rlth's top leadership urged the fire last November at a meeting Spam . ~Ac;; 45c NCRAC to remain a coordinating of the National Administrative agency. Council of the ZOA In Chicago. Hishly R,linod Tangling with the CJFWF reso­ There, at a private nfeetlng, lution of last December, the ADL's one leading Zionist charged that Pure Lard c;~ 18c parent body took this stand: Browdy had sent out large mail­ Clo•erdale - F,ne Table Quali ty "B'nai B'rith deplores the coer­ ings to ZOA members under his cive Implications of the CJFWF signature urging support for Tru­ Margarine d~ 2 2c resolutions . . . these resolutions man and the Democratic Party. would substitute conformance to Enraged, Browdy said that he the CJFWF concept of unification had taken the act.Ion only as an All PrlcH In Thlt Ad•1rti11m1nt Effective at rint Netional Seif-Service Super Muhtt \n This Y-te:initv - of the community relations field individual and not as the leader Wt R,,,,..... th, Riqht to limit OuantitiH for competence and performance of American Zionists. He defended o( work In that field as the test in his right to ' choose a role on the allooatlona of funds." American political seen . Several As ln the earlier days of debate other membe.rs of the NAC de­ FIRST r -NATIONAL ..., STORES surrounding' the 10 month-long fended the ZOA president at the study tmdertaktll by the enllnent tltne, it was learned. --,

• (

I THE PROVIDENCE JEWISH HE_RALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1952 1 To be ~e-elected APPOINTED TO COMMITTEE Set Up. Special _Commi.ttee MIAMI BEACH (AJP)-A_for­ mer local- mayor, Harold .-Turk, CtA SS I f ·IE D was· named- this week by - Gov. ·ro Implement Educational Reporf OPPORTU.NITIES Fuller Warren to .fill I.he vacancy Claulfled Advertl1ln9 Rates: 7c per olt the Dade County Comm~ion. . won,: $1.JS minimum. Call GAspee Tl\e special committee set up by commendations. The findings were 1~11. Deadline Tuesday ftl•flt at ... the Board of Directors of the Gen. important because they pinpointed I5 ~- M. • - .. The New Miriam Hosp_i1al'.s era! Jewish Committee of Provi­ the Important weakness of the three -sun r!)Oms will have a_co~­ ,I dence to Implement recommenda:­ Jewish school system in Provi­ manding view of the city of Prov- I . WANTED: Two or three room apart­ tions contained In the recently ap­ dence as it exists today. ment, Including stove, refrigerator, idence's sky line. - -' proved· report on Jewish educa­ "The recommendations w e r e heat and hot water. Vicinity of Broad [ Street and Congregation Sons of Ab­ tional needs held its first meeting even more significant because they raham. Adults. ST 1-4937. this week and announced the fol­ contained a host of proposals for I lowing developments: correcting these fJlilings. The suc­ EAST SIDE-Hew fla(, first flqor, ready for occupancy about' March 15th: two 1) Max Winograd was named to cess of the central -educational bu­ bedrooms, colored tile bath and fix­ draft a set of by-laws detailing reau w111 be determined, by the tures, living room, dining alcove, kit­ chen, porch and garage, separate, hot the structure of the community - ·care with which these recommen­ water heating system-Rent $100.00 --SHI-RT~~: wide Jewish educational bureau dations are implemented. Q u r. per month-lease required. Call HO r proposed by~ the study. c'bmmtttee is determined to .pre­ 1-7200. • • · - · 2) Preliminary ·soundings have sent to -the'GJC constructive sug­ FUIJ..NISHED ROOM with board or kit• been inade toward determining. the gestions designed to make the chen privilege wanted by business I. man near Pf'ovldence-Pawtucket City .5 for-;75c availability of an experienced study group'.s report a full fledged reality as rapidly as possible:-with­ ~:e,_~~~:~~.~t;·~~ ~~-:~r~~dn. ~~q~~ director for the bureau. •-Expirtly Laundered 3 ) Arrangements are It e i n g out sacriflcilfg strength in Its· BROAD, OFF-71 Stanwood. Four rooms made to check with other cities foundation." MRS. RAYMOND G. FRANKS -first floor. Modern apartment, heat, • ·ley _Our No_Starch' hot water, refrl9erator, gas range. Service of a size and composition compar­ Serving with Ress and.. Wino­ Mrs. 1l.a.ymond G. Franks will $66 month. JA 1-2397. able to Providence-where similar grad on the implementation com­ be installed for her second term Jewish educational surveys have mittee are Max Berman, Alter as presldent of the Women's .As­ resulted In overall coordinating Bayman, Benjamin Brier and Paul sociatiort of the J ewish Com­ I EAST SIDE R'ENT:. bureaus-to insure that "a sound Chernov. munity Center at the annual foundation be provided" for the meeting and luncheon at the New Two family in process ,program recommended for th Is CLEANSERS 1~ Center Building on Sessions Street of completion ii area. Moqtefiore Ladies Tuesday, Feb. 26 at 12 :30 P. M. • 5 (:;onvaniently Loc1ted Stores Joseph W . Ress, chairman oi the The following officers will also Two bedrooms, colored t!le bath 88 WEYBOSSET ST. . implementation committee, dis­ Canasta P~rty be installed: Mrs. Harold Braun­ and fixtures, living room, din­ closed this week that his group ·stein, first vice president; Mrs. ing alcove, kitchen, porch and 23~ PRAIRIE AVE. : ,_ intended to hold a number of Two hundred new a nd paid-up Milton C. Kay, second vice presi­ garage. Hot water heat, separ­ 145 .WATERMAN AVE. meetings of its own. calling in members of the Monteflore La- dent; Mrs. Sidney Marks, record­ ate boilers, choose own deco­ EAST PR.OV. dies' Hebrew Association attended ing secretary.; Mrs. Irving Kritz, for advice the local Rabbis and rations, occupancy about April 771 HOPE) T. J-~ other interested individuals and a complimentary Tea and Can- corresponding secretary; Mrs. Al­ lst=-Price $26,000.00. groups, before reporting back to ast!\ Party Wednesday afternoon bert Cohen, treasurer. 214 ATWELLS AVE, the GJC's Board of Directors with at the Narragansett Hotel. A ·short- Dr. Katherine B. Neilson, of Call HO 1-7200 a set. of proposals blueprinting the business meeting, presided over the Rhode Island School of De­ pattern of the new educational by Mrs. Ben Poulten, preceded the sign, will speak on "Art in the agency. affair. Home." ''Numerou s recommendations Mrs. J ack Knasin, in chargt, of Want To Sell Your House? were Included in the report ap­ arrangements, was assisted by II! proved last month by the . GJC," Mesdames Leo Greenberg, Samuel Want Immediate Action? · Ress stressed. "Our obiecti-lie is to Kaplan. Edward Finberg, Louis create an educational fral)lewcirk Port, David Baratz, Max Bolotin, in which all interested tlements Irving Peskin, Moe Cohen, Rose .. Ill CALL In the community can function ef­ Fleisig, Saul Miller, Adolph Gor­ fectively. At the same time, we man, Pearl Weisinger and Samuel (Continued from Page 5) must-have a sensitive appreciation Newb1;.rger and Miss Pearl Smith. the first time in the history of the MILES SYDNEY of the right to a reasonable dif- synagogue that someone of the Inquire About The New Multiple-Listing Service Of The I , ference of Ideology on the part of ·· vrutsky w,·ns fourth generation of a family stood Providence Real Estate Board . _j all these groups. To fuse their Donald A on the pulpit. Stuart stood be- views and facilities into a smooth­ fore a Torah donated by his GA 1-3333 PA 5-9823 . functioning, well-rounded J ewish Boy Sc put Awa rd great-grandfather. educational system is the task that A reception· followed in the Ii confronts us. Donald ~Y.r,u~ky, 15, son of Mr. vestry with--150 c guests-,present "For example, the director of and Mrs. Irving Avrutsky, 64 Bel­ from New Jersey, Massachusetts. the proposed bureau must be a levue Avenue, was recently award­ Connecticut and Florida. person of top-notch calibre, of ed first prize in the Life Boy Scout Stuart is the grandson of Mr. broad experience, of proved ability group of the Rudolph F. Haffen­ and Mrs. David Shore. and knowledge in the field of J ew­ reffer Indian Lore Essay contest. Son for Y okens ish education, and one who can Sponsors of the contest, Ru­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yoken of • work well with ;,.II ·organizations dolph F. Haffenreffer, and his 103 Shawmet Avenue, Somerset, and individua\s. Such a person, sons. Carl. W .. and Rudolph F. Mass. announce the bir th of their backed by an interested and rep­ 3rd, presented Donald with a first child, a son. Stephen Bruce resentative Board of Directors, solid gold medal engraved with on Feb. 2. Mrs. Yoken· is the for­ along with a revitalized interest on his name. and a box of Indian mer Miss Ruth Pansy. The ma­ [ the part of the entire community, Relics from the King Philip ternal grandmother is Mrs. Si­ will help to insure a sound foun­ Museum of Mount Hope. mon Pansy of Providence. \ dation for an Improved J ewish Donald, a sophomore at Hope Attend N. Y. Convention education system in Providence. High School, is Junior Assistant Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swartz of "The 60-pa·ge ·report adopted by Scout Master of his· troup, Tro.up 96 Woodbine Street are in New the GJC roughly was divided 4, Cranston. York City this week attending the equally between findings and re- annual general agents convention of the United Life and Accident Sisterhood Insurance Co. at the Park-Shera­ 200 Students Attend ton Hotel. Plan~ Party Have First Child Brotherhood Brunch Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Ross of The Sisterhood Ahav'ath Sho- 181 Pavilion Avenue announce More than 200 students of all lorn plans a party to follow their the birth of their first child, a denominations attended the an­ mee.ting Wednesday at 8 P. M. 1n· daughter, Shari-Ann, on Feb. 2. nual Brotherhood Brunch of the the Synagogue vestry. Committee Mrs. Ross ts the former Miss Hillel Foundation of Brown Uni­ officers are: Mrs. Earl Resnick, Mildred Koritz. The maternal versity held Sunday, Feb. 17 at chairman; Mrs. Samuel Gaman grandmother Is Mrs. Gussie Korltz. Churchill House. The Brunch program; Mrs. Jack Gershovitz: Ko.plans Hav~ Son ,marked the start of Brotherhood ex-officio ; and Mrs. Joseph M . Rabbi and Mrs. Philip Kaplan Week. Goldstein, publicity. Prizes will of 196 Peace Street announce the The Brunch was sponsored by be donated by members ot the birth of a son, Allan Saul, on Feb. Roger Williams Lodge, B'nal Sisterhood. 7. Mrs. Kaplan ts the former B'rlth and the B'nai B'rlth Wo­ A Chamtsha Assar B'shvat party Esther Koffler, daughter of Mr. men. who sponsor brunches held was given the Sunday and Hebrew and Mrs. Charles Koffler. every Sunday .at Field House. school children. on Feb. 10. Dona­ Leave for Miami Pembroke. tions made by the children will Miss Bessie Cohen of 245 Elm­ AS A BUFFET. ,, A FULL SIZE TABLE .. . A DESK The meal was served by Mes­ be used ,for the planting or three grove Avenue and her niece, Miss dames Louis Mirman, Sidney trees in Israel. Mrs. Benjamin Herma Garr of 270 Camp Street, Mendelovltz, Hebrew school chair­ Rabinowitz, Samuel Chase, Louis have left for a month's stay at The Expandway · Commode Garber, Florence Chudwlck and man, was in charge of party ar­ rangements. Miami Beach. IS A BEAUTIFUL VERSATILE PIECE OF FURNITURE Arthur Abrich, under the dlrec­ 59th Wedding Anniversary blon of Mrs. Jay Isenberg, chair­ Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Shindler IN SWIRL MAHOGANY VENEER $98 man of Hillel Activities. JCRS AUXILIARY MEETING of 27 Dexterdale Road celebrated Among the guests were Father Th e Rhode Island Ladies• their 59th wedding anniversary What a boon to small home dwellers! This handsome piece Farley, Brown Newman Club ad­ Auxiliary of the Jewish Consump­ on Feb. 19. saves on precious space In the most ingenious way. With visor; K . Brooke Anderson , of the one leaf extended, It becomes a desk or buffet server ... with tive Relief Society will hold its Daughter Born Brown Christian Association; and board meeting, originally sche­ four leaves added it is a large size dining table seating up Richard Stockweli. duled for last Monday, at the Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeLucn to eight people! Leaves are self-contained within the unit; of 101 Miner Street announce the Miss Jean Mural, folk-singer, home of Mrs. M . Greenstein of partitioned silverware drawer, generous storage space. entertained with a program of 22 Gallatin Street, Monday at birth or their first child. a girl, 36" X 30 ½" high. Sharon Lynn. Mrs. DeLuca Is the English, Israeli and South Ameri­ 11 :45 A. M. Co-hostesses for the can songs. meeting are Mrs. J. Perler and former Laurel Pass. Maternal Hillel members Irwin Fishbein Mrs. J . Smith. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. and James Winoker presided, Max Pass. Paternal grandparents 8UDCET PAYMENTS wider the direction of Rabbi N. are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeLuca. CLOSED MONDAYS Rosen. BERLINSKY-GORDON CLUB IM•t .. NOtn'H MAIN STlltl:IET The Berlinsky and Gordon Club The New Miriam Hospital will o,.. w...... , ..... bool•t' •etalflMH ,,.. The laundry of I.he New Miriam met last week at the home of Mr,. be one of the most modern hospi­ S•tv"'•• '111 9 P.M. Hospital will be capable of pro­ and Mrs. Nathan Agld, 230 Morris tal buildings ill Amertca-<:om­ cessing 3,000 pounds of laundry Avenue. Pollowtng the' business pletely nre proofed and sprink­ during each work shift. meeting canasta was played. lered. v.. - c--·· _1,;,.. ,., .,.~• .,_ ~-~------

THE PROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1952 i ! STATE o, ISRAEL 1'1t... aecuriti-;., tflou9h reslthrecl, hove not bHtt approved or clisappro.. cl lly the S.WritiH •N Exchort9• Com1ni1aion, which dNa not pan oa the merih of any reeitterecl MCVrities. $500,000,000 INDEPENDENCE BOND ISSUE The State of Israel $500,000,000 Bond Issue is intended to promote the economic development of the State. The proceeds of the Bond Issue are co be used for the pur­ chase of machinery, raw materials, equip-­ ment and other irems designed co increase che country's produnive facilities so that it •may ~m and save foreign cur,sncy. Of the total amount,· S205,000,000 is to be allo-­ ored for investment in the fields o(industry and power. T he sum of S130,000,000 has been designated for agricuhural projects; $ 40,000.000 for rhe development o f harbors, shipping and railroads; $45,000,000 for rrade and setvices including rhe development of the tourist induscry; and S30,000,000 for VOLUNT,EER NOW the establishment of a government mortgage bank for housing. The balance·, afrer payment of the ex­ _pcnses of the issue, is to serve as a reserve for unanticipated prdjecrs or for increased expenditures for the designated projects. to be a Builder of Israel on BIG day-- -_Mar. 9 The Government's economic develop­ ment program involves a total project ex­ penditure of SI ,500,000,000, of which $ 500,000,000 is to be provided by Israel and othe.r countries,· and· the balance is to be obtained in the United States. The $500,- 000,000 Stare of Israel Bond Issue is the largest singJe source of funds for this program. With immigration proceeding at the Give one day· of your _time! Help us to bring the story of rate of 200.000 a year, Israel requires capital impons co meet the large investment nec­ essary to create permanent employment op.. Israel Bonds into every- Jewish home in our city! Join the pcmunitics and housing for the newcomers. A balanced and mature economy will as a ~~1: ~~~~r ei~~~~~lac~~:e:~~e,~o;:~ac vanguard of volunteers who, m every Jewish · community for some further investment to increase pro­ ductivity. But under the best conditions, cur­ rent pcoduction cannot begin to supply the m the United States, will visit their friends and· neighbors huge capital needs of a population that is in- ~:~f~8t>:l~~in;n;~d0r'fr.1:i:e th:~f~:~~eg;: always had an adverse trade bal:lnce-lilte many young countries facing immigration on BIG DAY to build Israel with Bonds. and development tasks. including the United States, Australia and New ZeaJand. As im­ migration increased, so did the adverse trade ~h~a7~~!:nitm~s~r1r'::e ~:~~.m;: 1949 receipcs on current acCount were (ex­ pressed in Israel Pounds, I.L. ) I.L. 20,600,- 000· and payments, l.L. 94, I 00,000. For t 950 receipts on current account were I.L ONE DAY OF -YOUR TIME As· A BIG DAY VOLUNTEER CAN: 23,800,000 and payments, I.L. I 13,400,- 000. It is one of the major purposes of the Bond IS5ue to improve Israel's balance of trade through the establishment of new • Me-an Thousands of Dollars Invested in Israel industrial and agricultural enterprises and - through the expansion of production for ex­ '- .' pon as well as for home coruumprion. ,. • Build Ne~- Factories As of December 3 1. 1950, rhe funded ~:t~·.ii. 1i~3oh~cilfo~0/;,~0fi;~~;;~~ 11nC:rii:~ d ude any Tr~sury BiUs, because of their relationship ro the Special Dcfeme Budget • Develop Ne~ Farnfs which has nOl been disclosed for secwicy reasons. Israel has never •r any rime defaulted upon rhe payment of principal or interest • Make Israel Strong on any debl:. The budgets of the Government reflect tJ,e objectives of the State Of Israel to provide for the immigration and absorption of a large nwriber of Jews. Froai May 15, 1948 to March 3 1, 1949, receipts were I.L. 2s·,- 885.000 and expenditures, I.L. 27,529,000. From April I. 1949 ro March 31, 1950, receipts were I.L. 92,876,000 and cxpendi­ The Israel Bond is one of the great historic documents of ru,,. LL. 93,SIJ().000. From Ap,il l , 1950 to January 3 1, 1951, rcceipu were LL 11 3,473,000 and expenditures 1.L. 11 2,~ all time. It marks a glorious triumph over suffering and 087,000. Th&6gures do not include Special Defense Budiet expenditures or receipts from internal loans financing same. The American· Financial and Develop. despair. It signifies the inspiring rise of a new democracy ment CorPQration for Israel with head­ quarters at 120 Broadway, New York · 5, New York. is the principal underwriter for rhc State of Israel Bond Issue. The commis­ built by a people dedicated to freedom and peace. sions or discouncs are not to exceed 3½%. Two lype, of lond, ore offerN af por a, follow•: (o) lnt•r•d haring lond1 Oenomincrfed 01 Fifteen Y•or 3\'1% Oollor Coupon londL lnter•st payabl• May 1 and Nov. 1 BU IL D- ISRAEL WITH BONDS! Denomination,: $.500 • $1 ,000 • $2,.500 $5,000 • $10,000 • $100,000 . (It) Capitol A.ppre

ft JH 'Wish to enroll as a wol1ntttr for BIG DAY fill out and mail this coupon today.

furtt.• fnf.enn•t.fl, ,-ticu'-ly flnencJ.I lnf..-meti41n, is centalned In the .flegis• ------· ------AMERICAN FINANCIAL I, DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR ISRAEL tretlen Statement fla.d w~h the Commlnlen and in • more cemplm Pros,..m11 which """' N fvn

Orders for lond, m,;y be placed ot, ond ,,ospertuse, obtained from: Yes, 1' 11 be hoppy lo join with other members of our community STATE OF American Financial and Development Corp. for Israel to be o voluntffr on BIG DAY, Sundoy, Morch 9th- to build hroel with lends. Pleos.e send me fur.t._her information.

NAM~ ------ISRAE~ONDS ADDH------crn______, .NL-STAT~ ---- 32 CUSTOM HOUSE STREET, PROVIDENCE 3, R. I., JA 1-8914 Thi, is not a p,e,,.ctvs or cm offer to HII or a solicitation of offen to bvy theie tHuritie,. The oftering Is mode only by the p,.t,pfffus.


The Jemish Herald 11(/Jtt .?rlan ~ (/pinion" COMMUNITY. The Jewish Home Newspaper of Rhode· Island. Published Every ·CALENDAR Week in the Year by the Jewish Press Publishing Company, A Home to be Proud ;f 121 Dyer Street,, Tel. GAspee 1-4312. Subscription Rates: Ten Cents the Copy; By Mail, $3.00 Per BY BERYL SEGAL WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS Annum. Bulk subscription rates on request. Affiliated organizations of the League Walter Rutman, Managing Editor; Syd Cohen, News Editor. Last summer we had a visitor At that moment I felt like a ~feaJt,~':res Wbo.;n~~;~,n~rg~~!~-~~r:ec1mtl Entered· as Second-Class Matter at the Post Olllce, Providence, frdm out-of-town. In his own little boy who shows off with his steiner at HO 1-9510. R. I., Under t.'1e Act of March 3, 18791 city, my friend is associated with favorite toy. Monday, February -25 The Jewish Herald invites correspondence on subjects of interest communal work, and it was only 2:00 p. m.-Senlor Hadassah B o a r d to the Jewish people but disclaims responsibility for an in- natural that our conversation But the Home on Hillside Ave­ Meeting. is 2:00 p. m.-Ladles AsrD Prov. Heb­ dorsement of the views expressed by the writers. should turn around such subjects nue niore than a communal toy. rew Sheltering Regular ------I as funds, campaigns, homes for I like to think of it as the home Meeting. the aged and the orphans, hospi­ of people I know and like. People 8:00 p. m.-Mlzrachl Women Rt!gular Meeting. Brotherhood l·s Teamwork tals, a~ similar community wel­ with names, and pasts, and Tuesday, February 26 fare agencies. As we drove around thoughts, and day dreams like 12:00 Noon-Women's Ass"n Jew ls h "Unless free people work togeth er as a team-and that Community Center Annual town in the early hours of a bright' you and I. Meeting and Luncheon. takes teaching and practice-there will be no lasting peace," Sunday morning, my visitor said: 2:00 p. m.-Ladies Aux. Telshe Ye-­ Whenever I go up the steps to shlva Regular Meeting. says President Truman. . "How far are we from your hos­ the front door of /the Home, I 2:00 p. m .-Sisterhood Sons of Zl~n The President refers to the observance of Brotherhood pital? Let's drive over. I would Regular Meeting. think of it as the home of a scho­ Wednesday, February 27 · Week Feb. 17-24, a week dedicated, under the auspices of the like to see it." larly gentleman who lost his eye­ 2:00 p. m.-Ladtes Ass~ Hebre:w Free I .thought of the modern Jew­ Loan Regular Meeting. National Conference of Christians and Jews, to giving peo­ sight. I knew him these past 2:00 p. m.-Ststerhood Temple Eman­ ple the opportunity to pledge themselves anew to the basic ish hospital in the city of my visi­ twenty-odd years., Many were uel Board Meeting. 2:00 p. m .-Mtriam Hosp. Committee ideals of respect for others and respect for the human nghts tor, of its fuie school for nurses, the talks we had on political is­ of its famed research laboratories, Meeting for Donor Affair. so essential to decency jn life. sues, on social values, on litera­ 8:00 p. m.--Ststerbood Sons of Abra­ and I was anxious to change the ture, on philosophies of living. ham Regular Meeting. It is specially important in this era, _when new forces of subject: 8:00 p. m .-Slsterhood Ahavath Sha­ I remember him when he at­ lom Regular Meeting. aggression agd tyranny tlireaten~ the world, that brotherhood "As a matter of fact, we are far F rid ay, February 29 be fostered and the fundamental truth it represents be re­ tended conferences and meetings, 2:00 p. m.-Ladles Ass'n Home fo.r from the hospi ta!. It is on the lectures and debates, in the halls Aged Report Meeting for affirmed. opposite end of the town. But of the Workmen's Circle building Donor Affair. Brotherhood. Week helps to dramatize-a set of attitudes look up right ahead of us . . That on Benefit Street, when the world white wooden church. See it? This which should be so deeply implanted within us that they will -our world-was young, and MEN'S ORGANIZATION'S guide and influence our conduct, not just for a week, but is the oldest .church in town. It idealism was in the air. Now he was founded in the year .... " is making his home on Hillside Organizations desiring to Insert Items always-essentially, the recognition of the fact, as Bishop After a while my visitor came in the community calendar may call the Henry Knox Sherril\ has put it tha t "Brotherhood means a Avenue. And it is good to know General Jewish Committee, GA 1.-4111. .back to embarrass me, when he that in his affliction my friend faith in God as the Father of all and a ·resulting chanty, for said: Sunday, February 24 found a comfortable dwelling 8:00 p. m.-Bond Rally, Plantations we are brothers one of another." "You mentioned the Community place. . Auditorium. Center. Is that somewhere near Monday, February 25 8:15 p. m.-R. I. Refugee Service, by? Uow about driving over to To me the Home is the home ':-~~~ St~;~~lng, 127 No. lfs Music Time the Center?" of a lady who has transformed her This time I was in a tough spot. room into a workshop. Though The works of Jewish composers of music, old ;ind new, The Community Center was only bed-ridden most of the time now, _span of life behind her, but her afford enjoyment to performers and listeners the year 'round. a few blocks a way, and I' could she is constantly busy with her mind is as keen, and her memory Why, then, a Jewish Music Festival, such as is to be held this not deny it without blushing. But knitting needles, making colorful as fresh, as that of a younger year between Feb. 9 and March 9? I remembered the Center I saw tray covers, attractive g I ass woman. She keeps m touch with holders, and other bits of knitting local and national developments, Simply so that more and more music lovers, Jewish and in the city of my visitor-the im­ pressive building, the busy bee­ which she displays proudly like and her observations and com­ non-Jewish, may have the opportunity during a dedicated hive of activity, the concerts given an artist exhibiting his creative ments on people and events are period to hear and learn more of those works, so that their there, the lectures, the art exhi­ efforts. always striking. year-'round pleasure may be amplified and their tastes bits, and yes, the swimming pool Into her knitting this lady spins She is a store house of informa- broadened. and the shower rooms-and I her dreams and her memories. tion about a Providence of a past For it is true that since the Jewish Music Festivals were changed the subject again. I Once upon a time she was on the era, and she speaks of family started some seven years ago, more and more communities distracted the attention of my membership lists of many a histories and relationships of our throughout the country have become participants; and as friend by pointing out the dome charitable society in the city. Her earliest settlers as if they hap­ public interest mounts, so is there mounting incentive for of the state Capitol glistening in name appears on the charter of pened only yesterday. How often J ewish musical genius to seek expression. the sun light. the Home which is now her home do I regret that I have not the The music of our fathers and of our contemporaries is _ and her shop. This is not an time to sit with her and listen to But as we drove along North institution to her. She is at home. her recollections! They ai;_e in- -' ample testimony to the richness of this genius; it is for us Main Street toward the city And what does this lady do with valuable to an understanding of to derive the benefit that will accrue froin hearing or per­ limits, it was I who spoke first: the proceeds from her knitting? the growth of our city. forming it. Music festival time is an occasion for each of us "Now, If you turn right on the Regularly she turns over to the But every time I see her Qn the to enrich our lives by extending our acquaintance with the next street and go ·up the hill funds of the Home a sum of bench near the elevator with that compositions of musicians of Jewish upbringjng whose ac­ awhile, I will show you something money, the profits of her little en- ready smile, I am . glad that she complishments have benefitted the whole world. fine." terprise. It is good, then, that this found the peace and warmth and And we turned right, and we fine 'lady finds a ~omfortable, the shelter of a home at the Home climbed up Hillside Avenue, and friendly home, In the days of her on Hillside Avenue. we came upon the Home for the need, at 99 Hillside A venue. Aged. It was, as I said, a bright There are others, your friends summer morning, and the red Every time I go up to the third and mine, whose address is 99 brick walls looked fresh and clean, floor of the Home I expect to Hillside. Every one of them is BY BEN FEINGOLD and the lawns around the Home find a little lady with the brightest a complete world, and that world were neat and inviting, and the twinkle 'in her eyes, sitting on the is safe and protected within the water sprinklers were swirling in bench near the elevator reading walls of the Home. We want them Garment Center Tale Restaurant Sunday nite, the all directions, and on the lawn her newspaper. If she is not there to feel safe and comfortable and Fliederbaum's business was bad. crowd was talking about a Broad- chairs men and women relaxed to welcome me with her smile and wanted. He sought out a good friend and way chiseler, and he was summed' and conversed softly. hand shake, I am disappointed. I thought of all this _when the asked' for a loan of J2,500. up in this manner-"He's very. My .visitor stood a full minute Here is a lady who in her actiYe president of the Ladies Associa­ He was rebuffed with-"I'm absorbing-sponges off everyone!" in silence, and then he whispered: days held responsible positions tion of the Home called to remind sorry. Right now, I'm short. See . . . Wrestler Harry Finkelstein, "This is a fine Home. As fine a with one • of Rhode Island's great me of the Spring Festival. I was me in two months. I may be able "The Bad Man of the Mat," from Home as I ever saw." business houses. She has a long glad to add my mite, helping in to give it to you then." Boston, slowly recovering after a ------:------­ the program, as I did these past , "Two months!" - snarled severe joust with the surgeon's Egyptian police, the Interior She worrie

PLAN ONEG SHABBAT will review a current book. Mes­ Temple Beth El Confirmation Class of 1952 The Pioneer Women will hold dames B. Glantz, A. Feldman and an Oneg Sha bbat on Saturday, M. Goldfa,rb are hospitality chair­ March 1 at 2 P. M. at Temple men. Emanuel. Mrs. Samuel Solkoff- is chairman. Mrs. Beryl Segal is in The New ,Miriam Hospital will charge of the p1;0gram, which will have a department of physical include Mrs. Albert Coken as solo­ medicine to cooperate fn communi­ rist, and------Mrs. Aaron Klein, who ty rehabilitation programs. 1 ARE ALL YOUR SAVINGS I AT ,WORK? I AT FIRST FEDERAL I $10 Earns 2½% Per Annum* $10,000**Earns 2½% Per Annum* I $100,000**Earns 2½.% Per Annum* I ' *COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLy I **CORPORATE FUNDS WELCOMED I Members of the Temple El Confirmation Class df 1952 were honored by NIFTY and the Temple Sisterhood on Friday even­ ing, Feb. 15, after the annual yo'uth service. First row, left to right, seated, Susan Adler , Ela ine Kritz, Roberta Hamin, Yalta Isenberg. Second row, Paul Markoff, Richard Zacks, Eleanor Wenkart, Naomi Future Top Scientists f'ershtman, Ruth Ch aron and Stephen Feinstein. Third row, John Cohen , Alall Gertsacov, David Silverman, Robert Loeber and Edward LOS ANGELES ,

J FCS Aids Family (Continued from Page 10) agency, thanking the staff for everything that had been done. They were grateful for a service that had been performed, rather than a favor. In retrospect, the case workers feel that they have prevented a family breakdown. Johnny could an original' production with easily have become a Juvenile de­ lots of music, coi:nedy and drama linquent or a very disturbed indi­ vidual if he had not been referred by an understanding teacher to ~~® rnu@ ~m®~~ .. Mli,l!:Il©m ~ ~ ~ the agency. His parents would NARRAGANSETT HOTEL LUNCHEON 12: 00 NOON have suffered. From this early re­ ferral case work help was effec­ CURTAIN AT 1:45 SUBSCRIPTION $10.00 tive. This would apply to any ill­ ness. for we know that early de­ tection brings results. The J ewish Family and Child-· ren's Service is a community agency, ready to serve all groups or individuals with problems simi­ la r to the one that the Axt family experienced. Anyone desiring in­ formation regarding appointments for counselling may telephone DE J-1244.

The auditorium of the New Mi­ riam Hospital will be used for medical meetings, health lectures and exhibits to the public. It will seat 250 people. 12 THE PROVIDENCE .JEWISH HERALD, FIUDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1952 ,..;u be in observance of Jewish Engaged Beth-David School Music Month. Observes Festival · All areas of the New Miriam The Sunday School of Congre­ Hospital will have sound condi­ gation Beth-David celebrated the tioned ceilings. Jewish tree festival. Chamisha Assar B 'shvat with a special pro­ gram under the guidance of Rabbi SWEET AND SOUR George· Bernard Schwartz. Wil­ Portraits MEAT BALLS liam Melzer and Leon Lecht. Re­ pound minced beef freshments stressing the theme Ta.ken tablespoon matzo meal of the holiday were distributed by 2 cups hot water the Mother's Association, under In Your 1 onion, chopped the supervision of Mrs. Joseph Home 1 egg, beaten- Bram. Mrs. Paul Samuelson and salt and pepper Mrs. Herman Siegel. by ¼ cup sugar ¼ cup ralSIDS 1 lemon, sliced Choral Society at 1 tablespoon fat 1 tablespoon potato flour Sisterhood M~eting Place matzo meal in mixing Plans to present the Temple l j bowl, and stir in ½ cup of the hot Beth El Choral Society, under the water. Mix together meat. onion, direction -Of Benjamin Premack. egg, salt and pepper, and add to at the next m eeting of the Sister­ Speciali$ts in mixture in mixing bowl. F-orm hood of Temple Beth Israel on Children's Portraits meat into small balls, place in Monday, March 3. were announced MISS SOPHIE POKRASS pot, add rest of hot water. add 169 We:rbosset Street this week by Mrs. Albert Coken. Mrs. Sarah Pola-ass of Fall River sugar. raisins and lemon slices. DE 1-5946 - WI l-5Z50 program chairman. The affair announces the enga.gement or her Cover pot tightly J let simmer an daughttt, Miss Sophie Pola-ass, to hour or until the meat balls are Sidney Tragar, son of Mr. and done. • Cream the fat with the Mrs. Max Tra.gar of Dudley Street. potato flour, add to liquid in pot, MRS. BERNARD DAVID SA­ EVERYBODY'S TALKING ABOUT and let simmer a few minutes DOW, the former Miss Harriet The New-Attractive--Streamlined R.O.S.E. Family longer until gravy is thickened Feinberg of Fall River, who be­ and smooth. Very fine, sifted dry came a bride on Feb. 10 in the bread crumbs may be used instead ballroom of the Sheraton-Biltmore Installs Officers of potato flour. Taste gravy be­ Hotel TOY SUN fore removing from fire to make Photo by Cronig and Sadow, 'Pbe R.O.S.E. Family Circle New Bedford · RESTAURANT held its first annual installation sure no taste of raw flour. remains. dinner and dance at the Narra­ Chinese and American Foods gansett Hotel on Feb. 10. Sol El­ The New Miriam Hospital will gart. installing officer. inducted be distinguished for its modern - ORDERS PUT UP TO TAKE OUT - Groucho's Grumpy, decor. All furniture in waiting the following slate of club offi­ 258 Thayer Street Next to Avon Theatre cials: rooms and lounges will be in light Bigots Get Brushoff colored woods. Mrs. Samuel Sudakoff, presi­ dent; Louis Osterman, vice-presi­ In Real-Life Drama dent; Mrs. Max Elgart, record­ ing secretary; Mrs. Perry Klein, NEW YORK CITY (AJPl -A corresponding secretary, and Miss top Jewish comedian's real-life Lena Rakatansk:y. treasurer. encounter with bigotry and the comic's double-barrelled retort Entertainment, arranged b y was rated here this week by show­ Samuel Osterman. program chair­ man Eddie Cantor as the top im­ man, included performances by promptu witticism cra<:ked in his Lloyd Ross. singing M . C .; Elly 40 years in show business. Berg, acrobat, and Mrs. Estelle Cantor. speaking bef6re 1,900 Rakatansk:y, accompanist. Gifts guests at the Sl,000-per-plate were presented to the women and Israel Bond birthday party ten­ community singing and dancing dered in his honor, dubbed funny­ concluded the affair. man Groucho Marx the dispenser of his favorite trigger retort. Marx, according to Cantor, was . Wedding Stationery motoring with his family near Santa Monica on a vacation last Printed - Embossed - Enzraved summer and stopped off at a 4- Hour Printing Service swank country club in search of Choice S.lection - Qu•itty wortc lodgings and a swim in the place's pool. Hurried whispers between ~ ­ MONOGRAMMING the hostel's managers and Marx .., ~b-. • STATIONERY • NAPKINS was told that a "select clientele" i~ • COASTERS • MATCHES policy was maintained by the e SPECIALTll'S • INFORM.AI.S ··-- ··------=) PROMPT 12 HOUR SERVICE , club. "Well," came back Marx with­ out the slightest hesitation, 'Tm ... -- TECHNOPRINT Jewish, but my wife isn't. That ------I EMPIRE ST., opp. M:eL Theatre makes m y kids only half Jewish. Can't they go into the water up to their knees?" With that, "Marx and h is family "For QUALITY and SERVICE" walked out. TEEN TOWN SQUARE DANCE E. S. CRANDALL Teen Town will present its second annual square dance to­ DAIRY morrow at 8 P . M . in the vestry Properly Pasteurized of Ohawe Sholom Synagogue. Pawtucket . A team of callers and instructors in square dancing will Milk and Cream be on hand. A Friend to the Jewuh Pec,p!e Wards in the New Miriam Hos­ TOG09MILES 12 Lowell Ave. EL 1-0700 pital will be small. Wards will contain a maximum of !our beds.

The last time you picked up your telephone, where did you call? The drugstore? Office? Grocer? Garage? Hairdresser? A friend? Your call, to any one of these local places, cost you only a few HOW MUCH cents, yet it saved you time, steps, or a possible trip in the car.

does an A BIGGER VALUE THAN EVER ISRAEL BOND COST? Your telephone is one of the outstanding conveniences of our modern way of life. Today, it's a bigger valu_e than ever. You can buy an lsrael Bond for as little as As in all businesses, rising costs have meant higher rates, yet $50. A $50 lsrael Bond will be worth $75 at the today, with the increases in costs of so many things greater than end of twelve years. A $100 Bond will be worth telephone rate increases, the average telephone bill actually takes $150 and a $500 Bond will be worth $'750- a ~mallt>r part of the family budget than it did 10 years ago.

Y•• c•n 9.t • ,-,.,,--nw, eftfl My yew a.ntl .t: The AMOICAN FINANCIAL & D£VROl'MINT COltN>U TION FOi ISUEl IIEW ENGLAND Telephone & TELEGRAPH s..te ef l....i loncls• 3Z Cm&om Bo- Street JA 1-8914 Campany THE PROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1952 13 Recent Enga_gements COUNCIL THRIFT SHOP MAKES THE WHEELS GO ROUNDI Your bundles to Thrift Shop eorn the dollars thot -keep these Council acti­ vities rolling a long: • Furnishing Hom es for New Americans • American ization Classes • Contribute to Jori Scholarship _Fund • Older Adult Club - • Veterans Visitations • Helps give S50,000 a year to Hebrew University .- • Hel_ps give 74 International Scholarsb iJ)S

MISS HELEN R. STERNBACH MISS R ENEE LAMPERT Mr. a nd Mrs. J acob Sternbacli Mrs. Morris Lampert of 23 Gould ANNUAL FASHION SYMPHONY of 37' Trask Street a nnounee the St., New Bedford, announces the engagement of their daugh ter, en gagem ent of h er da ugh ter, Miss Miss Helen R. Sternbach, to Mr. Renee La mpert, to Alan S. F link, MARCH 18, 1952 Narraga~sett Hotel, Luncheonette, 12:30 Harvey E. Soll, son of Mr. and son of. !\Ir. a nd Mrs. Ph ilii;, Flink, Mrs. Bernard Soll, of Freeport, of 117 Lorimer Avenue. ROBERTA QUINLAN, Commentator AN~ GERBER, Fashions Long Island. Miss L~mpert was graduated Miss Sternbach is a gradua te of from Mt. Holyoke College. Mr. RALPH STUART ENSEMBLE, Music Hope High School. Her flance at­ Flink, wh o was graduated from tended New Yor k University a nd Brown University, is a student a t ls at present serving with the U. S. Boston University Law School. ADMISSION : Costs Nothing! MRS. HERBERT J. COHEN Naval Air Station, Quonset Point, ------­ Clothes and household artic les worth Chairman Rhode Island. - Beth-David Fund $20 resole va lues. Toke bundles to A J une weddini;: is planned. Thrift Shop, 141 Brook Street. For MRS. I. S. LOW J)ick-up, coll MA 1-3302. Do it NOW ! Thrift Shop Chairman Brotherhood to Hear Campaign Sunday Pla ns. for the Feb. 24 drive to Folk Song Artist · raise funds for the completion of PROVIDENCE SECTION, NATIONAL COUNCIL of JEWISH WOMEN Beth-David Synagogue and Tal­ A program of Israeli and Yid­ m ud Torah were ann ounced at a dish folk songs, both traditional meeting of the board of governors and modern, will be presented by of the Men's- Club on F eb. 11 at Merle Marcus at a meeting of the hom e- of Sydney Resnick. the Brotherhood of Temple Beth El Wednesday at 8~0 P . M. in the The campaign will begin with a temple vestry. breakfast meeting for all workers Miss Marcus, a 22 year-old Sunday at.9:30 A. M. at the Syna­ BIG REASONS FOR - mezzo-soprano, is the daughter of gogue. Rabbi George Bernard Rabbi Jacob R. Marcus, leading Schwartz and Joseph Gladstone, Jewish historian. At the age of president of the Men's Club, will 13, she Teceived a voice scholar­ brief the workers, who will include ship to the College of Music in members of Congregation Beth­ David and its affiliated organ iza­ FAIN'S BROADLOOMS Cincinnati. Three years later she appeared with the Cincinnati tions and friends, Civic Orchestra, and since then T he Friday evening forum series has performed with a number of is being sponsored by the Men's prominent musical organizations. Club during _ this month. The Her repertoire includes opera, forums are open to the public. lieder, and art songs in English, German, French and Italian. Another feature of the program Gifts to Children will be the Temple Beth El Cho­ QUALITY ral Society. Arthur Markoff is program chairm an. Wives and Mark Arbor Day We sell broadlooms in a great range guests of Brotherhood members Bags of fruits and nuts repre­ of prices - but no matter what broad­ are invited to attend. senting the harvest of Israel were loom you select, you can be sure tl)ot distributed to the Sunday school it is "tops" in its price range when it's Sons of Jacob children of Ohawe Sholom Syna­ gogue, Pawtucket to celebrate FAIN'S BROADLOOMS. Chamisha Assar B'shvat (Jewish Men's Club Elects Arbor Day) on Feb. 10. The gifts George Labush was elected were prepared by the Ladies Aid president of the Sons of Jacob and Sisterhood of the Synagogue Men's Club at a breakfast meeting and distributed by Ira M. Stone, PRICE Sunday in the synagogue vestry. Mrs. Sidney F eldman and Mrs. William Fellner. Other officers elected were Samuel Our prices for broadloom are a lways Kelman, vice-president; Isadore A meeting of the Hebrew school W u r a f t i c , recording secretary; committee took place that morn­ faie - always mod era te. Ye ar a fte r Harry Stairman, financial secre­ ing in' the study of Rabbi Aaron yeor more ond more - people prove tary and George Yaffe, treasurer. Goldin, and reparts were given by The Planning Committee in­ Joseph- Kurtz, house committee; tha t in many ways you get more value cludes Jack Giants, Harry Min­ Ira M . Stone. publicity, and Sam­ for your money when you get FAIN'S coif, Dave Weintraub, Philip uel Stelngold, secretary, Irving Oittman , H. B. Stone, Louis Kor­ Welner presided. BROADLOOMS. tick, Benjamin Fox, Max Rosen­ berg, Joseph Slndle, Dave Tom­ kins, Maurice W . Winograd, Louis Day School Ladies Welner. Dave Calderone and Sam Sharfstei n . Review Progress INSTALlATION The officers a nd Planning Com­ mittee 'will m eet Monday evening The paid-up m embership and O ur standard s for installa t ion are to make plans for future activi­ a nniversary party of the Ladles among the highest in the industry. We ties of the club. Association of the Providence He­ brew Day School was held on insist that your broadloom be insta lled February 6 In the school building, Silver Circle Elects, Cards were played and table a nd by an expert - thot ii fit your floors • Installs Officers door prizes were awarded . perfectly. That's another reason why Th program started with a you wi ll be better satisfied when you The Sliver Circle elected and candle lighting ceremony, depict­ Installed officers at a m eeting last Ing highligh ts of the organiza­ choose FAIN'S BROADLOOMS. Sunday, New officers Include Irv­ tion's progress. T he ceremony ing Wallick. president: Harold was prepared by Mrs. Maur ice Schmidt, vice-president; Mrs. A. Sternbach and Mrs. G e or g e Klarfeld, recording secretary, and Strashnlck. Participating were Irving Chertolf. treasurer. Mesdames Isaiah Segal, Lewis BUDGET PLAN OPEN Elected to the board of trustees Korn, Henry Oelbaum, William were Al duy. Dora Andresse and Newman. Joseph Dubin,' Max OPEN THURSDAYS Jean Sliver. Brier and Joseph Bernstein. Re­ Arrangements for the Purim freshments were served under the MONDAYS 'TIL 9 party. to be held March 9, are FAIN'S supervision of Mrs. Joseph Dubin. being made by Mrs. Milton Bla­ zer and her committee. In the New Miriam Hospital 126 NORTH MAIN STREET • PROVIDENCE • DEXTER 1-5260 there will be oxygen outlets In the A feature of the New Miriam wall beside each patient's bed. YOU HAVE THE FLOOR ... FAIN'S HAS THE FLOORCOVERING Hospital Is outlets for television Oxygen wlll be supplied centrally recept.lon in each room. frnm basement storage tanks.


Gordon 108, Sam MiHer, George rolled 134 and 346 and was helped 110, and also put toge_ther strin gs BOWLING, Feldman and Gene Silverman 106, by Simons' single of 119 and trio of 105 and 100 for top three of Nate Gordon and Len Summer of 307. The Red Sox leader was 315. Blanche Zimmerman rolled R. I. J. F. A. BOWLING 104, Murray Zuckerman, Lenney So!mer with 114 and 309. Chernak 105 and two strings of 100 for by Louis Sacarovitz Lev.in and Joe Fishbein 103. 307 and Al Chase 306 had exercise. 305, while Ruth Bromfield had Aaron Siegal rolled high for the ~oah Miller paced the third 100, . 95 and 90 for 285, and week with 103 and 100. Kot!en BETH-EL ' BOWLING place Athletics to a 3-1 win over Dorothy Goldberg had 95 and 'two _ bowled 111 and Sam Jacobs 109. by Joe Gutter ball the luckless Dodgers with 112 and 90's for 275. Team No. 2 won two games out Kegling quintets captained by 324. Babe Chase had 127 and of three from T eam No. 1 which Lou Feldman and Mal Mickler 316, Paynor 129 and 311 and BETH ISRAEL SISTERHOOD puts them two games behind continued to set the pace after Murray Davis 111 and 314. Jerry by Evelyn L. Krasnoff Miller · 117 and 117 and 327 -led Team No. 1. Team No. ·3 also last week's session. Mildred Millman broke her took two games out of three from In the race for high average, the Dodger captain Bill Goralnick to a 122 and 331 in a losing cause. own high single again with a T eam No. 4. Vin DeCesaris, Allie Shatkin and score -of 139, Selma Nasberg had Kotlen and Siegal are still tied Murray Trinkle remained a.t the top. DeCesaris rolled high sin­ FRATERNAL BOWLING 97, P earl Kampner 96, Dot Stam- for second place with a 93 indi­ by Ben Medwin 'pe! 95, Evelyn Krasnoff, Rose vidual average. Ben Swerling and gle and three, 148 and 396. Trin­ Bert Reffkin are also tied for kle turne!l in a 354 pinfall with ' Lazarus with 346 and B . Labush Lovett -and Ann Steinberg 94, fourth place with an 87 individual a 127 sin gle. Shatkin came up with 345, of fifth place Liberty, Charlotte Mushnick 93, Sadie average. Another tie for sixth with a 338 score and a high strin g knocked off top team Loyalty for Seigal 92, and Honey Ginsberg four games, and put them only 90. Mildred Millman racked up Why nrffet wlten place is between Millman and of 123. two games over second place '341 for high three. Team Scores something will help J acobs with 'an 84 . individual Other high scores were Nat youf After your average. Alterman 344, Herby Fierstone Unity. security took three from were Hunter 4, Vassar O; Rad­ symptoms hove 331, Manny Fishbein and Elliot Justice and is only one game be- cliffe 2, Pembroke 2; Wellesley O, been diagno.ed hind for third spot. Smith 4. OS Aathraa yOM· Olevson 329, Dick Barber 326, Dr. FINEMAN-TRINKLE A few high threes were· Katz ------fer res\lfh we CWy owe it to yourself by Jack Jacobson Bud Lewis 325, and P erry Shatkin to iAv..ttgote. 316, Smith 307; J affa 306 and Kit­ In the New Miriam Hospital "Every (Under) Dog H as Its 323 . zes . 305. Singles were Sklaroff there will be a miniature kitchen .. Day," and - this was especially - , 112, Levins 122, Gladstone 111, J. located on each floor for between­ CRANSTON MEN'S ~ANEFRIN true this past week as almost Connis 102 and Mayberg 101. hour preparation of foods for every lower team pulled an upset by Phil Chopak H Yo,, ore o user el Asllrnoll.,,_, Charlie Strauss' Dodgers suf­ CRANSTON PLAIDS patients and staff. P.lease bring In your nebuUzw fo,- frM by defeating the favored first di­ fered their first shutout of the by Elayne Chopak imped.,. and ~ vision teams. Don Cohen (359 ) and Murray season, at the hands of Ben Ler­ Kayla J agolinzer bowled a triple Reliable Window Segal's Pharmacy Gordon (344) have been the ner's Gia nts, and lost thei/" long spare on h er last string to run up m ainstays throughout the sea­ hold on first place. Seymour a score of 122. · Gert Charon and Cleaning Company 274 WEBSTER A VENUE' son for the Tigers and all they Kriss'. Pira tes lost a 3-1 d ecision Selma Dubey each bowled a strike 9 Meni Court HO 1-2889 EL 1-4099 ever needed was a little more help to Ed Berman's Phils but managed on a spare, Gert ·for a total of 110 Established 1921 3 Reg. Pharmacists and Selma 90. from a third team member; this to squeeze into first place on the Awnings and Storm Windows This week is notable for a large week they seem ed to have found lone win, while Moe Bernstein's Installed and Removed · it in the person of Morris Satloff Tigers dropped anoth er four­ number of high scores. Doris who put together 127-110-120 for pointer to Ben Mellion's Indians Kirshenbaum rolled 116, Sippy a 35"7 total. This exceptional and dropped back to third place Kessler 113, Charlotte Cofman in a tie with Joe Potemkin's 108, Jeanette Silverstein 105 Ber­ ARROW LINES score came at a most opportune PROVIDENCE · HARTFORD time as it was the m ain factor in Yanks who took an easy 4-0 ver­ tha Davis 101, Bea Sydne; 100, Charlotte White 99, Elayne Cho­ DAILY SERVICE setting a new league high team dict from Walt Shwartz' Cubs. Also pak 98, Norma Baker, Irene Mess­ three of 1646. Harold Warren set a new three ~ CHARTER WORK - In the American league Harold string record of 389, as he rolled ing, Fran Sadler and Cookie FOR ALL OCCASIONS CALL Golden's White Sox still lead and strings of 140, 118 and 131 to Shwartz 97, Isabel David and 21 Cliff Street GA 1-0872 in the National league Lou Mil­ better his old mark by three pins. Sally Levy 96, Lil Silverman 95 Jen's Phillie·s and Harry Gold­ Al Samdperil's 356 enabled Bob Jo Berger, Hope Mellion, Fra~ berg's Reds are tied for first but Baker's Red Sox to split with Joe Rodinsky, and Ethel Rose 93, the race is now so unexpectedly Agar's Athletics, while Moe Fiiller, Belle Feinberg, Gert Lang and TRY OUR WONDERFUL bunched that no more than 11 with 341, was top man for Al Sylvia Sackett 91 , Elaine Silk FRESHLY-MADE Headband and lone Con• points separate the teams in each Silverstein's Senators as they took Ruth Winkler and -Harriet Zeidel KNISHES ductlon Devices Avallabl• division. . a 3-1 match from Sam Feingold's 90. at Moderate Extra Coit~ Better 3 string totals: Mort Cards. Moe K essler was high 0 KUbanoff 332, Gene Aronson and man for the losers with 325. Joe FINEMAN-TRINKLE AUX. Arnold Kleinman 326, Lew Kap­ Potemkin collected 326, Al Levy by Sylvia Price lan and H arold Golden 322, Max 325, Nate Shwartz 324, and Bernie Arlene Abrams was only seven ~/'.!!!'- Cohen Jr. 317, Les Friedman 314, Wexler 320. Moe Cofman railed pins away from tying Charlotte Marty Zawatsky and Sam Feld­ 319, Ben Mellion 317, and Henry Miller's 127 high single for the BATTERIES and man 312, Billy Edelman, Art Piv­ Stampe!, Max Levy a nd Ed Fein- season. Yours truly bowled her nick and Irv Schaeffer 310, Reeve berg 315. · first high score of the season with 1 ACCESSORIES Zatloff and Mel Wasserman 307, Max Broomfield rolled a single 113. Other good scores were of 131, Moe Bernstein 121, Ed Refrlgtrattd for Harry Shore 305, Gerry Kent 303, Eleanor Dittleman. 111 and 92; Lang 116, Dan Kauffman and I rv Irvina Ross 106, Arlene Abrams Longer Life Harvey Stein, Morris Factor, Cookie White and Charlie Stein­ Ber.enbaum 113, Bill Deitch and 120 and 105, Esther Kaplan 102, ly Makers of World• gold 301. Nate Honig 114, and Dave Hoff­ Millie Pivnick 101 and 99, Hope For Expert lnstollotion of Famous Zenith 'Radios, Higher single strings were: Phil m an 112. Jim Abeshaus and Hal Himmelfarb 100 and 93, Charlotte FM, and Ttlevlslon Sots, Feldman, Alan Silverman and A ven rolled double strikes an'd Miller and Arlene Slack 97, Mimi Phil Shaulson 112, Norm Bern­ each posted 111 for that string. Lozow, 94, Hindy Lozow 93, Anita Electric Dryers stein and Jerry Ruben 110, Norm Phil Chopak scored 110, Ira Davis Weitzner and Sally Summer 92, 108, Ernie Namerow and Ben Estelle Ge~er 91 and Marsha" - Call - Tilden-Thurber The New Miriam Hospital will Lerner 107, Ken Sacket and Art Schaffer 90. Closed Mondoys have electric dumb waiters from Seigel 106. IRVING ELECTRIC Co. service areas to patients' areas, GERALD M. CLAMON AUX, assuring quick delivery of equip-, Commercial - Industrial EMANUEL BOWLING by Grace Sock Home Wiring m ent. By Sid Green Florence Datz had high single, The Pirates took the Yanks ffiVING FISHMAN 4-0 as Nussenfeld paced his team The ice making machines in the 83 Warrington Street with a 118 single and 325 triple. New Miriam Hospital will produce HO 1-8614 Al A. Chase was the Yank leader a bout 1700 pounds of ice every day. with 111 and 313. Henry Markoff ~;~~;~;~~;~;~~;~;~~;~;~~;~;~~;~;~;.;~;~;.;~;~;.;~;~;.;~;~~ broke the high three record with • Save - - Save ADVENTURES OF POP! 139. 132 and 130 for a fine 401 as at the the Cards finally broke their t·------,------..;...----=------'1' slump and won 4-0 over the Braves. Freedman's 116 and 305 and Blazar's 112 and 305 helped Henry to the win. East Side Phar·macy In a close m atch the Giants beat the Browns 3°-l. Frank Gold­ stein had 117 and 336 followed by Jagolinzer 125 and 326 and Wint­ man 120 and 312. Howie Cohen Mid-Winter Sale again led the Brownie attack with 125 and 328. Faber 312 and Dave Now Going On at Your Ettine 311 led the losers. Sherman Price had another Favorite East Side Shopping fine night with 129, 122, 120 for 371 as the Indians boosted -their Headquarters regained lead to 4 points over the Brownies. Joe Waldman rolled 108, 117, 125 for 350. Len Wald­ man h elped the cause along with a 126 single. The skin twins of Now is the time to stock up on accessories sundries the Cubs helped salvage the one .. home needs, refills -·-for the medicine che~t beauty point In the 1-3 loss as Leo (with­ aids, men's toiletries, etc. Stop in today and see for out hair) Ml!ler rolled a 140 sin­ yourself the savings that ore available during this gle and 356 three and Dick (Curly­ mammoth sole. head) Chase rolled 127, 115, 111 for 353. Myles Goldberg 123, 127 and 350, and Milt Price 119, 121 and 329 led the Reds to a 4-0 win over FREE DELIVERY - the White Sox. Abe Press posted -·- 111 and 322 for the White Sox. The Tigers took a 4-0 win over the sllpptng Red Sox as Len Chase 'WITH A SUN LIFE POLICY, NOBODY WORRIES!~ East Side Pharmacy On every floor of the New Protect YOUR Fomily, tao, with o SUN LIFE policy.! Miriam Hospital wl!l be dictating Prescription Speciolists telephones for the convenience of BURTON S. HIMELFARB, Representative 756 HOPE STREET GAspee 1-861 B quick recording on discs located Sun Life of Canado 1019 Industrial Trust Bldg. on machines In the administrative DExter 1-2422 offices. ,J--

THE PROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1952 Ii In the Service SYD COHEN· JAMES GOLDSMITH Sports In Israel Insurance of Every Type We hear so m uch of the econo­ North Main S treet-and prior to mic and inclividual hardships that that. at the Cranston oval, wh ere 805 Industrial Trost Bldg-. are being endured by the peop le Cranston Staclium is today----ea.n Ph one Residence • of Israel that it is both a relief attest that bike racing is hardly JA 1-3900 DE 1-il-75 and a source of satisfaction to a sissy game. note that an athletic 'l"d sports The m emories of the Cycle­ program is being conaucted on the drome are flooding loose now. eastern shores of the Mediter­ Those were the days when Francis ranean Sea. even if it is limited. Madonna and George Chapman according to American standards. and A I f red Letourneau and Such a report came across this another host of now-forgotten d esk this week, and I pass it on names whirled around that track as a matter of common interest. at a mad pare. The bike riders The story comes from the Ha­ used to reel of!" better than 4-0 p oel Sports Orp.niza tion--I was miles in the one- hour feature race Is Certified Pest n ot a ware Israel had any sports on the weekly eard. body of any kind--and r eports Anybody around h ere who can Control Necessary ? challenge that tt>day? The only ti,a,t a sports festival will be held It is necessary in any property in Tel An, during- the Passo,er exercise most of us get is pushing where rodents and insects can h olidays, April 11-18. the gas .u,d brake and clutch establish themselves. F urther­ Tne program of events is pedals of a car. and automatic more, Health Deparunents are Babe Kirsbenbaum, son of Mr. drives are gradually eliminating becoming more and more strin­ clivided in two parts, the first of gent in their regulations con­ and Mrs.. :11:orris .Kirsbe:nbaum of which includes a ..mobile gym­ even these mild leg m uscle exer­ 238 Warnngt.,n Street, and Sey­ eerning pests of all kinds. Cer­ nastic unit." mass ealisthenics cises. mour Glantz, son of lli. and Mrs.. tified Service eliminates aod e..xereises at newly constructed '.'lerl time you take in a hoeke:r controls such conditions. Irvmg Glantz of Carolina A,enae, Ramat Gan staclium, and folk g-ame, look a t the ba.lg-ing- balk of tau a day off f rom their military dances performed by m ore than linesman Art Lesieur, and try to ~:rsa;~~l~ ;:iaa~ ::V2.°t duties to bask in the son at Jae k­ aat• an pests.. Ho oirifiqcrtioa. 800 dancers. imagine that here was one of the sonrille. Flo.rida. Both are in the But wait! Before you wonder in finest motor paeers of his day. Xavy, and assiKned to the Ka,al NEW ENGLAND PEST CONTROL CO. disgust ...-hether folk dancing is Maybe that tem is strange to you. Air Station, J aekson rule, GJantz 447 So. Wriit:r St . ProYide:ac.e considered part of the sport pro­ bat Dad oug-h t to know it. Gm·~ 1·1Hl :r@=r~!/1 COVEii/ HG with O & R, Kirshenba am with'oi,­ gram of the Hapoel, read on to The pacers e..'P'2tions. Boa thouse Dirision. motor were motor­ Ut NORTH MAIN ST., FALL RIVER the second part of the festival, cyclists who roared around the Leonud Y. Gold ~ n, Pn:S. FALL RIVU 9-6401 and you find an encouraging list track while a bike race feature of competitive games that we all was getting started. As the SILVER understand. bicyclists (with no braking gad­ There are football (soceer ) mat­ gets on their pedals. incld entallyl Electric Company ches and basketball and J:iKbt ath­ picked up sufficient speed, the letic contests, with se,eral foreign motorcyclists would slow down. ~ Electrical Cantract9rs countries sendinJ:- teams for t.he pick up their m en and practically = 628 BROA D STRf;ET competition. There will be cham­ attach themselves to t.be bike's = lndastrial - Commercial pionship battles in bo~, table front wheel. § and Residential ten.n.is, gym.nasties, bicycling and 1n that position-a motorcycle § Could You Use 1 GA 1-6864 motorcycling. and a bicycle seemingly attached 1n any case, this planned sports like two railroad cars-tb.e race ! show represents progress for the went on. The motorist paced his § Israelis in the field of a thletics. bike rid er and led him around th.e We in the U. S . m ust remember track. The bike ri.d er just bowed ia that footba!J as we play it is not his head and pumped his legs, re­ I 00 § popular in Europe and Asia. You lying entirely on his· escort for may recall that a couple of squads clirection and, in part, rate of s2soo- of outstanding f ootba!J players speed. (more or less) put on a demonstration game in The rider merely stayed at the France a few years ago before a was I motorcycle's rear w heel It a to meet your = large and very attentive auclience. thrill to see paeer and rider co­ At the end of the game, the ordinate their efforts so flawlessly Personal or Business Frenchmen shrugged and left. that no space appeared between They couldn't understand it. And I them during- the entire raee. AJ­ they showed no interest in it. tog-ether it was a f aseina ting- Baseball is creeping up on the i spectacle, on e that filled the C:rele­ other eon tme:n ts. But i-t is still I drome every Friday nig-ht f o r relatively n ew, the equipment is many years. scarce, and nations like Israel ean So, lf Israel has bike racing. hardly be expeeted to show suffi­ that nation is ahead of us in at I cient aptitude at it to include our least one field of competitive en­ national came on their sports cur­ STATE OF ISRAEL deavor. riea!Oin. Independence Bond Issue The Israelis have it all over us. Women's Bowling You GOl'I 9e-t o Pro,s.pe,ctvs and tM.,y Y0"f though, when they m ention bike Some time ago, this column I lond a t ~ Financial ond m entioned that it would be will­ i Oeve-~ Corp«o tion fof h'en al I.he arragansett FRANK LAZARUS Hotel, AprU I. al 12:30 P.

There will be installed In t.be ew Miriam Hospital l.housands ill Industrial Tnul Blq. Proriden~. R. L of feel or stainless steel counters and cabinets in treatment 0 ee GA 1- 3Jl% Bes. PL l -t71& rooms, surgical areas. X-ray rooms, and la bora tones. 16 THE J."ROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1952 .

Poole Zion THE LABOR ZIONIST COUNCIL Farband Labor Zionist Order, of Providence Branch 41 P-ioneer Women Henry Burt Chapter, Poole Zion Invites The Community to Hear Ben Gurion ·Branch, Farband Labor Zionist "The $64 Answer" to--the I~RAEL BOND Question ..) ... by "The $64 Q-uestion". Man Hi1nself ...

·r -- PHIL BAKER · One of America's Top Comedians and Radio Personalities and

YAACOV SHAPIRO First Attorney Genera! of Israel Member of second Knesset (Parliament) . . - Dynamic defender of legal rights of · Jewish· immigrants and fighters

The Date - SUNDAY, FE.B. 24, ·1952 - 8 P. M. The Place - PLANTATIONS AUDITORIUM Abbott Park Place, Providence - ADMISSION IS FREE!