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Sharing the stage with him will be Israel's first Attorney G eneral, Yaacov Shapiro, one of the new country's most outstand­ ing attorneys. They will appear under the PHH, BAKER of the Son:lh Providence C<,nvq:ation last Sunday auspices of the Labor Zionist n.i.cht observed the 50:lh anniTenary of the found.inK of the S:n,a­ Council of Providence in behalf ' gocne. Prominent in the arrangements were. left to right, William of the State of Israel's $500,000,· t-0ured the United States with the Newman. treasm-e:r; Fred Spigel. president; Karl Krib, chairman of Students Censor 000 Independence Bond Issue. late Ben Bernie-as the team of entertain.men t ; 1 oseph Grossman, vice-president; and Leo Green­ Baker has been a headline en­ Bernie and Baker. berg-, toastmasur. Photo by F're<l.Kelman Secret Group tertainer for years. He formerly (Conlinued on Page 61 HARTFORD (AJP) -The Stu­ B'nai B'rith Backs Up ADL - dent Senate at the University of Last Ditch U.S. Stand To Reopen Connecticut this week .withdrew its recognition of a key s._-cret Opposition To Maciver Proposals men's society at the school after Reparations Issue Defeated charges of anti-semitic activity The contro,e.'-Sial Maclver Re-- reiterated its opposition "to the were lodged against the group. A last ditch stand in the United IHarry Torczyner was defeated port simmered at the boU:.:.:-~ establishment of an over-riding Jl.ll!l"-=~::=. ~ the Druids, a Sta Les to reopen,_ the issu~ of 20-14. - aga.in late this week with a dis- authorilarianlxxly 1n- t.iie -com- group chosen each year - at -the ciirect. fi~Otiations ~ W~ldll · · ~,ra-.... mfle--~~u.eI-V!~~~· university's Junior Prom from Germany over reparations failed his case, Jewish Agency officials 0 = 'oo/3!.!t = tii::d ~:= m~~ ~ei~:!!;ons to a candidates enrolled in the Junior this week as the beginning of dis- in the U. S. hastened to smooth­ ma.Uy bacl<ed -up th.e stand of its division =of responsibilities on the cussions over Jewish claims moved over the excitement which fol­ Class. Their names are made pul,)­ Anti-Defamation League in re- American Jewish scene by two lic at the following year's prom. a bit closer after riding out a lowed last week's explosive report jecting "any agreements or ac- key groupS within the National The campus bombshell exploded series of explosive reports, in- that Bonn "circles" were willing lions which affect the autonomy" Community Relations Advisory last week when three members of eluding an alleged alibi that Bonn to make payment on Jewish of the JeWi.sh defense organization. Council structure was seen as the Student Senate charged the couid not afford to make resti- claims. Another bombshell aspect Voted in Ws.srungton last. week heralding the start of a new, in­ Druids with anti-Jewish activity. tution_ of the New York Times story­ at an ann.ual meeting of the na- ,tense opposition to the much-<lis­ The members based their ·attack Proponents of a m ove urging later picked up and highlighted tional e:xecutiTe committee of cussed recommendations submit~ upon what they said were secret the Israel Knesset to reconsider in the Yiddish press-was a claim • B'na.i BTith, the stand came on ted by Prof. Robert Maclver. minutes of Druid meetings. its favorable action on direct that Dr. Nachum Goldman, chair­ the heels of a simil'll resolution The B'nai BTith stand voted at Maint.aining its policy of secrecy, negotiations lost by defeat before man of the Jewish American see­ adopted by the Am.erican Jewish last. week"s meeting in large mea­ the Druids refused to answer the the powerful National Ad.ministra.- tions, and the key figure in repara­ CommiLLee, another foe of key sure followed the pattern of the charges_ tive Council of the z i o n i s t tions discussions. would lead a proposals advanced by the Mac- AJC resolution_ Both said they The Student Senate also in­ Organization of America meeting delegation comprised of Israelis Iver Report, in which the A.JC hoped the NCRAC p r o g r a m structed student publications - to in Philadelphia. A resolution and other Jewish leaders to Bonn adopted last November in Atlantic cease all mention of the society favoring a reconsideration of the for talks with the Germ.ans. ' C-Onlinaed on hge 6) after this week. issue and introduced by attorney Jewish Agency spokesmen in -~--------------------------------------- New. York City told the American Temple Refuses !Continued on Pace 6) Jewish GI Marks First Bor-Mitzvoh In Korean History Ho ll for Rally After ADL Protest ZOA President CHICAGO ( AJP) -A Reform Scored for Mixing congregation here reportedly act.­ Ing on the adTice of its rabbi and In Not'I Politics a regional leader of the Anti­ Defamation League of B'nal B'rith NEW YORK CITY ( AJP> this v.eek barred use of its fad­ Zionist president B e n i a m i n Illies to a leit..-lng political party Brawdy, a key figure in last week's for a rally lo protest the death political m aneuver which ranked penalty for atom bomb spies as one of President Truman's top Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. pranks in the eyes of White House The Incident. according to the newsmen. found himself in hot Jew-bh Sentinel, of Chlcago, pro- water on a si~r count three . voked the resignation of T emple months ago at a Chicago con­ Judea's president and split I.be ference of top Zionist Organiza­ congregation's Board of Trustees. tion of America leadership, it was 'Ille presldent later wll.bdrew his learned this week. reslgnalion. the paper added. The latest episode occurred last • The temple was to be used as week when Brawdy told newsmen one of lhree sites for rallip In following a meeting with Presi­ support or the Rosenberg.g. The dent Truman that the Chief Senllnal reported that officials of Executive would likely seek re­ the Progressive Party of Illinois election and that he would an­ approa.cbed the temple's president nounce his intention within a and rented the ball for I.be meet-­ week or ten days. Traveling Ing. about the country, Brawdy said Later. I.be Board or Trustees of he told Truman, he had found Temple JU<lea wilbd.rev. I.he per· considerable support for the Presi­ mil. reporledly on the advice of d ent's return to office. Further, Rabbi Karl Weiner. the congre­ he urged the President to seek re­ pllon ·s splri tual leader. and lbe elect.Ion, Brawdy said. Anti· DetamaUon Lea&l.H,. The The Brawdy comment was 8tlll AOL. according lo the Sentinel. , on the wires when another vis!- Mimi led its role In lbe Incident, ~ fl:nn Bar-Mltnah ner ce.lebn,Led in Ko~n hls1ory ends wilh lhe prue:nlaUon of a Bible tor to the Preslden~ told newsmen pointing out lb.at MIi wa.s a poor lo Pfr. Be:n.nle ehab (rlgbtl , 19, by ChAplain Melr Engel, one or lhe 78 full-lime Jewbh chapWiu the exact opposite. He maintained thing lo hHe a Je"lrisb Institution ttrillled a.nd seniced by the at.Iona! Jewish WeUare Board. Alter lhe tradlllonal affirmation of fallh that President Truman had told connectm wilb the ~Te in a Lent on the ~tnl front. ChApbJ.n Engel explained: " cbab' belated Bar-Mltnah lndlcales lhal him that he had yet to make up party.~ lhe moral foTCe or ttllgion Is elJedhe aL all ilb-" <American Jewish Press Photo from LN'.P.l (Continued on Pan 6) r • > % THE PROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBROARY 22, 1952 A feature · of the New Miriam of North America, the American Hospital will be a coffee and gift Radium Society,. the Rhode Island shop for visitors, staff members Medical Society and the Provi­ and convenience of the patients. dence Medical Association Dr. Gerber assisted in develop­ ing plans for the X -Ray depart­ ment of the new Miriam Hospital, I --, WANTED -- now nearing completion. Companion to share with elder­ He is survived by his wife, who ly lady 4-room modern apart­ was a member of the old State ment. Oil ·neat. - Welfare Commission ; a daughter , Call HOpkins 1-6174 Mrs. Helen G . Bloom of Hartford; two sisters, Mrs. Abraham Yamins of Fall River and Mrs. J ulius J. Cohen of Newton, and two grand­ Now in the children.
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