YEAR 6 RE SCOPE & SEQUENCE St Mary S Catholic Primary Armidale 2010
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![YEAR 6 RE SCOPE & SEQUENCE St Mary S Catholic Primary Armidale 2010](
YEAR 5/6 RE SCOPE & SEQUENCE St Mary’s Catholic Primary Armidale 2010
n d d e e w TERM / UNIT DOCTRINE t c a KEY CONTENT o u d n i d Prayer l K
WEEK o o r s t
Students will learn: n n I o C
Wk 1-2 Term 1 St Angela listen and respond to the life of St Angela and her connection with St Mary’s 5.2 Jesus brings hope and healing Lent: A Time for Growth about ways we can grow with the help of Jesus Christ is both human and divine the Holy Spirit Stations of thhe Wk 3-6 OUTCOMES: L3.1. S3.1 to explore the use of images in Scripture, Cross Jesus, the Son of God, in his 40 days, desert … humanness experienced life as we do about Lent as a time of conversion Lenten Gospel During Holy Week the Church about how Jesus reached out to others Prayers of Sorrow remembers and celebrates the experiencing difficulty and rejection experiences and events of Jesus in his to explore their own experience of Act of Contrition last days on earth difficulty and rejection about the passion of Jesus as an experience Jesus is present in all experiences of of rejection life to explore how the Church remembers the God’s Holy Spirit is with us and passion of Jesus during Holy Week strengthens us in our journey of conversion
5.3 about experiences which bring hope in the Easter: A Time for Hope and Jesus lived and preached a message midst of confusion and sadness Prayer for the Dead of hope Term 1 New Life to identify the words and actions of Jesus God raised Jesus to new life which brought acceptance and healing to Regina Caeli Wk 7-10 others OUTCOMES: L3.2 The Church believes in the about the disciples’ experiences of the resurrection of the body and life risen Jesus Lenten Gospel everlasting about the importance, for Christians, of the Acclamation Through Baptism we share in the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus death and Resurrection of Jesus to identify ways that belief in the Invitation to Prayer Resurrection of Jesus directs the actions of in the Liturgy of our daily living Eucharist. about the Church’s belief in everlasting life about the four main parts of the Easter Vigil about the Service of Light and the Liturgy of Baptism in the Easter Vigil to identify the key symbols and ritual actions used during the Easter Vigil that express light, hope, joy and new life 5.4 Pentecost: Celebrating The Spirit of God is present in all of . about a sense of spirit experienced in Term 2 the Presence of the Holy Spirit creation people, places and events· Nicene Creed The work of the Holy Spirit is not . to identify times when they have Wk 1-5 confined by culture, time nor place experienced the presence of ‘spirit’ Memorial OUTCOMES: L3.1, O3.1 through people, places and events Acclamation As Church, we believe in the . about Jesus proclaiming and living transforming presence of the Spirit in his mission, strengthened by the Holy Lord I am not our world Spirit worthy… The Church is united through the . to identify the qualities Jesus needed Prayers of Holy Spirit to carry out his mission . about the early Christian communities Intersession The spirit of Jesus lives in all . about the Catholic Church today Christians . about the work of other Christian God the Father is our Creator; God communities the Son is our Redeemer; God the . to identify the Holy Spirit at work in Holy Spirit is our Sanctifier all Christian communities . about times when we experience the Holy Spirit present and active in our lives . about praying to the Trinity – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit . to identify how the Holy Spirit inspires good works in them
6.4 Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist Confirmation: Celebrating are Sacraments of Initiation Symbols and rituals help us express and Nicene Creed the Gift of the Holy Spirit celebrate events and times in our lives. Through the Sacraments of Initiation Images of wind and fire helped the people of Memorial Unit Outcomes: L3.1 & C3.2 the Christian is received into full Acclamation membership of the Church the Old Testament and the early Christian community express their experience of the describe the mission of In the sacrament of Confirmation the presence of God Lord I am not Jesus in anointing with oil is the central action worthy… Luke 4:16-22 The symbols of Baptism and Confirmation help The anointing with Chrism is the the Church community to express and celebrate name and describe the Prayers of sacramental sign of the seal of the initiation into the Christian community ‘fruits of the Spirit’ Intersession Holy Spirit The rituals in the celebration of Confirmation identify how the good strengthen our commitment as baptised works of individuals reflect Symbols and rituals signify and Christians the presence of the Holy express the gifts of the Holy Spirit As members of the Christian community we Spirit celebrated in the sacrament of explore the gifts of the Holy Spirit that help us Confirmation live as followers of Jesus Every person, created in the image 5.1 about the role of conscience in decision- Prayer of Christian and likeness of God has dignity and Term 2 The Reign of God: Reaching making Unity worth 6-11 Out in Justice about the principles of the Catholic Jesus calls us to act with justice and Church’s Social Teachings Prayers of Petition love to use the teachings and values of Jesus to Outcomes: S3.2, O3.1 help us make decisions The Spirit of Jesus empowers us to about situations of injustice, local and continue the mission of Jesus global Through Baptism we are called to about the Church’s response, through its live the Christian way of life institutions and organisations, to injustice to explore principles and values that The Church continues the mission of underpin the Church’s response to injustice Jesus to evaluate situations of injustice in light of Scripture and Church teaching about prophets and their role in the Church and society about ways they can reach out in justice to reflect on, and evaluate, situations and decide on responses that promote justice, local and global
5.5 Nicene Creed Term 3 The Catholic Church in The Spirit empowers people to spread about their own family’s story of arrival in Australia has a Special Story the gospel of Jesus Australia Doxology Wk 1-5 to identify the struggles and hardships The Church is a sign of the presence faced by the Catholic community in early Prayers of OUTCOMES: C3.1 of Jesus in the world colonial times in Australia Thanksgiving. The Church is the people of God significant dates and events in the history of the Catholic Church in Australia The Catholic Church holds common about significant people who helped the beliefs proclaimed in the Creed growth and development of the Catholic The Catholic Church has many rites Church in Australia about the life and mission of Caroline In an Archdiocese the Archbishop Chisholm and her contribution to the leads the Church and in a diocese, the Australian Church and society Bishop is the leader of the Church about the structures of the Catholic Church in Australia to identify organisations and groups that serve the Australian community about other expressions of the Catholic Church in Australia belonging to the Eastern traditions 5.6 God created all living things Term 3 Creation – A Change of Heart about creation as graced by God and a gift All of creation reveals the love of to all people Prayers of Praise & Wk 6-10 God about the inter-connectedness of creation Wonder OUTCOMES: Cr3.1, Cr3.2 to reflect with thanksgiving on all of Creation reflects the wisdom, beauty God’s creation and love of God Prayers of about ways human beings have Thanksgiving Christians are called to share in and mismanaged and misused God’s creation care for the earth community about some of the positive and negative consequences of technology to define the concept of ecological conversion and come to an understanding of the need to change attitudes and actions about the Sabbath and the need for Sabbath time in their lives about how the Church affirms the integrity and goodness of creation through papal and Church documents to exercise responsible stewardship for all of God’s creation by analysing and challenging those structures which cause harm to God’s creation
5.7 The seven sacraments of the Church Term 4 We Celebrate the Sacraments to define the word ‘sacrament’ are: Baptism, Confirmation, - Part 1 about the seven sacraments and their Prayers of the faithful / Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the intersession Wk 1-5 purpose about the symbols and rituals of the seven Sick, Marriage and Holy Orders OUTCOMES: C3.2 sacraments Act of Contrition Through the sacrament of Holy about the role of the bishop, priest and Praying with Scripture Orders, the priest is gifted by the deacon Holy Spirit to exercise the ministry of about the symbols and rituals of the Renewal of Baptism leadership and service sacrament of Holy Orders Promise about the significance of the sacrament of In the sacrament of Penance we Holy Orders in the life of the Church celebrate our reconciliation with God, with ourselves, with each other and about the significance of the sacrament of with the universe Penance in the life of the Church about the symbols and rituals of the sacrament of Penance about the three rites of the sacrament of Penance 5.8 Advent to Christmas: A Term 4 Time to Prepare and Jesus is fully human and fully divine . about the liturgical season of Advent Gloria Celebrate Jesus is the Son of God and its place in the liturgical year . to identify change as necessary in Hail Holy Queen Wk 5-10 God promised to send us a Saviour preparation for the coming of Jesus OUTCOMES: L3.1 The liturgical year of the Church . about the challenge of John the Memorare begins with the season of Advent Baptist’s message . to identify the voices of joy and hope At Christmas the Church celebrates in our lives and the lives of others the birth of Jesus . about the Advent wreath and other ways they can prepare for the coming of Jesus . to identify and participate in customs and practices which turn our hearts towards the needs of others . about Christmas as the celebration of the birth of Jesus . to recognise that Jesus the Son of God, is truly God and truly man