Student Presentation Assessment Rubric This rubric provides feedback about your presentation skills for the independent novel study unit. This rating tool will not dramatically affect your overall grade. However, it does provide valuable information about your strengths and weaknesses as a presenter. Students who look to improve in these areas outlined below will strengthen their skills for this class and future grade levels. All students should aim for 10 or higher. Student’s Individual Effort Exemplary Satisfactory Needs Improvement Delivers an effective presentation. Delivers a fair presentation. Covers half Does not meet presentation expectations. Effectively covers all the measurable of the measureable skills outlined below Vaguely covers measurable skills and skills outlined. and superficially covers others beyond misses others all together. Obviously that. underprepared. Does not hold audience attention.

Student demonstrates measurable skills Score 5 -6 if the presenter Score 3 – 4 if the presenter Score 0 -2 if the presenter in the following areas : qualifies in this section. qualifies in this section. qualifies in this section.

Presentation :  Complete; vital information communicated beginning to end.  Information delivered in the required time.  Project used as a reference. Not simply read from.  Energized delivery added to the presentation Clarity of material :  Exhibits knowledge of literary elements.  Followed oral and written directions (project criteria).  Communicated confidently.  Relates imagistic choices to the novel.  Humour is relevant to the project, not disconnected and used to keep audience’s attention. Knowledge :  Informs the audience.  Presentation demonstrates sound knowledge of the novel.  Images are connected and well explained.  References are specific to their points.  Relates book review to real life experience. Overall Score: This numeric scale is meant to measure students’ abilities to 18 0 present their understanding and application of the concepts explored in this project. Students with strong presentation skills Presentation skills are evident. Presentation skills lack polish when Presentation does not connect with the should score 13 or higher. Students with satisfactory Student has effectively touched on compared to those of an exemplary project. Student does not meet half of the presentation skills should score 9 to 12. Students who need virtually every point listed above. student. Student has met at least half of above criteria or has only superficially improvement score from 0 to 8. the criteria above and missed or only touched upon half of the above criteria. touched upon the other half.