Dignity and Vocation of Women Class

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Dignity and Vocation of Women Class



Friday, Sept. 19th, 2014.

Name ______

Mulieris Dignitatum:

1. Who are the female Doctors of the Church?

2. Mulieris Dignitatem was written in 1998 which was proclaimed the ______year by the Church.

3. What do the Latin words “Mulieris Dignitatem” mean?

4. What was the key event of salvation history?

5. What woman is found at the center of this salvific event as a representative or archetype of the whole human race?

6. What makes us persons?

7. What was Mary’s “fiat?”

8. What does the Greek word, “Theotokos” mean?

9. Where do we find the fullness of the perfection of woman – or what it is to be feminine?

10. Where does every vocation find its greatest dignity?

11. What is an apostolic letter?

12. What are the two main reasons MD was written?

13. What is the “New Feminism?”

14. Who coined the phrase, “The Feminine Genius?”

15. Why did Jesus (and St. Paul & St. John) refer to Mary not by her name, but as “woman?”

16. What is the Protoevangelium? Where does one find it?

17. What does it mean when we say Mary is “Mediatrix?”

18. Name three ways Jesus promoted women's dignity in the Gospels.

19. What did Jesus tell the scribes about marriage? How did this help women?

20. What did Jesus say to men about thinking of women with lust? 21. One of the most important conversations in the Bible was about death and resurrection between Jesus and a woman. Who was the woman?

22. Who is the "Apostle of the Apostles?"

23. Who stayed with Jesus at the foot of the Cross?

24. What does the word "ethos" mean?

25. How does the family reflect the Trinity?

26. According to JPII, what does it mean that woman was created as man’s helper?

27. Man can only find himself by becoming a full gift back to God. What does this mean?

28. Man is the only creature “willed by God for His own sake.” What does this mean?

29. While it is true we are made like God, it is also true that we are unlike God. How are we unlike him?

30. What does we mean by the Divine “Generating?” Is the Divine “Generating” masculine or feminine?

31. What does sin do to the “image and likeness” of mankind to God?

32. JPII refers to the femininity of women as having its own reflection of the “image and likeness of God” which is different than the male reflection of His image. What are some ways (granted – stereotypically) that she reflects God in ways that man does not?


33. In this reading (section 1), Edith describes the ______of a woman.

34. Edith gives an example of three different type of women. Where does she get these 3 examples?

35. Briefly describe the personalities of Ingunn, Nora or Iphigenie. Which was the model woman and whY?

36. What did all three of these women have in common, according to Edith?

37. According to Edith, the strength of a woman lies in her…

a. Intellect

b. Will

c. Emotions

d. Freedom

38. Why is it good or why is it bad for emotions to prevail over the intellect?

39. Give a definition of philosophical “problem.”

40. According to Edith, the mystery of WOMAN is a two-fold philosophical problem that asks two questions. What are they?

41. Define “soul.” 42. Define “spirit.”

43. Define “Faculties” of the soul. THEN list the four faculties of the soul.

44. How is a human soul different from that of an animal?

45. According to Edith, the deepest feminine yearning is “three-fold.” What are the three aspects of this yearning?

46. According to Edith, “Women can achieve perfect development of her personality only by activating her ______powers.”

47. How is the relationship between a woman’s soul and body different from that of a man’s, according to Edith? Why did God make women like this – for what ultimate purpose?

48. What is emotional intelligence?

49. Do women cry more than men? Why or why not?

50. How is depression related to anxiety?

51. What is codependency?

52. Who suffers from anxiety, depression and codependency more, men or women?

53. True or false: I know my boyfriend is a jerk, but with enough love and kindness, I can change him.

54. True or false: It’s healthy to play the role of counselor to all my friends.

55. According to Edith, what does a teacher need to know about her female students in order to be effective?

56. According to Edith, what is the primary calling of woman? How is it different from men’s primary vocation?

57. Should we only educate children about the good and beautiful? Why or why not?

58. What is pedagogy?

59. Edith says that formal education is only part of the integral educational process. What does she mean?


Short Essay: Choose 2 of the 5 essays and write a 4 paragraph response for each. Each paragraph should have 5 or more sentences. DUE BY MONDAY NIGHT, 9/22/14 AT 11:59 PM. You can email it to me or give me a hard copy by then. PLEASE SITE ALL YOUR REFERENCES and be very careful not to plagiarize.

1. What are the “Four Waves” of Feminism? Briefly describe each.

2. Describe the “Feminine Genius?”

3. Write a brief biography of the life of Edith Stein.

4. Briefly describe the role that “emotions” play in women’s nature, both positive and negative.

5. Explain Muhammad Yunus’ idea of “microcredit” and how it has helped women in third world countries.

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