Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-Based Teaching Staff 1

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Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-Based Teaching Staff 1


Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-based Teaching Staff 2 Revised June 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..1 1. Policy 2. Foundations of Professional Growth Planning 3. The Professional Growth Planning Process 4. HRSB Indicators of Quality Teaching

Steps for Developing Your Professional Growth Plan……………………………..3 1. Complete your Self-Assessment (Form 1) 2. Create your Professional Growth Plan (Form 2 – Part 1) 3. Implement your Professional Growth Plan 4. Reflect on your Professional Growth (Form 2 – Part 2)

Professional Growth Plan Checklist…………………………………………………..5


Self Assessment (Form 1)……………………………………………………………….6

Annual Professional Growth Plan (Form 2 )……….………………………………..10

Revised for Implementation Year Two – 2007/2008

Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-based Teaching Staff Revised June 2007 INTRODUCTION

1. Policy

In February 2006, the Halifax Regional School Board approved a new policy on Teacher Appraisal. The policy allows the board to meet its responsibilities under the Education Act which requires an annual appraisal of all teachers. It is also an opportunity for the board to introduce current best practices into the appraisal process. These practices include differentiated approaches to appraisal for new and experienced teachers, a three year appraisal cycle that balances professional growth and evaluation, acknowledgement of a variety of options for professional growth, and a detailed process for addressing situations where serious concerns about a teacher’s performance have been identified.

Term and Probationary Permanent Teachers All Teachers Teachers

Professional Growth Plan Professional Growth Plan In exceptional (Annually) (Annually) circumstances, the appraisal process may move to Evaluation and/or Evaluation (Annually) Evaluation (Year 3) Performance Review at any time during the cycle

A copy of the policy can be found on the board website at: teaching-staff.pdf

2. Foundations of Professional Growth Planning

The foundation of the Professional Growth Plan relies on:

1. Self-assessing one’s professional skills 2. Setting realistic and meaningful goals for growth 3. Identifying and pursuing strategies for professional growth 4. Having multiple options for pursuing, documenting, and reporting growth 5. Maintaining an on-going dialogue with one’s supervising administrator about one’s growth.

(Hudson Public Schools, MA)

Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-based Teaching Staff 1 Revised June 2007 3. The Professional Growth Planning Process

All teachers, including permanent teachers, probationary teachers and term teachers placed in long-term (6 months or longer) or full year assignments, are required to develop a Professional Growth Plan each year following the steps below. These steps are outlined in more detail in the Teacher Appraisal Procedures.

1. Develop your Professional Growth Plan (Form 2 - Part 1) between September and early November.

2. Submit your Professional Growth Plan to the person responsible for your appraisal (principal, vice-principal, department head, etc.) to review and discuss. Plans should be reviewed, revised (if necessary) and finalized by November 15th, in accordance with a schedule determined by your principal.

3. Engage in professional growth activities as defined in your plan throughout the school year.

4. Complete your year end reflections on your professional growth (Form 2 - Part 2) and discuss with the person responsible for your appraisal by the end of May.

This booklet includes all the forms required for you to complete your Annual Professional Growth Plan. You can also find electronic copies of the forms on MyHRSB/Document Depot.

A copy of your completed Professional Growth Plan (Form 2 - Parts 1 and 2) will be placed in your Personal File in the Human Resources Department.

4. HRSB Indicators of Quality Teaching


1. Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy 5. Instruction 2. Knowledge of Students 6. Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting 3. Instruction and Assessment 4. Resources


7. Routines and Procedures 10.Effective Communications 8. Classroom and School Conduct 11.Collaboration 9. Learning Environment 12.Professional Growth 13.Professionalism

Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-based Teaching Staff 2 Revised June 2007


1. Complete Your Self Assessment (Form 1)

The self-assessment can support you in identifying areas of strength as well as areas for development. The results of your self-assessment can be used as input into your Professional Growth Planning Process.

2. Create Your Professional Growth Plan (Form 2 – Part 1)

Determine Your Goals:

Your Professional Growth Goals must focus on at least two of following areas depending upon your development needs and priorities:

1. Curriculum/School/System Initiatives 2. The Indicators of Quality Teaching 3. Your Professional Goals

The areas on which you choose to focus your Professional Growth Goals should result in a benefit to student learning and help support your school’s Plan for Improvement. Teachers who are new to the profession may wish to place emphasis on the Indicators of Quality Teaching as a means to develop their overall skills as a teacher. The number of goals you choose to develop will depend on the complexity of your goals, the time and effort it will take to achieve them and your level of teaching experience. A recommended number is generally two-three goals.

Create Your Plan (Form 2 - Part 1):

Once you have determined your goals, the next steps in creating your Professional Growth Plan are to determine:

1. How your goals will benefit your student learning; 2. What action steps you will take to accomplish this goal (and the timelines for these actions); 3. How you will measure your success in achieving your goals; 4. What support/resources you will require to help you achieve your goals.

Your Professional Growth Plan can be:

 Completed within a school year or over a longer term;  Modified, as long as changes are discussed and approved by your principal/designate, and recorded in your plan;  Collaborative, but must result in your own professional growth.

Before discussing your plan with your principal/designate, review the Professional Growth Plan Checklist to ensure that all the components of your plan have been addressed.

Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-based Teaching Staff 3 Revised June 2007 3. Implement Your Professional Growth Plan

The following are some ideas for strategies, resources and documentation that can help support you in the implementation of your Professional Development Plan.

Methods/Strategies: Some methods/strategies to help you reach your goals may include but are not limited to:

 Research  University courses  Teacher Academies  Peer Coaching  Simulations  Development of  Video Taping  Workshops teaching materials/  Self Assessment  Visitation Days instructional units/  Mentoring  Conference discussion groups, etc.  Books and Journals  Classroom observations

Note – Teachers are encouraged to seek out a variety of resources (e.g., Article 60 funds, grants etc.) and may also discuss access to school-based resources with the principal before implementation begins.

Resources: Some resources that may be identified as part of your Professional Growth Plan may include but are not limited to:

 Classroom materials  Books  Administrative support  Student materials  Collegial time/support  Release time  Journals  Technology  Mentoring  Workshops

Documentation: Some options for documenting your Professional Growth may include but are not limited to:

 Student work portfolios  Committee work  Reflective journal  Professional portfolios  Curriculum work entries  Videotapes of classes  Student responses  Case study analysis  Peer observation  Statistical measures  Coursework  Administrator observation  Performance assessment  Anecdotal records

4. Reflect On Your Professional Growth (Form 2 - Part 2)

Reflecting on your goals at the end of the year is the final component of completing your plan. Your reflections should include comments pertaining to how your professional growth has impacted student learning, how your goals have contributed to your individual professional growth, how your goals have supported your school’s Plan for Improvement, goals that will continue over the upcoming year and so on. You must complete this section and review it with your principal/designate before May 31st each year. A copy of this form will be sent to the School Administration Department who will then forward it to the Human Resources Department where it will be placed in your Personal File.

Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-based Teaching Staff 4 Revised June 2007 PROFESSIONAL GROWTH PLAN CHECKLIST

Prior to finalizing your plan, you and your principal/designate will review the checklist below to ensure that all the components of your plan have been addressed. Once you and your principal/designate feel comfortable that the plan has met the criteria in the checklist, you can both sign of your Professional Growth Plan (Form 2 – Part 1) to indicate that the plan can now move into the implementation phase. This step should be completed no later than November 15th.

1. The plan submitted in the appropriate format 2. The goals are specific and measurable 3. The goals have an impact on student learning 4. The goals are reflective of curriculum/school/board initiatives, the indicators of quality teaching and the teacher’s professional interests/career goals 5. The steps of the plan are explicitly outlined 6. The plan is realistic and manageable 7. There are appropriate ways to document/assess the steps toward achieving the goals in the action plan 8. Supervisory support/resources are being requested


Your principal/designate will arrange a meeting to discuss your Professional Growth Plan (Form 2- Part 1) prior to November 15th, and your Year End Reflections (Form 2- Part 1) prior to May 31st. You may find it helpful to note the dates you will be reviewing these documents with your principal/designate in the space provided below.

My Professional Growth Plan (Form 2 – Part 1) is due to:

______by:______(Principal/Designate) (Date)

My Year End Reflections (Form 2 – Part 2) is due to:

______by:______(Principal/Designate) (Date)

Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-based Teaching Staff 5 Revised June 2007 FORM 1 SELF ASSESSMENT

This self-assessment form can support you in identifying areas of strength as well as areas for development. The results of your self-assessment can be used as input into your Professional Growth Plan. Although your self assessment is for your own use, it can also be a useful tool for discussion with your principal/designate when determining your goals.

1. Self Assessment on The Indicators of Quality Teaching

Using the scale below, assess your skills and abilities in each of the following Indicators of Quality Teaching.

1 My skills and abilities in this area need to be a focus of my professional growth 2 My skills and abilities are adequate but could be enhanced 3 My skills and abilities are strong

1 2 3 Section 1 - Planning and Preparation

1. Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy a. Designs short and long-term plans to foster student learning b. Integrates curriculum outcomes in a cross-curricular manner c. Consistently assesses program effectiveness in light of student outcomes d. Demonstrates mastery of subject knowledge and related skills

2. Knowledge of Students a. Plans adaptations to respond to students’ diverse needs (e.g. individual needs, learning styles, interests, abilities, and exceptionalities) b. Demonstrates thorough knowledge of curriculum outcomes and child development in daily plans

3. Instruction and Assessment a. Incorporates a variety of appropriate learning activities related to instructional goals when planning b. Includes clear criteria to support effective assessment and evaluation of student learning in daily plans c. Demonstrates thorough knowledge of curriculum alignment in short and long-term plans d. Uses the principles of learning to guide planning e. Sequences subject matter concepts and curriculum outcomes appropriately to support student learning f. Uses board, school and classroom data to plan for instruction and improved student achievement/ learning

4. Resources a. Identifies resources to effectively deliver and extend learning b. Selects and uses learning resources that reflect the diversity of learners and communities in Nova Scotia and Canada Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-based Teaching Staff 6 Revised June 2007 FORM 1 1 2 3 c. Incorporates technologies and various forms of audio-visual resources into learning activities d. Demonstrates knowledge and competency in using provincial curriculum resources Section 1 Notes/Reflections/Comments:

Section 2 – Engaging All Students in Learning

5. Instruction a. Uses a variety of instructional strategies and resources to respond to students’ diverse needs b. Uses strategies to help students see the connections between what they already know and new learning c. Uses strategies to help students connect learning to life experiences and cultural understandings. d. Engages students in problem solving, critical thinking, and other activities that make subject matter meaningful e. Selects instructional strategies that promote autonomy, interaction and choice. f. Creates opportunities for independent and collaborative learning g. Uses different levels of questioning and facilitates discussion to clarify or extend students’ thinking h. Uses a variety of instructional strategies in the sequencing, pacing and transitions of learning activities

6. Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting a. Uses strategies to help students develop and use skills for knowing about, reflecting on, and monitoring their own learning b. Provides clear, specific and timely feedback to students c. Uses a variety of strategies to check for understanding d. Explains and describes methods and criteria to be used in the assessment and evaluation of student work e. Communicates high expectations for the learning of all students f. Clearly explains methods, criteria and outcomes of assessment and evaluation to parents Section 2 Notes/Reflections/Comments:

Section 3 – Creating Effective Learning Environments

7. Routines and Procedures a. Manages transitions effectively b. Organizes non-instructional (e.g. announcements, administrative routines) activities efficiently c. Provides comprehensive information for substitute teachers d. Supports contributions of paraprofessionals and volunteers e. Involves students in establishing and maintaining classroom procedures and routines

Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-based Teaching Staff 7 Revised June 2007 FORM 1 1 2 3

8. Classroom and School Conduct a. Ensures consistent implementation of the school and classroom codes of conduct b. Develops classroom code of conduct with student input c. Ensures that the classroom code of conduct promotes proactive strategies d. Ensures that classroom code of conduct is based on the principles of student rights and responsibilities e. Displays the classroom code of conduct clearly in the classroom f. Regularly monitors the effectiveness of school and classroom codes of conduct g. Ensures that decisions regarding discipline take into account students’ diverse needs and dignity h. Models and promotes fairness, equity, and respect in the classroom

9. Learning Environment a. Organizes and manages student access to resources effectively to promote learning b. Creates a learning environment that reflects and promotes learning c. Ensures the learning environment is safe and accessible for all students d. Arranges the classroom to support student engagement in learning Section 3 Notes/Reflections/Comments:

Section 4 – Professional Practice

10. Effective Communications a. Uses a variety of strategies to regularly communicate with parents about learning b. Demonstrates professionalism when communicating with students, parents and colleagues c. Responds to families’ concerns about learning in a timely manner d. Develops an understanding of families’ racial, cultural, linguistic and social backgrounds

11. Collaboration a. Collaborates with colleagues to ensure all students’ diverse learning needs are met b. Engages in dialogue with colleagues to solve teaching related challenges/problems c. Works with colleagues to improve professional practice d. Participates in making and implementing school wide decisions e. Contributes to the development and implementation of school and Board priorities for improvement f. Contributes to school/department wide learning activities g. Volunteers to serve on committees established within the school to improve student achievement

Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-based Teaching Staff 8 Revised June 2007 FORM 1 1 2 3 h. Values the professional contributions of colleagues 12. Professional Growth a. Reflects on teaching practice b. Engages in professional learning c. Sets goals through professional growth planning d. Seeks out and applies best practice e. Uses professional literature and School Board, provincial and other professional development opportunities to increase understanding of teaching and learning

13. Professional Conduct a. Creates a professional and inclusive environment that supports the social, physical, intellectual, cultural, and emotional development of students b. Exercises professional integrity and judgement in the classroom, school and community c. Demonstrates impartial and consistent respect for all students as individuals and acts with integrity, honesty, fairness and dignity d. Demonstrates respect for colleagues and administration e. Respects confidential information f. Builds trust and respect with students, parents/guardians and the community Section 4 Notes/Reflections/Comments:

2. Self Assessment on Curriculum/School/System Initiatives and Professional Goals

Your Professional Growth Goals must focus on at least two of following areas depending upon your development needs and priorities:

1. Curriculum/School/System Initiatives 2. The Indicators of Quality Teaching 3. Individual Professional Goals

In addition to the self assessment on the Indicators of Quality Teaching, the following statements have been provided for you to consider when determining your Professional Growth Goals.

 1. I am familiar with my school’s Plan for Improvement and will be aligning my goals with it.

 2. I am interested in and/or currently working on curriculum initiatives that I would like to include in my Professional Growth Plan.

 3. I am interested in and/or currently working on professional goals (if different from 1 and/or 2) that I would like to include in my Professional Growth Plan (these could include things such as specialization, technology, leadership, etc).

 4. I have Professional Growth Goals from last year which I will be continuing to work on.

Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-based Teaching Staff 9 Revised June 2007 FORM 1

Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-based Teaching Staff 10 Revised June 2007 FORM 2 ANNUAL PROFESSIONAL GROWTH PLAN All boxes on the electronic version of this form expand

Teacher’s Name Professional # School Year School/Assignment Principal’s or Designate’s Name Part 1 – Professional Growth Plan Goal 1:

How will the achievement of this goal benefit student learning?

Action steps to accomplish this goal: Timeframe/ Measure of success:

Goal 2:

How will the achievement of this goal benefit student learning?

Action steps to accomplish this goal: Timeframe/ Measure of success:

Goal 3:

How will the achievement of this goal benefit student learning?

Action steps to accomplish this goal: Timeframe/ Measure of success:

Resources required to accomplish the goals outlined in this plan:

I have reviewed this plan with my Principal/Designate.

Teacher Signature ______Date______

I have reviewed this plan with the Teacher and approved it for implementation.

Principal/Designate Signature ______Date ______

Form 2- Part 1 of the Professional Growth Plan must be completed, reviewed and signed by Nov. 15th

Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-based Teaching Staff 10 Revised June 2007 FORM 2

Part 2 – Year End Reflections on Your Professional Growth

Please reflect on your professional growth process over the past year. Your reflections should include: how your professional growth has impacted student learning, how your goals have contributed to your individual professional growth, how your goals have supported your school’s Plan for Improvement, goals that you would like to continue working on next year, and so on.

I have reviewed and discussed my year end reflections with my Principal/Designate.

Teacher’s Signature


I have reviewed and discussed the year end reflections with the Teacher.

Principal’s/Designate’s Signature

______Date ______

Principals must forward a copy of this document (Form 2 -Parts 1 and 2) to School Administration on or before May 31st

Annual Professional Growth Plan for School-based Teaching Staff 11 Revised June 2007

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