Biology 12 Biotechnology Presentation

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Biology 12 Biotechnology Presentation

Biology 12 Biotechnology Presentation Prepare with a partner a presentation on a topic related to biotechnology. You may begin by exploring some of the following websites:  These websites will give you more of an idea of what is biotechnology and some topics surrounding biotechnology.  You must have your topic chosen by December 13, 2012

Please follow the rubric to see what will be assessed on your presentation. Presentation Rubric : Biotechnology Presentation Name(s): ______Topic:______CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Volume, Speaks Speaks clearly and distinctly Speaks clearly and distinctly all Speaks clearly and distinctly Often mumbles or can not be Clearly, Posture all (100-95%) the time. (100-95%) the time. Stands up most (94-85%) of the time. understood. Slouches and/or Stands up straight, looks straight and establishes eye Sometimes stands up straight does not look at people during and Eye relaxed and confident all the contact with everyone in the and establishes eye contact. the presentation. Volume Contact time (100-95%). Establishes room during at least 90% of the Volume is loud enough to be often too soft to be heard by eye contact with everyone in presentation. Volume is loud heard by all audience members all audience members. the room during the enough to be heard by all at least 80% of the time. presentation. Volume is loud audience members at least enough to be heard by all 90% of the time. audience members throughout the presentation Vocabulary Uses vocabulary appropriate Uses vocabulary appropriate for Uses vocabulary appropriate for Uses several (5 or more) for the audience. Extends the audience. Includes 1-2 the audience. Does not include words or phrases that are not audience vocabulary by words that might be new to any vocabulary that might be understood by the audience, defining words that might be most of the audience, but does new to the audience, does not pronounce many new to most of the audience, not define them, mispronounces mispronounces many words. words correctly. does not mispronounce a few words. words.

Content: Student clearly and easily Student vaguely included the Connection to connected their topic to connection to biotechnology biotechnology and showed the and its importance Biotechnology importance of this technology and importance Content: Clearly explains the Shows some understanding of Shows an understanding of the Student was vague on the Explanation of biotechnology topic and the biotechnology topic and lists biotechnology topic or lists the explanation of biotechnology provides clearly explained but does not explain the pros pros and cons but not both. topic and its pros and cons topic with pros and cons to its use and cons pros and cons Comprehension Student is able to support Student is able to support Student is able to support Student is unable to support answers to questions posed answers to most questions answers to a few questions answers to questions posed by classmates/teacher about posed by classmates/teacher posed by classmates/teacher by classmates/teacher about the topic. about the topic. about the topic. the topic. Visual Display Student used at least one Student used at least visual Student used at least one visual Students did not use any visual display that was easy display that was somewhat display that was not easy to visual display to see, that was an easy to see, that was a see, that was not an appropriate choice and was moderately appropriate choice appropriate choice and one that referred to during the and one that was somewhat was not referred to during the presentation referred to during the presentation presentation Time-Limit Presentation is 5-10 minutes Presentation is between 10-12 Presentation is between 3-5 Presentation is less than 2 long. minutes. minutes or more than 12-15 minutes OR over 15 minutes. minutes Listens to Other Listens intently. Does not Listens intently but has one Sometimes does not appear to Sometimes does not appear Presentations make distracting noises or distracting noise or movement. be listening but is not to be listening and has movements. distracting. distracting noises or movements. Bibliography At least four resources listed in At least four resources listed Less then four resources correct formal bibliography but some errors in formatting. listed format. Total Comments: ______33

Possible topics Week of January 6th Week of January 13th Week of January 22nd Human Genome Project Gene therapy Assisted human reproduction Stem cell research Genetically modified food Contraceptives DNA forensics/fingerprinting Genetics and behaviors Pharmacogenomics Cloning Laws protecting individual Proteomics Vaccines privacy/Patenting Genetic anthropology Gene testing Genetics in the courtroom Energy and Environmental applications Xenotransplantation

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