NYS Performance Indicator
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The WCSD 5th Grade First Benchmark is to be administered, scored, and reported no later than January 21, 2011. It will include concepts from Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 12. The following chart shows the required NYSED and WCSD curricula alignment to our textbook.
Wappingers Central School District Textbook Alignment and Pacing PRE-MAY 2010-11 NYS Performance Indicators Scott Foresman - Addison Wesley Text Approx. Page #'s addressed in each Section Headings # of Days chapter Chapter 1 1-1 Place Value 4-5 1-2 Comparing & Ordering Whole Numbers 6-7 5.N.1 4 1-3 Place Value Through Thousandths 8-9 5.N.2 1-4 Comparing and Ordering Decimals 12-13 5.N.3 1-5 Place Value Patterns 14-17 1 5.N.4 5.N.8 1-6 Problem-Solving (Read and Understand) 18-19 1 1-8 Rounding Whole Numbers and Decimals 26-27 5.N.10 2 5.N.24 1-9 Estimating Sums and Differences (rounding only) 28-31 5.N.26 1-10 Problem-Solving (Plan and Solve) 32-33 1 1-12 Adding Decimals 38-39 5.N.27 2 5.M.11 1-13 Subtracting Decimals 40-41 1-14 Problem-Solving (Look Back & Check) 42-43 1 1-15 Problem-Solving 44-45 REVIEW/QUIZZES/TESTS 2 Chapter 2 2-1 Multiplication Patterns 66-67 1 2-4 Multiplying Whole Numbers 72-75 5.N.13 2 2-5 Choose a Computation Method 76-77 5.N.16 2-6 Problem-Solving (Make an Organized List) 80-81 1 5.N.23 2-8 Estimating Decimal Products 86-87 5.N.26 2 5.N.27 2-9 Multiplying Whole Numbers and Decimals 88-91 5.M.11 2-11 Multiplying Decimals by Decimals 94-96 2 5.A.1 2-12 Variables and Expressions (add vocab “constant”) 100-103 2 5.A.7 2-13 Problem-Solving (Translate Words into Expressions) 104-105 1 2-14 Find a Rule 106-107 1 2-15 Solving Equations 108-109 1 REVIEW/QUIZZES/TESTS 2 5.N.12 Chapter 3 5.N.14 3-2 Division Patterns 136-137 2 Revised October 8, 2009 3-3 Estimating Quotients 138-141 3-4 Problem-Solving (Look for a Pattern) 144-145 1 3-5 Understanding Division 148-151 3-6 Dividing Whole Numbers 152-155 3 3-7 Zeros in the Quotient 156-157 3-8 Dividing Larger Numbers 158-159 1 5.N.15 3-9 Dividing Money 160-161 1 5.N.17 3-10 Factors and Divisibility 162-163 1 5.N.18 5.N.23 3-11 Prime and Composite Numbers 164-166 1 5.M.11 3-13 Order of Operations 172-173 2 5.A.8 REVIEW/QUIZZES/TESTS 2 Chapter 4 4-2 Estimating with Two-Digit Divisors 204-206 5.N.17 4-4 Dividing Whole #’s by Two-Digit Divisors 214-217 5 5.N.22 4-5 Dividing Larger Numbers 281-220 5.N.26 4-7 Dividing with Zeros in the Quotient 224-225 1 5.N.27 4-8 Problem-Solving (Multiple-Step Problems) 226-227 1 5.M.11 4-9 Dividing Decimals by 10, 100, 1000 230-231 1 4-10 Dividing Money by 2-Digit Divisors 232-233 4-11 Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers 234-236 2 REVIEW/QUIZZES/TESTS 2 5.A.2 Chapter 12 5.A.3 12-1 Properties of Equality 696-698 2 5.A.4 5.A.5 12-2 Solving Add/Sub Equations 700-701 2 5.G.12 12-3 Solve Multiplication/Division Equations 702-703 1 5.G.13 12-4 Write an Equation 706-709 5.G.14 2
WCSD Grade 5 Benchmark – administered, scored, and reported on or before January 21, 2011
5.N.4 Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 5.N.5 7-3 Mixed Numbers 400-401 1 5.N.9 7-4 Estimating Fractional Amounts 402-403 1 5.N.11 7-8 Equivalent Fractions 412-413 1 5.N.13 7-9 Greatest Common Factor 414-415 1 5.N.14 7-10 Fractions in Simplest form 416-417 2 5.N.15 8-3 LCD, LCM (teach both terms) 464-465 2 5.N.19 7-11 Understanding Comparing Fractions 418-419 1 5.N.20 5.N.21 7-12 Comparing & Ordering fractions & Mixed #'s 420-422 1 Estimate sums and differences of fractions with Supplement 5.N.22 1 5.N.25 like denominators 8-1 Adding & Subtracting Fractions w/ Like Den. 460-461 1
Revised October 8, 2009 8-5 Understanding Add & Sub Mixed Numbers 472-473 1 7-13 Fractions and Decimals 426-428 2 5.N.27 REVIEW/QUIZZES/TESTS 2 5.M.11 Chapter 9 5.M.1 5.M.6 9-1 Customary Units of Length 528-530 1 5.M.2 5.M.7 9-2 Measuring with Fractions of an Inch 532-533 1 5.M.3 5.M.9 9-3 Metric Units of Length 534-535 1 5.M.4 5.M.10 9-4 Converting Metric Units Using Decimals 536-538 1 5.M.5 5.A.1 9-5 Finding Perimeter 540-541 1 5.G.1 5.A.6 9-13 Elapsed Time 564-566 1 REVIEW/QUIZZES/TESTS 1 Chapter 6 6-1 Geometric Ideas 328-330 1 6-2 Measuring and Classifying Angles (note: stress 332-334 2 5.M.6 5.G.6 naming angles BOTH with 1 letter and with 3 letters) 5.M.8 5.G.7 6-4 Polygons 340-341 1 5.G.2 5.G.8 6-5 Classifying Triangles 342-344 2 5.G.3 5.G.9 6-6 Classifying Quadrilaterals (include practice drawing 346-349 1 5.G.4 5.G.10 polygons from a set of written directions (ex. P. 349)) 5.G.5 5.G.11 6-9 Congruency and Similarity 360-362 1 6-10 Transformations 364-366 1 6-11 Symmetry 368-369 1 REVIEW/QUIZZES/TESTS 2 Chapter 11 5.N.6 11-1 Understanding Ratios 646-647 1 5.N.7 11-2 Equal Ratios 648-650 1 5.N.11 11-8 Understanding Percent (write %’s as fractions and 668-669 2 decimals) REVIEW/QUIZZES/TESTS 1
5.S.1 Chapter 5 (If necessary, to ease time 5.S.2 constraints it is suggested that the concepts in 5.S.3 Chapter 5 (except mean) be covered during 5.S.4 Science and Social Studies instruction. 5-1 Collecting Data ,5-3 Line Graphs 266-267 1 5-6 Mean (no median or mode) supplement 1 5-8 Choosing an Appropriate Graph 300-301 1 5-9 Problem-Solving (Writing to Compare) 302-304 1 REVIEW/QUIZ 1
POST-MAY 2011 NYS Performance Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley Page #'s # of Days Revised October 8, 2009 Indicators addressed in each Section Headings chapter Chapter 5 - Section C - Probability 5.S.5 5-10 Predicting Outcomes 296-299 1 5.S.6 5-11 Listing Outcomes 300-301 1 5.S.7 5-12 Probability as a Fraction 302-304 2 REVIEW/QUIZZES/TESTS 1 Chapter 12 5.A.2 5.A.3 12-9 The Coordinate Plane (1st Quad. ONLY) 724-726 2 5.A.4 Calculate the perimeter of geometric 5.A.5 shapes drawn on a coordinate plane 5.G.12 (rectangles, and shapes composed of supplement 2 5.G.13 rectangles having sides with integer 5.G.14 lengths and parallel to the axes) REVIEW/QUIZZES/TESTS 2
Requested topics (from 6th grade teachers) for 5th grades teachers to spend concentrated efforts completing post-March: mastery in all operations of decimals, especially multiplying and dividing rounding decimals mathematics properties introduce adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators converting to and from mixed numbers and improper fractions
Revised October 8, 2009