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Salem State College


INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Shelly Sweeney OFFICE: Room 125 O’Keefe Center TELEPHONE: 978-542-6582 OFFICE HOURS: EMAIL: [email protected] FAX: 978-542-6554

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Through lecture, discussion, and laboratory, the established components of fitness will be examined. Principles of aerobic and anaerobic exercise and the important contribution of food to energy production will be covered. The student will assess his/her fitness levels and nutritional practices. Required of Fitness/Wellness and Athletic Training Concentrations. Three hours per week. Open to all students except those who have received credit for SFL 240.

COURSE MATERIALS:  McArdle, Katch, and Katch. Sports and Exercise Nutrition. Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, 1999.  Three ring binder (1/2 or 1inch) with plastic pages

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Throughout this course, most students should be able to: 1. Construct methods to determine the recommended daily intake of a healthy diet for athletes and others involved in physical activity.(On line nutritionist) 2. Describe the nutritional food pyramid and explain its use. (Quiz) 3. Evaluate the energy and nutritional demands of specific activities and the nutritional demands placed on athletes and other involved in physical activity. (Nutritional Log) 4. Apply the principles of nutrition, including the roles of fluids and electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, ergogenic aids, macronutrients, carbohydrates, protein, fats, and dietary supplements as they relate to the dietary and nutritional needs of athletes and other involved in physical activity. (Nutritional Log, On line nutritionist) 5. Locate, obtain, and interpret scientific position papers describing healthy weight loss, fluid maintenance, disordered eating, nutritional ergogenic aids, diet supplements, and/or assessment of body composition in athletes and other involved in physical activity. (On line nutritionist, Female Triad Survey) 6. Analyze the principles of weight control, including body fat percentage, caloric requirements, effects of exercise, and fluid loss. (On line nutritionist) 7. Identify the consequences of improper fluid replacement. (Quiz) 8. Describe the principle of caloric balance. (On line nutritionist) 9. Explain the guidelines for safe weight loss and weight gain. (On line nutritionist) 10. Describe the differences between saturated, unsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats and the effects of each on diet, performance, health care, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. (On line nutritionist, Quiz) 11. Design a pre-participation meal. (On line nutritionist)

COURSE POLICIES: Students are expected to exhibit respect and responsibility towards their instructor, fellow classmates, and themselves as it relates to their academic progress. In accordance with these standards, the following policies have been established: 1. Attendance: Two absences (unexcused) are permitted. All other unexcused absences will accrue a two-point penalty and be subtracted from your total average. For an excused absence, prior consent or a written verification of your absence must be provided. More than five absences (unexcused) results in automatic failure. 2. Assignments: All assignments must be typewritten and all assignments must be completed. Assignments must be submitted to Dr. Sweeney during class time on the assigned due date. Assignments will accrue a 10% deduction for every class meeting that the assignment is late. Late assignments must also be submitted during class time only. 3. Lateness: Being late for class is disruptive and inappropriate. Be on time. If tardiness is abused, the student will be asked to leave the class. 4. Do not attempt to ask for extra credit or special compensation at the end of the semester! Follow the syllabus and do your work when required. If you are doing marginal work throughout the semester, ask for help immediately.

COURSE EVALUATION: On line Nutritionist 35 pts Nutritional Log 25 pts Quizzes (4) 20 pts Female Triad Survey 15 pts 100 pts total


On Line Nutritionist 35 pts

This assignment was created to allow students the opportunity to use their nutrition knowledge in an applied setting. At the beginning of the semester, students are expected to select an athlete (of any competitive level) that would be interested in corresponding over email on current issues of nutrition and athletic performance. Students should choose an individual who is willing to communicate often with them. Throughout the semester, the student is required to correspond with the athlete at least four times. Each correspondence with the athlete requires the student to share information on a new topic of nutrition. The four current topics include:  Weight control (body fat %, caloric requirements, effects of exercise on body composition)  Healthy eating (the macronutrients)  Pre-participation meal and fluid replacement  Ergogenic aids With the four assigned correspondences, the student is required to print the correspondence and submit as documentation of the interaction. Interaction and submittance must be made within two weeks from the date when the topic was discussed in class. Although this assignment requires only four correspondences, it is highly recommended that the student display a concerned interest in the athlete and create a continuing dialogue throughout the semester. It is our way of “giving back” to the community at large! Assessment criteria for each of the four correspondences is on line.

Nutritional Log 30 pts

During the course of the semester, students will assess their food intake, activity levels, establish personal goals, and implement dietary changes. All information pertaining to this assignment will be displayed in plastic sheets and secured in a three-ring binder exclusively for the purposes of this assignment. Further explanation and due dates follow:

Pre-Assessment (Due Thursday, September 19) Using the Food and Physical Activity Analyzer (computer program), students will enter their food intake and activity expenditure over a three-day period. (1) Students are required to submit the computer print out for each of the three days. (2) Along with the food and activity print out, students are also required to complete and submit a pre assessment worksheet (on website). This worksheet will assist the student in determining goals and strategies for the semester. (3) Students are also required to begin a chart in their log that reports daily totals. Students will continue to complete chart throughout the semester (example on web site). (4) All entries must be displayed in plastic sheets and secured in a three-ring binder.

Spot Checks (Thurs, October 10 and November 7) Students will return to their computer program (Food and Physical Activity Analyzer) and record their food intake and activity for one day only. There are two spot checks throughout the semester. With each entry, answers to the following questions must be submitted: (1) Are you pleased or disappointed with your progress so far? Why or why not? (2) What behavioral changes need to be made or are being met? Each spot check should be submitted in plastic sheets in a binder along with all prior work.

Final Analysis (Due Thursday, April 18) Using the Food and Physical Activity Analyzer, students will enter their food intake and activity for three days. On a post assessment worksheet (on web site), students will be asked to evaluate their progress throughout the semester. The entire assignment must be enclosed in the binder and submitted at this time.

Assessment Criteria for sections of the nutritional log: “A” work: Completed all requirements in a professional format (100%) “B” work: Completed most requirements (85%) “C” work: Completed some requirements (75%) “D” work: Completed few requirements (65%)

Female Triad Survey (Due Tuesday, November 12) 15 points In a 1997 study conducted by the New York newspaper Newsday, interviews and questionnaires determined knowledge and attitudes of certain populations about the triad. (Refer to pg. 61 in your book). Students will be required to collect similar data. Working in small groups, students will design their own unofficial study including subjects, means of data collection, and analysis report. Specific requirements and assessment criteria will be outlined in class.

Quizzes (In class and take home) 20 points Generally, quizzes will be taken at the beginning of class or as a take home quiz. Topics of inquiry will be centered around chapter summary points and class notes. After the quiz has been distributed in class, there are no make up quizzes. The instructor will drop one quiz grade at the end of the semester before averaging others for final grade.

ADA STATEMENT “Salem State College is committed to providing equal access to the educational experiences for all students in compliance with Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act and The Americans with Disabilities Act and to providing all reasonable academic accommodations, aids, and adjustments. Any student who has a documented disability requiring an accommodation, aid or adjustment should speak with the instructor immediately. Students with Disabilities who have not previously done so should provide documentation to and schedule an appointment with the Office for Students with Disabilities and obtain appropriate services.” ASSIGNMENT CALENDAR

Date Topic Reading Other Assignments Thurs Sept 5 Syllabus Tues Sept 10 Food/Physical Act. Analysis Thurs Sept 12 Who controls what?, Chp 8 (pp.237, 240-241, Computer print out of Food labels 244-248, 252-253) diet Tues Sept 17 Nutritional Log assign., PreAssessment Thurs Sept 19 “Fast Food Nation” PreAssessment due (NL) Tues Sept 24 Body Composition Chp 12 (pp.378-406) Thurs Sept 26 Energy Balance Chp 13 (pp. 431-451) Tues Oct 1 Energy Balance Chp 13 Thurs Oct 3 Energy Balance Chp 13 (pp.452-459)

Tues Oct 8 Skinfold Tests Chp 12 (pp. 392-394) Quiz (chp 8,12, 13)

Thurs Oct 10 Carbohydrates Chp 1, part I (pp. 6-18) Spot Check #1(NL)

Tues Oct 15 Lipids Chp 1, part II (pp.19-29) On line #1 due: Weight Control Thurs Oct 17 Lipids Chp 1, part II (pp.19-29) Tues Oct 22 Protein Chp 1, part III (pp.30-37) Thurs Oct 24 Vitamins Chp 2, part I (pp 42-50) Quiz (chp 1) Tues Oct 29 Minerals Chp 2, part II (pp 51-69) Thurs Oct 31 Disordered Eating Chp 14 Tues Nov 5 Female Athlete Triad Thurs Nov 7 Female Athlete Triad, Chp 3 (pp 91-104) Spot Check #2 (NL) Digestion/Absorption Tues Nov 12 Macronutrient Chp 5 Take home quiz Metabolism distributed (Chp 2,3,14) On line #2 due: Healthy eating, Female Athlete Triad due Thurs Nov 14 Exercise and Training Chp 7 Take home quiz due Tues Nov 19 Exercise and Training Chp 7 Quiz (chp 3,14) Thurs Nov 21 Thermoregulation Chp 9 Tues Nov 26 Thermoregulation Chp 9 Take home quiz distributed (Chp 5,7,9) On line #3 due: Preparticipation meal and fluid replacemnt Thurs Nov 28 Vacation!! Eat well! Take home quiz due Tues Dec 3 Ergogenic Aids Meet in the library, Begin to read on your selected ergogenic aid Thurs Dec 5 Ergogenic Aids Meet in the library Spot Check #3 and Post assessment (NL) Tues Dec 10 Ergogenic Aids Meet in classroom On line #4 due: Ergogenic aids

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