Victorian State Council Executive

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Victorian State Council Executive


ATTENDANCE Paul. Zsidy Chairman Jess Harper Deputy Chairman | Executive | Hill Climb Panel Chairman Norman Gowers Elected Board Director Michael Holloway Alternate Elected Director | Executive Peter Bready Executive Lee Filliponi Executive Shane Rogers Executive Graeme Williams Executive Noel Tippett Executive David Bellenger Executive | Officiating Panel Chairman Aaron Wuillemin Motorkhana Panel Chairman John Mason Scrutiny Panel Chairman Nickolas Charrett Autocross Panel Craig Button Off Road Panel Chairman

VISITORS Peter Valentine Bendigo Car Club

APOLOGIES Troy Bennett Rally Panel Chairman Bruce Astbury Executive | Sprint Panel Chairman Matt Balcombe Executive | Motor Race Panel Chairman

ABSENT Peter Valentine Bendigo Car Club

These minutes cover VSCE17-0010 to VSCE17-0014 Refer to table at end of minutes for actions to be taken

1. OPENING The Chairman opened the meeting at 1933 hours, with a welcome extended to all attendees and visitors.

2. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES VSCE17-0010 MOTION – To ratify Minutes of 2017 February Meeting. Moved P. Bready, 2nd N. Tippett – Carried

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The VSCE discussed the composition and timeline for the release of the CAMS Manual of Motor Sport. The VSCE expressed a desire to better under the existing process behind the how the updates of the manual are being released

VSCE17-0011 ACTION – VSCE Chairman to request clarification of the following; 1. How the CAMS Manual is to be updated, what is the current protocol, timeframe and process? 2. What sections of the manual require a bulletin when changes?

MOTORKHANA PANEL A. Wuillemin reported on behalf of the panel.

Two rounds of the Victorian Motorkhana Championship have been conducted. The date and time for the round conducted by the Mini Club was discussed.

The cost of the State Khanacross Championship permit fees were discussed at length. The cost of a Multi Club Permit fee is $195, the State Championship Permit fee is $610.

VSCE17-0012 ACTION – VSCE to request a review of the permit allocation, considering the scope and disparity of competitors competing at grass roots events, including a review of NCR15.

RALLY PANEL T. Bennett was an apology. A written report was submitted.

“Not much to report from the Rally Panel, the Eureka Rally was the first event in Victoria, and seemed to run fairly well. We have been notified by DELWP however that there was fairly significant road damage in parts of the event, so we'll be expecting the bill for that.

We're also working with CAMS to formalise and improve the current OLT system for rallying, as well as developing a new Junior Development program, something we haven't had in rallying previously. I'll hopefully be able to provide a full report (when I've finished writing the program!) at the April VSCE meeting.

SPRINT PANEL B. Astbury apology, written report submitted

“Notes from Panel meeting held on 20/3 VSSC Round one held at PI with good numbers (80) considering it was a long weekend Next round 9/4 Standing Regs still need to be ratified by State Council Presentation night held for 2016 Award winners. Approx 30 in attendance

Club Co-operation Clubs working together to promote events E.G. MSCA and Porsche 240 on the same weekend at Sandown. Maserati and MSCA at Winton in July, Encouraging enter both events Aroca / WRX

Other General business Competition from Tampered Motorsport events at Sandown Watch entrants who are entering events with leased cars”

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The tabled regulations were discussed at length.

VSCE17-0013 MOTION – To approve the tabled Victorian SuperSprint Championship Technical Regulation – with amendments to be conveyed to the panel by P.Bready. Moved S. Rogers, 2nd N. Tippett – Carried with 1 Abstention (JH)

HILL CLIMB PANEL J. Harper reported on behalf of the panel.

The panel last convened on the 9th February 2017. Round 4 was successful conducted by Ballarat Light Car Club with the fantastic competitor numbers in attendance, the highest number of entries in the last 5 years.

Round 5 will be hosted by PIARC on the 2nd April at Bryant Park, utilising a brand new venue configuration.

Round 6 will be hosted by SDCC on the 30th April at DECA.

Round 7 will be hosted by ACC on the 10th & 11th June at One Tree Hill.

The Victorian Hill Climb Championship is celebrating its 60th Year of Competition in 2017. The Panel is very proud of this achievement and looks forward to many more years to come.

The panel will next convene on the 13th April 2017.


M. Holloway reported on behalf of the panel. The panel last convened on the 13

M. Holloway reported that the panel executive has completed the Stewards roster for events up to August. The panel will seek an exception, from CAMS administration, for stewards to attend some events that currently sit outside the policy. The panel believes these events warrant the requirement for panel stewards.

The panel will next convene on the 10th April 2017.

SCRUTINY PANEL J. Mason reported on behalf of the panel.

VSCRC Sandown – 12 Scrutineers, 228 Competitors, 50 Audits completed, 9 Accidents and the inclusion of an OLT. Phillip Island Classic – 15 Scrutineers, 424 Competitors, 92 Audits completed, 29 Accidents.

Scrutineering School will be conducted on the 13th May 2017.

MOTOR RACE PANEL M. Balcombe apology, no written report submitted.

M. Balcombe advised via email that the panel has nothing to report.

M. Balcombe advised via email that the panel will next convene on the 17

OFF ROAD PANEL C. Button reported on behalf of the panel.

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The first meeting for the year was conducted by the 24th February 2017.

A potential conflict of interest issue within the panel was raised by the VSCE. VSCE17-0014 ACTION – The VSCE requests the advice and recommendation of CAMS Administration prior to making a determination on this issue.

The panel will convene next on the last Friday of May.

AUTOCROSS PANEL N. Charrett reported on behalf of the panel.

The eligibility for road tyres vs rally tyres was discussed with an issue arising at the last round.

The panel will convene next in early June.

OFFICIATING PANEL D. Bellenger reported on behalf of the panel. The panel last convened on the 27 such the meeting was used for a discussion session.

The panel discussed an issue with medical conditions of officials.

D. Bellenger reported the panel will next convene on the 24th April 2017.

ELECTED DIRECTOR N. Gowers reported on behalf of the CAMS Board. The board last convened in February.

1. The board welcomed Nick Rahimtulla to the board as the new WA elected director.

2. Sam Reed presented to the board as the WAMS Chair regarding the current activities and plans for WAMS. 3. The CAMS President presented a report including a brief on the FIA Stewards Training program, a program produced by Garry Connelly at the FIA’s cost.

4. The CAMS CEO presented a report to the board.

5. The CAMS Board reviewed and amended the AIMS constitution.

6. JAC decision paper was tabled.

7. The CAMS Board amended the CAMS State Panel Standing Orders.

8. Alan Evans was appoints to Chairman of the new CAMS Risk Committee.

9. The Finance department tabled a report.

10. The Commissions Tabled reports.

The VSCE Chairman raised a question to the CAMS Board Member around an issue that has been brought to his attention regarding a clubs affiliation status, with a request to table it for discussion. The CAMS Board Member responded to the question, noting that this issue is currently being reviewed by the CAMS Board.

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4. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes See Apendix 1&2. For matters arising from previous meetings along with their status.

5. General Business

1. Ratification of New Affiliated Car Club Noted on the agenda, however nothing tabled presented.

2. Victorian State Council Meeting Dates to be sent for the remainder of 2017 Next VSC meeting to be held on 2nd May.

6. NEXT MEETING Wednesday 26th April 2017 at 7.30pm – CAMS Meeting Room.

7. MEETING CLOSURE The meeting closed at 10:00pm

Chairman’s Declaration: “I have sighted these minutes and believe they are a true and accurate record of the meeting.”

……………………….. Paul Zsidy Victorian State Council Chair

Appendix 1. LIST OF 2017 ACTION ITEMS Minute Action Responsible Status Number

ACTION – VSCE Chair to investigate the CAMS Personal Accident Insurance, with emphasis on the VSCE16-0059 amounts paid. How the Amounts are calculated and VSCE WIP what if any indexation has occurred over the past 10 years. ACTION – Restricted Competition - VSCE determined VSCE16-0075 that further investigation and discussion will be required P.Bready WIP at future meetings. ACTION – The VSCE has requested that the chair of the sprint panel send S. Rogers an editable version of S. Rogers VSCE16-0082 the document to facilitate amendments. Once amended WIP the Chair shall re-present the regulations at the VSAP January VSCE Meeting ACTION – VSCE Chair to discuss the potential VSCE17-0004 confusion with expired Bulletins and regulations not yet VSCE WIP being updated with CAMS Administration.

ACTION – VSCE Chair to request a time extension for VSCE17-0005 P. Zsidy COMPLETE Constitutional Review submissions from the CEO.

Victorian State Council Executive Page 5 of 6 Meeting of 29 March 2017 VICTORIAN STATE COUNCIL EXECUTIVE MINUTES ACTION –VSCE request an update from CAMS Sport and Club Development as to the extent of the existing VSCE17-0009 relationship between CAMS and VIC Roads, P. Zsidy WIP particularly what representation CAMS undertakes on behalf of its members with Vic Roads. ACTION – VSCE Chairman to request clarification of the following; 1. How the CAMS Manual is to be updated, what is VSCE17-0011 P. Zsidy NEW the current protocol, timeframe and process? 2. What sections of the manual require a bulletin when changes? ACTION – VSCE to request a review of the permit allocation, considering the scope and disparity of VSCE17-0012 competitors competing at grass roots events, including a P. Zsidy NEW review of NCR15. ACTION – The VSCE requests the advice and VSCE17-0014 recommendation of CAMS Administration prior to making P. Zsidy NEW a determination on this issue.

Appendix 2. LIST OF 2017 MEETING MOTIONS Minute Motion Status Number

VSCE17-0001 MOTION – To ratify Minutes of 2017 November Meeting. Carried

MOTION – The VSCE request that the Administration upon being informed of a club who has published unapproved supplementary regulations contact the Club and advise them that they need to be VSCE17-0002 Carried removed within 3 business days. Should a club not comply with this the matted should be referred to the VSCE to continue with the investigation. MOTION – To ratify and accept the Victorian Rally Bulletin and VSCE17-0003 Carried Regulations for 2017.

VSCE17-0007 MOTION – To ratify Minutes of 2017 January Meeting. Carried MOTION – For VSCE to accept and ratify the regulations as tabled VSCE17-0008 pending the approved of MG and Invited British Category by the Carried CAMS Australian Motor Racing Commission.

VSCE17-0010 MOTION – To ratify Minutes of 2017 February Meeting. Carried

MOTION – To approve the tabled Victorian SuperSprint Championship VSCE17-0013 Technical Regulation – with amendments to be conveyed to the panel Carried by P.Bready.

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