Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys Oil Paintings

Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys [English Pre-Raphaelite Painter, 1829-1904]

Autumn canvas painting, 47669-Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys-Autumn.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47669 | Order the painting

Dimensions of original painting canvas painting, 47670-Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys-Dimensions of original painting.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47670 | Order the painting

Gentle Spring canvas painting, 47671-Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys-Gentle Spring.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47671 | Order the painting

Helen of Troy canvas painting, 47672-Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys-Helen of Troy.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47672 | Order the painting

Love's Shadow canvas painting, 47673-Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys-Love's Shadow.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47673 | Order the painting


Love's Shadow canvas painting, 47674-Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys-Love's Shadow.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47674 | Order the painting

Mary Magdalene canvas painting, 47675-Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys-.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47675 | Order the painting

Mary Sandys canvas painting, 47676-Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys-Mary Sandys.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47676 | Order the painting

May Margaret canvas painting, 47677-Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys-May Margaret.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47677 | Order the painting

Medea canvas painting, 47678-Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys-.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47678 | Order the painting

Total 2 pages, 1/2 | Page : [1] 2 Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys (Nationality : English Pre-Raphaelite Painter, 1829-1904) Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys (born Antonio Frederic Augustus Sands) (1 May 1829 - 25 June 1904), but usually known as , was an English Pre-Raphaelite painter, illustrator and draughtsman, of the Victorian era.

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