!For Funds Campatgn and Sent Sketche5 to Park Saturday J.S Part of Armed Forces Harpers Weeki)

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!For Funds Campatgn and Sent Sketche5 to Park Saturday J.S Part of Armed Forces Harpers Weeki) An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • THE • Barbecue expert re' eal Baseball closes season with ecret of the ta ty trade. 3-2 win over Rutgers, Bl Cl .• PR RT TD 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 "C .S Po~tage PAlD Tuesday & Friday ::'\e\\ ark DE Penmt ;\o. 26 FREE Volume 129, Issue 54 ~ www.review.udel.edu . Thesday, May 20, 2003 Enrollment services provost position eliminated 8\ I\...\ TIE GRAS 0 Provost Daniel Rtch stated in <.tn e-matl me~~age that become the as'>i'>tant for '>tudent service-.. Abo. Louis resource for the three offices and the campus m general:' 'II< \ f Stege! ''a~ the overall leader of undergraduate enrollment Htrsh. senior as..,ociate director of admi'>-.ton .... will Di Martilc said. "It wtll be my job to insure a smooth The admt~~ion.., department will undergo several sen tee-.. '' hich included administratiYe responsibility for become director of admissions. transition to the new system.'' cham:e" over the ~ummer. includin!! the eltminatwn of the Office of Admtsstons. the Office of Financial Atd and Dt \lartilc ~tated tn an e-mail me~sage that the Hirsh stared in an e-mail message that he does not the p~sit.on ot J.'>:o.o~iate provo:-.t for e~rollment sen ices. the Office of the Regtstrar. expam.JOn of hts responsibilities will extend be}ond see s1gmficant organizational changes taking place under fred Stege!. a'>sociate pro\ost for enrollment The umversity ts not planning to hire anyone to fill helping current students and nO\\ include assisting his nev. posttion as director of admi<;stom, but his goal is service... will re:-.tgn from hts po~ttJon at the uni\"erstty Steger-. posttion. Rich satd. pro~pecuve students a~ \\ell. to take advantage of the applicant pools. and become as-.octate \tee prestdent and dean of "l\.lr. Siegel's posttton will not be refilled because "I look forward to continuing my relationship \\tth ''I thmk Fred charted a course for the university'<; freshmen at George Washington Unt\'er~ll). the unl\ersity is fortunate that other semor staff are the director-. of admt~sion and financwl atd. Lou HlfSh enrollment services that is sustainable by the experienced ··t am lea\ ing the enrollment busmess and working aYallable to accept adctitional responsibthties." he said. and Johnie Burton.'' staff he leaves behind," he said. with fre~hmen to -see that the) have the experience they Stege! satd he suggested destgnattng Jus duties to Di ~1artile said he. Hmh and Burton. who have Rich said he believes the improved qualifications of should have during their first year:· he satd. other members because he felt they could perform them worked together over the past stx years, will combine incoming freshman over the last decade can be credited Stegel. who worked at GWU for stx years pnor to best. thetr efforts in the coming months to implement a new to Siegel and his colleagues at the Office of AdmissiOns. commg to the l'ni\ erstty of DeJa\\ are. wtll move with his "l feel the uni\erstt) ts actmg \\ isel) :· he sat d. ~tudent mformat10n ... ystem. Hirsh sa1d the administrative changes wtll take effect famil) to the ~1t. Vernon campus of the umverstty. Rtch said university regtstrar Joseph Dt ~lartile will "The student system is a key admmisrratt\ e support July 1. Re-enactors honor Roselle U.S. servicemen• asks state BY i\IEGA'\; SL'LLI\'A'\; Re-enactor Steve Sleeper lJ f II< r portrayed civilian \\ mslo\\ Horner. a Civil '' ar re-enactors pronded 19th century painter who followed the insight tnto the life of Civil \\ ar 61 st Ne\\ York dunng the Pemnsula ~oldters at White Clay Creek State !for funds Campatgn and sent sketche5 to Park Saturday J.s part of Armed Forces Harpers Weeki) . Weekend in '\ewark "Ba<,tcally. tn camp. he did BY ADEESHA ROBINSON Re-enactor Wtlliam Johnson smd sketches of soldiers so people at home StuffReporter Armed Forces Weekend ts held could see what \\a!> going on." he smd. Umversity President D avid P. Roselle met with the Capital Bond Committee of the annually to remember the nation's Sleeper satd he chose to portra) a Delaware General Assembly May 12 to discuss servicemen \\ho have \Olunteered civilian because he had enough of the their I i ves for a greater cause the state·s as yet unfulfilled prormse to give the brutality assoctated with war after university $10 million. "lt' ~ certatnl) important for u~ as fighting tn vietnam from 1966 to The university requested the funds as part of re-enactor~ to keep the memory green 196S. its fiscal year 200-l Capital Budget Request to of all tho'e that ha\ e gone before us:· Johnson sait! people join n:- fund completed renovanons and renewal project>. he said. enactment group<> for varil'u .on.;; Ro~elle stated in an e-mail mes~age that the The re-enactors '>et up an He said he had ance~tor~ on both umverstt) had to use tts own resources to finance encampment to represent the 61 st the Northern and Southern stdes of the the renoution projects because of the state's Regtment 'ew \ ork volunteer war. mcluding hts far-removed grand­ constrained budget. Infantry. Johnson sa1d. v. htch uncle. Gen. ··stonewall" Jackson. The uni,:ersity has used funds not assembled tn 1861 and became a \\ell­ Howe\er. having personal ttes to the appropriated by the state such as gifts. overhead recogmzed unit of the Cnion army. war IS not as important as learning the and tuition. to help fund these projects. he said. "The 6lst ·e,, York kept it~ history and memonallztng the "The documentation in the state budget has made it not possible for them to adhere to the \"Olunteer sptrit." he satd. "It wa~ a soldiers. construction plan~ of Du Pont Hall a nd good [regtment] to emulate." ·•[Re-enacting] certainly a great ts renovations of Wolf Hall." Roselle said. Re-enac tor Paul Urbaniak sa1d he rush.'' Johnson said. ··u nothing else, and the other re-enactor set up their He ~aid the state ongtnally pledged 6 you get a perspectn e of what the) million to aid m the renovation of Wolf Hall and cam as tenb using branches and string went through." $-l million for the Du Pont Hall expansion. ' and slept overnight on hay and Urbaniak said he decided to join ·'When the state of Delaware makes an blankets. They cooked chtli and beans the re-enactment group m 1987 after initial appropriation for a capital project." RoscHe over a campfire and ate and drank hearing the unit'~ original founder satd, ''there is an implicit agreement that they will from authentic bO\\ Is. plates and cups. speak about tt on the radio. fund the project according to the agreed-upon John~on said the demonstration "I was always a civil war freak plan." accurJ.tcly depicted the day-to-day my5elr:· he said. "This is a great thing The projects the state fund were supposed ltves of ctvil war ~oldiers. without the to portray. to cover have already been completed. he said. pre..,ence of infecttous disea..,es that "You appreciate what [the ··The contractors have been paid from cau~ed many of the war·., casualties. soldiers] did for you ... borrowed funds:· he said. "lf we were to receive the total amount requested, we would use it to ":\o dysentery." he satd. " We do Crbaniak"s ..,on Ja-.on. no\\ 25. ha\"e to go to work on ~londay." pay off those loans ... said he JOined the group when he \\as Ro elle said the state has complied with the Re- enactor Mtke Wood yelled 16. which ts the mtnimum age order-. dunng a demonstration on universtty" s capital requests in the past. requtred to carry a musket. ··we knov.. the state budget is constrained," mu-..kct dn!J., a~ Brian Holt. 17. "It's a good getaway from the he said. "but the O\erall response to the request performed the proper techniques and hu~tle and bustle." he said. "I really was friendly. Our request t'> that they make a ... tep-. for loading and firing. enjo) the comaradene .. good effort to fund those projects fully at the Wood said during battle re­ Spectator Ben · e\v man. I 0. satd earliest possible date ·· enactments. they shoot cartridge~ he does a lot of stud) ing on the Ctvil David Hollowell. executive vice president. tilled '' ith black powder that produce War and thinks his interest grew as a stated in an e-mail message that the university ... moke and a loud bang instead of result of \·isiting places where battles began construction when the state approved the 1 u..,tng bullet-.. were fought. installments. "A good soldier could fire three "[The Civil \\ arl \vas actually "We used our O\\ n funds to bndge the gap atmed rounds tn one minute,'' he satd. fought around here and ) ou can relate unttl the state funds were 111 hand." be aid. "This make.., the reno\ a ted factlity available for faculty Wood satd the untt's more to it becau'>e it \\as fought m thts demonstration!> create li \'ing histor). and student use. and ~aves monev on construction country:· he ... aid. by a\OJdtng tnflated costs th-at would occur allowing people to ..,ee Civil War ltfe rewman satd he thought the first-hand in ... tead of reading about it during the waiting period.'" demonstration was mteresting and can All of the construction projects are tn boob.
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