Large Group Worship

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Large Group Worship

Large Group Worship

Introduction We are blessed to have a loving God who cares for us, provides for our needs, and calls us to love others as we have been loved. The purpose of these worship settings is to encourage people to live in a way that demonstrates that we are loving God as we have been loved. When we worship together, we not only learn what it means to love God, we are encouraged to outwardly proclaim our love and put it into faithful practice in our daily lives. Through these worship experiences, campers will be awakened to new ideas and ways to actively and creatively express their God-given love to others. The goal is to use the worship experiences as a foundation to help campers respond to the call of God in their lives. Counselors are encouraged to help the youth see the larger picture of a world full of people who need to be cared for in a just, healthy, and loving way. Corporate worship is a good place to start, but needs to be followed up in small groups and one-on-one relationships that happen during a week of camp. Each worship service revolves around God’s word: we sing it, we pray it, we hear it, and we respond to it. Each piece of worship directs us to the central points of the particular worship theme and biblical text. In hearing the word of God we are called, changed, and sent. The normal pattern of worship set out for these days at camp is similar to the pattern for worship we are accustomed to on most Sundays. We gather together, we read and explore the word of God, we respond to that word and apply it to our daily lives, and we are sent with the good news to share with others.

Worship resources The following resources are meant to provide the camp staff with tools to support your efforts in preparing for and leading worship. These resources do not eliminate the need for creativity. Neither are they able to take into account the variety of settings and the gifts available from among the staff and campers who are part of the outdoor ministry experience. As you prepare for worship, you are encouraged to use and adapt the resources. You will want to assess the resources, gifts, and talents available to you from among the camp staff, the setting itself, and the campers each week. Including the gifts and talents of many in worship enlivens the experience, adds variety of expression, and helps others know that they have worthy ways of praising, praying, and serving. Here you will find six worship settings.

First night: A love that never ends Day 1: Abraham Day 2: Israel Day 3: Ruth Day 4: Jonah Day 5: Jeremiah

Each worship setting is organized around the daily theme. Each is divided into four primary parts: Gathering, Encountering the Word, Responding to the Word, and Sending. Within each section you will find numerous options. Draw upon these resources and your own to make the most of the worship opportunities awaiting you and your campers. By the end of the week, you will have fully explored these six themes and helped the campers think about, experience, and live out the call to love God, others, and self.

Basic principles for worship planners

Grace is central to worship. Be clear about this: God first loves us, gifts us, and calls us. In response to this amazing grace, we express our love of God, gratitude for God’s gifts, and attentiveness to God’s call.

Worship is communal. Yes, one can rejoice at the wonder of creation and sing one’s own song of praise alone. But Christian worship is carried by the whole community through telling the story of faith, questioning and discerning together, praying for each other and for those who have no voice, sharing the holy meal, and supporting each other in the daily living of faith. The camp setting is ideal for modeling worship as an experience of the gathered people of God. So even when only a few people are charged with leading worship, make sure they include and involve others.

Imagination is your friend. Few people stay focused for more than a few minutes on any one concept. Variety of musical styles, change of tempo and volume, visual aids, dramatic interludes, prayer in a variety of styles—these will help young worshipers stay focused on the theme and remain engaged in the experience of worship. Make use of their senses and their imaginations.

Language should be inclusive whenever possible. Not every prayer needs to begin with “Father God.” No reference to humanity should be “man.” Not every camper comes from a stereotypical family. Think carefully about the words you choose to describe God and human experience. For help, look to the Bible, which is rich in metaphor, poetry, symbol, and parable. Language that embraces a variety of expressions for God and human experience will open wide the possibilities for worshipers to participate fully.

A word of caution. Manipulation of emotions has no place in Christian worship. Tactics that use fear, coercion, or intimidation are not appropriate either. It is neither helpful nor proper to make campers feel destined to hell or responsible for Jesus’ suffering. Just tell the good news of God in Jesus Christ and the Spirit will have plenty to work with in deepening worshipers’ faith and calling them to discipleship.

Use familiar liturgical elements. A familiar hymn, prayer, response, or refrain used in worship at camp helps build continuity between the experiences of faith at home and camp.

Borrow from the global Christian community. God’s song is sung in many languages. Teaching campers new music, words, and rhythms from the great repertoire of global Christian music is a gift to them. When youth bring these rich musical expressions home, the worship of the whole church benefits.

Preparation is key to effective worship. It’s always wise to ask before the worship begins: Is the music ready? Are the props and/or costumes in place? Does each worship leader and musician know what to expect and when to do her or his part? Are we prepared for an emergency? Have I prayed for calm and focus? It’s amazing how relaxed and adaptable worship can be when things are well-planned ahead of time. A worship planning guide is provided on the next page to help you organize well.

Enjoy planning worship. Yes, life at camp is very busy. But in worship you have the chance to give expression to what the whole creation yearns to do—praise God from whom all blessings flow. Why not revel in the opportunity and discover the depths of your soul in the process?

Worship planning guide Here is a guide to help you make sure you are ready to lead worship. Use it to help organize your thoughts and get the details nailed down so you can provide an awesome worship experience for campers and camp staff.



Preparatory materials

Before worshipers arrive





After worshipers leave

Resources Publications Anderson, Yohan. Songs. San Anselmo, CA: Songs and Creations, 2001. Batastini, Robert and Michael A. Cymbala. Gather. 2nd ed. Chicago: GIA Publications, Inc., 1994. Beech, Jay. Everyone Who Is Thirsty, Come! Baytone Music. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2001. Bell, John. One Is the Body: Songs of Unity and Diversity. Chicago: GIA Publications, Inc., 2002. Bell, John and Iona Community. A Wee Worship Book. Chicago: GIA Publications, Inc., 2004. Berthier, Jacques and Taizé Community. Songs and Prayers from Taizé. Chicago: GIA Publications, Inc., 1991. Bread for the Journey (artist). Global Songs/Local Voices. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1994. . Global Songs 2. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1997. Carpenter, Delores, and Nolan Williams, eds. African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago: GIA Publications, Inc., 2001. Cry of the Heart CD. Strawberry Point, IA: Camp Ewalu, 2001. Dakota Road Music Anthology. Beresford, SD: Dakota Road Music 2004. Evangelical Lutheran Worship. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2006. Global Music Teaching CD. Global Liturgical Expressions. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2006. The Group Songbook. Loveland, CO: Group Publishing, 1993. Haugen, Marty. Unfailing Light: An Evening Setting of Holy Communion. Chicago: GIA Publications, Inc., 2001. LifeSongs Songbook. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1999. Lutheran Book of Worship. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1978. Makeever, Ray. Dancing at the Harvest. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1997. Maranatha! Music Praise Chorus Book. Nashville: Maranatha! Music Incorporated, 1990. The Psalms: Grail Translation from the Hebrew. Chicago: GIA Publications, Inc., 2000. Renewing Worship Songbook. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2003. Ruis, David. “Mercy Is Falling,” from Wide Wide World, 2001. Available at . Servant Songs: Work of the People vol. 1.5. Beresford, S.D: Dakota Road Music. Shout It Out! Songbook. Waverly, IA: Cross the Sky Ministries. Songs for a New Creation. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1982. Songs of the Vineyard. Vol. 8. Stafford, TX: Vineyard Ministries International, 1997. Spark Songbook. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2009. This Far by Faith: An African American Resource for Worship. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1999. VeggieTales’ 25 Favorite Sunday School Songs. Big Idea Entertainment, 2000. With One Voice: A Lutheran Resource for Worship. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1995. Worship & Praise Songbook. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1999. Ylvisaker, John. Borning Cry, vol. 1. 2nd ed. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2000. Youth Sunday Songbook. Waverly, IA: Cross the Sky Ministries, 2000.

Songs Songs relating to first night “Love, Love, Love,” LifeSongs 134 “This Is My Commandment,” LifeSongs 152 “Step by Step,” Worship & Praise Songbook 132 “Great Is the Lord,” The Group Songbook 62 “I Love You, Lord,” Worship & Praise Songbook 67 “Your Love Is Everlasting,” Dakota Road Music Anthology 8 “The Great Commandments,” LifeSongs 172 “Shout to the Lord,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 821 Songs relating to Day 1 “Fear Not,” Shout It Out 6 “Thy Word,” Worship & Praise Songbook 144 “Jesus Loves Me,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 595 “We Love,” LifeSongs 151 “Step by Step,” Worship & Praise Songbook 132 “Baptized,” Shout It Out 1 “We Are Baptized in Christ Jesus,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 451 “Borning Cry,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 732 “Psalm 25,” Shout It Out 19 Songs relating to Day 2 “Fill My Cup,” The Group Songbook 83 “Wade in the Water,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 459 “Spring Up, O Well,” The Group Songbook 18 “Bubblin’,” The Group Songbook 21 “I’ve Got a River of Life,” Maranatha! Music Praise Chorus Book 55 “Your River O God,” Dakota Road Music Anthology 4 “I Will Call upon the Lord,” Worship & Praise Songbook 70 “One Bread, One Body,” Worship & Praise Songbook 111 “Let Us Break Bread Together,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 471 “Teach Us to Pray,” Youth Sunday 17 Songs relating to Day 3 “Blessed Be,” Shout It Out 2 “Cry of My Heart,” Shout It Out 4 “The Church Song,” Worship & Praise Songbook 135 “All Are Welcome,” Dakota Road Music Anthology 2 “We’re Family,” Shout It Out 22 “Love, Love, Love,” LifeSongs 134 “Bind Us Together, Lord,” LifeSongs 127 “Give Thanks,” The Group Songbook 78 “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 752 “I Want Jesus to Walk with Me,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 325 “How Great,” Youth Sunday 2 “We’re a Family,” Youth Sunday 15

Songs relating to Day 4 “You Are My King” (“Amazing Love,”) Shout It Out 24 “Create in Me a Clean Heart,” The Group Songbook 36 “Humble Thyself,” The Group Songbook 38 “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 857 “That We May Be Healed,” Youth Sunday 18 “Build Up,” Dakota Road Music Anthology 6 “Reach Out,” Youth Sunday 7 “These Hands,” Youth Sunday 10 Songs relating to Day 5 “Go, Make Disciples,” Worship & Praise Songbook 47 “Let’s Go Out,” Dakota Road Music Anthology 126 “Step by Step,” Worship & Praise Songbook 132 “Immanuel,” The Group Songbook 63 “Here I Am, Lord,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 574 “This Little Light of Mine,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 677 “Bring Forth the Kingdom,” Worship & Praise Songbook 22 “We Are Called,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 720 “Go in Peace and Serve the Lord,” LifeSongs 111 “Make Me a Servant,” LifeSongs 137 “Open Our Eyes, Lord,” Worship & Praise Songbook 113 “To Be Your Presence,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 546 “As You Go on Your Way,” Borning Cry 255

First night: A love that never ends The first night of worship will introduce the overall theme for the week and touch on the daily themes as well. We are called to faith in a loving God. We are called to love God with all our heart and soul and might. We are called to love others as God has loved us. As we learn about God’s love, faithfulness, provision, forgiveness, and presence, we are called to use those gifts in our daily lives and freely share them with others.


Songs “Step by Step,” Worship & Praise Songbook 132 “Love, Love, Love,” LifeSongs 134

Call to worship The leader explains the call and response nature of the call to worship. The leader instructs the campers that their response phrase is “We will trust in the Lord our God.” Arrange for an assistant to say the words “We serve a loving God” to cue the campers for their response. Leader: God led Abraham by faith to the promised land, and God will lead us too. Assistant: We serve a loving God. Campers: We will trust in the Lord our God. Leader: God provided for Moses and the Israelites as they wandered in the wilderness, and God will provide for us too. Assistant: We serve a loving God. Campers: We will trust in the Lord our God. Leader: God gave Ruth and Naomi a family and friends to join, and God has given us a family and friends too. Assistant: We serve a loving God. Campers: We will trust in the Lord our God. Leader: God offered forgiveness to the people of Nineveh through the words of Jonah, and God offers forgiveness to us too. Assistant: We serve a loving God. Campers: We will trust in the Lord our God. Leader: God sent Jeremiah out to speak God’s word to the people, and God has sent us out too. Assistant: We serve a loving God. Campers: We will trust in the Lord our God.

Welcome Leader: We are people of faith who have a loving God who cares for us, provides for our needs, and calls us to love others as we have been loved. This week we are going to hear stories about people of faith who experienced the love of God in their lives. We will hear amazing stories about Abraham, Moses and the people of Israel, Ruth and Naomi, Jonah, and the prophet Jeremiah. God cared for all of them in their struggles, and God will care for us too. As we let God speak to us this week, we will learn to show the world that we serve a loving God who loves all people and calls everyone to a living faith. Get set to have a great week living in God’s love!

Song “This Is My Commandment,” LifeSongs 152

Opening prayer The leader explains the call and response nature of the prayer. The leader instructs the campers that their response phrase is “We will love the Lord our God.” Leader: You have been called to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your might. What do you say, O people of God? Campers: We will love the Lord our God! Leader: Like Abraham, you have been chosen by God to be people of faith and love. What do you say, O people of God? Campers: We will love the Lord our God! Leader: Like Moses and the Israelites, you are called to trust in God’s love. What do you say, O people of God? Campers: We will love the Lord our God! Leader: Like Ruth and Naomi, you are called to trust in God’s love. What do you say, O people of God? Campers: We will love the Lord our God! Leader: Like Jonah, you are called to share God’s love and forgiveness with others. What do you say, O people of God? Campers: We will love the Lord our God! Leader: Like Jeremiah, you are sent out to share God’s love with others. What do you say, O people of God? Campers: We will love the Lord our God! Leader: What do you say, O people of God? Campers: We will love the Lord our God!

Encountering the Word

Lesson Read the theme verse: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might” (Deuteronomy 6:5). Teach the theme verse for the week. If you wish, assign sections of the Bible verse to different sections of campers. Direct them to say their phrases when you point to their section. Start slowly, and then repeat the Bible verse going a bit faster. You might also include actions for the campers to do as they say the Bible verse. For example:

You shall love (Cross arms over chest.) The Lord your God (Point upward.) With all your heart (Make a heart shape with hands.) And with all your soul (Cup hands in front as if holding water.) And with all your might (Lift arms and flex muscles.) Deuteronomy 6:5 (Make numbers six and five with fingers.)

Message There are two options provided for the message: two dramas—“Love the Lord your God” or “God’s pet rescue center”

Drama: Love the Lord your God A group of kids sit around on the grass next to their sleeping bags at camp. Kid 1: So, what’s our theme at camp this week? Kid 2: It’s about loving God and loving others and stuff like that. Snooty: Well that sounds kind of lame. Kid 1: Hey, you should meet our counselor. She’s really nice! Kid 2: Yeah, she’s super friendly! Counselor: Well hello there, campers! (Enthusiastically) I’m going to be your counselor for this week! Kid 1: Wow, you must really love God! Kid 2: And us too, right? Counselor: Yup! I sure do! Snooty: Whoa, you’re right. She’s super friendly. This is going to be a long week. Counselor: Oh, it will be fun! Kids 1 & 2: Yeah, it will be fun! Counselor: Let’s go drop off your stuff at the cabin. (They walk.) Snooty: Oh no! Counselor: What’s the matter? Did you lose something? Snooty: I forgot my bug spray! Counselor: Oh, that’s okay. I have some extra, so you can borrow mine! Snooty: (quietly) Thanks. Kid 1: Let’s go join the other groups for the campfire! Kid 2: Yeah, let’s go! (They walk.) Counselor: Okay, we’re here! Everyone hold your flashlights up. We’re going to make the sign of the cross with our flashlights! Snooty: Oh no, I forgot my flashlight! Counselor: That’s okay; you can use mine! (They make the sign of the cross with flashlights.) Snooty: (quietly) Thank you. Counselor: Okay, now let’s sing “The Love Round” together. Snooty: I don’t know the song. Counselor: That’s okay, I’ll teach you. It’s okay if you don’t get it all right the first time. (They sing the “The Love Round.”) Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and love all humankind as you would love yourself. We’ve got Christian lives to live. We’ve got Jesus’ love to give. We’ve got nothing to hide because in God we all find love! (As they jump up and clap at the end of the song, Snooty falls down.) Snooty: Ouch! I scraped my ankle! Counselor: I’ll help you. Let’s clean off your scrape and put a bandage on it. There, you should be good to go now. We had better get back to our cabin. (They walk to the cabin and prepare for bed.) Counselor: So, did you kids learn anything about the theme tonight? Kid 1: I learned that God loves us. Kid 2: I learned that we can love others just like God loves us. Snooty: Um, I don’t really want to share anything right now. Counselor: That’s okay, maybe later. It’s time for a little shuteye anyway. Everyone pile into your sleeping bags. (They lay down, all except Snooty, who sits there.) Counselor: Is something wrong? Snooty: Yes, I think I forgot my sleeping bag at home. Counselor: That’s okay. Here, you can use mine tonight. Snooty: Thanks. (She crawls in, but still sits up.) Counselor: Well, see you kids in the morning! Kid 1: Good night! Kid 2: Good night! Counselor: (sees Snooty sitting up) Is something wrong? Snooty: Um, yeah. I’m kind of afraid of the dark. Counselor: I’ll stay up with you and tell you some stories! Once upon a time there was a giant bee that was chasing a big hairy bear through the woods... (Continues on with story a bit.) Snooty: Zzz (Falls asleep.) Counselor: Good night. (prays) Dear God help my campers to learn how much you love them this week. And help me to love them the way you love me. Amen. (Falls asleep.) Snooty: (Wakes and sits up.) Wow, I guess I did learn something tonight. My counselor really does love me, a lot. I think it must be because she knows how much God loves her. I think I’m going to learn a lot this week. (prays) Dear God, thank you for my camp counselor. Help me to get better at loving you and loving others this week. Amen. Drama: God’s pet rescue center The Pet Rescue Center is formed by a line of counselors who stand in different poses resembling the animals they will play. The animals could include anything, such as a chicken, lemur, fish, anteater, or giant tick. The pet keeper walks in with a notebook and examines the animals, who may interact with her a bit. A visitor enters the agency and looks around at the animals.

Keeper: Welcome to God’s Pet Rescue Center. Visitor: Thank you. How are you doing? Keeper: Oh, I’m busy looking over all these adorable creatures. It seems we have a few here that still need good homes. Visitor: Yes, I’m interested in adopting one. Can you tell me more about them? Keeper: Gladly! Well, over here we have Snuggles the cat. (Snuggles meows and purrs.) Visitor: Oh, she looks really cute! (Tweaks her cheek.) Keeper: Yes, she’s cute all right, but she has some peculiar habits. She actually has been in a few homes already, and didn’t last too long. Visitor: Oh, that’s too bad. Why? Keeper: Well, it says here that Snuggles is a bit fussy. (Snuggles meows and purrs.) At her last home she didn’t get along with the owner very well. She liked to lick the owner’s toothbrush and leave hairballs under the sofa cushions. Everything was fine until they had a party one night and discovered hairballs floating in the punch bowl along with a chewed up toothbrush. (Cat hisses.) Needless to say, that was the last straw for Snuggles, so she’s back here again. Visitor: Well, she sounds interesting. Can you tell me about another animal here? Keeper: Sure, over here we have Chuckles the chicken. (Chuckles clucks and struts.) Visitor: What can you tell me about her? Keeper: Let me see. (Looks at notebook.) Oh, it looks like Chuckles has been in a bit of trouble too. It says she got kicked out of her last home for terrorizing her owner. Visitor: Terrorizing her owner? What happened? Keeper: Well, as you can see, Chuckles is a rather tall chicken. Visitor: Yeah, she looks more like a Velociraptor to me. Keeper: I know. Well, Chuckles was adopted as a baby chick, but she kept growing and growing. Finally her little chicken nest wasn’t big enough, so Chuckles decided to make a new nest in the owner’s bedroom right on top of the bed. She shredded up all the sheets and blankets and started laying giant eggs on the pillows. When the owner came home, he tried to kick her out of the bed, and that’s when Chuckles, well, um... (Chuckles clucks.) Visitor: Yeah, what did she do? Keeper: Well, it says here that (pause) she ate him. (Chuckles clucks wildly and struts around.) Visitor: Oh, that’s not very nice. And I was growing to like Chuckles so much, too. Keeper: No, I don’t think I can recommend that you adopt Chuckles. Why don’t we look at some of the other animals? Visitor: Okay. Good-bye, Chuckles. (Chuckles snaps at the visitor’s hand.) The keeper moves on to each of the other animals and has fun making up silly yet tragic stories about each one. The visitor appears interested in each animal, but the keeper cautions against it each time. They move about and ultimately look at all the animals in the place. If you wish, they could ask a person in the audience to stand up, at which point, the keeper could make up a silly story about that person (animal) too. Keeper: I think we’ve looked at all the animals here. Not too much to choose from. Are you interested in adopting one of them? Visitor: Yes, I am! Keeper: Really? Are you sure? They all seem to have problems and issues. I’m not sure you really understand what you’re getting into. Adopting a pet is a serious thing you know. Visitor: Yes, I know. Keeper: Well then, which one would you like? Visitor: I would like all of them! Keeper: What? Visitor: Yes, all of them! I’ve absolutely fallen in love with each adorable animal you’ve shown me. I would like to adopt them all! Keeper: Sir, you can’t do that. Visitor: Oh yes, I think I can. Keeper: Well, who do you think you are anyway? Visitor: Oh, I’m actually the owner of this business. (Removes sunglasses, mustache, and hat.) Hello, my name is God. Believe it or not, I’m your undercover boss. Keeper: Oh my! Well, that changes everything. Visitor: Yes, it does. Keeper: You know, God, they’re going to be a lot of trouble. Visitor: I know, but I’m ready for it. After all, I created each one of them. Keeper: They’ll take a lot of patience, love, time, energy, and maybe even some self- sacrifice. Visitor: I know. I’m totally ready for it. I’m a very loving God, you know. Keeper: Okay then, God. They’re all yours. Visitor: Great, thank you! (The animals excitedly gather around God, clucking, meowing, and making all sorts of noise. Together they hug God.) I love you all very, very much! Come on, let’s all go home together.

Theme review Leader: Our theme for this summer is “A love that never ends.” Our theme Bible verse is from Deuteronomy 6:5 which says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.” This week’s theme is about how we are loved by a loving God, and it’s also about how we are called to love God and others too. We are going to learn more about loving God, loving others, and loving ourselves. All are important parts of living out our faith in God. We will be hearing stories from the Bible about people of faith who experienced the love of God. Abraham was chosen by God and called to a life of faith. God provided for Moses and the Israelites as they wandered in the desert. Ruth and Naomi discovered the gift of family and friends given to them by God. Jonah learned about the love and forgiveness of God for all people. And the prophet Jeremiah responded to God’s call to be a witness of God’s love to others. This week we are going to learn to show that we serve a loving God. It’s going to be an awesome week living in God’s amazing love. So get excited for a great week!

Responding to the Word

Song “Great Is the Lord,” The Group Songbook 62

Closing prayer The leader explains the call and response nature of the prayer. Instruct the campers that their response phrase is “Make us people of love and faith.” Assign an assistant to say the words “Help us, Lord...” to cue the campers for their response. Leader: We have been chosen by God. Assistant: Help us, Lord... Campers: Make us people of love and faith. Leader: You provide for our needs, O God. Assistant: Help us, Lord... Campers: Make us people of love and faith. Leader: You have given us the gifts of family and friends, O God. Assistant: Help us, Lord... Campers: Make us people of love and faith. Leader: You invite us to forgive as we have been forgiven, O God. Assistant: Help us, Lord... Campers: Make us people of love and faith. Leader: You send us out to love, O God. Assistant: Help us, Lord... Campers: Make us people of love and faith. Leader: We pray these things in your holy name, O God. All: Amen.

Benediction Leader: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit remain with you all. Campers: And also with you.

Sending The following phrases could be repeated several times as a reminder of the theme for the week and as sending words for the worship service. The words could be spoken louder and louder each time, then quieter and quieter to end the time of worship. Leader: We serve a loving God. Campers: We love God by loving others.

DAY 1: Abraham


Songs “We Love,” LifeSongs 151 “Thy Word,” Worship & Praise Songbook 144

Call to worship The leader explains the call and response nature of the call to worship. The leader instructs the campers that their response phrase is “Blessed to be a blessing.” The leader cues the campers by ending each phrase with the words “We have been blessed.” Leader: God has blessed us and loved us. We have been blessed. Campers: Blessed to be a blessing. Leader: God has chosen us to be people of faith. We have been blessed. Campers: Blessed to be a blessing. Leader: We serve a loving God who loves us with an everlasting love. We have been blessed. Campers: Blessed to be a blessing. Leader: God has made a holy covenant of faith with us. We have been blessed. Campers: Blessed to be a blessing. Leader: We are called by God to love others as we have been loved. We have been blessed. Campers: Blessed to be a blessing. Leader: We have been blessed. Campers: Blessed to be a blessing.

Welcome God called Abraham to a life of faith and hope. God promised to protect and guide Abraham if he would trust and obey the word of the Lord. God promised to bless Abraham and make him a blessing to all the people of the world. We have been called to be people of faith too. May we live each day trusting in God to help us love others as we have been loved by God.

Song “Fear Not,” Shout It Out 6

Covenant blessing Leader: God promised to bless Abraham and give him more descendants than the stars in the sky. God made a covenant with Abraham and told him that he would be a blessing to all people. God is calling us into a covenant relationship too, and wants us to be a blessing to others. As a reminder of God’s call to us, let’s bless each other with God’s promise. Gently swipe your fingers across a friend’s forehead and say, “You have been blessed to be a blessing.” (Give the campers time to bless each other.)

Opening prayer Loving God, you have chosen us to be people of love and faith. Help us to love you with all our hearts, and with all our souls, and with all our might. And help us to love others just as you have loved us. Amen. Encountering the Word

Lesson Read Genesis 17:1-8 (God’s covenant with Abraham).

Additional Bible references Mark 12:28-31 (The Great Commandment) John 15:16 (I chose you) Ephesians 2:8-9 (Saved by grace through faith)

Message There are two options provided for the message: two dramas—“The love challenge,” or “Chosen by God”

Drama: The love challenge Three contestants compete against each other to win the Love Challenge but only one has what it takes to pass each test and love some really tough customers. Characters: announcer, three contestants: snooty girl, cool dude, average guy Coaches for the godly team (God) and the worldly team (Stan) Guest appearances: bratty kid, smelly baby, nasty wrestler (Scum) Extras: pianist to play theme music, card holder to cue audience to cheer.

Announcer: Welcome to the Love Challenge! It’s a game about loving others. Let’s meet the coaches of the two competing teams. Over here we have God, the coach of the godly team. (Audience cheers.) And over here we have Stan, the coach of the worldly team. Now our coaches have three contestants as options to be on their teams. God, who would you like to be on your team? God: (points to average guy) I choose you for my team. Come and join the godly team! Average guy: Okay, thank you. I accept. God: (points to snooty girl and cool guy) I want you both to be on my team too. Snooty girl: No thanks; I’m not being on a team with that person. Cool dude: Dude, totally! Stan: Okay, I’ll take them on the worldly team then. It looks like we’re gonna win this! Announcer: Okay, for the first task in the Love Challenge, we have a guest appearance from a bratty kid. Your task, contestants, is to simply talk to the bratty kid and be nice to him. Okay? Okay, here we go! (Music plays, “Dum dum, dum!”) Snooty girl: Here, I’ll give it a shot. (Walks up to kid.) Hey brat, get lost! Bratty kid: Hey, you’re mean! (Kicks girl.) Announcer: (Buzzer sounds.) Oh, too bad: no points for snooty girl! Cool dude: Let me try. (Walks up to kid.) Here kid, take this dollar and get out of my hair. Bratty kid: Thanks, loser. (Kicks boy.) Announcer: (Buzzer sounds.) Oh, no points for bribery! And it didn’t seem to work anyway. Average guy: Okay, my turn. (Walks up to kid.) Hey kid, how are you doing? Bratty kid: Rotten! (Tries to kick him.) Average guy: Hey, careful there. Are you okay, kid? Can I help you somehow? Announcer: (Bell rings.) Yes, that’s it! One point awarded to the average guy on the godly team! (God runs out and gives the average guy high fives in celebration.) Announcer: Our second game in the Love Challenge is pretty tough. It’s not something for the faint of heart. The task is to hug a smelly little baby. (Baby enters, sucking thumb.) So let’s see how our three contestants do. Up first is snooty girl. Snooty girl: Um, okay. (Plugs her nose and hugs the baby quickly and steps away.) No way! I did not just do that! Ew, gross! Announcer: (Buzzer sounds.) Oh, too bad: no points for snooty girl! Cool dude: (Walks up to the baby, hesitates, then gives the baby a hug without really touching him.) No way dude, totally not. Announcer: (Buzzer sounds.) Oh, too bad: no points for cool dude! Average guy: Okay, it looks like the baby really needs a hug right now. (Hugs baby.) Announcer: (Bell rings.) Yes, that’s it! Another point awarded to the average guy on the godly team! (God runs out and gives average guy high fives in celebration.) Announcer: Our third and final game in the Love Challenge is one of the most challenging tasks that anyone could ever do. You’re wondering what it is, right? Right? (Get audience to cheer.) Okay, here it is: The task is to pray for your enemy! You think it sounds easy, but we have a special guest today to serve as the perfect enemy. Here he is now. Scum: (Nasty wrestler thug enters.) Arg! (Glares at audience and growls, wild-eyed.) Announcer: That’s right, it’s Scum from the WWF Monster Wrestling Federation: the meanest, baddest, most disgusting wrestler in WWF history. And the challenge for our contestants today is to pray for this guy. Okay, let’s see how our contestants do. Up first is snooty girl. Snooty girl: Um. (Looks at Scum as he glares and growls.) No way. Not happening. I just can’t pray for that disgusting creature. I’m out of here. Announcer: (Buzzer sounds.) Oh, too bad: no points for snooty girl! Cool dude: Um. (Looks at Scum.) Hey dude, I don’t need this right now. It’s not worth my time. Announcer: (Buzzer sounds.) Oh, too bad: no points for cool dude! Let’s see how average guy does with this challenge. Average guy: (Looks at Scum.) I don’t know if saying a prayer for him would do much good. Scum: Arg! (Approaches average guy, stares at him fiercely.) I’m gonna break you! Average guy: (Looks at God in a panic.) Coach! Coach! I think I need some help here! Scum: Arg! (Chases average guy around stage area.) Average guy: (Begins to pray as he avoids Scum.) O dear Lord, do something quickly! Please God, help this really mean man to know your love. I pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen! Scum: (Stops in his tracks.) Wait just a minute! What did you just say? Average guy: I was praying that you might know that God loves you, Scum. Scum: You mean God loves me? Average guy: Yes, God loves you, (gulp) just the way you are. Scum: (Grabs average guy and wraps his arms around his head, squeezing him and nearly choking him to death.) Wow, God loves me! Really? I can’t believe it! (He begins to cry.) Average guy: Yes! God loves you, Scum. Scum: I feel so good right now I could just hug you to death! (Hugs average guy tightly.) Announcer: (Bell rings.) Yes, that’s it! Another point awarded to average guy and the godly team! (God runs out and gives average guy high fives in celebration.) You win the Love Challenge! Let’s hear it for the average guy and the coach of the godly team! They have won! Average guy: (Exits with Scum.) You should be a contestant on the next Love Challenge. You’d win it for sure! Scum: Really? You think so? (Hugs average guy.) I love you man! (They exit.)

Drama: Chosen by God A down-and-out child of God hears the voice of the Lord and discovers the gifts and talents hidden inside her, not to mention the love and grace of God in her life. Characters: a group of kids, a kid who is left out, the voice of God Props and setup: volleyball, goofy stories that only God could know

A group of kids gather to play a game of volleyball. They choose two captains. As the captains choose players to be on their teams, the rest of the kids stand in a line and show their desire to be picked by holding their hands up, flexing their muscles, and spinning or bouncing the volleyball. When it comes down to the last kid, neither captain wants to choose her. They argue about who has to take the kid. Finally they decide to leave her out and start the game without her. The kid tries to join one of the teams, but is forced off the court. As she gives up in disgust, the group playing volleyball decides to go play somewhere else, and they run off together. The kid left behind begins to express her feelings about being left out.

Kid: I’m always getting left out. Nobody ever chooses me for anything! God: (Calls the kid by name.) , I choose you! Kid: (surprised) Who, me? God: Yes, I choose you! Kid: (Looks around.) Who are you? God: It’s me, God. Kid: What? You’re not God. You’re just playing a trick on me. God: No, I’m not. I’m really God. Kid: Well, how can I know it’s really you, God? God: (Recounts a few embarrassing and humorous stories about her.) Well, do you remember that time you were having lunch in your high chair when you were three years old? Kid: What? Anybody could say that. God: But there’s more. Your mom served you a pile of green peas for the first time in your life, and you were so fascinated with the peas that you decided to stuff all of them up your nose? And the only way to get them out was to squish your nose together and then blow? Kid: Wait a minute! How could you know that? God: I was there watching over you all along. It was a pretty traumatic experience for you. Kid: I know, I know! God: Do you remember the time when you were ten years old, and it was the day after Halloween? You brought a bag of chocolate bars to school, and ate all of them on the bus ride home. You got so violently sick, the bus driver had to stop the bus to let you out to... Kid: Okay, okay! I believe you now. So you’re God. God: Well, I just want you to know that I was there watching over you all along the way. And I’m still here with you now, even though your socalled friends deserted you. Kid: Why did you say that you’ve chosen me? I’ve never been chosen for anything in my life! God: I chose you because I love you! I’ve given you a lot of gifts and talents too. The others just don’t see it yet. Kid: I don’t think I have any gifts. I’m not even good enough to be chosen for that silly game. God: I have given you so many amazing gifts. You have the gifts of faith and love. You have the gifts of a family and friends who care about you. You have your own personal gifts I’ve put inside you. You care about others. You’re loving and forgiving. You are a great friend. There are many other special gifts you haven’t even discovered yet. And I haven’t even told you about the best gift of all. Kid: What is that? God: You have the gift of my Son, Jesus Christ, given for you. I loved you so much, I gave my only Son to die for you so that you might have life. Believe me—you have been chosen! Kid: What about the others? Are they chosen too? God: Yes, I have chosen them too, but they have not heard or they have not answered. Kid: Well, what have you chosen me for? God: I’ve chosen you to be my friend. Live your life for me, and go tell the others that I love them too. Are you willing to do that? Kid: Sure, I’ll give it a try. God: Don’t worry; I’m always with you. Kid: Okay. Thanks, God! God: Sure. Now let’s go. Kid: Okay, let’s go!

Creative worship ideas God told Abraham to look up into the night sky, and promised him that his descendants would outnumber the stars in the heavens. God’s blessings for us are like the stars in the sky, countless and without measure.

The Northern Cross: Cygnus (the swan) is a constellation nestled in the Milky Way and easily identified in the summer sky. Cygnus features a set of bright stars that are also known as the Northern Cross. After pointing out a few common constellations around the campfire, the Northern Cross can be identified and used to talk about God’s covenant of faith with Abraham and its effect on the whole world, including us. Thanks for God’s blessings: All of us have been blessed by God in many ways. Form a circle around the campfire and give everyone a few seconds to think of all their blessings. Join hands and encourage anyone who wishes to offer a simple prayer of thanks to God for something or someone in their lives. The prayer could be as simple as, “Thank you, God, for the new friends I’ve made here at camp.” Give everyone a chance to share.

Responding to the Word

Song “Psalm 25,” Shout It Out 19

Prayers of love The leader explains the call and response nature of the prayer. The leader offers spontaneous prayers to help guide the campers in individual silent prayers. After each pause, the leader says, “Loving God...” to cue the campers to respond, “We lift our prayers to you.” Leader: We pray for our friends who have shown us love (pause for silent prayer). Loving God... Campers: We lift our prayers to you. Leader: We pray for those who need to know and feel your love (pause). Loving God... Campers: We lift our prayers to you. Leader: We pray for our family and relatives back home (pause). Loving God... Campers: We lift our prayers to you. Leader: We pray for those around the world who need to know your love (pause). Loving God... Campers: We lift our prayers to you. Leader: We pray for those in our community of faith here at camp (pause). Loving God... Campers: We lift our prayers to you. Leader: All these prayers we lift to you, O God of love. Amen.

Benediction Leader: May the Spirit of the Lord rest upon you, and the blessing of God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. Campers: Amen. Come Lord Jesus.

Sending Leader: Go in peace, knowing you are loved by a loving God! Campers: Thanks be to God!

DAY 2: Israel

Gathering Songs “Fill My Cup,” The Group Songbook 83 “Wade in the Water,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 459

Watery welcome to worship Counselors could give the campers drinks of water at a campfire ring in the woods, or squirts of water from a water bottle as they enter the worship space. They may say, “The peace of the Lord be with you.” Or counselors could welcome campers as they arrive by marking the sign of the cross on camper’s foreheads with a dab of water on their fingers, saying, “Welcome to worship. The peace of the Lord be with you.”

Call to worship The leader explains the call and response nature of the prayer. Assign an assistant to say the words “We are invited to live in God’s abundance” to cue the campers for their response, which is “God will provide what we need and more.” Leader: We remember how God led the people of Israel out of slavery and into freedom. Assistant: We are invited to live in God’s abundance... Campers: God will provide what we need and more. Leader: We remember how God provided manna for the people of Israel in the desert. Assistant: We are invited to live in God’s abundance... Campers: God will provide what we need and more. Leader: We remember how God provided water for the people of Israel in the wilderness. Assistant: We are invited to live in God’s abundance... Campers: God will provide what we need and more. Leader: We remember how God led the people of Israel into the promised land of Canaan. Assistant: We are invited to live in God’s abundance... Campers: God will provide what we need and more. Leader: We trust that God will watch over us as we wander in our own wilderness today. Assistant: We are invited to live in God’s abundance... Campers: God will provide what we need and more.

Welcome Leader: God has led us out of spiritual slavery into freedom in Christ! God is leading us through the wilderness and has promised to bless us and take care of us. We trust in God’s provision knowing that God will provide what we need for the challenges of life. Let us not put God to the test, but walk forward in faith trusting in the goodness and mercy of God.

Song “Spring Up, O Well,” The Group Songbook 18 Water bottle invocation A person with a water bottle could squirt some water up and say, “In the name of the Father.” Another person can squirt water sideways and say, “In the name of the Son.” And the third person can say “In the name of the Holy Spirit.” and squirt the water up in a spiral. They end by saying “Amen” and squirting water into their mouths.

Opening prayer God of life and freedom, we thank you for your great love for us. As we face the challenges of life in the wilderness, may we trust in you to lead and guide us to your promised blessings. Guard our hearts from worry, doubt, and frustration. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and give us trusting, thankful, and faithful hearts. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Encountering the Word

Lesson Read Exodus 17:1-7 (Water in the wilderness).

Additional Bible references John 10:1-10 (Abundant life) John 6:35-40 (Bread of life)

Message There are two options provided for the message: two dramas—“The Lord’s table” or “Just kill me now”

Drama: The Lord’s table A group of hungry guests visit two very different restaurants. At the first restaurant they are fed all kinds of tempting foods, which only leave them hungry and sick. When they visit the second restaurant, they are fully satisfied with the simple menu and surprised by the cook’s abundant provision and grace. Characters: three guests, waitress, waiter Setup: café signs, tables, chairs, plates, cups, food, wine, bread

Guest 1: I’m starving! Let’s get something to eat. Guest 2: Okay, how about that restaurant? It’s called the Lord’s Table. Guest 3: Hmm, it looks kind of run-down. How about this one: the Worldly Café? Guest 1: Yeah, it looks great! Let’s go. (They enter and sit at a table.) Waiter: Welcome to the Worldly Café. Here are your menus. Guest 2: Wow, it smells delicious in here. What do you have? Waiter: You can order from the worldly menu, or you can get one of our specials. Guest 3: Tell us about the specials. Waiter: Let’s see, today’s specials include cheating chicken soufflé, lying lobster tails, slanderous steak tenderloins. We also have sides of French fries soaked in lies, hypocritical hash browns, and our delicious doughnuts of death, plus a wide assortment of sinful sodas. Guest 1: Wow, it all sounds so delicious! Waiter: Oh, it’s tasty! Our cook likes to use a lot of pepper and seasoning in the food. Guest 2: That sounds great! We’re so hungry we’ll eat anything. Guest 3: Yeah, bring us all the specials and plenty of that sinful soda too! Waiter: Okay, I’ll be right back. (Goes to get food.) Guest 1: Doesn’t the food sound delicious? Guest 2: Yes, I can’t wait to try those French fries soaked in lies. Waiter: Here you go. (Serves the food.) Guest 3: Wow, it looks delicious! Let’s eat! (They begin to eat the food.) Guest 1: Hmm, this food doesn’t taste quite right. Guest 2: Yeah, it’s kind of spicy! I wonder how much pepper the chef used! Guest 3: My mouth is burning up! Pass me some of that sinful soda right away! Guest 1: The soda just makes it worse! I think I’m getting a stomachache. Guest 2: Me too. I’m starting to feel really sick. Guest 3: Let’s get our bill and get out of here! Guest 1: Waiter! Waiter! Can we get our bill? Waiter: Sure, here you go. (It’s a mile long.) Guest 1: Wow, this is a lot of money! Waiter: Well, that’s what it costs at the Worldly Café. Guest 1: Okay, here you go. (Gives waiter money.) Guest 2: Come on. Let’s get out of here. (They exit.) Guest 3: You know, after eating all that food, I’m still really hungry. Guest 1: Me too! Guest 2: Hey, we could try the other restaurant, the Lord’s Table. (They look at it.) Guest 3: It doesn’t look very inviting. Guest 1: What do we have to lose? Let’s give it a try. (They enter and sit down.) Waitress: Welcome to the Lord’s Table. Guest 2: Hi. We are really hungry. What do you have to eat? Waitress: We just serve bread and wine here. Guest 3: That’s it? Waitress: Yup, that’s it. Guest 1: No sinful soda? No French fries soaked in lies? Waitress: No, just bread and wine. Guest 2: Hmm, it doesn’t sound very appetizing. Waitress: I can assure you; it is the best meal you could ever ask for. Guest 3: I don’t know, just bread and wine? Waitress: The bread is truly heavenly, just lightly salted, but I can tell you that it’s quite satisfying. And the wine is the best anyone could ever offer you. Guest 1: Okay, what do we have to lose? We’ll try it. Waitress: Okay, here you go. (Serves the bread and wine.) Guest 1: Mmm, this is actually really good. Guest 2: I know! It’s just bread, but it really hits the spot. Guest 3: Yeah, it’s delicious! The wine is taking away the bad taste from the other restaurant too. Guest 1: We should call the waitress and give her our thanks! Guest 2: Waitress! Waitress! Waitress: Yes, may I help you? Guest 1: Wow, this food is really good! Please pass along our thanks to the chef. Waitress: The chef? Oh, that would be Jesus. He’s in the back, washing the dishes right now. Guest 2: What? He’s washing the dishes? Waitress: Well, he cooked up this meal quite a while ago, and it has been such a hit, we just keep on serving the same thing. It never seems to run out. Guest 3: Wow, that’s incredible. Guest 1: Yeah, it’s delicious! We’d like to pay the bill now if that’s okay. Waitress: Oh, no, no, no. There’s no charge. Guest 2: What—are you telling us it’s free? Waitress: Yes, it’s a gift from Jesus, paid in full. Guest 3: Wow, that’s too good to be true! Waitress: Oh, it’s true all right, and Jesus wanted me to tell you that you’re invited back anytime for another free meal, totally on the house. So come back again sometime! (Waitress exits.) Guest 1: You know, we’ve been pretty selfish. We didn’t say a prayer of thanks for the meal. Guest 2: Yeah, we just dug right in and started eating. Guest 3: Do you think we could pray now? Guest 1: Sure, let’s pray. (They fold hands.) Dear God, thank you for leading us to the Lord’s Table today. We’ve come with a lot of sins and mistakes in our lives. Thank you for welcoming us at your table and providing us with such an amazing meal. Help us to be salt and light in the world today. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Drama: Just kill me now Three campers go on a journey into the wilderness. One of them complains about everything, while the other campers see the hand of God at work. The Lord provides for their needs through various challenges along the way. In the end they realize how they have been blessed by God.

Camper 1: Hey, are you ready for our hike into the wilderness? Camper 2: Yeah, it’s going to be fun. We’re going on a journey into the wilds of camp! Skeptic: Oh great, a couple daredevils willing to risk life and limb just for a little adventure. Camper 1: God will take care of us. Camper 2: Yeah, we can trust in God to provide for our needs along the way. Skeptic: I don’t know. This all sounds kind of dangerous, if you ask me. Camper 1: Come on. Let’s get going. It’s going to be fun! Camper 2: Yeah, I love going on hikes in the woods. You never know what you will encounter. Skeptic: Hey, do you hear that buzzing sound? It sounds like a bee. (A giant bee enters flapping its wings wildly, and begins to chase them around as it buzzes loudly.) Camper 1: It’s a giant bee! Run, you guys, run! Camper 2: I’ve never seen a bee quite as large and as ugly as this one. Skeptic: I know, and if it catches us, there’s no telling what it will do. Ack! Somebody just kill me now and get it over with. Camper 1: I’m sure God will protect us. Just keep running! Camper 2: Yeah, God will provide a way out of this predicament, I’m sure! Skeptic: Yeah right! (sarcastically) Hey God, we could really use a giant flyswatter right about now! (Immediately a flyswatter is held up by someone in the audience.) Camper 1: Hey, look at that! God has provided a flyswatter for us to use, just like you said! Camper 2: Yeah, it’s a flyswatter! Use it on the bee! Use it on the bee! (They turn and swat the bee as it screeches in pain and then flies away.) Skeptic: Wow, I can’t believe we got so lucky to find that flyswatter out here in the wilderness. Camper 1: That wasn’t luck. God provided it for us right when we needed it. Camper 2: Yeah, that was amazing! Camper 1: Well, let’s keep going. Camper 2: Yeah, this has been an interesting hike already. Skeptic: Hey, you guys, did anybody remember to bring any water? Camper 1: Um, I didn’t bring any water. Did you? Camper 2: No, I think we forgot and left our water bottles in the cabin. Skeptic: Oh great, we’re out in the middle of nowhere without any water. We are going to die of thirst our here. Camper 1: No, I’m sure God will take care of us. Let’s pray and ask God for help. Camper 2: Yeah, let’s pray. (Folds hands and closes eyes.) Dear God, we are dying of thirst. Please help us so we don’t die out here. Amen. Skeptic: What good is praying about it going to do? There’s still no water to drink. Man, I’m so thirsty. Just kill me now and get it over with. Camper 1: No, God will provide for us; just trust and believe. Camper 2: Hey look! It’s a glass of water! (Being held up by someone in the audience.) Skeptic: Right, you’re so thirsty you’re starting to imagine things. That’s not water, it’s just a mirage! Camper 1: (Grabs the water and takes a drink.) That’s no mirage! Camper 2: Wow, God provided for our needs way out here in the wilderness. (Takes a drink.) Skeptic: I still don’t believe it. You guys are just imagining things. Camper 1: (Pours the water on the skeptic’s head.) Are you imagining this? Camper 2: Wow, I feel so refreshed from that drink of water. Skeptic: Here, give me that. (Grabs the water and drinks the last few sips of water.) Camper 1: (Listens and looks around.) Hey, did you hear something? Camper 2: Yeah. (Listening.) It sounds like a wild bear or something in the woods back there. Skeptic: Oh great, we’re going to get eaten by a hungry bear out in the middle of nowhere. He Bear: (Enters.) Growl! Arg! (The bear begins to chase the campers as they run in fright.) Camper 1: Okay, run you guys! I’m sure God will protect us, but let’s run anyway! Camper 2: Yeah, God will provide a way out of this, I’m sure of it. Skeptic: Oh right, God’s probably going to drop a giant bear swatter out of the sky so we can swat the bear. Right? She Bear: (Enters.) Growl! Arg! (She chases the other bear as he chases the campers.) Skeptic: Oh great, now there’s two bears instead of one! Why don’t you just kill me now and get it over with. Camper 1: No, there must be a reason God sent the other bear. (Still running.) Camper 2: Okay, God, we could really use some help right about now. Skeptic: What can God do about this? We’re in a real pickle! Camper 1: There’s no use in running anymore. We can’t outrun the bears. Camper 2: Yeah, let’s just trust that God will protect us. (They stop running.) She Bear: (Ignores the campers and keeps chasing the He Bear as she growls amorously.) Growl! He Bear: Yipe! (Whimpers as he runs into the woods, being chased by the She Bear.) Camper 1: See what I mean! God saved us! It’s a miracle! Camper 2: That was amazing! Camper 1: Yeah, this is just like how God provided for Moses and the Israelites on their way to the promised land. Camper 2: Yeah, God provided them with manna and food and water in the wilderness. And God has taken care of us on our hike too. Camper 1: (Looks around.) Hey, where are we? This place looks strangely familiar. Camper 2: Yes, I know. I think I’ve been here before. Skeptic: Oh great. We ran so far, we’re right back here where we started. Camper 1: Wow, what a great hike! That was awesome! Camper 2: Yeah, that was a lot of fun. We should do that again sometime! Skeptic: Yeah right, just kill me now and get it over with.

Creative worship ideas Stones of testing: Before worship (possibly at breakfast) tell the counselors and campers to find stones to bring to worship that day. The stones represent their sins, just like the sin of the Israelites who put God to the test in the wilderness. During worship, invite the campers to come forward silently with their stones, while music is being played. Invite them to silently confess a sin in their lives and then drop their stones in a bucket of water. A wastebasket works well. The idea is for the stones to disappear in the water as a symbol of God’s forgiveness and the washing away of our sins.

Thirsty talk: A person with a water bottle introduces the theme by talking about how God provided water for the Israelites in the desert. In the midst of talking, the person stops and says, “Wow, I am really thirsty. Wait just a second while I take a drink from my water bottle.” After taking a drink, the person continues to talk about how God took care of the Israelites and provided for their needs. The speaker pauses again and says, “All this talking is making me really thirsty. I think I need another drink of water.” Then a camper (planted in the audience) says, “You know you’re going to keep getting thirsty.” The speaker responds, “Yes, I am, but there is another kind of water from God that never ends. Do you know what it is? It is the water of eternal life we receive from Jesus. It is like a fountain of living water that springs up within us as we trust and obey the word of God. We receive this gift of God’s provision by faith.” The speaker then can remind the campers of this living water by marking each camper with a watery cross, saying, “You are a beloved child of God.”

Stories of the Lord’s provision: Counselors leading worship can tell stories of how God has provided for the camp, campers, or counselors during the week. They explain how everyone should remember to give God thanks for providing for their needs. Then worship may continue with prayer of thanks to God.

Responding to the Word

Song “I’ve Got a River of Life,” Maranatha! Music Praise Chorus Book 55

The prayers Begin the prayers by singing “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 752. Campers or counselors offer prayers of thanks and trust for God’s provision in life. The prayers could include petitions for people in need of God’s blessings and care. The chorus is repeated after each prayer.

Benediction Use the following adapted benediction as a closure to worship. You can create simple actions for each line of the benediction if you wish. Note: A similar version of this benediction has been written to music by John Ylvisaker, titled “As You Go on Your Way,” Borning Cry 255. Leader: O God, give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us.

Sending The leader explains the call and response nature of the sending. Assign an assistant to say the words “Go with God...” to cue the campers for their response, which repeats the phrase “God is with us.” If you wish, the call and response can be used at various times throughout the day. Leader: God provided for the Israelites and led them through the wilderness. Assistant: Go with God... Campers: God is with us. Leader: God will provide what we need and lead us to eternal life. Assistant: Go with God... Campers: God is with us. Leader: God will lead us like a good shepherd to springs of living water. Assistant: Go with God... Campers: God is with us. Leader: God invites us to live each day trusting in God’s abundant love. Assistant: Go with God... Campers: God is with us. Assistant: Go with God... Campers: God is with us. DAY 3: Ruth


Songs “Blessed Be,” Shout It Out 2 “Love, Love, Love,” LifeSongs 134

Call to worship The leader explains the call and response nature of the call to worship. Inform the campers that the words “Come, people of faith...” are a cue to the campers for their response, which is “Let us return to the Lord.” Leader: We gather in the presence of a loving God. Come, people of faith... Campers: Let us return to the Lord. Leader: We have taken many different paths and trails to get here. Come, people of faith... Campers: Let us return to the Lord. Leader: We are made up of many different kinds of people. Come, people of faith... Campers: Let us return to the Lord. Leader: God loves each one of us and will provide for our needs. Come, people of faith... Campers: Let us return to the Lord. Leader: God is with us in the good times and the bad times. Come, people of faith... Campers: Let us return to the Lord. Leader: Let’s learn how to love others the way God loves us. Come, people of faith... Campers: Let us return to the Lord. Leader: Come, people of faith... Campers: Let us return to the Lord.

Welcome Think about what your cabin group has done so far this week. Where have you been? What have been some challenges you’ve faced? Have you been hiking trails? Canoeing? Talking about your faith? Building a campfire together? Having a cookout? Getting lost? We must not forget that God is right here with us, watching over us in love, providing for our needs. God has given us so many gifts, including family and friends. We are called to care for each other and also welcome others into the love of God.

Song “Cry of My Heart,” Shout It Out 4

Ashes invocation Leader: Many of us have come here bringing times of suffering, hurt, and pain with us from our past. This is a place of healing and renewal. The ashes in this bucket are a symbol of the pain and hurt that we carry. In the next few minutes, when you are ready, come up and get some ashes on your finger, and then go back and mark a friend or cabin mate with a cross on their forehead and say, “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.” This is a reminder that God is with us in our suffering, and that God will see us through to better days.

Opening prayer God of mercy, we live in a troubled world full of suffering, pain and strife. May your kingdom break into our lives through the words of our Savior Jesus Christ. Give us ears to hear and obey your word, so that we might be agents of your redeeming love and grace, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Encountering the Word

Lesson Read Ruth 1:1-18 (Ruth and Naomi).

Additional Bible references Proverbs 3:5-6 (Trust in the Lord with all your heart)

Message There are two options provided for the message: two dramas—“Surrounded by prayer” or “Who wants to be in God’s family?”

Drama: Surrounded by prayer In spite of our doubts and fears, God is working powerfully in our lives. We are not alone, but surrounded by family, friends, and caring people who want the best for us, and are praying God’s blessings upon us. We thank God for faithful people who pray. Characters: Hope, two friends, parents, little sister, youth director, pastor People are scattered about on the stage and stand as if frozen or kneeling in prayer. Hope enters, faces the audience, and begins to speak to them. Hope goes on to express her fears and frustrations about specific issues in her own life. One by one, each person around her says a prayer for her, then freezes again.

Hope: You know, sometimes I wonder if anyone really cares about me. Life as a teenager can be so difficult: parents, friends, school, church, work. It can be too much, and I feel so alone. I’ve made friends with a couple kids at school. I hope I don’t mess things up or do something to make them not like me. I just want to be accepted and be in a group where I feel like I belong. Friends: Dear God, thank you for our friend Hope. Help her see that you love her just for who she is. Help her not to bow to peer pressure at school just to be accepted or popular. Help us to be good friends, and help her feel okay about who she is. Bless Hope today and show her your love and grace. Amen. Hope: Sometimes I wonder why my parents have to be so strict. They get upset when I stay up late or don’t get my homework done on time. And then there’s my messy room and the chores they want me to do around the house, not to mention helping out with my little sister. My parents don’t let me get away with anything. At times it seems like they don’t understand or even care about what’s going on in my life. Parents: Dear God, we haven’t been the best parents at times, but please help Hope know that we love her and that we only want the best for her. Protect her and be with her today. Help her to be strong in her faith, and to hold onto her hope in you. Bless and watch out for her today, Lord. Amen. Hope: I can’t believe I’m still sharing a room with my little sister. I really need my own space, and she is just so weird and immature all the time. She always wants to play with me and talk to me. Doesn’t she know I have a life of my own? I have a lot of things I need to do when I’m at home, and usually she just gets in the way of everything. What am I going to do with her? Sister: Dear God, thank you for my big sister Hope. It’s fun to play with her and bug her sometimes. She has taught me a lot, and especially how to be a Christian girl and what it means to follow Jesus. Help me to be just like her when I get bigger. Amen. Hope: Oh man, there’s youth group tonight, and I have a lot of homework to finish. I wonder why our youth director is always trying to get us to come to meetings. I’ve got my own life to live, and I barely have enough time for that as it is! I wonder if she really understands what’s going on in my life. I just want someone to talk to, and I feel so lost and alone sometimes. I wonder if anyone really cares about me. Director: Dear Lord, thank you for Hope. Help me to be a good Christian role model for her and her spiritual walk of faith. Help her to know how important and loved she is by the others in our youth group, and by so many other people in her life. Give her strength to stand up for what she believes in. And help her to realize that you have given her some very awesome talents and gifts to share with the world. Amen. Hope: I wonder why I have to come to church and listen to yet another sermon. Sometimes this place seems so old fashioned and out of touch with the things I’m going through in my life. How could God even care about me, especially when I haven’t lived the Christian life like I know I should? I wonder what the pastor would say if he really knew about everything that’s going on in my life. Pastor: Dear God, be with Hope today and help her know how much you love her, and how important she is to you and the people you’ve placed in her life. Help her to trust in your mercy and grace in spite of what she has done or where she is at right now. God, reach out to Hope and help her know that there is a community of faith here that cares about her very much. Amen. Hope: You know, sometimes I wonder if anyone really cares about me. Life as a teenager can be so difficult: parents, friends, school, church, work. It can be too much, and I feel so alone. I just want to be accepted and be in a place where I feel like I belong.

Together, all the people behind Hope unfreeze and gather around her. They all hug her together in a giant group hug.

Drama: Who wants to be in God’s family? A contestant risks it all on a game show that’s more about love than winning a million dollars. Through a series of questions and silly answers, the contestant learns that God’s love is clearly shown to us through family, friends, and the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Characters: game show host, contestant, friend, Jesus Christ Extras: pianist (to play theme music for the show and add sound effects), audience (encouraged to cheer and participate) The theme music plays as the game show host enters and begins talking to the audience about the show, which is played in the style of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

Host: Hello, everyone, and welcome to Camp Lutheran’s favorite game show, Who Wants To Be in God’s Family! We have an eager contestant joining us today who will be playing to win it all! Let’s welcome our contestant [name of counselor] to the stage. (Audience cheers.) Contestant: (Enters and waves at audience.) Hi, everyone! Host: Welcome, welcome! Sit right down here, and let’s get started! Okay? Contestant: Okay! Host: Now you understand that you will be presented a question, and you will have four possible answers to choose from. If you choose the correct answer, you move on to the next level. If you answer all four questions correctly, you win the game! Doesn’t that sound exciting? Contestant: Yes, it does! Host: Well, are you ready to go? Contestant: I am ready! Host: Okay, here is the first question. (Music plays, “Dum, dum, dum!”) Who has God given you to help you when you’re in trouble? Is it A) Bob the tomato, B) Your Elmo doll, C) Captain America, or D) Your best friend? Contestant: Hmm. (Thinks intently) I’m not 100% sure which is the correct answer. I think I’d like to phone a friend on this one. Host: Okay, go right ahead. Who would you like to call? Contestant: Okay, I’m dialing the number. (Listens on the phone.) Please pick up, please pick up. Friend: Hello? Contestant: Hello, it’s me! I’m on Who Wants To Be in God’s Family right now, and I need your help to answer the first question. Friend: Okay, I’m here for you, buddy. What is the question? Contestant: Who has God given you to help you when you’re in trouble? Is it A) Bob the tomato, B) Your Elmo doll, C) Captain America, or D) Your best friend? Friend: I know the answer! It’s me! I’m your best friend, and I’m always there to help you when you’re in trouble. The answer’s got to be D: your best friend. Contestant: Thanks, buddy! I knew I could count on you! Host: Okay, you’ve talked to your friend on the phone. What is your answer? Contestant: I’m going with D: my best friend. Host: Is that your final answer? Contestant: Yes, it’s my final answer. (Piano plays, “Dum, dum, dum.”) Host: You are correct! The answer is D! Good job! Let’s move on to the next question. Contestant: Okay! Host: Here is your second question. (Music plays, “Dum, dum, dum!”) Who should you go to for advice when you have a tough decision to make? Is it A) Facebook, B) Your Twitter feed, C) The refrigerator, or D) Your dad? Contestant: Hmm. (Thinks intently.) I think I’d like to use the 50/50 option for this question. Host: Okay, we’ll remove two answers, and we are left with C) The refrigerator, or D) Your dad. The question was, who should you go to for advice when you have a tough decision to make? Contestant: Wow, that’s a tough one. I think I will say D: my dad. Host: Is that your final answer? Contestant: Yes, it’s my final answer. (Piano plays, “Dum, dum, dum.”) Host: You are correct! The answer is D! That’s two correct answers. Let’s keep going! Okay? Contestant: Okay! Host: Here is your third question. (Music plays.) Who has been there since you were a child to hold you, keep you warm, and give you a hug when you needed one? Is the answer A) Sponge Bob Square Pants, B) Huggies diapers, C) Your bathrobe, or D) Your mom? Contestant: Hmm, I’m not sure. I think I’d like to ask the audience for help on this one. Host: Okay, audience, cheer for the answer you think is correct. Is it A) Sponge Bob Square Pants, Huggies diapers, C) Your bathrobe, or D) Your mom? (Audience cheers.) Okay, so the audience may or may not have been helpful. What is your answer? Contestant: I think I will say D: my mom. Host: Is that your final answer? Contestant: Yes, final answer. (Piano plays, “Dum, dum, dum.”) Host: You are correct! The answer is D! That’s three correct answers! Only one more to win! Contestant: Okay! Host: Here is your fourth question. (Music plays.) How do you know God really loves you? Contestant: (after an uncomfortable silence) Um, aren’t you going to give me some choices? Host: No, not on this one. You’re going to have to figure this one out on your own. Contestant: How am I supposed to do that? Host: Well you have one more lifeline left. Would you like to use that? Contestant: Sure, I have one more phone-a-friend I can use. Right? Host: Yes, and this friend had better be a pretty good one. Contestant: Oh, I think he is. Host: Go ahead and make the call. Contestant: (Dials and listens.) Hello? Hey, I’m on Who Wants To Be in God’s Family, right now, and I need some advice on the final question to win the game. Jesus: (on other end of phone line) Okay, sure. What is it? Contestant: How do I know God really loves me? Jesus: I know the answer! This is it: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever would believe in him would not perish, but have everlasting life.” Contestant: Awesome, so what’s the answer? Jesus: Don’t you get it? It’s me, bro’. It’s me! Your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I’m the one who showed you that God totally loves you. I came into the world and taught you how to live and walk with God, and then I even gave my life for you. Contestant: Oh, I get it! Yes, Jesus, you’re the final answer! Jesus: Hey, I’m God’s Son, and if God would do all that for you, then God really must love you. So the answer is me! I’m living proof that God really loves you! Contestant: Awesome, Jesus! I knew I could count on you! Thanks! Host: Okay, you’ve talked to your lifeline on the phone. What is your answer? Contestant: I’m going with Jesus Christ. He’s my final answer. Host: Your final answer? Contestant: Yes, my final answer. (Piano plays, “Dum, dum, dum.”) Host: You are correct! Jesus Christ is the one who has shown us that God really loves us! You have done it! Thanks to Jesus Christ, you have won Who Wants To Be in God’s Family! Congratulations! (Audience cheers.) Let’s hear it for our contestant! And thank you, everyone, for being a great audience. Remember, you’re a part of God’s family too!

Responding to the Word

Songs “Bind Us Together, Lord,” LifeSongs 127 “How Great,” Youth Sunday 2

Prayer ideas Tell campers to think of the new friends they have made this week. This is an example of the family of God, constantly adding new members to the body of Christ. Encourage the campers during the prayers, to quietly speak the names of their new friends in prayer to God. They can pray for counselors, staff, and pastors too.

Counselors can gather their cabin group together at the close of worship and pray for their group. The counselors could be given time to pray for each camper in their cabin individually, as quiet worship songs are sung. Give enough time for the counselors to pray for each camper.

Hand holding prayers: Pray while holding hands. Holding hands reminds us that God has given us family and friends to be with us. We can support and care for each other. Let’s pray...

Sending Leader: Go into the world and serve God with joy. Walk in the power of the Spirit. Be bold and faithful, gracious and forgiving, merciful and kindhearted, upright and honorable. Love and serve Jesus Christ, giving thanks in your hearts to God. Amen.

Benediction Leader: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and communion of the Holy Spirit remain with you all. Campers: And also with you. DAY 4: Jonah


Songs “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 857 “Humble Thyself,” The Group Songbook 38

Call to worship The leader begins with simple statements of faith, and encourages the campers to respond with the affirmation, “Amen!” The leader continues with more statements of faith, and encourages the campers to get louder each time in their response. You can use the following statements. Add your own if you wish. Leader: We are people of God! Let me hear you shout amen! Campers: Amen! Leader: We are people of faith! Amen! Campers: Amen! Leader: We are people of love and mercy! Amen! Campers: Amen! Leader: We are people of grace and forgiveness! Amen! Campers: Amen! Leader: Amen! Campers: Amen! Leader: Amen! Campers: Amen!

Opening skit: Jonah and God Jonah has a conversation with God, who speaks from a microphone offstage. The dialogue can be used to introduce the theme for the worship service.

God: Jonah! Jonah: Huh? Who’s there? God: Jonah! Jonah: Who is it? What do you want? God: I’m God. I want you to do something for me. Jonah: Who—me? What can I do for you? God: I’m going to send you to the city of Nineveh to preach my word to them. Jonah: The city of Nineveh is full of wicked people. Why would you ever bother with them? God: I want you to call them to repent and turn from their wicked ways. Jonah: God, they are not worth your time. They’re completely lost and hopeless. God: I have come then to seek the lost. I want to forgive them and save them. Jonah: Forgive them? They don’t deserve to be forgiven. Have you seen what they’ve done? God: Yes, I know, but it is time to call them out of their darkness. Jonah: God, you don’t know what you’re doing. Besides, I won’t be a very good witness. God: Jonah, you are my servant, and I’m calling you to go. Jonah: God, I don’t even want to go. Why can’t you send someone else? God: Jonah, I am sending you to change their hearts, and to change your heart too. Jonah: Oh, I don’t think so. Which way is Nineveh, by the way? God: That way. Jonah: That way? (Points right.) Well, I’m getting out of here. (Turns and walks left.) God: I won’t give up on the people of Nineveh, and I won’t give up on you either, Jonah. Jonah: Fine, God, whatever you say. (Exits.) God: You can run, Jonah, but you can’t hide from me. I will find you, and forgive you, and empower you to do a mighty thing in my name. After all, I am the Almighty God, and I am slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Above all else, I am a loving God, and love always wins. You will see, Jonah. You will see.

Welcome Sometimes we act like Jonah, don’t we? We hear God’s voice calling us to action, but we think of excuses and ignore the word of the Lord. We know we are called to forgive and love others, but we stubbornly refuse to let go of our pride. Our stubbornness only makes matters worse and hurts other people, sometimes even those who care the most about us. Thankfully, we serve a mighty God, who never gives up on us. We try to hide, but God comes and finds us and offers forgiveness and grace. May this be a time of healing for you, and a time for you to respond to God’s call to be a person of faith, forgiveness, and love.

Song “Create in Me a Clean Heart,” The Group Songbook 36

Pebble prayer Invite the campers to pick up a small pebble or stone from the ground and bring it to the worship service. There may already be stones lying around a campfire ring that would work just fine. Invite the campers to hold the stones during the following prayer, and then when done, to bring them forward and lay them on the altar or around the campfire. Leader: Almighty God, we are people of faith, but sometimes we struggle to believe in you, to follow you, and to love others as you love us. Forgive us for our hardness of heart. We bring our unforgiving ways to you, Lord, and lay them before you now. May the fire of your Holy Spirit soften our hard hearts and burn away our pride. May we begin to receive your healing power to love and forgive others. May we be moved to love others as you have loved us. We pray in the name of Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

Encountering the Word

Lesson Read Jonah 4:1-11 (Jonah and God). Additional Bible references Matthew 18:21-35 (Seven times seventy) Luke 11:1-4 (Lord’s Prayer) Ephesians 4:32 (Be kind, forgiving one another)

Message There are two options provided for the message: two dramas—“Not so fast” or “Jonah and God” (opening dialogue)

Drama: Not so fast A camp counselor learns about God’s forgiveness and about forgiving others, thanks to a few simple mistakes made by his friends and campers. Characters: John (counselor), God, camper, friend, girlfriend A counselor named John enters with God walking by his side. They are talking to each other.

John: Hey God, how’s it going? God: Pretty good, John. How about yourself? John: Oh, you know, being a camp counselor and all, it takes a lot of patience. God: Yeah, I know, being God and all, I can completely relate to what you’re going through. John: You’re pretty good at all that love and forgiveness stuff. You’re pretty awesome, God. God: Yeah, I got it going on. Hey, look! Here comes one of your campers now. Camper: (Enters looking ashamed.) Hi, John! John: Hey buddy, what’s wrong? Camper: Well, um, I just flushed your fuzzy pink kitty pajamas down the toilet. John: What? Why on earth did you do that? Camper: Well, the other campers didn’t want to clean the toilet, so I stepped up and took the challenge. And your kitty pajamas—what a lifesaver! They were perfect for the job, being so fuzzy and all. The toilet looks really clean now! But your two bunny slippers, they didn’t go down so easily. I had to use a plunger on them to make them go down. John: Let me get this straight. You used my pajamas to clean the toilet? And then you plunged my bunny slippers down too? Camper: Um, yup. You got it. That’s exactly right. John: I can’t believe it! Those were my favorite jammies—and my bunny slippers too! Camper: But the toilet looks really shiny and clean now, if it makes any difference. John: No, it doesn’t! I can’t believe you did that! What were you thinking? Camper: (Beginning to cry.) I’m sorry, John. Can you ever forgive me? John: What? Forgive you? No way! (Stomps off waving arms in a rage.) I can’t believe it! God: Wait a second, John, not so fast! (John freezes.) Why don’t you come back over here? John: (Walks and talks in reverse back to God.) Ti eveileb t’nac I. !yaw oN ?uoy evigrof, tahW God: John, the kid just asked you to forgive him. He’s sorry, John. You can’t just walk away. John: (Thinks for a second.) Okay, I guess you’re right, God. (Looks at camper.) All right, I forgive you for flushing my fuzzy pink kitty pajamas down the toilet. Camper: And your bunny slippers too. John: And my bunny slippers too. Camper: Thanks, John! You’re the best! (Runs off.) God: That was downright decent of you, John. Now, how do you feel? John: (Sighs.) Better, I guess. God: That’s the spirit, John. You didn’t need those jammies. And look, now the toilet is clean. John: Well, I guess so. God: Oh look! Here comes someone else, John. It’s one of your best friends from camp. Friend: Hey John, here are the keys to your car. John: Hey dude, how’d it go? Friend: Well, pretty good, (Pause.) until I accidently ran into a little old lady in another car. John: What? You ran into someone with my car? Friend: Yeah, it wasn’t my fault she stopped so suddenly at that stoplight. I was going kind of fast, and I just couldn’t stop in time. Luckily I didn’t hit the chicken crossing the road in front of her. It was worth all the damage to your car to save that chicken. John: All the damage to my car! What damage? Friend: Your car, well, it’s totaled. John: It’s totaled? I can’t believe this, first my pink kitty pajamas, and now my car too! Friend: I’m really sorry, John. Can you ever forgive me? John: What? Forgive you? No way! (Stomps off waving arms in a rage.) I can’t believe it! God: Wait a second, John, not so fast! (He freezes.) Why don’t you come back over here? John: (Walks and talks in reverse back to God.) Ti eveileb t’nac I. !yaw oN ?uoy evigrof, tahW God: John, your friend just asked you to forgive him. He’s sorry. You can’t just walk away. John: (Thinks for a second.) Okay, I guess you’re right, God. (Looks at friend) All right, I forgive you for totaling my car to save that hapless chicken crossing the road. Camper: Thanks, John! You’re the best! (Runs off.) God: That was downright decent of you, John. Now, how do you feel? John: (Sighs.) Better, I guess. God: That’s the spirit, John. You don’t need that old car. After all, you work at a Bible camp! John: Well, I guess so. God: Oh look! Here comes someone else, John. It’s your girlfriend. Girlfriend: Hi John. Dear John, dear, dear, dear John. John: What’s the matter? Is something wrong? Girlfriend: John, I’ve been thinking. (Pause.) Things just aren’t working out with you and me. John: What? Are you breaking up with me? Girlfriend: (Holds out a ring.) So here you go. It was nice while it lasted, but I need to move on. John: But you said you loved me! And we’ve been going steady for three whole days now. Girlfriend: Hey, it’s not you, it’s me... ? Besides, I met someone way cuter than you. (Walks off.) John: What? No way! (Stomps off waving arms in a rage.) I can’t believe it! God: Wait a second, John, not so fast! (He freezes.) Why don’t you come back over here? John: (Walks and talks in reverse back to God.) Ti eveileb t’nac I. !yaw oN ?uoy evigrof, tahW God: John, you know what you need to do. You need to forgive your ex-girlfriend. John: What? No, I don’t. She didn’t even ask for forgiveness! God: John, you need to do it. Just forgive her now. John: (Thinks it over.) Okay, I guess you’re right, God. (Pause.) I forgive her for dumping me like a rock for a way cuter guy. (Sniffs.) I can’t believe I’m saying this. Who could be cuter than me? God: That’s the spirit, John. You’re doing well. You’re learning how to forgive others. John: Hey God, I think I need to ask for something from you. God: Sure John, I’m totally here for you. Ask me anything you like. John: Well, I think I need to ask you for forgiveness. I haven’t been very nice lately. I’ve been holding a lot of grudges against people. When I mess up, you always forgive me. I see now that I need to forgive others just as you have forgiven me. Can you ever forgive me, God? God: Sure, John, I totally forgive you. And I will always love you. (They embrace.) John: Thanks, God. I love you too. God: That’s good, John, because we’re really going to need each other here in a minute. John: What? Why? God: Brace yourself, John, because here comes another camper! John: Oh joy.

Creative worship ideas The story of Jonah is a story about a loving God who is gracious and forgiving in spite of Jonah’s reluctance to obey. God reaches out with love and forgiveness even when Jonah stubbornly resists and complains. God is interested in changing the lives of everyone, even people who may seem to be utterly lost and hopeless to us. God is calling us to forgive others with this same kind of grace and love.

Confession and forgiveness: Give the campers a quiet time to think of three sins to silently confess to God. Say to them: “Now, in your hearts, tell God you are sorry for those sins, and ask God for forgiveness for them.” This can be done while someone plays music quietly on guitar or piano, or during special music. Then afterward, the leader invites campers up to receive the sign of the cross. As campers come to the front, leaders can mark a cross on each camper’s forehead and say, “Receive God’s forgiveness and love. Amen.”

Sticks of forgiveness: Invite the campers to each bring a small stick to the campfire ring for the worship service. Explain that the sticks represent those people who have hurt us in some way, through their words or deeds. Then say that the fire represents God’s love and forgiveness. We can give our hurts to God and let them be taken away by God’s power to love and forgive and renew. Give the campers a moment to think of someone they wish to forgive, then when they feel ready, the campers may come forward and place their sticks in the fire as they pray silent words of forgiveness.

Responding to the Word

Song “You Are My King” (“Amazing Love,”) Shout It Out 24


Closing prayer: Wind of the spirit The leader guides the group in a closing prayer that involves the senses. Leader: Everyone stand up and look around at the beauty of creation. Say a silent word of thanks to God for the good gifts of the world around us. Now lift your hands high up in the air, and close your eyes. Feel the gentle breeze blowing through your fingers. Listen to the wind blowing through the trees. Listen to the voice of God speaking quietly to you like the gentle breeze. Can you hear the sounds of nature giving praise to God? Silently speak a word of praise to God from your heart.

Send off A leader invites the campers to join in the “send off” as a reminder of the theme for the day. It is a simple phrase repeated or chanted several times, such as, “We are people of love and forgiveness.” Repeat the phrase several times and get louder each time it is spoken. Once everyone is participating, the leader can motion for everyone to be silent and then quietly repeat the phrase one last time as a final word to the group.

Benediction Leader: The blessing of Almighty God—Creator, Son, and Holy Spirit—be with you always. Campers: Amen!

DAY 5: Jeremiah


Songs “Step by Step,” Worship & Praise Songbook 132 “Here I Am, Lord,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship 574 Call to worship The leader explains the call and response nature of the prayer. Assign an assistant to say the words “We are called...” to cue the campers for their response, “Called by a loving God!” Assistant: We are called... Campers: Called by a loving God. Leader: We have been called this week to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, and with all our souls, and with all our might. Assistant: We are called... Campers: Called by a loving God. Leader: A God who has chosen us and invited us to love others as God loves us. Assistant: We are called... Campers: Called by a loving God. Leader: Who provides what we need and more. We are invited to live in God’s abundance. Assistant: We are called... Campers: Called by a loving God. Leader: Who gives us family and friends to care for us and to love. Assistant: We are called... Campers: Called by a loving God. Leader: Who offers forgiveness and calls us to forgive others too. Assistant: We are called... Campers: Called by a loving God. Leader: Who sends us out to love. We are invited to witness to God’s presence among us, and answer God’s call in our lives of faith. Assistant: We are called... Campers: Called by a loving God. Assistant: We are called... Campers: Called by a loving God. Assistant: We are called! Campers: Called by a loving God!

Song “Let’s Go Out,” Dakota Road Music Anthology 126

Opening prayer Leader: Almighty God, your Holy Spirit has called us to this place for a great week of growing and learning and exploring. Thank you for calling us here, for watching over us, for providing for our needs, for giving us new friends and this community of faith. Thank you for your love and forgiveness, and for teaching us how to love and forgive others too. Help us to hear your call in our lives and to respond faithfully to that call. You are calling us to be people of faith and love. You are calling us to share your love with a world in need. Help us to answer that call and go out from here empowered by your love for others. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. Encountering the Word

Lesson Read Jeremiah 1:4-10 (Jeremiah’s call).

Additional Bible references John 15:12-17 (Love one another) Matthew 9:37-38 (Ask the Lord to send out workers) Matthew 5:16 (Let your light shine before others) Deuteronomy 6:5 (Love the Lord your God)

Message There are two options provided for the message: two dramas—“We can do it!” or “God’s love revealed”

Drama: We can do it! Two counselors talk about some jobs that need to be done around camp. They wonder who is big enough, strong enough, tall enough, smart enough, and brave enough to get the jobs done. Each time, their group of campers chimes in, saying, “We can do it!” But the counselors don’t acknowledge the kids’ offers to help. While the counselors continue to hem and haw about what to do, the campers go ahead and take care of it. Afterward, the counselors notice that someone has mysteriously resolved each situation. They walk off wondering how all the needs were met and who it was that did them.

Examples of jobs: Pick up trash Stack a pile of wood Haul luggage Cheer up a sad person Pray for someone Share God’s love

Debrief: Recall how Jeremiah was called by God when he was a youth (Jeremiah 1:6). Jeremiah tried to use his age as an excuse not to obey God’s call in his life. But God reassured him saying, “I am with you to deliver you.” God is calling each of us as well, both young and old. We are called to speak up for our faith in God and reach out to others in loving ways. God will give us the courage and strength to get the job done. We can do it!

Drama: God’s love revealed Two people talk about the summer camp theme, “A love that never ends.” One person doesn’t seem to understand what it means. The other person uses examples at hand to explain that God has shown great love for us. We are called to share God’s love with others in the same way.

Person 1: We’ve been talking a lot about loving God and loving others this week. Person 2: Yeah, but I don’t know if I really get it. Person 1: We’ve learned that God loves us so that we have love to share with others too. Person 2: I still don’t know if I understand that. Person 1: Examples of God’s love are all around us. You just have to open your eyes to see them. Person 2: How so? Person 1: Look at the trees. God put them there just for us, and gave them the ability to turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, so we can breathe. That’s a loving God! Person 2: Wow! That is pretty cool. Person 1: Look at the campfire. God put a love for fire in someone’s heart, so they built it for us, and now it’s burning bright and giving us warmth. Person 2: Yeah, fire is pretty awesome. Person 1: Look at this counselor with a guitar. He could have started a garage band and tried out for American Idol, and become rich and famous by now, but no, God put a love for camp songs and playing simple bar chords in his heart, so he’s here to play us sweet music for us all summer. Person 2: Yeah, that is pretty sweet. Person 1: Look at this counselor. She could have stayed in her hometown and worked at McDonald’s making $7.25 an hour flipping greasy burgers all summer, but no, God put a love for little campers in her heart, so she’s here sharing God’s love with all these kids, and they’ll never forget her because she’s fun and crazy and loves God with her whole heart. Person 2: Wow, you’re right. Person 1: Look at this Bible we’ve been reading from this week. Remember all the stories we heard about the people of faith who were called by a loving God to love others in bold and courageous ways? Their stories inspire us to trust in God and love others too. Person 2: Yeah. Person 1: Look at all these campers. They are growing and learning to share God’s love too. They are being called to follow Jesus and go back home to share God’s love and change the world. Person 2: That’s exciting. Person 1: God’s love is all around us. Person 2: Wow, you’re right. Person 1: We are being sent out by a loving God to love others. Person 2: Yeah, we’re being called to share God’s love with the world. Person 1: Yeah, so let’s go. Person 2: Okay, let’s go.

Sent with God’s peace Tell the campers they are going to share the peace of the Lord with each other. The greeting is “The peace of the Lord be with you” and the response is “And also with you.” But tell the campers they must wait until someone comes to them before sharing the peace with others. Once someone has received it, that person is sent to share the peace with two other people. Begin with one person, and watch the peace spread to the entire gathering. Afterward, emphasize that God’s peace needs to be shared with everyone, not just with our own cliques or cabin groups. When we break out of our comfort zone, then many more can enjoy the peace of God.

Creative worship ideas Stories from the week: Talk about the summer theme, “A love that never ends,” and some of the Bible stories that were read. Then recall some of the highlights from the week of camp. Tell about going on hikes, singing around the campfire, doing a service project, taking care of creation, and learning to get along with others. Have fun telling the stories, but remember to use them to emphasize the theme for the week. We are called to love God with all of our heart and soul and might. We are being sent out by a loving God to love others in the same way. We can live out our faith at home just as we have done at camp.

Scattered seeds: Bring a few handfuls of dandelions that have gone to seed to the worship service. Blow the seeds up into the air and watch them float away. Talk about how the flower has put all its energy into forming the seeds so that they will be scattered on the wind and multiply one hundred times over. Say, “That is exactly what we have been doing this week at camp. We have been putting all our energy into forming and growing our faith, so that it is mature enough to be sent out and scattered and spread to others when we leave this place. We have been fed by God’s word and watered by the living water of Christ Jesus. Now we are being scattered by the wind of the Holy Spirit. May you share what you have seen and heard in this place, this week, with your friends and families back home. Go with God!”

Responding to the Word

Song “Go, Make Disciples,” Worship & Praise Songbook 47


Closing prayer The leader instructs the campers that their response to each prayer is the chorus of the song, “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying.” An assistant can be assigned to cue the campers to sing the chorus. The leader may say original prayers or use the following prayers. Leader: Loving God, may your Spirit move in our lives and strengthen us in our faith. Give us courage to share the good news of Christ with all those around us. Hear us, O Lord. Campers: Lord, listen to your children praying... Leader: Loving God, may your kingdom reach out to all those who suffer from injustice, wars, and natural disasters. Work through us to comfort and assist those in need of mercy, grace, and justice. Hear us, O Lord. Campers: Lord, listen to your children praying... Leader: Loving God, may your word unite this community of faith in the shared mission to proclaim Christ to those around us. Empower us to be bold in our witness, service, and care for others in need. Hear us, O Lord. Campers: Lord, listen to your children praying... Leader: Loving God, may we love you with all our heart and soul and might. Help us to love others with the same amazing love with which you have loved us. Hear us, O Lord. Campers: Lord, listen to your children praying... Leader: All these prayers we lift up to you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Song “As You Go on Your Way,” Borning Cry 255

Sending/Benediction The leader explains that the campers’ response to the benediction should be “Thanks be to God!” The benediction may be repeated more than once if you wish. Leader: Go with God in the power of the Spirit to love and serve our Lord, Jesus Christ. Campers: Thanks be to God!

“A love that never ends” Outdoor ministries curriculum, © 2014 Lutheran Outdoor Ministries. May be reproduced for local use.

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