Colquitt County High School

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Colquitt County High School

Colquitt County High School Advanced Placement Biology 2015-2016 Summer Work

Introduction: Welcome! AP Biology is an in depth study of organisms on macroscopic, microscopic, and chemical levels. It is a rigorous course that requires independent thinking and learning. There are so many topics to cover! You will be expected to do significant work outside of class. Emphasis is placed on understanding concepts, not just memorizing facts.

Your summer assignment will be to review chemistry. To truly comprehend the biologic concepts presented in AP Biology, one needs a solid foundation in chemistry. Thus, the completion and understanding of high school chemistry is a recommendation/prerequisite for AP Biology.

Contact Information: Teacher: Marie Carr Email: [email protected]

Resource: Campbell and Reece AP Biology 8th edition (

Textbook Checkout: Textbooks may be checked out May 15, 18-22, 2015

Assignments: 1. Visit the CCHS website and click on the Summer Work tab. Locate the AP Biology assignments. Email me the Introducing Yourself information.

2. Read Chapters 52 and 53. Visit the CCHS website and click on the Summer Work tab. Locate the AP Biology assignments. Complete and e-mail to me the following reading guides:  Chapter 52: An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere  Chapter 53: Population Ecology

3. Read Chapters 54 and 55. Visit the CCHS website and click on the Summer Work tab. Locate the AP Biology assignments. Complete and e-mail to me the following reading guides:  Chapter 54: Community Ecology  Chapter 55: Ecosystems

Due Dates:  Assignments 1 and 2: Friday, June 26, 2015

 Assignment 3: Friday, August 14, 2015


Grade: ______

Email: ______

1. Why did you sign up to take AP Biology?

2. What are your personal strengths when it comes to learning new material?

3. What causes you to struggle in a course?

4. What is the most effective way for you to prepare for a test?

5. Do you plan on taking the AP Exam?

6. How many AP classes are you taking (please list)?

7. Have you or will you be taking anatomy and physiology?

Name ______Date ______AP Biology Reading Guide (Adapted from Fred and Theresa Holtzclaw)


2. Define the following terms: a. Abiotic

b. Biotic

3. Give an example of the interactions of biotic and abiotic factors.

4. What do the following subfields of ecology study? a. Organismal ecology –

b. Population ecology – include the definition of population

c. Community ecology – include the definition of community

d. Ecosystem ecology – include the definition of ecosystem

e. Landscape ecology –

f. Global ecology – include the definition of biosphere

5. What is biogeography? What factors determine the distribution of organisms?

6. List and describe five examples of biotic factors.

Biotic Factor Example and Description 7. List five abiotic factors. Include an example and description of each factor’s influence on living organisms.

Abiotic Factor Example and Description

8. What is climate? What abiotic factors are its components?

9. What is the difference between macroclimate and microclimate?

10. How does latitude affect sunlight intensity?

11. What causes the seasons?

12. Explain how mountains affect rainfall?

13. What is a biome? What are biomes characterized by?

14. How does seasonal turnover in lakes affect the oxygen level available to the aquatic organisms?

15. The aquatic biomes are listed in the chart. Give a description of the biome below its name, and then complete the other parts of the chart. Aquatic Biome Typical Autotrophs Typical Heterotrophs Human Impact

Lakes Wetlands Streams and rivers Estuaries Intertidal Zones Oceanic Pelagic Zone Coral Reefs Marine Benthic Zone

16. Describe each major terrestrial biome as to rainfall, temperature, location, and representative flora and fauna.

Biome Characteristics

Tropical Forest Desert Savanna Chaparral Temperate Grassland Coniferous Forest Temperate Broadleaf Forest Tundra

Name ______Date ______AP Biology Reading Guide (Adapted from Fred and Theresa Holtzclaw)


1. Define the following terms: a. Population:

b. Density:

c. Dispersion:

d. Mark-recapture method:

e. Immigration:

f. Emigration: g. Territoriality:

2. Label the dispersion pattern shown by each population in the figure below. Second, and most important, what do the dispersion patterns tell us about the population and its interactions?

3. In what population statistic do demographers have a particular interest? How is this data often presented?

4. Is your biology class a cohort? Explain.

5. Survivorship curves show patterns of survival. In general terms, survivorship curves can be classified into three types. Using the figure below, label and explain the three idealized survivorship patterns.

6. What does a reproductive table show? 7. On what is the life history of an organism based?

8. What three variables form the life history of a species?

9. Compare and contrast semelparity (big bang reproduction) and iteroparity (repeated reproduction). Give advantages of each as they apply to an example organism – focus on the adaptive benefit of the life history. Are there any disadvantages?

10. What is zero population growth?

11. What is exponential population growth? What kind of graph would you expect to see?

12. What is carrying capacity?

13. What are six examples of limiting resources that can influence carrying capacity?

14. Read section 53.4 slowly. Explain the logistical population growth model. Study the graph below – what does it tell you and why? How does “K” fit into all of this? 15. Compare and contrast K-selection and r-selection – this is a key concept.

16. What is the difference between density-dependent and density-independent factors as a general term?

17. What generalizations can be made by the graphs below?

18. Describe six density-dependent factors in population regulation. 19. What is population dynamics?

20. Describe human population growth after studying figures 53.22 and 53.23.

21. What kinds of information do age structure pyramids provide and what inferences can be made from these?

22. How can an ecological footprint be useful?

Name ______Date ______

AP Biology Reading Guide (Adapted from Fred and Theresa Holtzclaw)


1. Define interspecific interactions.

2. Explain how competition contributes to competitive exclusion, resource partitioning, and character displacement. 3. Explain how predation contributes to changes in coloration (cryptic coloration and aposematic coloration) and the evolution of mimicry (Batesian mimicry and Mullerian mimicry).

4. Give an example of a plant defense against herbivory.

5. Describe and give an example of each of the following interactions.

Type of Interaction Description Example symbiosis parasitism mutalism commensalism

6. What is species diversity? What are its two components? Why is it important?

7. What is the difference between a food chain and a food web? Which provides a more “full” ecological picture and why?

8. Know the levels of trophic structure in food chains. Give a food chain here, including four links that might be found in a prairie community, and tell the level for each organism. 9. According to the energetic hypothesis, why are food chains limited in length? How much energy is typically transferred to each higher level?

10. How is a keystone species different from a dominant species?

11. Name one keystone species and explain the effect its removal has on the ecosystem.

12. Compare and contrast the bottom-up model with the top-down model.

13. What is the intermediate disturbance hypothesis? Give an example of a disturbance event, and explain the effect it has on the community.

14. Ecological succession is the changes in species that occupy an area after disturbance. What is the difference between primary succession and secondary succession?

15. Define evapotranspiration.

16. What is the Island Equilibrium Model and how does it help us better understand ecological changes?

Name ______Date ______AP Biology Reading Guide (Adapted from Fred and Theresa Holtzclaw)


1. What is an ecosystem?

2. Where does energy enter most ecosystems? How is it converted to chemical energy and then passes through the ecosystem? How is it lost? Remember this: energy cannot be recycled.

3. Besides the energy flow that you described in question 2, chemicals such as carbon and nitrogen cycle through ecosystems. So energy ______through an ecosystem and matter ______. 4. Label the diagram below and know the definition of each term.


5. How are autotrophs and heterotrophs different?

6. Define the following terms and give an example of each. a. Herbivores: b. Carnivores: c. Omnivores: d. Decomposers: e. Detritivores:

7. What is primary production? Distinguish between gross primary production and net primary production.

8. Write an equation here that shows the relationship between gross and net primary production.

9. Biomass is the total mass of all individuals in a trophic level. Another way of defining net primary production is as the amount of new biomass added in a given period of time. Why is net primary production, or the amount of new biomass/unit of time, the key measurement to ecologists? 10. How do light limitations and nutrient limitations impact primary production in aquatic ecosystems?

11. What is eutrophication? What are factors that contribute to eutrophication?

12. What are the main factors controlling primary productivity in terrestrial ecosystems?

13. What is trophic efficiency?

14. Generally, what percentage of energy available at one trophic level is available at the next?

15. Use the figure below to describe the water cycle. Specify the roles of evaporation, transpiration, and rainfall. 16. Use the figure below to describe the carbon cycle. In doing so, explain how carbon enters the living system and how it leaves, and identify the reservoir for carbon.

17. Write the equation for photosynthesis: ______

18. Write the equation for cellular respiration: ______

19. Use the figure below to describe the nitrogen cycle. In doing so, indicate the role of microorganisms in nitrogen fixation, nitrification, and denitrification. 20. Briefly detail the phosphorus cycle. You can write this response or draw the cycle.

21. Human activities now dominate most chemical cycles on Earth. Describe the following environmental problems that are occurring as a result of human activities.

Environmental Problem Description/Example

Dead zones (eutrification)

Ozone depletion Acid rain

Global warming (greenhouse effect)

Biological magnification

Invasive species

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