Notes 10: Conductor Sizing & an Example s3
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Notes 12: Series Impedance of Cables
12.0 Introduction
We desire to determine methods of computing the series impedance for cable configurations. The main steps for doing so are exactly the same as the steps for computing series impedance of overhead lines. These steps, given in Notes 10, are: 1. Determine resistance per mile and GMR of each conductor. 2. Determine distance between conductors. 3. Compute primitive impedance matrix using eqs. (39,40) of notes 9 (see below) with appropriate value of resistivity ρ. 4. Perform Kron reduction to eliminate the presence of the neutral and thus obtain the phase impedance matrix.
1 ˆ Zii Ri 0.00158836 f 1 1 (39) j0.12134ln 7.6786 ln ri 2 f
ˆ Zij 0.00158836 f 1 1 (40) j0.12134ln 7.6786 ln Dij 2 f Consider Fig. 1, and observe the fact that the neutral is actually comprised of several conductors.
Fig. 1
2 Now we could treat each neutral wire as a separate conductor and build a very large primitive impedance matrix. This would be very tedious. A better approach is to obtain an equivalent neutral.
12.1 Definitions, nomenclature, equations
Fig. 2 defines some distances that we need: Phase Conductor Insulation Jacket R
dod d c Concentric Neutral Strand
Insulation Screen ds
Fig. 2 These distances are: . dc: phase conductor diameter (inches) . dod: nominal diameter over the concentric neutrals of the cable (inches)
3 . ds: diameter of a concentric neutral strand (inches) . R: radius of a circle passing through the center of the concentric neutral strands (ft)
We also need these additional definitions. . GMRc: geometric mean radius of the phase conductor (ft) . GMRs: geometric mean radius of a single neutral strand . Rc: resistance of the phase conductor (Ω/mile) . Rs: resistance of a single neutral strand (Ω/mile) . k: the number of concentric neutral strands
All of the above information is obtained from the tables given in “Notes 11,” with the exception of R. This is computed as d d 1 d d R od s od s (1) 2 12 24
4 Our approach is to convert the concentric neutral configuration to an equivalent configuration having a single neutral, Fig. 3.
Fig. 3
References [1-2] show how to derive relations for such an equivalent configuration. We assume phase conductors are numbered first and concentric neutrals numbered last. For example, for 3 cables, each with concentric neutrals, we number
5 phase conductors 1,2,3 and concentric neutrals 4,5,6.
The relations are:
. Concentric neutral geometric mean radius: k k1 GMRcni GMRsikR (2)
Note that GMRi= ri based on previously defined nomenclature. . Distance between a concentric neutral and an adjacent phase conductor k k k Dij Dnm R (3)
where Dnm is the center-to-center distance between phase conductors corresponding to the concentric neutrals ij. Equation (3) gives the geometric mean distance between all of the concentric neutral strands of one cable and the phase conductor of the other cable.
6 . Distance between a concentric neutral and its own phase conductor:
Dij R (4) where R is given by eq. (1) above. . Distance between a concentric neutral of one cable and a concentric neutral of another cable:
Dij Dnm (5)
where, as before, Dnm is the center-to- center distance between phase conductors. . The equivalent resistance of the concentric neutral is R R si (6) cni k
10.2 Example
Three concentric neutral cables are buried in a trench with spacings as shown in Fig. 4. The cables are 15kV, 250MCM stranded all- aluminum with 13 strands of #14 annealed,
7 coated copper wires (1/3 neutral). Determine the phase impedance matrix. 4 5 6
R 0.5 ft R 0.5 ft R
1 2 3 Fig. 4 We obtain the data for the phase conductor and neutral strands from the conductor data table given at the end of “Notes 11.” . dod=1.29 inches . 250MCM AA phase conductor: o GMRc=0.0171 ft o Diameter dc=0.56 inches o Resistance Rc=0.4100 Ω/mile . #14 copper neutral strands: o GMRs=0.00208 ft o Diameter ds=0.0641 inches o Resistance Rs=14.8722 Ω/mile
The radius of the circle passing through the center of the strands, eq. (1), is: d d 1.29 0.0641 R od s 0.0511 ft 24 24
8 The GMR of the equivalent concentric neutral is:
k k1 GMRcni GMRsikR 13 (0.00208)13(0.0511)12 0.0486 ft The resistance of the equivalent concentric neutral is R 14.8722 R si 1.1438 / mile cni k 13 Now assume that the phase conductors are numbered 1,2, and 3, and the equivalent concentric neutrals are numbered 4, 5, and 6.
The conductor-to-conductor and concentric neutral to concentric neutral spacings are: D12=D21=D45=D54=0.5 ft. D23=D32=D56=D65=0.5 ft. D31=D13=D64=D46=1.0 ft. The spacings between conductors and their concentric neutrals are D14=D25=D36=R=0.0511 ft.
9 The distances between concentric neutrals and adjacent phase conductors are given by eq. (3), but because Dnm>> R, we may obtain very good accuracy by just assuming this distance is just Dnm. D15=D51=0.5 ft D26=D62=0.5 ft D61=D16=1.0 ft.
The self impedance for the cable in position 1 is: ˆ Z11 R1 0.00158836 f 1 1 j0.12134ln 7.6786 ln r1 2 f 1 1 100 0.41 0.0953 j0.12134ln 7.6786 ln 0.0171 2 60 0.5053 j1.4564 / mile
The self impedance for the concentric neutral for Cable #1 is
10 ˆ Z44 R4 0.00158836 f 1 1 j0.12134ln 7.6786 ln r4 2 f 1 1 100 1.144 0.0953 j0.12134ln 7.6786 ln 0.0486 2 60 1.2393 j1.3296 / mile The mutual impedance between Cable #1 and Cable #2 is ˆ Z12 0.00158836 f 1 1 j0.12134ln 7.6786 ln Dij 2 f 1 1 0.0953 j0.12134ln 7.6786 ln 0.5 2 f 0.0953 j1.0468 / mile
The mutual impedance between Cable #1 and its concentric neutral is
11 ˆ Z14 0.00158836 f 1 1 j0.12134ln 7.6786 ln Dij 2 f 1 1 0.0953 j0.12134ln 7.6786 ln 0.0511 2 f 0.0953 j1.3236 / mile The mutual impedance between the concentric neutral of Cable #1 and the concentric neutral of Cable #2 is: ˆ Z 45 0.00158836 f 1 1 j0.12134ln 7.6786 ln Dij 2 f 1 1 0.0953 j0.12134ln 7.6786 ln 0.5 2 f 0.0953 j1.0468 / mile And so on for the rest of the terms.
The resulting primitive impedance matrix in partitioned form is
12 ˆ ˆ Z pp Z pn Zˆ ˆ ˆ Znp Znn where 0.5053 j1.4564 0.0953 j1.0468 0.0953 j0.9627 Zˆ 0.0953 j1.0468 0.5053 j1.4564 0.0953 j1.0468 pp 0.0953 j0.9627 0.0953 j1.0468 0.5053 j1.4564 0.0953 j1.3236 0.0953 j1.0468 0.0953 j0.9627 Zˆ 0.0953 j1.0468 0.0953 j1.3236 0.0953 j1.068 pn 0.0953 j0.9627 0.0953 j1.068 0.0953 j1.3236 ˆ ˆ T Znp Z pn 1.2391 j1.3296 0.0953 j1.0468 0.0953 j0.9627 Zˆ 0.0953 j1.0468 1.2391 j1.3296 0.0953 j1.0468 nn 0.0953 j0.9627 0.0953 j1.0468 1.2391 j.1.3296
Applying Kron reduction results in:
13 1 Z Zˆ Zˆ Zˆ Zˆ pp pn nn np 0.7981 j0.4463 0.3191 j0.0328 0.2849 j0.0143 0.3191 j0.0328 0.7891 j0.4041 0.3191 j0.0328 0.2849 j0.0143 0.3191 j0.0328 0.7981 j0.4463 10.3 Tape shielded cables
The tape shielded cable uses bare copper tape helically applied around the insulation screen. An insulation jacket encircles the tape shield. Fig 5 illustrates. AL or CU Phase Conductor Insulation dod ds dc CU Tape Shield T Jacket
Fig. 5
For a given ampacity, a tape shielded conductor is less expensive than a concentric neutral conductor because of the simpler
14 construction and manufacturing cost of the tape shield relative to the concentric neutral. Tape shielded cables are often called power cables because they are more frequently used in higher current applications such as three-phase mainlines, since such applications typically see less unbalance and the neutral conductor need not be designed to carry full load.
Parameters of the taped shielded cables are: . dc: phase conductor diameter (inches) . dod: outside diameter over the jacket (inches) . ds: outside diameter of the tape shield (inches) . T: thickness of copped tape shield (mils) . ρ: resistivity of tape shield (Ω-meters) at 50º C.
With this information we may compute the resistance of the tape shield as:
15 8 rshield 7.9385 10 / mile (7) dsT where the constant 7.9385E8 converts from meters per in-mil to per mile.
Since the shield is in fact a hollow thin- walled conductor, we need not correct for the internal flux. Therefore, the number to use as the shield’s geometric mean radius is exactly its radius, given as half the difference between its outside diameter ds and its thickness T/1000 (where we divide by 1000 to convert from mils to inches):
ds T /1000 1 ds T /1000 GMRshield ft (8) 2 12 24
As in the concentric neutral, we number phase conductors 1,2,3 and tape shields 4,5,6.
Then spacings between a tape shield and the conductors and other tape shields are:
16 . Distance between a tape shield and an adjacent phase conductor Dij=Dnm where Dnm is the center-to-center distance between phase conductors corresponding to tape shields i and j (ft). Note that with the concentric neutrals, this distance was given as k k k Dij Dnm R
but we concluded Dnm was usually a very good approximation. . Distance between a tape shield and its own phase conductor: Dij=GMRshield which is the radius to midpoint of the shield (ft). In the concentric neutral case, this was R, the radius of a circle passing through the center of the concentric neutral strands. . Tape shield to a tape shield of another conductor: Dij=Dnm (ft)
17 This is the same as in the concentric neutral case.
References: [1] W. Lewis and G. Allen, “Symmetrical component circuit constants and neutral circulating currents for concentric neutral underground distribution cables,” IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS- 97, No. 1, pp 191-199, Jan/Feb 1978. [2] W. Lewis, G. Allen, and J. Wang, “Circuit constants for concentric neutral underground distribution cables on a phase basis,” IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-97, no. 1, pp 200-207, Jan/Feb 1978.