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IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Conferences

Fault diagnosis for discrete monitoring data based on fusion algorithm

He Sijie, Peng Yu, Liu Datong, Department of Automatic Test and Control, Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150080, China Phone: , Fax: , Email:

Abstract –Fault diagnosis has a significant role in enhancing the feature and imbalance between normal and fault conditions, in safety, reliability, and availability of complex systems. However, the this work, the fusion method combining Naïve Bayes and problem of enormous condition monitoring data and multiple failure AdaBoost ensemble algorithm is proposed. modes makes the diagnostics great challenge. The imbalance This paper is organized as follows. In section II, between normal and fault monitoring data will increase the false alarm rate and the false negative rate. On the other hand, discrete preliminary work including the Naïve Bayes and AdaBoost monitoring data such as events are frequent and critical to fault ensemble algorithm will be introduced briefly. In section III, diagnosis of complex systems. In this work, we propose a fusion the fault diagnosis based on proposed fusion method is fault diagnostic method which combines Naïve Bayes with AdaBoost discussed in detail. In Section IV, experimental results are ensemble algorithm. This integrated method is appropriate for provided to validate the performance of the proposed discrete data and improves the adaptability for imbalanced approach. Finally, the conclusion and the future work will be condition monitoring data. Experimental results based on PHM presented. 2013 dataset show that fault diagnosis performance using the fusion method can be ameliorated. II. METHODOLOGY Keywords – Fault diagnosis, Naïve Bayes, AdaBoost, discrete monitoring data, fusion algorithm. A.Naïve Bayes algorithm

I. INTRODUCTION As a type of machine learning algorithm, Naïve Bayes classifiers [13] is a simple probabilistic classifier based on As the system complexity increases rapidly in aerospace Bayes' theorem. The main task is to approximate an unknown engineering, the requirements of reliability and safety become target function f: X Y , or equivalently P( Y X ) . much higher. However, for most space crafts, because of the Assume that Y is a finite discrete random variable, and high complexity of space environment and the limitation of X= X, X , X is a n-dimension vector, where X is measurements, abnormal operating conditions even the system 1 2 n i failures appear. Therefore the remote condition monitoring the ith attribute of X. Applying Bayes rule, P( Y= yi X ) can [1-2] data become the main basis for fault diagnosis . Thus, data- be represented as driven fault diagnosis has gradually become the focus for improving the reliability, safety and availability for the aerospace applications [3-4]. P( X= xk Y = y i) P( Y = y i ) P( Y= yi X = x k ) = (1) Fault diagnosis based on data-driven methods has been P X= x Y = y P Y = y j ( k j) ( j ) extensively studied, which applies historical monitoring data to learn a model of system behavior [5]. Such approaches do not rely on the detailed mathematical model of complex where ym denotes the mth type as Y, and xk is the attribute systems. And in hybrid complex systems, of which behavior vector for kth sample. Training data are analyzed to estimate includes both continuous and discrete monitoring data, P( X Y ) and P( Y ) . The posterior probability for new achieving accurate diagnosis becomes more difficult. Discrete monitoring data containing a large amount of systematic instance P( Y X= xk ) is determined with Bayes rules as information are practical and adaptable for fault diagnosis, accordingly. [6] applied solely . Hence, the fault diagnosis of discrete Naive Bayes algorithm proposes conditionally monitoring data based on fusion algorithm is concerned in this independent assumption for attributes, which simplifies the paper. P X Y Data-driven diagnostic approaches are mostly based on representation of ( ) . Hypothetically, given machine learning algorithm. Lots of contributions have been classification as Y, the attributes X1, X 2  , X n of one sample made in this area. The algorithms, such as Support Vector are conditionally independent of one another, which means Machine [7], Naïve Bayes [8], Decision Tree [9] and Neural Network [10], are applied for fault diagnosis. To improve the diagnostic accuracy, boosting algorithms like AdaBoost [11-12], are used to stabilize the single algorithm. Due to discrete n denoted as weak classifier. AdaBoost algorithm constructs ⋯ P( X1 Xn Y) = P( X i Y ) weak classifiers tautologically in several rounds. On round t, i=1 D (2) the distribution t of training data is generated by results of tth weak classifiers. And then, a new weak classifier is built

With Y as a discrete-valued variable and attributes and get back a hypothesis ht : X Y , which accurately X, X , X as discrete or real-valued variable, a classifier 1 2 n classifies samples with high weights in distribution Dt . can be constructed to estimate the probability distribution of Therefore, the task of weak classifier is to minimize the possible value of Y, for new testing sample X. According to N (i) Bayes theorem, the expression for the probability of Y, which weighted error et= w t I( y i h t( x i )) of training set, is supposed to be kth possible value, is i=1 (i) where wt is the weight decided by the results of previous

P( X1 , Xn Y= y k) P( Y = y k ) weak classifier. Repeat such procedure for T times, and P( Y= yk X1 , X n ) = finally combine all weak classifiers with respect to different P X, X Y= y P Y = y j ( 1 n j) ( j ) weights, so we can create a new classification model as the

(3) finial hypothesis h fin . In initialization, the distribution is uniform over the where all possible j for Y are considered to calculate the training set and the updated distribution D is computed denominator of (3). Due to conditionally independent t+1 assumption, we can rewrite (3) as from both distribution Dt and the results of former weak classifier. If the former weak classifier has classified the P Y= y P X Y = y sample correctly, its weight is shrunken by a number b , and ( k) i ( i k ) t P( Y= yk X1 , X n ) = P Y= y P X Y = y otherwise the weight remains unchanged. The number bt is j ( j) i ( i j ) e (4) the function of weighted error rate t . Therefore samples which are classified accurately by most previous weak which is regarded as the most significant equation for Naive classifiers hold lower weights than those tending to be Bayes classifier. If a new instance X= X, X , X misclassified. AdaBoost algorithm focuses more on “hard” new1 2 n samples, which cannot be classified correct by former weak updates, the probability which Y will take on any possible classifiers. value can be calculated according to (4) with the estimation At last, the final hypothesis h is the combination of P Y P X Y fin of ( ) and ( ) . Generally, the most likely value of Y weak classifiers with a weighted vote. The weight of each is regarded as the final result, so the rule of classifier is weak classifier is defined as log( 1 bt ) , thus, higher weight is given to the weak classifier with better performance. When a Y� arg max P Y= y P X Y y ( k) i ( i k ) new instance x is given, the final classifier outputs a label yk (5) whose sum of weak classifier’s results is the maximum. The detailed procedure of AdaBoost is as follows.

In practice, the corresponding frequency of different Input: m training samples ( x1, y 1 ) ,⋯ ,( xm , y m ) with labels samples in the training data is applied to estimate the prior y� Y{1,⋯ , k} ; probability with maximum likelihood. i Integer T specifies number of iterations; B.AdaBoost ensemble algorithm The distribution of training set D: w . Initialize the weight w(i) = 1 m for all training samples. “ Boosting” is an ensemble learning algorithm which Do for t= 1,2,⋯ , T : improves the performance of classification algorithm by  Call weak classifier, providing it with distribution D . combining several classifiers to create a single predictive t h: X Y model [14]. Adaptive Boosting, abbreviated as AdaBoost,  Get back a hypothesis t . does not require any prior knowledge about the performance N e= w(i) I y h x of the weak learning algorithm [15]. Calculate weighted error rate: t t( i t( i )) i=1

Assuming S= ( x1, y 1 ) ,⋯ ,( xm , y m ) is the training set . e with m samples and yi Y is the class label of xi . In this t  Set bt = . paper, we consider labels Y as finite number k. In AdaBoost 1- et algorithm, a “weak” learning algorithm is necessary, which is  Update distribution by (i) ( i) 1-I( yi h t( x i )) . III. PROPOSED FUSION FRAMEWORK FOR FAULT Dt+1 w= w (b ) t+1 t t DIAGNOSIS  Normalize the update distribution Dt +1 . 1 To ameliorate the fault diagnosis using basic Naïve Bayes Output hypothesis hfin ( x) = arg max log . y Y b classifier for imbalance data between normal and fault t: ht ( x)= y t conditions, we combine the AdaBoost ensemble algorithm to obtain a fusion framework. The detailed process is shown in Fig.1.

New Observation TrainsetTrainset 1 1 TrainsetTrainset 22 TrainsetTrainset n n

U pdate Update U pdate …D istr ibution ObservedObserved TrainingTraining DistributionDistribution Distr ibution D istr ibution DatasetDataset SetSet InitializationInitialization NaïveNaïve BayesBayes NaïveNaïve BayesBayes NaïveNaïve BayesBayes … WeakLearnWeakLearn11 WeakLearnWeakLearn22 WeakLearnWeakLearnnn

Testing Data EnsembleEnsemble PredictedPredicted SetSet Preprocessing ClassifierClassifier FaultFault TypeType

Fig. 1 Proposed framework of fault diagnosis based on fusion method

Step 1: Initialize data C1 C 2 ⋯ CK To learn the distribution, a condition characteristic matrix P 0 0⋯ 1 is constructed to show the relationship between each type of 1 轾 P 犏0 1⋯ 0 faults and the frequency of all events, which is shown as (6) 2 犏 for modeling the fault diagnostic situation. ⋮ 犏⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 犏 PM 臌1 0⋯ 0 C C C  C 1 2 j K (7) E1 轾e11 e 12 e 1j  e 1 K 犏 E2 e21 e 22⋯ e 2j  e 2 K 犏 where P= { P, P ,⋯ P } is defined as the set of all possible ⋮ 犏⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ (6) 1 2 M 犏 e e e  e faults and PM is the label used for non-fault condition. Ei 犏i1 i 2 ij iK ⋮ 犏⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ Combine the condition and fault characteristic matrixes 犏 together as the final matrix in (8), which is applied to build E 犏eN1 e N 2  e Nj  e NK N 臌 the weak classifier.

P1 P 2  Pj  P M where E denotes the ith type of events, C demonstrates the i j E1 轾n11 n 12 n 1j  n 1 M E 犏n n⋯ n  n jth condition with the sum as K, and eij shows the occurrence 2 犏21 22 2j 2 M number of ith event in jth condition. ⋮ 犏⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ 犏 n n n  n By this time, the entire training samples are allocated the Ei 犏i1 i 2 ij iM same weights as 1 K to train the weak classifier. ⋮ 犏⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 犏 n n n  n Step 2: Train weak classifier EN 臌犏N1 N 2 Nj NM Step 2-1: Preprocess the weighted training set (8) To illuminate the connection between problem conditions, which are usually described as faults, a fault characteristic The element nij represents the occurrence number of certain matrix is necessary as event, which is classified as type i, when the fault Pj is met in the system. Step 2-2: Calculate the posterior probability for each event. Applying the information offered by the final matrix in step 2-1, we estimate the conditional probabilities P臌轾 E P of observing a condition that includes the event E. n To evaluate the performance of the weak classifier, we p= P轾 E P = ij ij臌 i j N compare the predicted results from our classifier with the true nij fault condition and calculate the weighted error rate e. i=1

(9) N (i) e= w I( yi h( x i )) (13) The occurrence number in the final matrix is substituted i=1 with the posterior probability. To avoid zero appears in the matrix which may influence the computational procedure, we The weighted error rate adds up all weights which come use a little number tending to zero instead. from the conditions classified improperly. According to AdaBoost algorithm, number b is needed to adjust the

P1 P 2  Pj  P M distribution of training dataset.

E1 轾p11 p 12 p 1j  p 1 M E 犏p p⋯ p  p e 2 犏 21 22 2j 2 M b = (14) ⋮ 犏⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ (10) 1- e 犏 p p p  p Ei 犏 i1 i 2 ij iM ⋮ 犏⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ And the updated weight is 犏 p p p  p EN 臌犏 N1 N 2 Nj NM 1-I y h( x ) w(i) = w( i) (b ) ( i i ) where pij is the probability for ith event appearing in jth (15) problem. Step 2-3: Calculate the posterior probability for each where w (i) indicates the updated weight for ith condition, condition that is, the weights of conditions classified inaccurately Due to the conditional independence in Naïve Bayes remain unchanged, while others decrease. In this case, the algorithm, different events deriving from the same condition classifier would pay more attention to the conditions that are independent with each other. So the posterior probability cannot be classified correctly. Then we normalize the for one condition C, with m kinds of events, leading certain distribution of the training dataset, which means the sum of problem can be calculated as all weights become 1. So far the distribution of training dataset has already been updated based on the performance of the weak classifier. P( C Pj) = P( E1 P j) P( E 2 P j)⋯ P( E i P j) ⋯ P( E m P j ) And then, renovate the training dataset, where e for each (11) ji condition is multiplied with its updated weight as p where P( Ei P j ) is ij from probabilistic matrix in step 2-2. 轾e1i Step 2-4: Fault diagnosis 犏 e2i According to the Bayes rule, the posterior probability of 犏 (i) 犏⋮ certain condition for each fault can be determined as Ci = w1 g 犏e ji 犏⋮ P轾C P P P 犏 j臌轾 j e P P C = 臌 臌犏mi 臌轾j P[C] (16) (12)

where eji represents the occurrence number for jth event in Moreover, in this case we regard the probability of each ith condition. Adjust the whole training dataset in same way condition as the same, therefore, only the posterior to obtain a new weighted training dataset for the construction of a new weak classifier. probability for certain condition P 轾C Pj and the prior 臌 Step 4: Repeat several weak classifiers P P probability for each problem 臌轾j are involved in this Repeat the Step 2 to Step 3, we can build several weak situation without considering the influence of denominator in classifiers until the weighted accuracy is larger than 0.5, (12). Generally, we recommend the fault condition with the which implies the new classifier cannot improve the largest product of the two factors as the real problem. performance compared with the former weak classifier and Step 3: Update the distribution cannot bring positive effect to the final classifier. Step 5: Integrate the results of different weak classifiers Assemble all weak classifiers together to produce the final In the experiments, we select Fault accuracy and Overall results. The proportion of each classifier is determined by its accuracy to evaluate the proposed method. Fault accuracy performance. represents the diagnostic accuracy only for problem cases, while the Overall accuracy demonstrates the diagnostic T 骣 1 accuracy for all cases. h( x) = arg max琪 log P( y x) y Y b t=1 桫 t Right- classifed fault case samples (17) Fault accuracy = Real fault case samples (18) where h( x) is the predicted fault type for each condition and 1 Right- classified case samples log is the weight of tth weak classifier. Overall accuracy = bt All case samples When a new sample is provided, it should be classified by (19) all weak classifiers and those results will be integrated to determine the final result with (17). C.Results and discussion IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS The data set is of large scale, imbalance and high A.PHM Data challenge dataset complexity. To evaluate the performance of the improved algorithm, we divide the dataset into training subset and The PHM data challenge dataset is presented at the 2013 testing subset, which are shown in Table I. PHM annual conference by NASA and PHM Society [16] [17]. This dataset offers state monitoring data of a complex Table I. Division of training and testing dataset system, which includes a known set of faults appearing in Label Training set Testing set historical data. The challenge is designed that a large number Case Style Problem Nuisance Problem Nuisance of unlabeled samples are provided. Whether these unlabeled samples are faults, described as problems in this dataset, or Case Account 122 7222 42 3096 are normal states should be determined with the training of Proportion 7344 (70%) 3138(30%) known samples from historical monitoring data. Also the specific type of such problem needs to be distinguished. (1) Diagnostics with basic Naïve Bayes classifier In PHM 2013 data challenge dataset, each candidate We first use the basic Naïve Bayes classifier to conduct problem is represented as a case, which comprises a fault diagnosis, in which the nuisance is disregarded. The collection of event codes with observations of 30 parameters. quantitative results are shown in Table II. Event codes were reported automatically from the monitoring system. When a particular condition happens, a Table II. Diagnostic results with basic Naïve Bayes algorithm corresponding event code will be generated. Under this circumstance, the engineers or the control system can mark Label Training Set Testing Set such cases, which can also correspond to a single event. At Correct Classification 107 19 the same time, once an event occurs, the monitoring system will take a snapshot for all 30 monitoring parameters. Case Capacity 122 42 In the experiments, we divide the dataset as training and Accuracy 87.70% 45.20% testing set for evaluation. The dataset consists of cases determined as nuisances or problems in historical data, and In actual application, i.e., condition monitoring of space the exact labels of such problems are provided. In this crafts and satellites, these complex system are always dataset, there are 10459 cases, of which 10295 cases are operating under normal operation in almost all the time. determined as nuisances and 164 as problems which are Thus, the monitoring data must be of high imbalance feature. characterized as 13 different problem types. For all cases, Considering actual data feature and nuisance 1,316,653 events codes are recorded with measurements of comprehensively, the diagnostic results are shown in Table continuous parameters. Therefore, the task of the dataset is to III. discard nuisance cases and distinguish the correct problem Table III. Results of training and testing set on overall condition types for objective cases. Label Training Set Testing Set B.Evaluation criterion Case Label Problem Nuisance Problem Nuisance Case Capacity 122 7222 42 3096 Correct Classification 97 6056 10 2566 samples. (3) The proposed diagnostic method is applied on Individual Accuracy 79.51% 83.85% 23.81% 82.88% PHM 2013 data challenge dataset and achieves higher fault diagnostic accuracy than basic Naïve Bayes classifier. Overall Accuracy 83.67% 81.65% In future, more research work should continually focus on the improvement for fault diagnostic accuracy. The proposed From Table III, we can see that the performance of Naïve method is only suitable for discrete monitoring data. Bayes algorithm considering the nuisance is not satisfied. It However, in most of complex systems such as satellites and indicates that the basic Naïve Bayes algorithm cannot meet aircrafts, the monitoring data involves multiple types of the industrial requirements. parameters. Thus, a comprehensive method which can both (2) Diagnostics with improved method handle the continuous and discrete parameters is essential for actual industrial applications. Then, we conduct the same diagnostic experiments with the proposed method, and the results are shown in Table IV. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

Table IV. Diagnostic results with fusion method This work is supported partly by National Natural Science Label Training set Testing set Foundation of China under Grant No. 61301205, Research Case Label Problem Nuisance Problem Nuisance Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China Case Capacity 122 7222 42 3096 under Grant No. 20112302120027, Natural Scientific Research Innovation Foundation in Harbin Institute of Correct Classification 102 6311 12 2691 Technology under Grant No. HIT.NSRIF.2014017, the Individual Accuracy 83.61% 87.38% 28.57% 86.92% Twelfth Government Advanced Research Fund under Grant Overall Accuracy 87.32% 86.13% No. 51317040302, 9140A17050114HT01054.

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He Sijie was born in Inner Mongolia, China, in 1993. She received B.S. from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin, China, in 2014. Now she is a master candidate with the Department of Automatic Test and Control, HIT. Her research interests include data analysis and mining, fault diagnosis for aerospace applications. Peng Yu (M’ 10) received the B.S. degree in Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin, China, in 1996, and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in HIT, in 1998 and 2004, respectively. He is a full Professor with the Department of Automatic Test and Control, HIT. He is also the vice dean of School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, HIT. His research interests include automatic test technologies, system health management, reconfigurable computing, etc. Liu Datong (M’ 11) received his B.Sc. degree in Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin, China, in 2003. During 2001 to 2003, he also minored in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at HIT. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in HIT in 2005 and 2010, respectively. He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Automatic Test and Control, HIT. His research interests include automatic test, test data processing of complex system, data-driven prognostics and health management, lithium-ion battery prognostics, system health management for aerospace, etc.

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