Board Position Responsibilities

All Exec board members are required to attend Exec board meetings at 7pm each Wednesday evening. Attendance and assistance (set-up/clean-up) at all or most Hillel events is expected (Minimum two Shabbat dinners a month, one Bagel brunch a month)

President • Oversee all activities of Hillel Executive board • Conduct Hillel Executive Board meetings (and have an agenda prepared) • Conduct regular Hillel events • Plan yearly calendar • Plan and co-facilitate board retreats • Liaison to other campus groups • Maintain regular contact and meet with Advisor and Program Director re: Hillel account Program plans Promotion and Recruitment Education Religious Life

Vice President • Assist president with all responsibilities • Take President’s role in her/his absence • Liaison to multifailth council • Oversee program committees (below) and serve as primary contact person for committee chairs

Tzedek Israel Holocaust Remembrance

1 Treasurer • Oversee Hillel program budget, give updates to Exec board • Collect, deposit, and distribute Tzedakah funds • Oversee use of Hillel check card • Ensure reimbursements are made in a timely fashion • Collect, deposit, and offer accounting of money from events and t-shirt sales, etc. • Look for Hillel International Grant opportunities to fund programming efforts • Act as the Hillel representative at the club council meetings

Communications and Public Relations Chair • Create and implement marketing plan for all programs and Hillel in general o Seek opportunities for promoting Hillel within F&M and larger community o Make and hang posters/banners in college center o Maintain an Active Facebook presence o Make and distribute program flyers, etc. o Assist Program Director with Hillel newsletter

Secretary • Record and distribute Executive Board Meeting notes • Send event e-mail to student lists every Sunday night and Tuesday night • Send out event reminders o Exec notes get distributed execs, general notes to Hillel general list. o Keep files of all café notes o Maintain mailing lists (e-mail and housing locations) • Ensure that photographs are taken at Hillel events and serve as a Hillel historian • Work with Hillel webmaster to make sure that website is current

House – Hospitality • Buy, prepare, and present snacks and thematically appropriate foods for cafés and events (not including Shabbat and special holiday celebrations). • Oversee kitchen operations • Participate in events by sharing interesting/pertinent Jewish food or Kashrut info. • Work to create a generally welcoming atmosphere at Hillel functions • Monitor the Kashrut observance in the kitchen o Teach and model observances of Hillel Kashrut standards o Ensure all pots, pans, etc. are clearly labeled and stored appropriately  Oversee Hospitality Committee

2 Education Chair • Seek opportunities to creatively include Jewish learning in regular Hillel programs such as Wednesday night events, Shabbat Dinners, and bagel brunches. • Plan and implement a regular Jewish learning/discussion group program o Lunch and Learn, Torah Study, Ethics Explorations, How do you Jew? • Work cooperatively with Religious life to do the following: o Offer students opportunities to practice/explore Jewish religious life during weekly cafés and other Hillel programs. A taste of our tradition, About the Holiday, discussions with other campus groups etc o Offer activities or programs for students to make or learn about ritual objects

Religious Life Chair • Plan and lead regular Shabbat dinner rituals and programs, including services • Work cooperatively with Education to do the following: o Offer students opportunities to practice/explore Jewish religious life during weekly cafés and other Hillel programs. .. A taste of our tradition”, About the Holiday, etc. o Explain, then lead blessings for meals at social events or Havdalah o Offer activities or programs for students to make or learn about ritual objects • Work with area synagogues to afford students the opportunity for more regular worship opportunities off-campus

Social Chair • Plan and implement at least one significant social event each semester. • Plan and implement social aspects of all events, including bagel brunches, and holiday celebrations. o Jewish Joke of the Week, Gambling for Chanukkah, Lottery for Purim, Birthday Cafés • Work to maintain a sense of fun and community at all cafés and events • Choose and order “giveaways” • Manage all aspects of Hillel T-shirt design/order/distribution


3 Tzedek Chair • For each semester, plan and implement one social action project for Hillel to participate in as a group. • Develop ongoing project to promote Tzedek agenda. • Create programs for Hillel and F&M community regarding Tzedek agenda o Programs should educate, raise awareness, and/or raise funds • Update Hillel students on community service opportunities in the community and at F&M. • Research and present possible recipients of Hillel’s weekly Tzedakah collections- to be decided on at the beginning of each semester. • Overseeing tzedakah programs and finding volunteers  Oversee Tzedek Committee

Israel Chair • Plan and Implement one significant Israel related program each semester • Present Israeli current events issues at weekly cafés • Represent Hillel- serve as Hillel liaison at multicultural/International programs • Organize some celebration (campus or Hillel-wide) for Yom Ha’atzamaut • Serve as a resource and reunion coordinator for those who wish to, or have already attended a birthright program.  Oversee Israel Committee
