Email to [email protected] in Asm Bloom’s office and the committee consultant [email protected]. (Also fine if you sent to Despina as shown in attached sample letter).

January __, 2018

Honorable David Chiu Chair, Assembly Housing & Community Development Committee 1020 N Street, Room 162 Sacramento, California 95814 Fax: 916.319.3182

Re: AB 1506 (Bloom) -- Support

Dear Chair Chiu & Committee Members:

On behalf of [name of your organization], I am writing to express our strong support for AB 1506 (Bloom) to repeal the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act. Repealing Costa Hawkins will allow local government to take action to prevent unfair rent increases and displacement.

[Description of your organization and why rents and displacement matter to your members/clients/constituents.]

Costa Hawkins has been a disaster for California renters. Passed in 1995, Costa Hawkins ties the hands of cities that want to protect tenants from excessive rents and displacement. Costa Hawkins prohibits rent control on certain properties and bans “vacancy control.” As a result, rent increases are completely unregulated for a growing number of tenants in California. Meanwhile, vacancy decontrol incentivizes landlords to drive out long-term tenants to take advantage of unlimited rents after a vacancy.

We commend the legislature for passing many important affordable housing bills – including AB 1505, SB 2 and SB 3 -- in the first year of this session, but we are dismayed by the lack of legislative action to protect renters from runaway rents and evictions. With nearly 17 million tenants in California and rents at unprecedented levels, our state government should not stand as an obstacle to local efforts to adopt reasonable protections. Passage of AB 1506 would cost the state nothing, while giving local governments the power they need to protect tenants.

Thank you for your consideration of these comments. We urge you to support AB 1506.


[Name] [Title]

CC: Committee Secretary, Despina Demas: [email protected] Hon. David Chiu January __, 2018 Page 2 of 2