Children observations of Academic skills seen while engaging in social activities

Identifying food

While engaging in the coloring activity one child says it's a banana. Another child identifies grapes and another child identifies an apple.

“I’m wearing my pear shirt, there’s a pear on my shirt. (talking to teacher)

While playing with food a child identifies the pear and a piece of chocolate.

While playing in the kitchen area children identify Onions, broccoli, corn, French fries, chicken, and peach. (the child says to their classmate “do you want to try this peach?” another child says “Here is a drink of water” then they change it to “here is a drink of coffee”

Identifying colors

While cooring during centers a child says "I am coloring my grapes blue" another child says to their classmate "You need a yellow" (So that classmate grabs a yellow crayon from the box.

Another child says "I'm coloring my banana black." Another student says "It's white" (as they pick up the white crayon). The same child then picks up a purple crayon and says "it's purple"

“I have a green fire truck”

Children identify colors that Clifford changes as we read the story during circle time.

“Two greens and one red” another child says “two reds” A final student says “two legos” (all of these students are talking to the teacher but they are also going off of what each other have said.)

Child identifies a red and blue truck while another child identifies the colors yellow, blue and green.

Child plays by their self and says out loud “Two magnets, both blue” then another child is playing by themself and a little while later they are pointing to the legs of the table and identifying the colors of the table. They don’t say it to anyone in particular. They just point to it and say the color for their own knowledge. (“blue table, green table”)

Another child says “I want blue” when talking about the color crayon they wanted to use. Identifying numbers “I have two magnets”

Children identify numbers and letters on the computer while working by themselves.

One child says to another child “This is a four” then child says back “Yeah a four, and this is a B”

Identifying shapes ‘That’s not a circle, it’s an oval.”

Child says to another child “were making a circle. It’s red”

Discussing weather Child A says “It’s raining out. We go to Gross motor room” Child B says “It stopped raining Miss Ashley” Child C says “It rained on my head” Child A “It washed mommy’s car off Child D “It washed my mommy’s car off Child E “We got Daddy’s car cleaned off yesterday”

“There’s no more snow” (says to teacher) “When it gets to summer time were gonna go to camp” (talking to teacher)

“It’s chilly outside” “It’s cold out”

Identifying vehicles While playing with fire trucks a child says "look someone's in this building" another child then says "lets get them out of the building" A third child then says "I'm at my fire house. I'm going to my fire station.

Child says “I have a taxi” then another child says “my fire truck”

“I got a school bus” (saying outloud to no one in particular) “I got a dump truck Miss Ashley” Another child identifies a fire truck while playing with it.

Child identifies fire truck.

Children again identify a fire truck then also a space ship and a bus. Demonstrating pre- literacy skills while demonstrating pre-literacy skills child number one reads books to two friends. They start from the front of the book and goes to the back. The book is right side up. Another child then begins to read a book and starts it off with "Once upon a time" A child identifies their name “that says my name” (they are talking to the teacher when they say this. They saw their name on a chart that the teacher had on the clipboard.

Other academic skills One child says “When you have germs you can wash your hands”

A child says “This is my school, I have a teacher” Then another child says, in response to the first child “This is my school, I have a teacher.”

“I need to find the farmer” “A cow is on the farm.” “Here is a zebra for the zoo.”

Child says to a classmate “That’s a can, you can’t warm up a can.” Then that child responds with “I need to put something cold in the refrigerator.”