Lake View Elementary Summer Day Camp Registration Form 2017

Please note: This form MUST be filled in completely and returned with $75.00 registration fee.

Name:______Gender: ______Current Age:______Birthday:______Current Grade: ______Teacher:______Address:______Email address______City:______State:______Zip:______Medical Information or Special Conditions:______Allergies:______Doctor:______Number:______Insurance:______Any other important helpful information:______Who does the student live with? ______Parent/Guardian Contacts Mother’s Name:______Cell Number:______Employer:______Work Number:______Father’s Name: ______Cell Number:______Employer: ______Work Number:______Additional Contacts Name: ______Number(s):______Name: ______Number(s):______

Please list any additional people who are allowed to pick up your child/children from Day Camp. ______Parent Authorization and Release As the parent of ______, I authorize him/her to attend the 2017 Summer Day Camp at Lake View Elementary School and take part in all activities. I agree to abide by all rules and regulations. I understand that there will not be a school nurse on duty at camp. In case of emergency, the staff has my permission to give first aid and/or transport my child to the emergency room if necessary. I understand that every effort will be made to locate parents/guardians and emergency contacts before any actions are taken. I understand that the medical expenses will be my responsibility. I will not hold Tuscaloosa County School System, Lake View Elementary School or Day Camp Staff responsible for any injury or harm during Summer Camp.

______Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

2017 Day Camp Rules and Procedures- Please keep this page for your records.

 First day of camp will be Monday, June 5th. The last day of camp will be Friday, July 21.  Day Camp opens at 6:45 am and closes at 5:45 pm. A late fee of $10.00 will be charged for each five minute interval that your child is here beyond this time. If you are late 3 times, your child WILL NOT be able to return to camp.  Campers should be dropped off and picked up at the car rider entrance of the school by the cafeteria. Campers will be checked in as they enter the building. Parents are not required to sign in their child. An authorized adult, listed on the registration form, must sign the camper out before leaving camp.  All Campers must be at camp by 8:00 am on field trip days. Parents are responsible for transporting their child to the field trip location if not at camp by 8:00 am.  All campers must pay a non-refundable registration fee of $75.00. The fee includes 1 camp t-shirt. Camp shirts will be worn on field trip days. Additional shirts are available for $7.00. The other portion of the registration fee will be used to purchase start up supplies.  Camp Fees: Rate 1 child 2 children 3 children 4 children Daily Rate $25.00 $45.00 $65.00 $85.00 Weekly $120.00 $205.00 $280.00 $345.00 Rate

 Camp fees include all events here at school. Special field trips may cost a small additional fee.  Payments should be PREPAID on Friday before the week that care is needed. Payments must be paid by Monday each week or your child WILL NOT be allowed to stay. Payments will ONLY be accepted in the mornings due to deposit procedures. Prepaid monthly or bi-monthly payments will also be accepted.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided ONLY if funding is received as in previous years. More information to come in May.  Snack time will be mid-afternoon. Parents can provide a snack from home or send money for their child to purchase a snack through camp.  Day Camp cannot refrigerate or heat up any personal items. Please be sure your child’s items are cooled by a cooling pack.  Each child is designated a money pouch. Parents are welcome to send snack money daily or weekly for the Day Camp staff to keep in a secure location.  All personal possessions, including gaming systems, should be labeled with the camper’s name. Each camper will have a milk crate to keep their belongings in that should be emptied daily. Day Camp IS NOT responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged property. Parents are welcome to purchase a lock for their child’s bag. Day Camp can keep an extra key or password combination in your child’s money pouch.  Day Camp does NOT provide sunscreen or bug spray. You must provide aerosol spray for both of these issues. Children should be sprayed before they arrive here at school.  Students must bring a sleeping bag and small pillow for rest time which will be after lunch each day.

2017 Day Camp Rules and Procedures

Behavior at Day Camp is of utmost importance. Children will be expected to follow rules just as they do for the Extended Day program. We want your children to have a fun, safe, playful, and learning environment. BULLYING OR ANY OTHER TYPE OF INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Students WILL show respect for teachers, workers, and each other or they will not be allowed to remain in the program. Whenever possible, we will do everything we can to correct inappropriate behavior. Students will receive a VERBAL WARNING on the first offense, a WRITTEN WARNING on the second offense, and if a third offense is made, your child WILL NOT be allowed to return to the program. Parents will be notified if an offense should occur. Please help us avoid these issues by discussing appropriate behavior with your child. Thank you.

We are planning to go to the movies each week to see a PG rated movie. We will also occasionally show PG movies here at school as well. We would like to take pictures or possibly a video of your child doing camp activities. Please check below to give us your permission to do so.

_____Yes, my child’s picture/video MAY be taken at Day Camp and can be included on Lake View’s School website. _____ No, my child’s picture/video MAY NOT be taken at Day Camp and cannot be included on Lake View’s School website.

Our goal at Lake View Elementary Summer Day Camp is to provide a fun and safe environment for your child this summer. We have mixed in educational activities as well as trips to provide a summer of fun and knowledge. I also want parents to remember that camp is not providing an educational setting for your child. If your child has educational, behavioral or medical needs, the camp staff will try their best to meet those needs, but are not responsible if needs are not met.

Please sign below that you have read and agree with the 2017 Lake View Elementary Summer Camp rules. Please be aware that students with outstanding school balances (lunchroom, textbook, Extended Day and library) cannot attend Day Camp until ALL balances are PAID IN FULL.

Camper’s Name: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______

Date: ______