Leigh Parish Council s1
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PRESENT: Cllr. C. Stratton-Brown (Chairman), Cllr P. Croft, Cllr B. Doherty, Cllr A. Johnston, Cllr G. Marchant, Cllr S. Smith, Cllr R. Swallow APOLOGIES: Cllr D. Bennie and Cllr J. Knock IN ATTENDANCE: District Cllr A. Cook, Mrs L. Kleinschmidt (Clerk) and public
Open Session
Questions from members of the public i. Is the Parish Council is considering any traffic calming measures on the Hildenborough Road? Cllr Stratton-Brown advised that County Cllr Peter Lake is working hard to improve conditions at Laundry Cottage, but there are no other plans at present. ii. Why cars are allowed to park on The Green at Chestnuts, and can the Parish Council erect some ‘no parking’ signs as the vehicles are churning up the ground? Cllr Marchant advised that it is something that the Parish Council is considering. iii. Why are there no yellow lines on the road from The White House to Charlotte Cottages, as parents park there at school drop-off and pick-up times and it causes traffic congestion? Cllr Stratton-Brown advised that the police view this as a traffic-calming measure.
Report by District Cllr Mrs Cook District Cllr Mrs Cook reported on The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which will replace the 106 agreements and come into effect, after consultation and examination, in December 2013. The CIL scheme is to fund infrastructure projects by means of charging per square metre on new developments. SDC may opt either to charge a flat rate or different amounts according to area or types of development e.g. a rural house could attract a different rate than an urban industrial unit. A proportion of funds could be allocated to Parish Councils but as yet there is no clear Government policy as to the percentage which might apply – it might be anything from 1% to 10%. It is important that Parish Councils send in their ‘wish list’ to SDC as soon as possible. This list could include, for example, improved Broadband connections, road improvements etc. or anything that would benefit the community, and could be updated periodically. D.Cllr Mrs Cook reported that the number of Council Tax Benefit (CTB) claimants is rising by about 5% per annum and the Government has already promised the Treasury a 10% saving by 13th April 2013 by funding a fixed lump sum to district councils calculated on the anticipated number of applicants minus 10%. As yet it is unclear whether the calculations will be made on the 2012 figures or from an average over several years. The system is complicated still further by the Government’s intention to protect certain groups such as OAPs who make up 55% of SDC’s CTB claimants, and other vulnerable groups who make up a further 15%. With so many protected groups in the District, those claimants not safeguarded would effectively end up by owing about 140% of their full Council Tax bill. Legislation is not yet in place and will probably not be completed by the time that authorities have to set their budgets but they will be expected to manage their share of the financial cost which for SDC is estimated to be £88,000. KCC will of course take a larger ‘hit’ and would prefer a Kentwide scheme to be adopted. This would not be in SDC’s interests as with a large proportion of elderly people living in the district it will be a net loser. SDC will be looking at ways to reduce the shortfall such as the current level of discounts for second homes, unoccupied properties, partially furnished homes etc. but for 2013/14 it will absorb the expense in order to ensure a sustainable scheme which is right first time. D.Cllr Cook reported that SDC has been considering gypsy and traveller provision in the district up to 2026. A survey of 86 travelling groups has been conducted to help inform the LDF about anticipated future needs. This survey has been backed up by a review by KCC, past reviews, information from other statutory bodies and current policies.
1 The projected requirements have been broken down into three time periods with an expectation that residential need will be based on a 3% compound annual growth. This translates into the need to provide 72 new pitches some of which can be achieved by making certain temporary sites permanent ones. Whilst some gypsy / traveller groups have settled into bricks and mortar, the number remains fairly static as often they only remain for specific reasons e.g. children’s schooling, before reverting to life in a caravan. There is currently reasonable provision within the District and this causes the problem because by tradition when their children become adults they need their own pitch while wanting to remain in the same area, unlike adjoining Boroughs / Districts whose provision is poor. Communities will be encouraged to identify potential new sites, which may be Greenfield sites, to accommodate their needs whether that is by developing several large sites or a series of smaller, possibly private, sites or a combination of the two. 40 permanent pitches are requires by 2016, 31 of which could be achieved by making certain temporary or unauthorised sites permanent. D.Cllr Mrs Cook reminded the Parish Council that the SDC Big Community Fund can give a grant of up to £3,000 for community projects and urged the members to consider submitting an application.
Closed Session 1. a. Election of Chairman for year 2012/13 Cllr Stratton-Brown was nominated by Cllr Croft and seconded by Cllr Johnston. There were no other nominations and, at vote, it was unanimously agreed that Cllr Stratton- Brown would stand as Chairman for the year 2012/13. Cllr Stratton-Brown agreed to stand and was duly elected. b. To receive Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office Cllr Stratton-Brown signed the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
2. Election of Vice-Chairman for year 2012/13 Cllr Bennie was nominated by Cllr Johnston and seconded by Cllr Swallow. There were no other nominations and, at vote, it was unanimously agreed that Cllr Bennie would stand as Vice- Chairman for the year 2012/13. The Clerk reported that Cllr Bennie has advised that he is willing to stand and he was duly elected.
3. Appointment of Committees and representatives to other bodies Members agreed the following: Finance Committee: Cllr Knock (Chairman), Cllr Stratton-Brown, Cllr Marchant and Cllr Swallow. Environment Committee: Cllr Croft (Chairman), Cllr Knock, Cllr Smith and Cllr Johnston, with Cllr Knock and Cllr Swallow having responsibility for treatment of The Green. Planning Committee: Cllr Doherty (Chair), Cllr Johnston, Cllr Marchant, Cllr Stratton-Brown and Cllr Smith. Public Transport: Cllr Knock and Cllr Doherty. Leigh United Charities: Cllr Knock and Mr Brian Ball. Village Halls: Cllr Johnston. Internal Auditor: Mr Roger Sykes. Tree Warden: Mr Jonathan Cook Campaign for Protection of Rural England: Cllr. Smith. KALC Sevenoaks branch: Cllr Swallow
The Clerk asked members to check their Register of Interests and advise if there are any changes. It is essential that changes are reported to the Clerk within 28 days of the change occurring.
4. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Bennie and Cllr Knock and their reasons for absence were accepted by members.
2 5. Declaration of personal and prejudicial interest in respect of matters to be discussed – none.
6. The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2nd April 2012 were approved and duly signed. Proposed by Cllr Croft seconded by Cllr Marchant, and all were in favour.
7. To report on matters arising from the minutes not otherwise on the agenda – none.
8. Planning i. to consider applications received SE/12/01055/FUL: Land to rear Garden Cottages, Powdermill Lane, Leigh - development of the site for 13 dwellings (including 4 affordable dwellings) plus garaging, parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure. Demolition and replacement of garage and boundary wall to The Cottage to improve visibility from Hollow Trees Drive to the west onto Powdermill Lane. Improvements to Hollow Tree Drive comprising resurfacing, widening and provision of passing bays. Members agreed to consider this application at their Planning Committee meeting on 28th May. Clerk to write to neighbouring residents to invite them to attend the meeting, and to ask them to send a copy of any comments made to the Parish Council. ii. to consider response to the SDC consultation regarding the proposed change of use of the Powdermills’ Glaxo Smith Kline site Cllr Stratton-Brown reported that a meeting was held with Dave Bedford and Hannah Gooden on Monday 30th April. The SDC Allocations and Development Management Development Plan Document has gone to public consultation, and SDC has agreed that the Parish Council can submit their comments on 15th May. SDC propose that the Glaxo Smith Kline site has a different land use, a residential site with limited retained employment. Members agreed that the Clerk should respond as follows: (i) more investigation and consultation is required on the future of this site before it can be decided which option is preferable. The Parish Council proposes that a working group is formed to include members of the Parish Council and members of the community to consider all aspects of the proposals. (ii) The independent report by URS commissioned by SDC gives a snapshot of market conditions as at September 2011. It does not consider how market conditions will change in the next two to five years. (iii) a housing development would have a detrimental impact on the infrastructure: roads, utilities and local schools. (iv) a second independent report should be commissioned to consider the potential re-use of the site in employment use. (v) a sustainability report should be commissioned to consider how any development on the site would impact the highway network, schools and utilities. (vi) The Parish Council would like to see the second report currently being prepared by Peter Slaughter on the impact of the development on the road network. (vii) if SDC believe that it is necessary at this stage to include a revised brief for the site within the LDF document, prior to proper public consultation, the Parish Council propose that the wording is in general terms, and not over specific. The brief should indicate that any development must be sustainable with a balanced mix of usage, recognising its rural location and limiting the number of housing units that could be built to between 25 and 30.
The Clerk reported that the Planning Committee considered the following applications during the month: i. SE/12/00721/HOUSE: 19 Hunter Seal, Leigh - erection of single storey rear extension with skylight. Members supported this application. ii. SE/12/00972/FUL: Baytree Cottage, Greenview Avenue - erection of new dwelling following demolition of the original dwelling. Members supported this application, providing that the dimensions of the new dwelling are the same as the original.
3 The Clerk reported the following notification of planning approval: SE/12/00111/HOUSE: 12 Hunter Seal – installation of twin wall flue coming from the extension, and roof going up a metre above eaves level of main roof (retrospective). Notification of grant of certificate of lawful proposed use/development: SE/12/00162/LDCPR: Pauls Farm Cottage, Ensfield Road, Leigh – erection of two storey rear extension.
9. Environment The Clerk reported that Bartletts, who treated the five horse chestnut trees on the Green, have recommended that the horse chestnuts are mulched. Cost £80 + VAT. Members agreed.
10.To receive update on the ‘Run the Race’ activities on The Green 27th July to 5th August In the absence of Cllr Bennie, the Clerk reported that the Green has been booked with the Parish Council, the hall has been booked for refreshments with the school, the school is on board regarding the supply of resources for games and electricity. The Church PCC has agreed that they are the umbrella body for insurance of the events, and the Parish Council has public liability insurance for the Green. St. John’s Ambulance has been booked for first aid cover. Two inflatables have been booked. Publicity will be via the parish magazine and posters. There will be a TV link in the church to screen the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Thanks to Cllr Doherty, the medals have been purchased, and the Scouts will assist with organising and stewarding the fun races. Jobs that still need to be done are: compilation of a list of helpers for the Saturday, and to help run the inflatables, to help set up and clear away, and details regarding the service in Church on the Sunday, but Cllr Bennie to liaise with Rev’d Kevis.
11. To receive update on the Family Fun Summer Playscheme The Clerk reported that Play Place Innov8 submitted an application for a grant from Awards for All towards the playscheme and, as yet, they have not heard whether the application is successful. If it is successful, each venue will receive a free bouncy castle and free magician in addition to the activity planned. The Clerk reported that she has requested a bouncy castle and, if the application for grant is successful, this will be free and she has not requested another activity as well. Edenbridge Children’s Centre have asked if they can be included, and they will bring activities for the under-5’s. This will be free of charge. The Children’s Centre is very keen to become more active within the outlying villages to raise awareness of the centre and their purpose of supporting families.
12. To consider any action required for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee The Clerk reported that St. John’s Ambulance have agreed to stay until the firework event has finished. The Clerk has submitted an application to close Powdermills Lane from the B2027 to the lane to the Green from 9.30pm to 10.45pm with a diversion requested around The Green. KCC will provide free road closed signs, which the Parish Council can keep. The additional premium for public liability insurance of £150 has been included in the renewal price. The public liability cover is £10m with an excess of £100. The Clerk has prepared a risk assessment of the firework event and will prepare a list of volunteers in advance.
13. Highways i. To consider Brian Ball’s request for litter picking teams to clear the approaches to the village The Clerk reported that Brian Ball has emailed to say that some residents have indicated that they would be willing to carry out litter picking in the vicinity of their homes. Brian suggests that the village approaches cause most concern: South - Ensfield Bridge to Railway Arch West - B2070 Compasses Cottages to Hall Place entrance. South West - Redleaf to Junction B2070, Lightfoot Cottages.
4 East - B2070, A21, bypass bridge to Gibbs Field. Members agreed that this is a good idea, and Clerk to mention in the parish magazine and on the website. ii. The Clerk advised that she has reported the broken arm on the fingerpost on the War Memorial Green, and Allan Gibbons has removed the sign and will either re-attach it to the post, or it may require a new arm which he will order. Allan also said that he will see if he can authorise a nicer fingerpost for this site. iii. Cllr Marchant undertook to consider all possibilities regarding the kerbstones on The Green outside Podium House and to report at the June Parish Council meeting. iv. Cllr Marchant reported that there is flooding on Coppings Lane, which is due to blocked drains. Clerk to report.
14. Village Halls update i. The Clerk reported that a letter has been received from Mr William Matthews, who advises that the cherry tree in front of the Legion hall is under stress. The ground is like concrete, and the hard soil needs loosening, which will let the air and moisture to the roots. A little fertiliser and mulching will help. Clerk to thank Mr Matthews for his letter, which has been forwarded to the Village Halls Management Committee for their attention. ii. Cllr Stratton-Brown reported that a letter has been received from Helen and Andrew Everett asking that the driveway to the graveyard to the rear of the Village Hall be re- surfaced. Cllr Marchant undertook to provide a budget figure for this work. Cllr Johnston declared a personal interest in this matter as he is a member of the Village Halls Management Committee.
15. To discuss Aged Persons Dwellings i. to update members regarding locksmith work at No.2 and approve expenditure £168.50 + VAT The Clerk reported that a locksmith attended and changed the lock on the back door, replaced the two window locks in the kitchen, and provided two keys. The cost was £168.50 + VAT. Members approved the expenditure. ii. to consider action required regarding the damp inspection at No.1 and approve expenditure £155.00 + VAT Cllr Marchant reported that Browitt & Smith attended and inspected the property for alleged dampness. The report states that there was a musty smell and black mould was said to be growing on the window wall. A moisture reading was taken and found that moisture levels on the window wall were within an acceptable level, and the reading taken within the kitchen wall was above generally acceptable levels. Wall temperature, air temperature and relative humidity levels were taken to reveal that levels were sufficient to allow condensation to form on cold surfaces. The surveyor noted that the bedroom is unheated, whereas the other small bedroom, lounge, kitchen and bathroom have radiators but were turned off. The conclusion of the visit was that the main problem related to condensation forming within an unsufficiently heated and ventilated room. Recommendations: (i) ventilation increased and radiator fitted to bedroom (this does rely of course to the radiator being used, noting that radiators in the rest of the house are turned off due to furniture arrangement). Ventilation could be improved if tenant leaves window ajar on safety lock, or a passive stack arrangement could be installed incorporating an air brick and vertical extract at ceiling level to vent through roof void. (ii) Gulliver timber treatment/damp proofing be invited to comment on levels of dampness evident within the kitchen wall. A further action could be undertaken to insulate the cavity, or to line the internal surface of cold external wall with an insulating plaster board lining, but this would reduce the floor space. Cost £155 + VAT for the report. Members approved the expenditure. Clerk to email Mrs Broad’s son to advise that the surveyor’s report recommends that the room is ventilated and heated.
5 16. To discuss any public / community transport issues – none.
17. To consider action required arising from the Annual Parish Meeting held on 16th April, 2012 Members agreed that it was a very good meeting and well attended. No action required.
18. To report on correspondence received The Clerk reported that lists of correspondence received have been circulated, and drew members’ attention to the following items: i. Item 8: email from Hannah Gooden, Acting Planning Policy Team Leader at SDC. SDC is proposing to establish a neighbourhood planning working group for town and parish councils undertaking or proposing to undertake neighbourhood/parish planning. The working group will allow councils to share ideas and best practice and to discuss progress on the preparation of their plans. The first Neighbourhood Planning Forum will be on Wednesday 30 May in the conference room at SDC. Cllr Stratton-Brown undertook to attend. ii. Item 16: request by Circus Ginnett to visit Leigh from 28th until 30th May 2012 and use The Green for their small family circus. Members did not give permission on this occasion. iii. Item 28: KCC – Patrick Leeson, Corporate Director Education, Learning & Skills re: consult- ation on the Commissioning Plan for Education Provision 2012-17. See www.kent.gov .uk/EducationProvision. The Clerk has forwarded this to Ani Lawrence. iv. Item 29: Kent County Playing Fields Association – membership renewal: £20 per annum. The Clerk advised that she will put this item on the agenda for the June Parish Council meeting. v. Item 30: KALC re: national campaign that is being led by the NALC and Suffolk Association of Local Councils with regard to changing the planning framework so that local councils have the same right as developers to appeal planning decisions.
19. Finance i. to consider grant of £2,500 towards Leigh Primary School’s new classroom project This is the second payment of £2,500, as previously agreed. Proposed by Cllr Smith, seconded by Johnston and all were in favour. ii. to approve payment of cheques Cllr Marchant proposed that the list of cheques be approved. This was seconded by Cllr Smith and all were in favour. iii. to approve renewal of insurance policy from 1st June 2012: £1,366.45 Proposed by Cllr Marchant, seconded by Cllr Doherty and all were in favour. iv. to approve 2011/12 Year End Accounts Members considered the year-end accounts. Cllr Swallow proposed that the accounts be approved, this was seconded by Cllr Marchant and all were in favour. Cllr Stratton-Brown duly signed the accounts. v. to review the Internal Auditor’s report The Clerk reported that Roger Sykes has given the following report: “I confirm having carried out the Internal Audit for the Parish Council's accounts 2011-2012. All of the requirements have been met as I have indicated in the appropriate places. All that remains to be done other than completion of the form by you and Colin is to provide an explanation for the increase in Box 6 of more than 15%, a written bank reconciliation and a full date in Item 16 of the internal controls.” vi. to review the effectiveness of the Parish Council’s Internal Audit Procedures The Clerk reported that the procedures have been circulated. Members reviewed the procedures and all were in agreement that they are effective. vii. Audit for year ending 31st March 2012 a. To approve Statement of Accounts b. To consider and agree Annual Governance Statement
6 Cllr Swallow proposed that the 2011/12 Statement of Accounts be approved and duly signed, and Annual Governance Statement be agreed and duly signed. This was seconded by Cllr Doherty and all were in favour. viii. The Clerk reported that the Bank of Ireland mandate has been accepted and processed. The Clerk suggested that she opens another account with the Bank of Ireland, which she can do under the same mandate, for the Earmarked Reserve funds. Members agreed.
20. Items for reporting or inclusion in future agenda i. Cllr Croft reported that PCSO Amy Harvey is hoping to attend Parish Council meetings occasionally. ii. Cllr Swallow reported that the broadband survey will soon be sent out.
The meeting closed at 9.55pm.
Signed ……………………………......
Date ……………………………......
Leigh Parish Council – List of Cheques - May 2012
Cheque Payee Detail of payment Inc. VAT VAT 1269 Clerk Salary £458.61 1270 Post Office Ltd PAYE £114.60 1271 Kent County Council Pension contribution £155.72 1272 Clerk Mileage and petty cash £133.78 1273 Bartlett Tree Experts Tree work to horse chestnut trees on Green £444.00 £74.00 1274 Browitt & Smith Survey of No.1 APD £186.00 £31.00 1275 The Property Doctor Locksmith work for No. 2 APD £202.20 £33.70 1276 Premiere Digital Ltd 2 posters advertising Annual Parish Meeting £48.00 £8.00 1277 Viking Direct Stationery and stamps (100) £132.86 £12.14 1278 Zurich Insurance plc Insurance renewal £1,366.45 1279 Leigh Primary School Grant towards new classroom fund £2,500.00 1280 Peter Croft Gardening Mowing £285.00 * * * * *