West High School Male Choral

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West High School Male Choral

West High School Male Choral Course Syllabus

Choral Director: Kathryn E. May

Course Description:

This course is open to any student who wishes to participate in a choral performance organization. Male Choral develops basic music literacy and prepares students for higher-level music classes. This course fulfills the requirement for a performing arts credit required for college admission and is an elective arts credit. Prerequisite- None; Grade Levels- 9

Course Objective:

In students will master the fundamentals of music including: terminology, beginning levels of sight-reading and part independence, choral rehearsal and sectional procedures, identification of personal strengths and weaknesses, and the recognition of the importance of each individual’s contribution to the ensemble through the performance of choral literature.

Materials Needed:

Each student will need the following:

 Pencils (several)  Calendar or student planner  Extra paper (small amount)  Chorus uniform (initial information included)

Each student will be assigned a chorus folder, which they must bring to class each day. As music is assigned, the students will add the selections to the folder. Students need to keep folders organized and take care of them since these are the “textbooks” for Male Choral. Students will be assessed a replacement cost for materials lost or damaged.

Grading Procedures:

West High Schools grading scale: 93.100 A 85-92 B 75-84 C 70-74 D Below 70-failing grade

In Male Choral, each student’s grade is based upon a point system. Students work toward a weekly rehearsal/skills score of 100 points. To earn the maximum number of points each week students must achieve the following:

 Working to sing at potential (individualized)  Works effectively in the large group rehearsal  Works effectively in the sectional rehearsal  Works for part independence and knows all pitches and rhythms  Memorization of required pieces  Responds to teacher suggestions for improvement  Responds to section leader suggestions for improvement  Follows rehearsal procedure and brings materials to class  Is attentive to the task at hand  Shows motivation and energy on a regular basis  Working on proper diction in English and foreign language selections  Works on intonation, tone production, and breath management skills  Participates in discussion  Takes appropriate notes (not much of this as I give review sheets for all tests)  Has an outstanding record of attendance  Works to achieve goals of Vocal I on a daily basis and listens in class  Exhibits proper posture for each activity  Refrains from chewing gum and talking during rehearsal  Strives for personal and group excellence  Prompt to class and to rehearsals and performances

Infractions of weekly rehearsal grade are noted and transferred to the grade book on a daily basis. Averaged with the weekly grades are all written, rhythmic, and vocal test scores, quizzes, as well as required rehearsal and performance grades. (Written tests are announced at least four days prior to testing)

The midterm and/or final exams which include any and all performances (if student is not exempt) are averaged as 25% of the grade.

Course Outline

Rhythmic Meters 4/4 and ¾, ties and syncopation, rhythmic names and relative values

Melodic Solfege- major scale, staff reading- simple in C Major, Treble and bass clef note names, Curwen handsigns, simple melodic sight-reading, sharp and flat key signatures

Vocal Fundamentals Voice classifications, posture, English diction, rehearsal and performance procedures, vowel unification, breath management, qualities of fine choral singing, phrasing, dynamics, intonation, choral balance and blend, and proper vocal production

Keyboard Recognition of all note names, copycat, playing of simple melodic lines

Performance Application and demonstration of mastery of all skills through rehearsals of varied repertoire of many historical periods culminating in public performance

Evaluation of performance

0ther Useful Information

 Follow all WHS rules.  Refrain from chewing gum in this class.  Avoid trashing our rooms and defacing school property.  Unless I ask you to… please do not write on or erase the board, play the piano, or mess with windows.  Be prompt to class with all materials and be quiet in the halls when going to sectionals.  Have a great attitude and enjoy each other, but be able to settle down and focus  We want everyone to find their place and be comfortable in chorus. No “put downs” of any student.  Do not worry about your vocal ability, voice change, etc. We learn together. There is ALWAYS room for growth!   Please do not whine about things I cannot control such as construction noise, temperature, personalities, etc.  Be where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there, doing what you are supposed to be doing.  Be responsible.

If you are to be a responsible member of the West High School Male Chorus, you must seek excellence rather than settle with mediocrity. Together, we will have a great year, regardless of interruptions created by the construction. Remember that your purpose at West High School is to get a fine education. Apply yourself and be the best at whatever you do! My e-mail address is [email protected].

My planning period is 2nd period. The phone number for the choral office is 585-3794.

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