Confidential Teacher/Aide Special Education Questionnaire

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Confidential Teacher/Aide Special Education Questionnaire

YOUR INPUT IS NEEDED: BOSTON SPECIAL EDUCATION TRANSITION for Youth Ages 14-22! Boston Special Education Transition Project: B-SET for Career, College and Community Living A project of Massachusetts Advocates for Children

Special education transition planning and services for youth 14-22 are required by law to help ensure that young adults can live, work, and/or attend post-secondary school as independently as possible when they exit special education.

Your input is needed to help make sure that Boston’s youth with disabilities receive services needed to successfully transition from school to adult life.

Thank you in advance for participating in our survey!

Please return your survey to: Johanne Pino To contact us: Tel. # 617-357-8431 x234 Massachusetts Advocates for Children Fax # 617-357-8438 25 Kingston St. 2nd Floor Boston, MA 02111

1. I am a Boston: Student (age) ___ Parent (age of student) ___ Educator (age of student) ___ Other (specify) ______

2. I/my child/my student has received a transition assessment to evaluate needs related to future training, education, employment, and, independent living Yes No Don’t know

3. If you answered yes to question two, when did Boston Public Schools provide the transition assessment? (please check all that apply) Age 14 Age 15 Age16 Age 17 Age 18 Age 19 Age 20 Age 21

4. Were assessments conducted in the following areas? Yes (please check all that apply) No Don’t know Vocational Educational (future college, technical school, adult education) Employment Independent living Community participation

5. Who participated in filling out the most recent Transition Planning Form (TPF)? (Check all that apply) Student/Self Parent School member of the IEP Team

6. Did the school district use the assessment to develop IEP postsecondary transition goals and transition services in the following areas? Yes (If yes please check all that apply) No Don’t know Employment Further education Independent living Community participation Other (please explain) ______

7. Has student attended all his/her IEP Team meetings starting at age 14? None Some Most All Not sure 8. Has student received support and instruction to be an active participant of IEP meeting? Yes No Don’t know

9. Does the student require any of the following transition goals and services to address any of the following areas? (Please check all that apply)


My student requires School provides a.) Identifying and applying b.) Getting campus supports and services c.) How to self identify /disclose disability d.) Study skills, tutors e.) Time management and study skills

f.) Social skills g.) Dorm living skills h.) Self-advocacy skills

JOBS My student requires School provides i.) Paid job opportunities (support options) j.)How to fill out applications k.) Job interview skills and strategies l.) Time management m.) How to dress appropriately n.) Social skills in each specific job area o.) Workplace relationship

INDEPENDENT LIVING My student requires School provides p.) How to use public transportation/Driver education q.) Safety r.) Banking and purchasing skills s.) Self-management of medical needs t.) Appropriate behaviors in restaurants and stores u.) Internet safety v.) Interactions with neighbors, local officials such as police

w.) Accessing recreation, sports opportunities x.) Use of PCAs y.) Technology information

10. For youth and/or parents with limited English proficiency, please check all that apply: a. Interpreters are provided for Team meetings: Never Occasionally Frequently Always b. All written materials are provided in the parent’s native language: Never Occasionally Frequently Always OPTIONAL & CONFIDENTIAL If you would like to be more involved in the process to monitor and improve services for Boston’s youth ages 14-22, please provide your contact information below. Name: ______Address: ______Email: ______Telephone:______

Massachusetts Advocates for Children 25 Kingston Street, 2nd. Floor Boston, MA 02111 Tel. 617.357.8431 · Fax 617.357.8438 ·

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