Guide to Bastion City

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Guide to Bastion City

Guide to Bastion City People to See

Major Municipality Power Figures Political Sphere Alfred Goldbark, Mayor Mainly a symbolic figure, he almost never takes any specific opinion that may antagonize anyone of consequence. He may be seen rarely in public events, mostly talking about the recent funding events and the donations the municipality offers the community. He is a tall, Anglo-Saxon with light brown hair and deep green eyes, his voice calls out for obedience and his posture is strong and commanding. Quote: "United we stand!" Florance Dickenson, Judge Judge Dickenson's 'fire and brimstone' speeches are a thing to behold, she is as straight as an arrow, although sometimes her over developed sense of justice overcomes her, and more then one petty villain found himself on his way to the chair. Quote: "As God is my witness, if I could I would sentence you to death by crows who will feed on your entrails, but I guess the chair will have to be enough!" Roder Ironheart, Judge A man of questionable values, Judge Ironheart is suspected of being involved in several corruption cases still under investigation. Unfortunately, the habit of key witnesses to disappear put a damper on the already slow moving investigation. With a right amount of cash and the right dubious connections, even Jeffrey Dahmer could have walked a free man from his court. Quote: "Due to the nature of the evidence, and the accused impeccable character, we here by order him to be released". Roberta Elka, Assistant to the Mayor Daughter of the rich and powerful Romeo Elka, Roberta is as power hungry as her father, she used every connections to get herself this position, so close to the mayor's ear (closer then his wife would like, some say). Roberta is a beautiful brunette, with deep green eyes and soft, luring voice- assets that she uses to advance her goals; she sometimes plays the little girl- sometimes the cold- hearted bitch. As everyone in the mayor's office will tell you: never turn your back to Roberta. Quote: "The mayor is busy, can I be of assistance?"

1 Law Enforcement and Security Forces Samuel De'Anthony, Police Chief A veteran of the streets, the police chief is a stocky, well- built African-American, which looks exceptionally good, considering his age. He is witty and pleasant, and always surrounded with this aura of leadership that instills loyalty in his subordinates. Quote: "Ladies and Gentlemen, we can not just sit by and watch our city go to the dogs!" Yaroslav Brechkovski, Head of Fire Department A second generation of Russian immigrants, you can still hear a hint of Russian accent in his voice. Yarosalv is a big man, a really big man (2.10, weighs roughly 115 kg of muscles), his voice is deep and thundering and his eyes are deep blue. His head is always clean shaved. Quote: "Out of the way! There are people inside!" Lieutenant Hector Corkawski, Corrupt Police Officer Corkawaski started his way like most cops, full of ideals and big hopes, well, that changed rather fast. Today, Hector is the unofficial head of the corrupted at law enforcement agency, he is smart and very cynical. Corkawski is best described as a big man, he is overweight, loud and his presence is always felt, even if it is only in that cloud of cigarette smoke that follows him everywhere; it is his is trademark, and the saying ‘when Corkawski quit smoking’ means that will never happen. Quote: “Make a missing person case out of him”. George Silverwood, Cemetery Guard Everything happens to old George, it does! Well, when he was 14 both his parents die in a plane crash into a chicken processing factory, and he hat to bury their remains all mixed out with feathers. When he was 20 hi girlfriend for 5 years dumped him, literally- out the 3rd floor window along with his stuff. When he was 22 he flunked out of collage, because the guy he tried to stop from raping this nice girl happened to be the son of the dean of students. Well, everything’s going to be OK now! He got this new security post guarding a bunch of dead guys in the Autumn Leafs Cemetery- what can possibly go wrong? Quote: “Hey! Who goes there? Just the damn wind again…” Richard Woodmore, Chief of BC Penitentiary Guards A rugged old man, Richard was stabbed 12 times by inmates, shot twice by crazed relatives and gotten into more then one brawl with any sort of crowd that comes within his prison doors. That’s just the sort of guy he is. If there’s trouble he’ll be there, and if there isn’t, well you just wait a while, because trouble will always follow Richard. A tall dark skinned man (not exactly black, although it’s closer then to any other common skin tone), with broad shoulder and booming voice, Richard reign of terror in the

2 prison is petrifying. The inmates won’t look him in the eyes if you paid them! Quote: “You’re making trouble again, aren’t you son? Well, we’ll just have to see about that.”

Health and Medical Care Dr. Ronald Fairbanks, Head Doctor of St. Antonio Health Clinic Some doctors graduate with a dream of helping others, they go through their life suffering one disappointment after the other until they break down, take what ever job they can and settle for not getting things worst, rather then trying to get them get better. A depressed middle-aged man, Dr. Fairbanks tries to make the best of his shattered life and dreams. Quote: "Eh? What? Yeah, sure, give her 5 doses and send her home." Omar Richeten, St. Antonio Blood Bank Teller Omar is a corrupt sadist and megalomaniac, who enjoys the sight of blood (especially fresh one), and he was accused more then once of abusing his authority in order to live one of his demented fantasies. His hair reaches half way to his shoulders, and is clearly dirty and untended, his eyes are small and mean and his voice always has a sarcastic ring. Quote: "Yeah, I can hook you up… it's going to cost you though… cost you good…" Educational System

Ms. Deirdre Schlump, Head Librarian at the Old Public Library ‘Yes, there is such a thing as a good-looking woman with a fetish for books’, she often says, and adds ‘no, I’m not weird, just curious’, and who could argue with a conquering beauty such is Deirdre? Ever since she was born she had a fetish for books, and now when she’s all grown up she never want to let her obsession to slip from her hands, just like her ex-husband wanted (well, her missing ex-husband, nobody seems to know where did he go to after the divorce, he just disappeared). Deirdre is tall, with long legs, long brown hair and deep green eyes, her laughter rings as bells and her moans while she read a romantic novels break the hearts of every men who could hear them. Quote: “Shhh! Please, this is a library, if you’re going to talk, at least do it quietly.” Dean Rupert Klinggman, Head of the Greenberg University One might think that a position of power in such an important university would be given to the most qualified professor, one would be wrong. Professor Klinggman uses every opportunity he gets to use the power granted to him by his ill-gotten position. A man of average height and measures, the most

3 definitive trait about the professor is his slight limp and bronze cane adorned with Greek mythic creatures. Quote: “No Mr. Tucker, I don’t think you DO get it…”

Sports Figures Gregory “Iron Shoulders” Klinggman, Coach of the BC Grizzlies Son of the good professor is a large man, unlike his father he stands one head above the rest and his shoulders are twice the size of most man. The problem starts, however, with his short temper, with three prior violent convictions (with only few hours of community service- thanks to father’s connections in the judicial branch), Greg turned to the only thing he knew how to do well: Sports, brutal and violent sports. Wrestling, football, boxing, and hell- he would coach sumo if they asked him. And now he is the main coach of the BC Grizzlies (again- thanks dad!) and they are actually winning! Who said he won’t amount to anything? Quote: “Run maggots, RUN!

Major Crime Figures Gangs Maria Huaraz of the Red Coyotes Maria married her late husband, Rodrigez Huaraz, when she was only 16; she bore two lovely children (Huan and Sorvio) and lived a relatively peaceful life, considering her husband was the leader of the Red Coyotes, one of the larger gang in the barrio (the Latin Quarters). When she was 19, a hitman from a rival gang murdered her husband and her two sleeping children, he shot her twice and left her for dead, but she survived. Nourishing on her sense of revenge, Maria recuperated and went on a killing spree the barrio has yet to see. When she was finished, she was named the new leader of the Red Coyotes. Maria is a slender woman of middle height, her brown hair is left loose and reaches her shoulders, she constantly wear sunglasses, even within houses and in the night. Maria is cold and considered totally emotionless by her gang members, which sometimes (never to her face) refer to her as the Ice Queen. Quote: "Mercy is for the weak and the dead". Feng-Liang Hsu, Leader of the Blue Dragons Tong Although once Feng-Liang was considered a pacifist Buddhist, those days are far behind. The call of greed and hunger for power drawn this man into the dark world of crime. His martial skill remains as honed as ever, and to the enemies of the Dragons he is a flurry of fists and death, which earned him the nickname 'Dust Devil'. Quote: "You honor me with your opposition". Heiji Hikosabaru, Male Leader of the Purple Lotus Tong Twin brother and sister named Heiji and Masumi Hikosabaru head the Purple Lotus Tong. Heiji is a tall lean man, which spends

4 most of his days either meditating or competing in some sort of sport (he is an excellent sharpshooter and boxer). Quote: "Bulls eye! See that sis?" Masumi Hikosabaru, Female Leader of the Purple Lotus Tong Unlike her brother, Masumi is a woman of action; she enjoys running the gang and work very hard to keep it at the top of the small gangs in BC. If her brother is the heart of the Purple Lotus, she is the brain. Quote: "Masumi, stop fooling around and just kill him". Crime Families Don Antonio Domenichino, Patriarch of the Sicilian Crime Family The Don is considered a rather tragic figure in the familia, he has seven daughters and no son to carry on his name and position. Today, the old Don is 58 years old (although he looks rather good for his age) and he spends most of his time with his family in their mansion, his wife pat away a few years back and ever since then he withdrew most of his influence from the familia, although the respected Don still holds the right to veto decisions. Quote: "everything we do, we do for our childrens". Yoshihiro Kajiwara, Yakuza Patriarch Although most of the people in the crime world have heard his name, rarely can you find someone which actually saw his face; Yoshihiro keeps top himself in his mansion at the top of a great skyscraper in Glass Towers. His influence, however, is felt through the entire city, a single word can send his many minions into committing such bloodbaths that would make even the most battle hardened solider to throw up. Quote: "Bring him to me Arinori, Bring him to me alive". Arinori Kajiwara, Son of Yoshihiro; Yakuza Patriarch Unlike his father, Arinori is a well-known figure in town; he is completely covered by tattoos, he has a very long black hair tied into a braid, he is muscular and always wears sunglasses and a katana named 'Ravaging Wind'. Arinori is intelligent and witty, but unfortunately quite mad, he suffers from occasional violent outburst that result in many casualties; of course the police wouldn't dream of touching the son of Yoshihiro, not without triggering further violence. Quote: "Stop looking at me or I'll cut you into ribbons BAKA!"

Major Financial Power Players Corporate Heads Romeo Elka, Chief Executive Elka Industries

5 An elderly man (some say in his late 60), Elka has a warm smile and heart of iron. He didn't climb the corporate leader by being a softhearted fool, he says. Currently he retired to his mansion and gave control of his company to his 3 trusted executives, which constantly bicker among themselves- much to his amusement. Quote: "of course I'll loan you money dear, if you can't turn to old Uncle Romeo- who can you turn to?"

Investors and Assorted Wealth Holders Rex Blackstone, Multimillionaire and Philanthropist Rex is just an old fashion southern type with crap loads of money. God darn it, he can buy the entire downtown district if he so wished, and lord knows he spent a whole lot of money into this city. Damn, the amount of money he poured into this town should’ve bought him the god damn state, not that he’s complaining, real men don’t complain you see- that’s for ladies and sissies- and everybody knows Rex Blackstone is no fruitcake! Well, if you wish to recognize Rex, just look for the short fella, with a small Texan tummy and a golden spark in his eyes (that is, if you can see him through the crowd of bodyguards, greedy statesman, yes-men and other tag-along). Quote: “God damn it, that girl’s go through my money faster then a coyote in a henhouse”.

Media Personal James Hullbrook, Producer When James grew up he liked to see people fight, he didn’t like to get hit, he really disliked the pain you see, but when someone else was struck down, and blood gushed from his nose… splendid! So he flowed his dream and decide to become a movie producer, here he can make all kind of movies with blood and violence, and get rich out of it too! Today, James is the number one action/horror producer in the industry, and his films are always extremely believable! Quote: “Yeah, great, great… now: SCREAM! Good, good…”

Others Institution Owners Edward 'Turtle' Sims, Owner of the Shrimp Hut Turtle is an 'ok dude'; well at least that's what he says. Several years ago he came to BC and opened his Shrimp Hut, which quite prospered since then and is considered quite popular among the local youth. If there is something happening in his beach, Turtle knows about, that's for sure. Unfortunately, nobody really knows anything about Turtle; well except for the name Edward Sims, which most people believe is some sort of alias, after all, if he refuses to divulge anything else about his past, why reveal his true name?

6 Turtle is a teenager, if not in body, then in heart; he has a tanned body, blonde sun bleached hair and blue eyes. Quote: "Dude! Did you hear about the party tonight?" Bishop Armand, Owner of the Confession Taking the name of the patron saint of brewers, Bishop Armand dress in a black clergy clothing, and speaks from his balcony in his club to his flock of believers, namely his club patrons. He usually preaches for anarchy and breaking all the rules in order to reach euphoric nirvana, but sometimes his speeches are somewhat more… morbid. Quote: "Dance my children! Dance to the music of freedom!" Jack 'Scorpion' Masses, Owner of the Viper's Nest Scorpion is a professional tough guy, seriously. He worked as a leg breaker for a local bookie for several years and saved enough money to finally open up his own biker's bar. Anybody who knows Scorpion knows that his bar was always his dream, anyone who tries to somehow damage it (aside for the occasional drunken brawl) we'll find himself in a serious pile of trouble. Scorpion is a big guy with a thick black hair and a goatee (he once broke a guy's hand for making fun of it), he has a large scorpion tattoo on his right hand and a skeleton riding a bike on his left. Quote: "We don't want any trouble here. And when I say we, I mean you." Sicilia Gatehouse, Owner of the Cell Block Club Silly Sicilia they used to tease her in high school, well not anymore. The small, nerdy teenager is now a full-grown woman, she is beautiful and she is smart, and anybody who fucks with her will find himself beaten into a bloody pulp by her army of bouncers. The Cell Block Club is only an excuse for Sicilia, she wanted people to adore her, and they do; they come to her club, they beg for admittance, and she, the goddess, decide who is cool enough to get in, and who isn't. Her current boyfriend (or boy-toy) is her high school star quarterback; she keeps him on a short leash and enjoys hearing him beg for attention and drugs. Quote: "In, out, out, in, oh- so out, in…" Armand, Owner of the Resort Strip Club Armand didn’t actually start the resort, he bought from the previous owners, but he does his best to keep the place a high-class institution. Few know Armand’s history; apart from the fact his current name is an obvious alias. Apparently, ‘Armand’ was a part of a drug trafficking gang that smuggled cocaine from South America by boats. On one of their trips, they have witnessed something so horrible they swore never to speak of it again and scattered, they keep contact only to make sure that whatever it is they saw, did not start to come after them. Quote: “You like her? She actually studies in the university here, you know. Psych major I think.”

7 Miscellaneous Matron Gertrud Ophoven, Head of St. Stephen Orphanage Nobody messes with Ms. Ophovem, no one. Nobody can explain it, but even the hardest man is reduced to quivering mass of jello when faced with her cold stare. The matron keeps her orphanage running like a smooth machine, helping countless kid into a life of hope, using her strings to get them into good jobs throughout the city. The Matron is looks like a middle-aged woman, a bit overweight, with gray hair (usually pulled back in a knot) and piercing blue-gray eyes. Quote: "Don't you raise your voice at me young man!" The Doomsayer You can see many of his kind wandering the street of the Slums, Downtown and Train City. But this particular doomsayer inspires awe even in the non-believers, nobody knows why, but usually his dark prophecies do come true, one way or another. He is filthy, with long white hair and brown, insane eyes. Quote: "And lo! He shall rain fire upon you and the dead shall rise from their graves!" (Given before a fuel truck exploded in the slums near the old cemetery, the explosion causes many bodies to surface to the ground). Sugar Eyes, Pimp One of the main two pimps in the city, which prostitutes are not bound to any gang, Sugar Eyes is a tall African-American with a slight accent, though nobody knows what accent, he always wear ridiculously colorful clothes. Although not connected to any specific gang, Sugar Eyes is well respected and most people try to stay on his good side. Quote: “No baby, you know I love you, you’re my best girl”. Madam Caldeira A frightening character, the madam and her whores strike fear in the hearts of most man. The Madam, an Ex-liberty fighter from South America, trains her girls in all sort of combat arts, mainly for self-protection. The Madam is a short gray haired mature woman (apparent age is 45, though some suspect she had several plastic surgeries done), well built and in obvious good shape. Quote: “You mess with my girl, they cut off your balls, ok?” Madam Ardita Sulejamani, Leader of the Gypsies Jati Somewhere inside Chinatown, unseen to all but those who know where to look- lives a small family group of Gypsies. Although many have heard of them, and a few even know how to recognize them as they prowl the street, looking for an easy purse to snatch or a pocket to pick, none know their hideout. Madam Ardita is the leader of this group, and none has seen her outside her Jati in three years. Still, she is a woman of great influence among the superstitious Chinatown populace and some whisper of her powers to accurately foresee the future. Quote: “Come closer child, I see you are troubled, what clouds your sky?”

8 Dartian Sulejmani, Elder son of Ardita The young knave, his skill in the field of larceny is famous throughout the cities crime world almost as much as his skill with the women of the city. He is known as a great heartbreaker but an amazingly passionate lover and suitor. Quote: “My, little Susan, you have grown into such a beautiful young lady, would you accept this rose I picked for you?”


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