Music Notes Mrs s1
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Mrs. Ahmad and Mrs. Edwards
Standard(s): MKGM.1c: Sing from memory multiple songs representing various genres, tonalities, meters, and cultures including songs in a foreign language. MKGM.6b: Describe music using appropriate vocabulary, such as high, low, loud, quiet, fast, slow. MKGM.6a: Distinguish between contrasts (pitch, dynamics, tempo, rhythm, timbre) in various pieces of music. Additional Standards – 7, 8, 9 and 10
Objectives: 1. The student will be able to identify the difference between fast and slow tempi through singing, movement, playing instruments and listening to musical selections. 2. The student will be able to identify the difference between high and low sounds through singing, movement, playing instruments and listening to musical selections. 3. The student will be able to identify the difference between loud and soft sounds through singing, movement, playing instruments and listening to musical selections. 4. The student will be able to move expressively to different musical selections
These concepts will be taught through the use of fun songs including: Get on Board, I’m Tall, Andy Pandy, Old Blue, Polly Wolly Wolly Wee, Doing the Penguin, Jim Along Josie, Kuma San, Put Your Finger in the Air, Oliver Twist, Looby Loo and Little Red Caboose.
Standard(s): M1GM.1d: Sing Mi, Sol, and La within the context of a song. M1GM.2c: Perform simple accompaniment patterns on instruments. M1GM.3c: Read contour representations or simple melodic patterns within a reduced staff which include Mi, Sol, and La. Additional Standards covered: 4, 5, 10
Objectives: 1. The student will identify sol, mi, and la through pictures and on the music staff. 2. The student will perform sol, mi, and la hand signs while singing. 3. The student will compose an 8 beat composition through use of rhythm, solfege, and lyrics.
These concepts will be taught through the use of fun songs including: The Little Green Frog, Leaves, Star Light, Toy Symphony, Charlie Over the Water, Rain, Bounce High, Snail and Lemonade.
Standard(s): M2GM.1a: Sing pentatonic melodies using appropriate head voice accompanied and unaccompanied. M2GM.6a: Distinguish between repeating and contrasting sections, phrases, and simple formal structures – AB, ABA, rondo, and verse/refrain in various pieces of music. M2GM.10a: Respond to contrasts and events in music with gross and fine locomotor and non locomotor movements.
Objectives: 1.To sing and distinguish between the call and response (AB form) sections of a song. 2. To sing and distinguish between the verse and refrain (AB and ABA form)of a song. 3. To recognize a round by sound. 4. To perform a round. 5. To perform a speech ostinati.
These concepts will be taught through the use of fun songs including: Michael Row, Banana, Pizza, Lone Star Trail, Zudio, Shoo Fly, Gavotte, Frere Jacques and Riddle Ree.
THIRD GRADE Third grade is continuing the recorder unit. Please help your third grade children remember to bring their recorders to school on their music day!
Standard(s): M3GM.2a: Perform by ear and from notations rhythmic patterns using body percussion as well as a variety of instruments with appropriate technique. M3GM.3a: Read aloud rhythmic patterns including quarter note, quarter rest, paired eighth notes, beamed sixteenth notes, half notes, dotted half notes, and whole notes using traditional symbols in 2/4 and 4/4 meter. M3GM.5b: Compose rhythmic patterns in simple meter including quarter notes, beamed sixteenth notes, quarter rests, half notes, paired eighth notes, and whole notes. Standards Used in Unit: 2,3,5,10
Objectives: 1. Sing songs that include quarter notes, barred eighth notes, barred sixteenth notes, half notes, quarter rests and whole notes. 2. Read rhythm patterns that include quarter notes, barred eighth notes, barred sixteenth notes, half notes, quarter rests and whole notes. 3. Introduce syncopation. 4. Compose a 16 beat rhythm pattern that includes quarter notes, barred eighth notes, barred sixteenth notes, half notes, quarter rests and whole notes. 5. Play rhythm patterns on instruments. 6. Introduce meter in 2/4 and 4/4.
These concepts will be taught through the use of fun songs including: Gypsy in the Moonlight, Alligator Pie, Ding Dong, Golden Ring Around the Susan Girl, Old Dan Tucker, Au Clair de la Lune, Never Smile at a Crocodile, Turn the Glasses Over, Hush, Alabama Gal, Hop Up My Ladies, John Kanaka, Ida Red, Hosisipa, You’re a Grand Old Flag, Peppermint Twist andTrepak.
Quaver News: Quaver Marvelous World of Music is a new technology based music series that is being incorporated into the 4th and 5th grade music curriculum. This month’s themes are Middle C and the Grand Staff / The Musical Alphabet.
Through a variety of songs and listening selections, the students will:
1. Recognize a grand staff and understand its purpose. 2. Place notes on the treble staff and bass staff. 3. Learn how middle C is positioned on the grand staff. 4. Find middle C on the piano and on melody bells. 5. Play songs on melody bells. 6. Learn to draw a treble and bass staff. 7. Learn the reason there are only seven letters, A-G, in the musical Alphabet. 8. See the relationship between piano keys and staff notes. FIFTH GRADE
Quaver News: Quaver Marvelous World of Music is a new technology based music series that is being incorporated into the 4th and 5th grade music curriculum. This month’s themes are Middle C and the Grand Staff / The Musical Alphabet.
Through a variety of songs and listening selections, the students will:
1. Recognize a grand staff and understand its purpose. 2. Place notes on the treble staff and bass staff. 3. Learn how middle C is positioned on the grand staff. 4. Find middle C on the piano and on melody bells. 5. Play songs on melody bells. 6. Learn to draw a treble and bass staff. 7. Learn the reason there are only seven letters, A-G, in the musical Alphabet. 8. See the relationship between piano keys and staff notes.
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The Lake Windward Chorus is busy preparing for our spring concert season. We have seven songs that cover many different styles of music which we are working on at this time. Some concepts that are being taught include: phrasing, diction, dynamics, melodic movement, vowel sounds and choreography.
Our Lake Windward school concert dates for both the 4th and 5th grade choruses are May 14. School concerts start at 7:00 pm. Students should be at school by 6:30 for a rehearsal prior to each concert. All students will wear a white shirt and black pants/skirts with dark colored shoes! We will also have assemblies on May 13 at 8:15 am and 9:00 am and parents are invited to attend those concerts as well!
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