Logistic Regression Classification by MSE Minimization

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Logistic Regression Classification by MSE Minimization

Logistic Regression – Classification by MSE Minimization

Remember: Classification can be solved by MSE minimization methods (E[y|x] can be used to derive posteriors P(yCj|x)). Question: What functional form f(x;) can be an appropriate choice for representing posterior class probabilities?

M Option 1: What about linear model f(x;) =   j x j ? The range of the function goes beyond 0-1, so it j0 is not a good choice.

Option 2: We can use sigmoid function to do squeeze the output of a linear model to the range between 0 M and 1: f(x;) = g(   j x j ). If g(z) = 1/(1+ez), optimizing f(x;) is called logistic regression. j0

Solution: Logistic regression can be solved by minimizing MSE. Derivative MSE/j is MSE 2 N M   (y  f (x;θ))x g'  x  i1 ij k 0 k ik   j N  

Note: Solving MSE = 0 results in (M+1) nonlinear equations with (M+1) unknowns  optimization can be done by using gradient descent algorithm. Maximum Likelihood (ML) Algorithm

Basic Idea: Given a data set D and a parametric model with parameters  that describes the data generating process, the best solution * is the one that maximizes P(D|), i.e.

* = arg max P(D|)

P(D|) is called the likelihood, so the name of the algorithm that finds the optimal solution * is called the maximum likelihood algorithm. This idea can be applied for both unsupervised and supervised learning problems.

ML for Unsupervised Learning: Density Estimation

Given D = {xi, i=1, 2, …N}, and assuming the functional form p(x|) of the data generating process, the goal is to estimate the optimal parameters  that maximize likelihood P(D|):

P(D|) = P(x1, x2, …, xN|)

By assuming that data points xi are independent and identically distributed (iid) N P(D|) =  p(xi | θ) (p is the probability density function.) i1 Since log(x) is monotonically increasing function with x, maximization of P(D|) is equivalent to maximization of l = log(P(D|)). l is called the log-likelihood and is a popular choice when dealing with distributions from the exponential family (see section 2.4). So, N l  logp(x | θ) i1 i

Example: Data set D = {xi, i=1, 2, …N} is drawn from a Gaussian distribution with mean  and standard deviation , i.e., X ~ N(,2). Therefore,   (, ) , and 2 (xi )  2   N 1 (xi  ) 2 1 2 2  l  log   p(xi | , )  e i1 2  2  2 2 

Values  and  that maximize the log-likelihood satisfy the necessary condition for local optimum: l 1 N l N 2  0  ˆ  xi ,  0  ˆ  1 x  ˆ   N i1  N i1 i

ML for Supervised Learning

Given D = {(xi,yi), i=1, 2, …N}, and assuming the functional form p(y|x,) of the data generating process, the goal is to estimate the optimal parameters  that maximize likelihood P(D|):

P(D|) = P(y1, y2, …, yN|x1, x2, …, xN,) = /if data is iid N = py | x ,θ i 1 i i ML for Regression

Assume the data generating process corresponds to: y  f (x,θ)  e , where e ~ N(,2) Note: this is a relatively strong assumption!  y ~ N( f (x,θ),2 )

(x f (x,θ))2  1 2  p(y | x,θ)  e 2 2 N  1 (y  f (x ,θ))2   l  log P(D | θ)  log  i i   2  i1  2 2  N Since  is a constant, maximization of l is equivalent to minimization of 1 y  f (x ,θ)2 N i1 i i Important conclusion: Regression using ML under the assumption of DGP with additive Gaussian noise is equivalent to regression using MSE minimization!!

ML for Classification

Logistic Regression

The assumptions involved in logistic regression are similar to those involved with linear regression, namely the existence of a linear relationship between the inputs and the output. In the case of logistic regression, this assumption takes a somewhat different form: we assume that the posterior class probabilities can be estimated as a linear function of the inputs, passed through a sigmoidal function. Parameter estimates (coefficients of the inputs) are then calculated to minimize MSE. For simplicity, assume we are doing binary classification and that y {0,1} . Then the logistic regression model is 1    j x j   P(y  C1 | x)  , where  1 e j

The likelihood function of the data D is given by

N N yi 1- yi p( D |Θ )=照 p ( yi | x i , Θ ) =m i (1 - m i ) i=1 i = 1

yi 1- yi where we denoted i  P(yi  C1 | xi ) . Note that the term mi(1- m i ) reduces to the posterior class probability of class 0, i  P(yi  C0 | xi ) , when yi  C0 , and the posterior class probability of class 1, i  P(yi  C1 | xi ) , when yi  C1 . In order to find the ML estimators of the parameters, we form the log-likelihood


ℓ =logp ( D |Θ ) = [ yi logm i + (1 - y i )log(1 - m i )] i=1

The ML estimators require us to solve �Θℓ 0 , which is a non-linear system of (M+1) equations in (M+1) unknowns, so we don’t expect a closed form solution. Hence we would, for instance, apply the gradient descent algorithm to get the parameter estimates for the classifier.

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