Future-Proofing AV Content: Bridging the Gaps

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Future-Proofing AV Content: Bridging the Gaps

5 - 6 May 2016

South American Regional Seminar

Future-Proofing AV Content: Bridging the Gaps in MAM, Metadata and Digital Curation *

Windsor Atlantica Hotel Avenida Atlântica – 1020 – Copacabana Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Day 1 theme: second generation MAM systems

8h-9h - Registration:

9h - Welcome:

Raymundo Barros, Globo TV Technology director, Brazil Jan Müller, FIAT/IFTA president, the Netherlands Eva-Lis Green, FIAT/IFTA MMC Chair, Sweden Rita Marques, Globo TV Head of Archives, Brazil

9h45 - Keynote speech:

Ximena Araneda, Executive Vice President Video Workflows, Vizrt

10h30 - Results of the FIAT/IFTA Latin American MAM Survey

Brecht Declercq, Digitization & Acquisition Manager, VIAA, Belgium

1 11h30 - Case studies on second generation MAM implementations:

José Schulz, Technology Projects Executive Supervisor, Globo, Brasil Gabriela Cavalcante, Researcher, Documentation Center, Globo, Brazil Thiago Abreu, Technology Project Manager, Globo, Brasil Rachel Kudlowiez, Researcher, Documentation Center, Globo, Brazil

12h30 - Lunch

13h30 - Case studies on second generation MAM implementations: Jose Chaves, Technology Director, TV Bandeirantes, Brazil Thiago Perrella, Engineering and Technology Manager, TV Bandeirantes, Brazil Gilvani Moletta, Technical Director, TV Cultura, Brazil

14h30 - Panel debate: main challenges and future trends in MAM implementation

Thiago Abreu, Technology Projects Manager, Globo, Brazil (Mediator) Julian Fernandez-Campon, Solutions Director, Tedial Latam Erick Soares, Sales Support Engineer, Sony Ximena Araneda, Executive Vice President Video Workflows, Vizrt

15h45 - Second generation MAMs and evolutions in audiovisual cataloging

Marcia de Simoni, Content Archive Manager, GloboSat, Brazil Iolanda Albertino, Documentation Center Coordinator, Rede Amazônica Radio and Television Network, Brazil Livia Lucas, Documentation Center Manager, EPTV Network, Brasil Giulio Caio Breviglieri, Operations and Maintenance Manager, EPTV, Brazil Paula Rodrigues, Documentation Center Coordinator, TV Gazeta de Vitoria, Brazil Maria Carolina Avellar, Media Manager, Associação de Comunicação Educativa Roquette Pinto

18h - Open Cocktail

2 Day 2 morning theme: digital curation and sources of metadata

8h-9h - Registration:

9h - Keynote speech:

Prof. dr. Howard Besser, Director of the Moving Image Archive and Preservation Program, New York University Tisch School of the Arts, USA

9h45 - Case studies on social media and their importance for audiovisual archives

Andrea Doti, Communications and Relationship Director, Globo, Brasil Roberto Duif, Regional Sales Director, VSN LATAM Danilo Gesualdo, Engineering and Technology Department, TV Canção Nova, Brazil

11h15 - The BBC Web and Social Media Archives: presentation clip screening

Introduction by Jacqui Gupta, Lead Technologist and Information Scientist, BBC, UK

11h30 - Panel debate: how do audiovisual archives get the most from social media platforms?

Fabricio Antenor, Librarian, Documentation Center, Globo, Brazil (Mediator) Prof. dr. Howard Besser, Director of the Moving Image Archive and Preservation Program, New York University Tisch School of the Arts, USA Newton Fleury, Project Manager, Globo.com, Brazil Jacqui Gupta, Lead Technologist and Information Scientist, BBC, UK

12h00 - Case study of the Jesco von Puttkamer collection - Memory of The World/UNESCO

3 Fernanda Elisa Costa Resende, Audiovisual Archives Coordinator, IGPA-PUC-GO, Brazil

12h30 - Lunch Day 2 afternoon theme: the changing role of the archivist

13h30 - Introduction:

Eva-Lis Green, SVT Media Quality Controller and manager at Archive and Rights department, SVT, Sweden

14h10 - Case studies on the changing role of archivists in media organisations and other audiovisual archives

Anne Couteux, Project manager, documentation & engineering, INA, Institut National de l'Audiovisuel, France. Luciana Savaget, Chief Editor Arquivo N Program, GloboNews, Brazil Hernani Heffner, Chief Conservator, Cinemateca do MAM, Brazil

16h15 - Panel debate: audiovisual archivists of the future: the archivist as editor, the editor as archivist?

Maria Byington, Audiovisual Researcher, Globo, Brazil(Mediator) Geneton Moraes Netto, Journalist and Documentary Filmmaker, GloboNews, Brazil Hernani Heffner, Chief Conservator, Cinematica do MAM, Brazil Brecht DeClercq, Digitization & Acquisition Manager, VIAA, Belgium

16h45 - Seminar Conclusions

Eva-Lis Green, FIAT/IFTA Media Management Chair, SVT, Sweden

* Programme subject to changes, please follow fiatifta.org or @fiatifta_mmc for the most recent updates.


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