There Was No Meeting of the Commissioners on January 20, 2014 Since It Was the Martin Luther

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There Was No Meeting of the Commissioners on January 20, 2014 Since It Was the Martin Luther

January 20, 2014

There was no meeting of the Commissioners on January 20, 2014 since it was the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.

January 21, 2014

The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:00am. All members were present.

(1) Auditor Marianne Nichols requested time to address the Board regarding Youth Emergency Services’ Board Chair Sue Scobey’s inquiry about a grant application for them as a (501C3) in the amount of $17,000. S. Scobey is requesting approval to list the County as the fiscal agent on that grant. M. Manus moved that the County act as the fiscal agent for Youth Emergency Services’ grant application and authorizing M. Nichols to communicate with YES regarding this application. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.

(2) The Board discussed a letter they sent to Congress regarding Payment In Lieu of Taxes. Until PILT is funded, the position advertised in the Prosecutor’s Office and the position advertised in the Commissioners’ office are being put on hold. Also present was Human Resources Coordinator Shelly Stafford. The Board will notify Prosecutor Tom Metzger.

(3) Board Review and Reports:

The Board discussed M. Manus’ trip to Washington, DC and information he will be taking with him. It was noted that M. Manus is a representative of the Quad County group. Also attending will be Commissioner Steve Parker of Stevens County.

Legislative Steering Committee Update – K. Skoog discussed her meeting regarding the Growth Management Act Hearing and her testimony. She met with Representatives Joel Kretz and Shelly Short. S. Short has three bills coming up, with one on the energy code and two that require Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife and Department of Ecology to provide sources of information used in support of significant agency actions. S. Kiss asked about the Dream Act and K. Skoog noted she had discussed this with Rep. Short who reasoned on the equal educational opportunities for children of immigrant parents. It provides opportunities for students but does not provide for special funding.

S. Kiss discussed the Economic Development Council’s meeting of last week, noting International Selkirk Loop’s concern that Pend Oreille County is not represented on their Board. The ISL Board meets three times per year.

M. Manus met with Forest Service Engineer Doug Blalock regarding the Forest Service in Colville putting together a stewardship plan for road maintenance that includes the entire Colville National Forest. M. Manus also met with Colville National Forest Public Affairs Officer Franklin Pemberton regarding Resource Advisory Committee funds. Mike will include information on the RAC in his Washington, DC information packet. Commissioners’ Minutes, January 20, 2014 Initial _____ Page 1 of 5 (4) Representative Ken Ivory of Utah called K. Skoog regarding multi-state coordination on the transfer of federal lands to states.

(5) S. Kiss presented the Hotel/Motel Fund 2014 budget for Board approval. Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the 2014 budget for the Hotel/Motel Fund as presented in the total amount of $35,000 which includes funding for the following organizations: Newport Area Chamber of Commerce, Tiger Museum, Create, Lavender Festival, POC Historical Society, POC Fair, North Pend Oreille County Lions Club, The Cutter Theatre and Pend Oreille Tourism Alliance (PORTA). Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.

(6) Executive Session – Public Works Director Sam Castro requested an executive session to discuss the performance of a public employee pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) for 10 minutes from 11:00 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. Also present was Human Resource Coordinator Shelly Stafford.

(7) S. Castro discussed damage to the Solid Waste building. Last week he informed Chair Skoog of an emergency at the Solid Waste building regarding a breakdown of a support beam, base plate and concrete work. Sewell Engineers were called to do an inspection, based on mitigation efforts that have been put in place the operation can continue to function. Sewell has provided a mitigation plan while permanent repairs are coming. S. Castro noted there is a fund that has been set aside in the event of an issue such as this. Also present was County Engineer Don Ramsey. D. Ramsey asked for the Board’s confirmation on this action. Motion was made by M. Manus that Public Works acted in the correct manner and it was noted to be a true emergency, and further that Public Works move forward with the mitigation of this repair. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss second. Motion carried.

(8) Executive Session – S. Stafford requested an executive session to discuss collective bargaining pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(a) for 30 minutes from 11:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.

(9) The Board recessed for lunch.

(10) ITS Director Chad Goodhue provided an update. Also present was M. Nichols. Items discussed were: Changes and corrections to the County phone tree, agreements with the Kalispel Tribe of Indians, and the agreement with the City of Newport.

Motion was made by S. Kiss to approve the Information Technology Services Agreement with the Kalispel Tribe of Indians. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried.

Information Technology Services Agreement Between The Kalispel Tribe of Indians And Pend Oreille County from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014.

AGREEMENT NO. 2014-1, COMMISSIONERS’ RECORDING Commissioners’ Minutes, January 20, 2014 Initial _____ Page 2 of 5 C. Goodhue also discussed the Inter-Governmental Network and available options, as well as the Local Governmental Network which would create a redundant loop. He also discussed Noah-Net, which is a consortium of all public utility districts. Additional information should be available in thirty days.

Phase I of computer deployments is in process and Phase 2 of deployments will begin next week,

C. Goodhue discussed the internet outage of last week which was due to a non-business class ISP. The County’s need is for a business class ISP. The Board asked for pricing information on business class ISPs.

Also discussed was bandwidth and Extension’s video conference hold requirement. A usage chart will be prepared for review.

C. Goodhue requested that his next update on February 4th be dedicated to a discussion on the Next Generation Firewall and the various categories.

(11) Prosecuting Attorney Tom Metzger discussed the Selkirk School District Waste Water Treatment Grant; a liability and risk management concern regarding the certificate of insurance language clause be included in all contracts and agreements and that all contracts and agreements come before the Commissioners for making a matter of record and number assigned for tracking. Also discussed was the Attorney General’s opinion on marijuana.

(12) Community Development Director Mike Lithgow and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Daro Palmer discussed partnering for a parking lot at Rustler’s Gulch. D. Palmer discussed the project and the request to the Region Program Manager for the cooperative effort between WDFW and the County for the parking lot. He noted the Recreation and Conservation office’s funding cycle is every other year, and this funding cycle deadline is May 1st.

(13) Motion was made by M. Manus to retain the Information Technology Services and Kalispel Tribe Agreement No. 2014-1 until we receive the liability insurance documentation from the Kalispel Tribe. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.

(14) Forest Service Ranger, Gayne Sears presented the draft decision and the new Environmental Analysis for the South End Project, noting tomorrow begins the 45 day objection period. The objection process was discussed.

G. Sears discussed their development of a large fire simulation exercise. Commissioners from the Quad Counties will be invited, as well as Emergency Management. This will be practice for leadership and will cover the areas of communication, values at risk, timber, homes, strategies and risk management and will be put on with the perspective of how the Forest Service does business. She noted the meeting may be held in Chewelah.

(15) Commissioners’ Minutes, January 20, 2014 Initial _____ Page 3 of 5 Consent Agenda - Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda includes today’s Agenda, the minutes of the Board’s January 13, 2014 meeting and the following items:

Investment Earnings: $ 486.98

Payroll Change Notices- Public Works: Bryan Boggs, On-Call Facilities Maintenance Tech., Discharge, Effective 01/15/2014

(16) Correspondence Received: 1.09 Northeast Tri County Health District- January 15, 2014 hearing notes on adoption of local regulations governing Group B Public Water Systems 1.10 J. McCroskey, Assessor- Certification of Assessed Valuation and Taxes Levied in the Various Taxing Districts of Pend Oreille County for 2013-2014 Budget Year 1.11 Washington State Liquor Control Board- Liquor License Renewal Application for Merv’s Mercantile, LLC, 325182 N SR 2, Newport 1.12 Copy of January 9, 2014 letter from Town of Cusick Mayor R. Spencer to Comprehensive Plan Review Teach Washington Department of Commerce Growth Management Services in Olympia, WA regarding completion of 2013 period review of the Cusick Comprehensive Plan 1.13 R. McCroskey-County Public Defender Report for 4th Quarter 2013 1.14 A. Brooks, Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation- Pend Oreille County Courthouse listed in the National Register of Historic Places 1.15 E. Johnson, Washington State Association of Counties-Applications and Nominations for Openings on Statewide Boards and Commissions

(17) As of this date the Board approved for payment the following vouchers as listed and made available by the Auditor's Office: Salary and Claim Fund Fund Amount Current Expense $ 25,316.37 Counseling Services $ 4,048.70 Fair $ 550.00 Law Library $ 223.81 Road $ 95,275.10 Veteran’s Assistance $ 300.00 Treasurer’s O&M $ 219.00 Low Income Housing/2060 $ 2,093.90 Homeless Program/2163 $ 2,209.09 Solid Waste $ 4,547.08 Equipment R&R $ 36,321.28 IT Services $ 5,899.31 Sheriff’s Trust $ 478.50 TOTAL: $177,482.14

(18) Motion to adjourn was made by S. Kiss. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried. Commissioners’ Minutes, January 20, 2014 Initial _____ Page 4 of 5 ATTEST: s/ ______APPROVED:s/ ______Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board

Commissioners’ Minutes, January 20, 2014 Initial _____ Page 5 of 5

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