Science Autumn 1 Sound

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Science Autumn 1 Sound

Science Autumn 1 – Sound

Wk LO – chn will Teaching activities Success Criteria Resources Key vocab learn: 1 That sounds are Introduction to the topic Children will be able PPT Sound made when Initial brainstorm to assess prior understanding to: Drum, rice, elastic Noise objects or Discuss words “sound” and “noise” and that they mean the same * describe what bands, comb, paper, Vibration materials vibrate thing but we usually refer to “noise” as the sounds we don’t like. they see, hear and rules, clamp, cymbal Look at PPT P1-2 discussing chn’s initial meaning of vocabulary. feel and beater To make careful Stick revision mats in books. * generalise that Pre prepared table observations Demonstrate a number of examples of sound – drum skin with rice when a sound is Sources of sound on it, a plucked elastic band, a comb with paper on it, ruler made something is pictures To draw clamped to desk, feeling larynx as chn talk, cymbal being hit. vibrating conclusions about Discuss what chn can see or feel. sounds from their Group task – observations Carousel – each desk to be set up with different activities that produce sound – rice/drum, cymbal and beater, rules clamped to table, triangle and beater and tuning fork with water. Chn to complete table in books on what they can see, hear and feel. Support – less able children will be provided with a pre-drawn table and record results in picture form. Extension – children to add list of objects around the home that make sounds and explain what they think vibrates to make the sound. Chn could sort instruments into criteria of how their sound is made. (Sources of Sound)

Plenary – Look at a tuning fork – hitting it and placing in it water. What explanations can the chn give? Repeat using ping pong ball and tuning fork. Chn to draw diagram in books and together write explanative paragraph to accompany it. 2. * That vibrations Sound survey Children will be able Blank white A4 Sound from sound Tell the chn to close their eyes and listen carefully to the sounds to: sheets Noise sources travel they can hear while sitting in the classroom. Chn move to middle * State that a Sound survey Materials through different of the playground and complete a blank field of white. What can sound has reached sheets Quietest materials to the the chn hear eg birds, traffic etc? Can they hear everything that them by travelling loudest ear happens outside their classroom? through a material. 337 501 Science Fair test Activity Experiments vibration Tour the school and fill in a sound survey. Chn to list the Metal coat hanger, materials each sound has to pass through before it reaches our string ears. Support – adult and peer support

Back in classroom - Which is the loudest area of the school, which is the quietest? What could we do to improve the loudest area eg in the hall foot steps are louder as the floor is wooden and hard surfaces reflect sound but soft surfaces absorb it. If were to carry out the survey at a different time of day would our results be the same? Discuss why it is important for scientists to carry out a number of investigations and the importance of a fair test – use examples such as playground during playtime and during assembly. Chn to sort sounds into two groups – one natural,(eg humans, birds and weather), one not natural (cars, telephones, doors banging etc)

Carry out investigation 337 showing how the sound from vibrating metal coat hanger on string can be louder when fingers are placed near to ear canal. Discuss reasons for this then explain. Explain that if we watched fireworks on the moon we would see them but not hear them because there is no air and therefore nothing for the sound waves to travel through. 3 * That vibrations How sound travels. Discuss the ideas put across- remind chn of Children will be able String Sound from sound last lesson and some of the materials the sounds they heard to: polystyrene cups Vibration sources travel travelled through. Can sound travel through water? * generalise that Explanation sheet Tension through different Group activity I sound can travel Music box Tight materials to the Look at String Telephone PPT. Children will be encouraged to through solids, ear make a string telephone in pairs through the guidance of the PPT. liquids and gases Chn to discuss how it works – how is the sound reaching our ears? * Explain how the * to make careful Allow children time to test their telephones once they have made sound can be heard observations to them. What happens if the string is not tight? Can they still be through a string identify the types heard? What happens if somebody holds the string whilst people telephone of the materials are talking? through which Support - children to work in mixed ability pairs sound travels Extension How does the length of string affect the sound which is produced?- data interpretation element

Plenary Play chn a music box, while holding it in the air. Ask chn what they think will happen to the sound when placed on a desk. Discuss reasoning behind answers and demonstrate – explain sound can travel through air to our ears but is transmitted much more effectively through solids as the molecules in solids are tightly packed together. 4 * To make careful Sound Proofers Children will be able Buzzer, clock Sound proof observations and Show chn by using a buzzer or ticking clock that sound can be to: Box, sand, ear plugs, Sound identify the types heard through different materials such as a wooden box, sand. *Predict what they Noise of materials Extend by putting ticking clock on a table and asking the chn to think will be Shoe box – range of Loud through which place their ears to the table. Ask chn in what situations they effective and why materials – bubble Quiet sound travels. might want to reduce sound – introduce idea of noise pollution: 8paln how to answer wrap, etc muffled disturbance of people’s lives by noises that are unpleasant or even a question by *That some dangerous. Discuss ear protection, soundproofing and situations keeping the test materials are where they would be used. Set up source of regular sound – Give fair and how they effective in out ear plugs and ask chn what the effect is when the put them in will keep it fair. preventing their ears. What else can we do to this buzzer to stop hearing it? *Describe ways of vibration from Explain there is no volume control so it can’t be turned down. reducing levels of sound sources Work through PPT which helps chn plan a fair test. Remind chn of sound reaching the reaching the ear lesson 2 - the hard surfaces reflected the sound and the soft ear eg by having surfaces absorbed them. carpets, ear muffs, ear plugs. Group activity Chn to predict which material they think will be the best and explain what they can vary and what they must keep the same in order to keep the test fair. Chn to assess the sound reduction properties of different materials such as foam, plastic, bubble wrap, cotton wool, foil. Chn to write up investigation. Support – children to complete investigation sheet. Extension – Chn to draw conclusions from observations and results. Plenary – Discuss which material was best for reducing sound. Discuss material’s features – why it is good e.g. it might have pockets of air. 5 * To understand Pitch – differentiating high and low sounds. Children will, be Drums Pitch that the term Listen to different extracts of musical instruments – pick out the able to: Ruler High “pitch” describes sounds made by individual instruments and describe the pitch of * Describe what Earthenware plant Low how high or low a the sounds using the terms low and high. they see and feel in pots Loud sound is. Play a number of different drums and investigate the ways in terms of the Beaters or metal Quiet which the pitch of the drum can differ with size and if possible vibrations tappers of how it can be changed by tightening the skin. * Generalise that different lengths Children will record their results in a table in their books, they when a sound is String should draw a picture of the drum and record diameter in one made something Pre prepared tables column and in the other column describe whether the sound must be vibrating. created by the drum was high or low. Group task Chn to set up investigation using 4 earthenware plant pots hanging on string labelled A to D. Chn to predict which of the plant pots will sound the lowest – highest in books. Record results. Chn then to decide whether the results will be the same if they use different lengths of beaters. Support – pre prepared table.

Plenary Twang a ruler on a desk – what will happen if we shorten/make the ruler longer? Chn explain reasons behind their answers. 6 * to understand Pitch change Children will be Xylophone Pitch that sounds can Ask chn to hum the same note as you – change pitch and ask chn able to Glass bottles High be made when air to copy and to either raise hands or lower hands if the pitch has Recognise that the Jugs Low vibrates gone higher or lower. air in the bottle is Tappers Loud * To suggest how Hold a xylophone vertically and tap some of the bars – ask the chn vibrating Funnels Quiet to change the what is happening to the sound. Explain the highness or lowness of *Predict what will Pre prepared tables Vibration pitch of a sound a sound is called its pitch. What do the chn notice about the change the pitch of made by air connection between the bars and the pitch. Write on the board the sound vibrating and test “the - ----er the bar, the ----er the pitch, the ----er the bar, the *Describe using an prediction ---er the pitch. annotated drawing Ask the chn what is vibrating to make the sound. Discuss length when the length of of bar and amount of metal that vibrates. Now blow across the the air column is top of a glass bottle ½ filled with water. Ask the chn what is altered the pitch vibrating to make the sound. Discuss how sound can also be made changes. when air vibrates. Independent activity Discuss safety aspects of using glass bottles. Chn to be given a glass bottle, a metal tapper, a funnel and a jug of water. Chn to predict in books whether the bottle 1/3 filled with water will make a high or low pitched sound. Chn then to suggest in books how they can make the sound higher or lower and then check ideas. Chn to complete results by annotated drawing and conclude from their results why the sounds changed. Support – children to work in mixed ability groups. 7 *That the pitch of Changing the pitch Suggest ways of Ready Resources P Sound a stringed Show chn image of string being plucked on RRS . Ask the chn to changing sounds 72 Vibration instrument suggest what is happening. Make sure chn understand vibration. made by a stringed Wood, nails, elastic Tension depends on the Recap on sound being made by vibrations and ask for suggestions instrument eg if I bands Tight thickness, length on what is happening in the photo. increase the length Pitch and tightness of Watch Espresso – sound, how it changes – strings. Discuss how of the string the High, low the string strings of different thickness vibrate at different speeds or sound will be lower. *To suggest how frequencies and this affects the pitch of the sound – recap on to change the pitch if necessary. Explain sounds can travel through any material pitch and loudness but some better than others. Sound can travel through air to of sounds of reach our ears but is transmitted more effectively through a stringed solid material. Use a line of balls to show how as a solid the instruments molecules are linked together and the vibration is passed from one to another easily. Independent activity Children will be provided with block of wood with nails, various distances apart and a range of elastic bands – thick and thin, chn to explore differences in sound when thick/thin bands used and stretched further etc. Chn record results in books. Differentiation – mixed ability groups.

Listen to variety of musical instruments from around the World – chn to suggest how the different instruments make sounds.

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