Occupational Prep III

Mrs. Heather Brewer-Harris

Phone: 910-422-3987

Email: [email protected]

Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental attitudes, behaviors, and habits needed to obtain and maintain employment in their career choice and make career advancements. Students will participate in school-based and community based learning activities including work ethic development, job seeking skills, decision-making skills, and self-management. Students will be involved in on and off-campus vocational training activities such as school factories, work-based enterprises, hands-on vocational training in Workforce Development Education courses and the operation of small businesses. Formal career planning and development of knowledge regarding transition planning begins in this course and continues throughout the strand of Occupational Preparation courses.

Graduation Requirements:

To receive a NC Occupational Diploma, the following requirements MUST be met:

 300 Hours of School-based Job Training

 240 Hours of Community-based Job Training

 360 Hours of Competitive-based Job Training (Students can have a public job where they receive a paycheck-must bring in check stubs showing employment or documentation of volunteer services in order to receive credit for hours worked).

 Basic course requirements- 28 Units which include 4 Workforce Development Classes.

Course Goals:

1. The learner will develop self-determination skills for participating in transition planning and making a successful adjustment to adult life. 2. The learning will develop the job-seeking skills necessary to secure employment in the chosen career pathway.

3. The learner will develop the work behaviors, habits, and skills in the area of personal management needed to obtain, maintain and advance in chosen career pathway.

4. The learner will actively participate in career development activities (awareness, exploration and planning) to determine a career goal.

5. The learner will develop the work behaviors, habits, and skills in the area of job performance needed to obtain maintain and advance in chosen career pathway. The learner will develop the interpersonal relationship skills needed for success in the workplace.


 Be prepared

 Be in class daily on TIME


 Stay on task

 Respect yourself and others

 NO Profanity or vulgar language

 Be ready to work each day


 Warning

 Phone call to parent

 Write up and sent to office


 3-Ring Binder

 Loose-leaf notebook paper

 Pencils  Black ink pens

 Dividers

Nine-Weeks Grading Criteria

Tests/Notebooks/Portfolio 40%

School-Based/ Community -Based Training 60%

Grading Standards

A (90-100)

B (80-89)

C (70-79)

D (60-69)

F (59-below)

 Students will lose a letter grade each time they are fired from their assigned job.

 Final exam will be based on the Student/Worker Evaluation Form. If there is no evaluation, due to termination, an F will be awarded for the Final Exam grade.

 The students will participate in the transition banquet at the end of the year. Attending the transition banquet is a requirement that is part of the course. The student’s grade will be affected by not attending the transition banquet.

 If you need to contact me please contact me at 910-422-3987 from 1:30- 2:30, or email me at [email protected].

*** Students will be allowed to make up any missed assignments. Any work turned in late will have a penalty grade of no more than a 75 if ample time was given to complete the assignment. This does not apply to missed work due to excused absences. *We will have multiple field trips throughout the year. Below is an estimated list of the trips we would like to take and they are subject to change.

October: Visual Arts Festival, and Fair

November: School Base Enterprise

December: Christmas Trip

January: Planetarium

February: School Base material pick up

April: School Base Enterprise

May: Transition Banquet, End of Year Trip