ASCE Orange County Branch Younger Member Forum MINUTES ASCE-Younger Member Forum Board Meeting No. 4 Wednesday January 15th 2013 ~ 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, HDR Irvine (3230 El Camino Real, Suite 200, Irvine, CA 92602) Attendees: Amy Choi x Krista Kausen x Vienna Gonzales x Gidti Ludesirishoti x Devin Lilian Yuen Andrew Pham Ravi Shah x Brianna Arth x Llanet Gomez x Brian Smolke Remi Candaele x Daniela Malott Marcela Opie x Daniel Kim Roxanne Follis x Eric Walker x Nestor Godinez x Mark Beltran Andrew Easterling x Gyan Sinha x Oscar Rivera x Tricia Espinoza Karmel Ongawan Rafael Contreras Mike Dole Meeting Minutes

I. Call to Order [1 Minute] 6:38 PM

II. Introductions / Guests [5 Minutes] A. Introduce yourself, position in YMF, and something you’re looking forward to this year.

III. November 11th Meeting Notes (Meeting No. 2) [1 Minute] - ON HOLD B. Approval of minutes. - _____ Motions to Approve, _____ Seconds. Approved at ______PM

IV. Updates/Announcements [40-60 Minutes] A. President’s Report (Gidti) [3 Minutes] 6:46 - 6:50 - Finalize Mission Statement based upon retreat. A..1. “Provide essential values to develop future leaders and foster the growth of our members to better serve the public and community.” - WRYMC 2014 – January 31st – February 1st in Phoenix, AZ (Gidti) A..1. Final list of attendees confirmed and tentative: A..1.a. Confirmed: Gidti Remi Ravi Eric Rafa Andrew Gyan Roxanne Brianna Amy Daniela A..1.b. Tentative: Marcela A..2. Thursday Meeting (01/30/14): Become a More Effective Communicator Free Workshop for ASCE Members Thursday, January 30, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Email [email protected] to enroll. - Business Meeting Resolutions A..1. If anyone has any resolution they wish to bring up to the Society this is the opportunity to discuss it with leadership. - Dinner Rotation A..1. Asian – Panda Express (October, February, June) A..2. Italian – Buca (November, March, July) A..3. Sandwiches – Subway/Other? (December, April, August) A..4. Spanish – Rubios/Other? (January, May, September) - Open YMF Positions: Marketing Chair, External Activities Chair, Mentorship Chair / Lifetime Member Liaison, Organization Liaisons etc.

B. Vice President’s Report (Remi) [1 Minute] 6:51 - 6:52

06e8d241ababdf512c865d238a8f3369.docx Page 1 of 8 ASCE Orange County Branch Younger Member Forum MINUTES - 2013 Retreat Survey – Please reply to email A..1.Positive: Brainstorming & Eventbrite training A..2.Other: Closer location, less presentations and more brainstorming - New member package - due in January; Draft Eventbrite video & welcome page under review

C. Past President’s Report (Ravi) [3 Minutes] 6:52 - 7:02 - ASCE OC Branch Awards Nominations (Due Wednesday, December 27th) - Recap - Awards for CYM due by February 1st (Ravi) A..1.a. Collingwood Prize - Remi? A..1.b. Daniel W. Mead Prize for Younger Members - Submit paper on ethics. Open to anyone and OC YMF will endorse A..1.c. Younger Member Group Award - Ravi to submit A..1.d. Edmund Friedman Young Engineer Award - Nominate Ravi. Gidti to take lead A..1.e. Young Government Civil Engineer of the Year Award - Nominate Rafael. A..1.f.Younger Member Group Website of the Year Award - Gidti to take lead - Gold Stars/Birthdays - Officer Appreciation Dinner – Tuesday, December 17th 7PM – Recap

D. Treasurer’s Report (Andrew) [2 Minutes] 7:02 - 7:03 - Financial Tracking of Events A..1. Make sure to cc the approving board member for the reimbursements - The Bank of America account has transitioned from a Business Advantage accounts to a Business Basic account to avoid account fees - Please see final page for the YMF Budget - Review of Current Financial Standing, - Send any treasury related items to: [email protected]

E. Secretary’s Report (Roxanne) [3 Minute] 7:04 - 7:07 - Add board member quotes to website - Calendar of Events A..1. YMF Event Calendar Jan-April

F. K-12 Outreach Chairs (Brianna/Amy) [3 Minute] 7:14 - 7:20 - Western HS STEM Career Fair (for 9TH graders) A..1. Friday, January 31, 2014 from 8:30am-12:00pm A..2. Gary Gilbert will be the Branch coordinator for this event - McFadden Intermediate School (Santa Ana) STEM class presentation A..3. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS (4-6) A..4. Two days: Friday February 21st and Friday February 28th A..5. 1:30 - 3:00 PM A..6. Day 1 - Presentation and activity A..7. Day 2 - Test design project - PSBC: February 16th - Saturday at CSUN A..1. Need volunteers on the day of the event A..2. Next meetings: Thursday, January 24th and Tuesday, February 4th A..1.a.Location & Time: HDR Los Angeles Office at 6:30 PM 06e8d241ababdf512c865d238a8f3369.docx Page 2 of 8 ASCE Orange County Branch Younger Member Forum MINUTES A..1.b. Conference call number is available A..1.c.Eventbrite and volunteer positions will be sent out soon - Planned/Potential Items: A..1. AISS (Achievement Institute of Scientific Studies) Event – Tentatively scheduled for Sat., March 8th A..2. Boys and Girls Club Scout Event: On Hold; pending response from contact A..3. Ideas from Retreat: Design activities for different levels, reaching out to engineering clubs, reaching out to universities to help with K-12 events

G. Community Outreach Chairs (Rafael) [1 Minute] 7:20 - 7:21 - Human Options Family Sponsorship – Holiday Gift Donations – Recap/Article - Giving Children Hope Toy Drive for all ages. – Recap/Article - Planned/Potential Items: 1. Orange County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OCSPCA) a.Volunteer opportunities in summer. On Hold. 2. Friends of Colorado Lagoon and/or Los Cerritos Wetlands - Spring 3. MS Ride 4. Ideas from Retreat: PYHO, CHOC, OC Food Bank, Working Wardrobes. - Please contact Rafael for volunteering ideas and suggestion.

H. Internal Activities Chair (Nestor) [1 Minute] 7:21 - 7:26 - January General Meeting – Goathill Tavern, Costa Mesa – This Friday at 8pm - Planned/Potential Items: A..1. Archery Event - March 9th A..2. Joint Hike w/ Branch - April A..3. Karaoke Night – Postponed to sometime next year A..4. Comedy Night – Improv in Irvine or Brea A..5. YMF Driving Range (Daniela) – March A..6. Upcoming Events/Ideas from Retreat: Cooking Class (We Olive, Sur La Table), Painting, Salsa Dancing

I. External Activities Chair (Open) [3 Minute] 7:26 - 7:30 - Broomball with LA YMF A..1. March 22, 2014 from 10:30PM – 12:30 AM A..2. Estimated cost: $10-15 per person A..1.a. LA recommends cost subsidy to encourage attendance to account for cost of gas and parking. The impact per YMF is expected to be around ~$30. No board members objected. - Joint YMF Mammoth Trip – Recap/Article - Planned/Potential Items: A..1. Joint Event with LA YMF (Daniela) – Clippers Game April 12th A..1.a. Early Bird Rate Ends tonight 1/15 A..1.b. Tickets price: By January 15th $35 A..1.c.Before March 1st $40 A..1.d. Until April 12th $45

06e8d241ababdf512c865d238a8f3369.docx Page 3 of 8 ASCE Orange County Branch Younger Member Forum MINUTES A..1.e. To make this a successful event please invite friends and family, We will get to watch the warm ups at 10:30 AM from lodge seats, they are feet away from the court, and we get to watch it for free with the purchase of the ticket.

J. Programs Chair (Gyan) [2 Minute] 7:07 - 7:12 - Rancho Mission Viejo Development Project Technical Tour Postponed (July 2014) - Finance Workshop (Feb 2014) - Ani will talk to his accountant - Planned/Potential Items: 1. Speaker Series – 4 Sessions April 2014

K. University Outreach (Eric/Karmel/Daniela/Vienna) [6 Minutes] 7:33 - 7:42 - Resume Workshop Status A..1. Date is set for February 8th at CSUF A..2. We have sent out all but 4 of the resumes (looking for two more volunteers) A..3. Vienna will be helping to coordinate the day of activities A..4. We are looking for volunteer presenters for the following topics (each presentation will be 30 minutes) A..1.a.What goes into a successful Resume A..1.b. Cover Letters A..1.c.Interviewing/Career Fairs - Trying to define positions of liaison & practitioner advisor - Working with Santa Ana College on some potential guest speakers for their student organizations. - Student Chapter Liaison Updates A..1. CSULB (Daniela): Winter Break. Preparations for PSWC A..2. CSUF (Vienna): Winter Break. Preparations for PSWC A..3. UCI (Karmel): Just got back from Winter Break. Preparations for PSWC. Preparing for Big Bear trip in February and EWeek/Job Fair - Confirmed LA YMF SNJF A..1. Friday 3/7/14 at Double Tree in DTLA. A..2. Advertise event on Website for students. A..3. Company sponsors interested? - Eric motions to raise check to CSULB from $250 to $500. Andrew seconds. Motion passes at 7:40 PM - Ideas from Retreat: Financial Workshop (team with Programs for cost estimates), Email and Professional Etiquette, Community College Outreach, Google calendar, workshop on different civil engineering fields

L. Fundraising Chair (Oscar) [2 Minute] 7:42 - 7:51 - Please send ideas for fundraising efforts to Oscar and copy the E-Board. - Speaker Series – 4 Sessions (March - April 2014) A..1. Status of Speakers A..2. Presentations over 2 months A..3. Topics: Leadership and Success A.1.1.a. Keys to a Balanced Life - Bob Bine - confirmed A.1.1.b.Preserving through Hardships - Jackie Patterson (TBD) A.1.1.c. Becoming your own boss - Jackie? A.1.1.d.How to get Focused, Stay Motivated, and Keep Going - OPEN 06e8d241ababdf512c865d238a8f3369.docx Page 4 of 8 ASCE Orange County Branch Younger Member Forum MINUTES Planned/Potential Events: A..1.Golf Tournament on June 26 A..2.ASCE 1st Annual Jog-A-Thon (Josue) – Moved to Spring - May 17th Crean Lutheran A..3.Ideas from Retreat: Bowling, Potluck/Movie, Raffles, Non-Technical Program, Construction Ride

M. PE Review (Krista) [1 Minute] 7:52 - 7:53 - Sign up and study schedule for the April 2014 exam are available on - PE Review Course from Civil Review starts Saturday, February 1st at 8:30 am A..1. Location: Whittier Law School in Costa Mesa A..2. Registration is still open A..3. Raised $300 so far - Post Happy Hour after review session (TBD)

N. Communications Chair (Llanet) [1 Minute] 7:53 - 7:54 - Next E-mail Blasts A..1. Will be on a set date every two weeks (Every Monday). 1/27, 2/10, 2/24 - Social Media Schedule – No Updates since November? A..1. All board members should fill it out with their event updates - Reminder: Do not place URLs in the first 200 characters of event.

O. Membership Coordinator (Marcela) [1 Minutes] 7:56 - 7:57 - Reminder: Membership for 2014 was due December 31st - Total Members: 827 - New Members: 24 - Fullerton and LB: 2 each - Nov - Dec - 16 new student members - Subscriber list updated with December 2013 Numbers

P. Historian’s Report (Daniela) [1 Minute] 7:58 - 7:58 - Send all articles and pictures of events by Tonight to [email protected] - The newsletter articles deadline is tomorrow. - Send articles for the LA Section Newsletter to Ravi by Feb 1st A..1. Contact LA Section Newsletter Editor Francisco Aragon with questions.

Q. Webmaster (Lilian) [2 Minutes] 7:58 - 7:59 - Updated Contacts Page – Need photos from: Marcela Opie and Oscar Rivera. - Event Guidelines Page A..1. Refund policy A..2. Professional Conduct

R. ASCE Liaisons [3 Minutes] 7:59 - 8:18 - Legislative Activities (Open) A..1. EWB/ASCE-OC “Changing the Discussion in Sacramento” - No OC members attended

06e8d241ababdf512c865d238a8f3369.docx Page 5 of 8 ASCE Orange County Branch Younger Member Forum MINUTES A..2. Recent legislation passed related to planning/traffic - SB743. It is still open for comments A..3. March 18-19th Legislative Fly-in in DC - Amber & Ravi attending - EWRI (Mujahid) - Tentative event planned. Details TBD. - GI (Taki) – No Updates. He will try to set up dam tour and coordinate with Riverside Flood or OC Flood - Construction Institute (Amber) - Strategic planning event during WRYMC A..1. CI Group will be starting soon. Contact Amber for more info or how to get involved - Summer - Student days held in Atlanta - Mentorship/Lifetime Member Forum (OPEN) A..1. LMF Brunch is now scheduled for 3/1 A..1.a.See attached flyer. A..1.b. YMF sponsors a table and spots are open for YMF members A..2. Seeking Mentorship Chair A..3. Mentorship Program - Pair life members with YMF members. Start in OC and expand to other YMFs A..4. Future LMF Panel - Host Q&A session with LMF panels (later in the year) - ASCE-Los Angeles Section (Ravi) A..1. Meeting in San Luis Obispo Branch on Friday, December 13th – Recap A..2. Joint YMF Meeting on January 4th A..1.a.Ravi to set-up LA Section dinner during WRYMC A..1.b.Joint camping trip with Santa Barbara YMF - ASCE-Orange County Branch (Gidti) A..1. LMF & H&H Committee needs help with design and overhaul of their pages. If anyone is interested in helping. Let me know after the meeting. - Other YMF Events - ASCE SEI Institute (Doug) - Two meetings planned. UC Davis professor will be a speaker. Professional speaker

S. Professional Society Liaisons [1 Minute] 8:18-8:20 - Engineers Without Borders (EWB) - WTS - OCTEC - Meeting next Thursday - SWE - ITE

V. Committee Presentation 8:21 - 8:30 A. Students Activities - Eric Walker - Next Presentation: Nestor to present next time

VI. Open Forum/New Business [2 minutes]

VII. Action Item Recap [2 minutes]

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06e8d241ababdf512c865d238a8f3369.docx Page 7 of 8 ASCE Orange County Branch Younger Member Forum MINUTES Ite ACTION ITEM DUE Action Decisions/Status/ m Owner: Updates No. 1 Email Board about CYM Awards 02/01/14 Ravi In Progress 2 Resend survey about YMF Involvement 02/01/14 Roxanne In Progress 3 Invite univ. students to K-12 events 02/01/14 Eric In Progress 4 Make YMF sign for HH 02/01/14 Ravi In Progress Submit reimbursement5 for CSULB award 02/01/14 Eric In Progress 6 Advertise LA Job Fair to students 02/01/14 Eric In Progress Marcela/ 7 Send photos to add to Contacts Page 02/01/14 In Progress Oscar 8 Set up LA Section dinner at WRYMC 02/01/14 Ravi In Progress

VIII. Announcements [1 Minute] A. Next Meeting: Will be rescheduled due to OC Branch Awards Ceremony.

IX. Meeting Adjourned 8:30PM Estimated Time: 52-71 Minutes Actual Time: 122 minutes

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