Instructor: Jaime Palacios
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Instructor: Mr. Palacios Restaurant Occupations
1. I will arrive to class on time. Put my jacket and apron on, and take a seat. I will wear tennis shoes (opened toed shoes, high heels, and uggs are NOT allowed). I will also have my hair tied back if it is long. I will have this all done within the first five minutes of class or I will be marked tardy . I am f u l l y aware that these requirements are not only rules of this class, but are also State Laws required by the Health Code of the State of California.
2. I will exhibit a positive and polite attitude at all times in this class. This is an occupational class with an emphasis on the hospitality business; and this is also a real business where REAL FOOD is served and sold for REAL MONEY and at all times we are to be professional in our attitude.
3. I will, at all times, treat with respect the teacher, teacher aides, substitute teacher and other students in the class. 4. I will work as efficiently at my assigned job. When I have completed my assigned job, I will clean my work area, AND THEN ASK THE TEACHER WHAT ELSE NEEDS TO BE DONE. This is a class with a high credit yield, with little or no homework, and we must fill the class time productively.
5. I will not eat or drink during class. If I wish to eat something that is prepared in class, I must PURCHASE the item and eat it AFTER class . If I steal an item from class, I am fu l l y a w a re that I will receive an ROP referral immediately.
6. The bell will not dismiss me from class. I will not leave class until; the teacher or teacher aide with who I am working with has excused me. This is to ensure that I have finished my assigned job and that my work area has been properly cleaned.
7. I will not be absent except if I am ill, have a medical appointment, or have a death in my immediate family. When I am ill I will call the instructor BEFORE my class begins. Any other absences will NOT be excused by ROP, and will be counted as an UNEXCUSED absence. 8. HOW THE POINT SYSTEM WORKS IN ROP RESTAURANT CLASS
10 points: Per day for class/kitchen participation
5 points: Per day for no class participation, however you must be doing school related work/homework WITHOUT CELLPHONE to earn points (Must be cleared to do so by Instructor)
0 points: For no participation and no school work being done
5 points if you call in before your class starts (805)688-6487 ex 3233
0 points if you do not call
25 points: Time cards / Worksheets
Must be out of site at all times First offense: Taken away until the end of class Second offense: Taken away until the end of your school day
9. I will return all ROP paperwork promptly. CLASS REQUIREMENTS
I ______agree to all of the requirements and fully realize that if any of the requirements are not met that I will be issued an ROP Referral and Mr. Palacios will personally notify my parents. It is my full knowledge and understanding that upon the receipt of two (2) referrals I may be dropped from the class with an “F” grade and no credits.
Student signature ______Date______
Parent signature ______Date______